Leadership Conversations Podcast Episode with Joe Folkman

Joseph R. Folkman, Ph.D.
Joe Folkman is co-founder and President of Zenger Folkman, a firm specializing in leadership and organizational development. He is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker at conferences and seminars the world over. His topics focus on a variety of subjects related to leadership, feedback, and individual and organizational change.
As one of the nation’s renowned psychometricians, his extensive expertise focuses on survey research and change management. He has over 30 years of experience, consulting with some of the world’s most prestigious and successful organizations, public and private. A distinguished expert in the field of measurement, his unique surveys and assessments are designed utilizing a database comprised of over a million assessments on over 110,000 leaders. Because these tools specifically address critical business results, facilitating development and change is the main focus of measurement efforts.
He is the author or co-author of ten books: Turning Feedback into Change, Making Feedback Work, Employee Surveys that Make a Difference, The Extraordinary Leader, The Handbook for Leaders, The Power of Feedback, The Inspiring Leader, How to be Exceptional, SPEED—How Leaders Accelerate Successful Execution and The New Extraordinary Leader.
Joe and his family reside at the base of the Wasatch Mountains in Orem, Utah.