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7 Questions with German Valencia Bernal
helps you in your leadership.
Jonno White
7 Questions with German Valencia Bernal
Name: German Valencia Bernal
Current title: CEO
Current organisation: Soluciones Inmediatas S.A.
Economist From Rosario University, member of Board Directors in Uniempresarial, a Company to Bogota Chamber of Commerce. International Conference on Strategic Management and Crisis Management.

1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?
First, try to make the Board of Directors understand the operations, the day to day and the remains of the organization and not be fired. And Second, try that the human talent of the organization adapts quickly to the reality of the environment and the market
2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?
I have always had a vocation as a leader and I have had great mentors in my life. One of them is a Brazilian named Anderson Baesa who once showed me the information and the way he organized his work and showed it to his bosses. I was impressed by the clarity in which he expressed his ideas. When I was 31 years old I applied to be the Manager of a medium-sized company and in the assessment I made a completely different presentation than the other candidates who were already Managers, the Board of Directors was so impressed that they gave me the opportunity to occupy my first position of CEO, from there I always seek to be different from the common CEO's
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
When I get up I thank God for everything he has given me. Then I do a little meditation and go biking. I arrive, have a good breakfast and start working. My work schedule is structured based on the Smart Methodology. At noon I have lunch and take a 20 minute nap. I get up and start work until 6 pm. There I talk with my children, I start reading and I have my dinner with a glass of wine. I say a prayer, I watch a series on TV and I go to sleep.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
The Pandemic has taught us that All Life is in the Hands of God and that there is no contingency plan that can overcome the survival instinct and the peace of mind to make the necessary decisions in a crisis.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
"Go Put Your Strengths to Work" by Marcus Buckingham. In this book the author narrates how organizations waste time and money dedicating themselves to identifying and trying to make people's weaknesses become Strengths. Buckingham affirms that what companies should do is invest in the strengths of the people and in this way the employees are happier and more productive, what the leader of the organization must do is to build work teams based on the strengths of the organizations. people generating highly productive teams.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?
You have to let the Talent of people surprise you, as Warren Buffet says, you have to hire people to tell you what to do and not hire cheap people to do what you want them to do. To all the members of my team I say, "If I have to troubleshoot your process, one of the two is left over, and guess who it is?"
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?
On one occasion we sold Hydrogen Peroxide that was imported from Brazil or the United States. When reviewing the shipping orders I identified that the Containers for our best client had not left port despite having been shipped. I spoke with operations in Brazil and they told me that this vessel had crashed with a fishing vessel, but it was scheduled to ship other containers on another vessel to achieve compliance with the client. The next day, when reviewing the report, I saw that the other ship had not left port either. Operations told me that that ship had entered Quarantine due to Avian Fever. The product could no longer arrive on time and our client's production plant would stop. So I started to call all the customers and borrow products while my client's containers arrived. I was surprised that everyone I called helped me by saying they did it because they believed in me.