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7 Questions with Shakti Kumar Leekha
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Jonno White
7 Questions with Shakti Kumar Leekha
Name: Shakti Kumar Leekha
Current title: Vice President-Strategic Partnerships & CMO
Current organisation: VAMS global & Teimmers Cooling solutions
Mr. Shakti Leekha has over two decades of leadership experience in starting & growing operations with various global fortune 500 companies like Philips, Johnson Controls, ABB, UTC & Bajaj Group(BEL). He is now associated with Tiemmers Cooling solutions & VAMS Global as VP, and Independent director and mentor for Indosworldexim an export MSME He has created many Award-Winning successful businesses, in his leadership. An expert in the subject of Illumination with thought leadership in Smart & Sustainable Infra with various Innovative Smart Lighting Solutions developed under his leadership & has a Paper Publication. A thought leader, whose expertise is frequently published in leading publications. He acts as a mentor and advisor to early-stage entrepreneurs throughout the nation and speaks at events to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship is part of various Think-Tank forums and on Jury Panels for Sales, Marketing & Business Leadership across Asia. He is a Certified mentor, Coach and Qualified independent director. A board member who possesses financial, strategic, relational ,cultural & ESG understanding to deliver value as independent director.
He is an author of Amazon’s Best Seller Book “Reimagine High Value Sales”. He is associated with various Education Institutes, as Member Board of Studies and an Honorary Member of National Council for Green and Eco-friendly Movement (CGEM) at ASSOCHAM. He has been further selected as a ‘Mentor of Change’ for the Government of India’s flagship program of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs), established by the Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog.
To know more Log in @ : https://www.shaktileekha.com

1. What have you found most challenging as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise?
The change of mindset and managing change in a legacy organization.
2. How did you become a CEO or executive of a large enterprise? Can you please briefly tell the story?
I have grown from ranks and started my working life as a Sales Person , was fortunate to be in organizations and find great mentors and leaders. All along had great time in what ever i did , few Success and many failures in my journey . All through a enjoyable and enriching journey. As time went my courage and risk taking apatite has gone up and now in absolute entrepreneurship mode . Over the years have become more confident then fearful as in any leadership role remember we work in uncertainties and outcomes are not as predictable as they may feel or look. Hence enjoying what you do and being optimistic is the only way to succeed.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
My day starts with getting up and closing my defined tasks before we get into our normal working hours mode. Early morning time is most productive , hence complete the thinking and tough tasks, post that in routine engagement , review and customer meetings . Before I go to sleep just run through the day's plan and check what is accomplished and if something is pending ,put action steps for closing the same or understanding why the same is stuck . If it's within our control, manage the same, else have patience and move on.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
Play with your strengths and remember it's aligned teams who create wonders not individuals. Listening is more important than speaking . Empathy or EQ defines how sustainable leadership will be in life. Appreciate Diversity.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
There are many books and to name a Single one would be wrong on my part. If top of mind you want to know its Prof Dr Ram Charan- Rethinking competitive advantage . Dr Ram Charan's book has a tool box for the digital age and I would recommend my own Book as well for Selling skills in a complex sales environment - Reimagine High Value Sales. A must for all B2B sales professionals.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in a large enterprise?
The capacity is built first by creating a right culture and environment , in which we can allow new ideas and transformational ideas to be shared and actioned. Once we create the right environment and get people with the right skills , and who are Willing - Will do attitude ! The change happens like magic . In such environments we build leadership capacity with empowerment and mentoring . The leaders are in coach mode rather than Boss mode and understand corporates work more like a Football team rather than a Hierarchical /Regimented model.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a CEO or executive of a large enterprise so far?
The story which comes to my mind is of - Opportunities in Adversities of 2008 , while I was Country General Manager with a large fortune 500 organization. During this period delivered real transformation for the organization following 3E's - Energy, Enhancement & Expansion Plan, with key values of 4 C's(Commitment, Consistency, Collaboration & Care) in team .( To know more on this Pg 59 -Pg65 in my book - reimagine high value sales.