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7 Questions with Vitul Kwatra
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with Vitul Kwatra
Name: Vitul Kwatra
Current title: Global Chief Service Delivery Officer
Current organisation: iSON Experiences
Vitul has over 25 years of global experience in Balance Sheet Optimisation, P&L management, Global & Regional Operational Excellence, Business Development, Technology led Experience transformations, Retail Franchising and B2B client management in over 20 countries across Middle East, Europe, Africa and India. His experience spans across various industries with greater exposure to Business Process Management, Banking (mobile and retail), Consumer Finance, e-commerce and Telecom sectors.
As a skillful management practitioner of Business Growth and Cost Optimisation, Vitul has gained versatility across a span of industries, relevant fresh perspectives, newer growth opportunities and value to business to deliver Transformations in User/Employee experience, P&L growth, Operational Excellence and business expansion. In his current role Vitul enhances the stakeholder value by making a positive impact on the business financial performance alongside adding value to geography clients’ business through experience and automation excellence. He is working with the Promoters, Board and leadership team for M&A, building global scale, investor activities and managing complex businesses for maximum efficiency and attractiveness. Over the years, Vitul has cultivated multicultural and multi functional teamwork to achieve business results through persuasive interpersonal style, stakeholder cooperation, open and timely communication.

1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?
The biggest challenge for a CEO or an executive is to build an Organisation culture which promotes Integrity, Respect and Trust from the Stakeholders, Employees and Customers. This is a continuous challenge as the expectations and landscape keeps changing every moment. I have been successful in delivering the same across different geographies, sectors and time by channelizing all processes and technologies in this direction.
2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?
The Three Pillars to my success: 1st - My Passion, Attitude, Never dying keenness to learn and Risk taking ability. 2nd – The environment provided to fuel the above provided by the organisations I have been able to work with such as American Express, Citibank, GE, Bharti Airtel and now iSON. 3rd - The Support and Sacrifice of my family to let me devote more time to my profession gave me the wind beneath my wings.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
My Work Days have broadly 4 elements – Morning Gym/Yoga, Work, Family time (Evening catch-up) and Me Time(Afternoon break or before sleeping). The percentage allocation of each element might differ across days but I try to make sure that all days have all the 4 components. These elements are supported by a 7 hour sleep and a healthy diet to keep my mind and body active. Weekends are for friends and family.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
The single biggest leadership lesson which I have learnt is that your customers and people will stick to you even during worse times if they see genuine effort, agility in the organisation, open and timely communication, alignment in words and actions. I have witnessed this first hand across continents and clients in situations as recent as the ongoing pandemic.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth is one book out of the many which has an applicability across sectors, times and continents. It helps you when you lose focus and determination. It re-energies you to stick to your goal and execute, execute, execute. I have learnt that as you grow in the organisation the results of your actions have more obstacles, need more alignment from others and have a high lead time. With all these in your way, the only way to get to the finish line is passion and perseverance. If you have these, other variables will follow in line.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?
Investment of time, money and trust in your leadership is what has made me build teams in large enterprises. One of the critical elements which I believe has worked for me is the diversity in leadership – gender, race, culture, education and experience. This diversity brings up thoughts and ideas which are invaluable. Continuous mentoring, Leadership by example, Delegation, focussed leadership programs are things which I have applied in organisations.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?
During my entire corporate life, I have tried to add value to the lives of the people and communities I have worked with. Mentoring has given me satisfaction and long lasting relationships which are truly rewarding. Reverse mentoring is one thing which I implement for myself because of which I get better in Apt to the current world with regards to my profession and the worldwide landscape. On the other hand, working with the larger communities for their needs, makes me more human and connects me to my spiritual side. This value addition is one story which I have been practising and will continue going forward as well.