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I hope reading
7 Questions with Terry Broberg
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with Terry Broberg
Name: Terry Broberg
Current title: Global Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Current organisation: Walk Thru the Bible
I grew up in an educator’s home and school was deeply integrated into my view of life. I have worked as a teacher and principal for over 38 years primarily in the private Christian school sector. Recently accepted my new position with a world wide ministry where I will help promote Bible literacy throughout the world.

Which option best describes the religious affiliation of the organisation you currently work for or most recently worked for?
Christian religious affiliation
What type of organisation do you work for or support?
School (5-17 y/os)
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader in the education sector?
I have found two areas of challenge as a school leader. First, balancing my private and professional life. There is not end of work to do and leaving it at the office has been an ongoing challenge. Secondly, The work school workplace has many layers of things to do on an ongoing basis. The balance between people and projects is a daily battle.
2. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I sandwich my day with self care. In the morning I head to the gym and get the blood flowing before heading to the office. I choose to get to work before most everyone else to ensure that the building is ready to welcome the staff and students. After that my time is spent welcoming people into the building both adults and children. Once school is started I leave my office door open and visit around the campus as needed. At the end of the school day I purpose to meet parents and check in with staff members as needed. I do not go home until I am ready for the next morning. I only take work home when it is unavoidable. Once I arrive home it is time to engage with my wife and then slow down the pace to help have good rest in the evening. Reading is one of my favorite evening practices.
3. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
As I wrapped up my last position I was privileged to receive over a hundred notes of appreciation. The common themes in them can be boiled down to personal care for each person and making the learning environment engaging and fun. That is a great approach to all of life.
4. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The Overload Syndrome by Dr. Richard Swenson. I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Swenson at a conference. This happened at a point in my career when I was consumed by my job. The message of the book is simple, our lives are too full and we need to build margins of empty space into our routines. When we allot time and space to be still and reflect then the pieces fit together better. By grappling with my life style and choices I was able to better use my time as well as offer my best self to others.
5. How do you find and keep great leaders in the education sector?
I have found that the better I get to know my staff the better choice I make in hiring and developing them. Over the years I have noticed that some things are more teachable than others. If a person has some rough spots in their personality it will be very hard to train that away. On the other hand a bright engaging person can be taught to do almost anything. Therefore, I like to use personality assessments and general questions that reveal how one thinks more than what they know how to do. This information helps to guide the potential of our working together.
6. What's most important as a leader in the education sector for developing a culture of wellbeing in your staff and students?
I like to have a firm vision of where we are going and why. Once everyone understands that vision and buys into it, have some fun living it out. Accountability and assessment is vital but enjoying the ride together keeps things moving forward.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader in the education sector so far?
Recently one of the teachers who I have worked with for the last few years let me know that I had restored her belief that she could have a good person as her boss. I found it very touching but as I thought about it what she was saying boiled down to two things: I worked hard to lead from my best self and I encouraged her her to be her best self. I walked away from the conversation reminded that each of us is gifted and designed with unique talents. We add skills to those gifts and then we interact with others. I believe that success is often found in helping others discover and unwrap their gifting and talents in the context of their position.
We're looking at doing a limited, online 30 minute leadership masterclass in the next couple of months. What topic/s would you find most valuable from a leadership masterclass?
What keeps you fresh as you approach a job that you have done for some time?