Thank you to the 1,400 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 questions!
I hope reading
7 Questions with Larry J Namer
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with Larry J Namer
Name: Larry J Namer
Current title: COO
Current organisation: Fanvestor
Founder of E! Entertainment TV.

1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?
getting people to all pull in the same direction with only the good of the company motivating them and not personal politics
2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?
Started E! with my partner Alan Mruvka
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
up at 630 am and do some exercise then coffee. On the phone by 8am. Never go to sleep without answering all emails so people have realized if they call me it might take 3 days to get a return but if they email and I can deal with the communications on my own schedule, ill answer every day
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
Be firm but fair
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
As the Future Catches You. opened up my thinking beyond the next three months and started me thinking long term
6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?
Firm but fair
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?
That internal politics come to play in every big organization and that as a CEO you have to be very aware of that people's motivations don't always match the goals of the company