Leadership Conversation - Episode 164 with Pat Mcintosh

Name: Pat Mcintosh
Current title : Non Executive Director
Current organisation: Southern Cross Credit Union
Pat McIntosh was born and raised in the Lockyer Valley in Queensland and was educated at Downlands College, Toowoomba.
Pat served in the Australian regular Army for 27 years. He enjoyed extensive command experience included an infantry battalion, the Australian Medical Support Force Rwanda, the Land Warfare Centre and the 7th Brigade. He also served overseas with the British Army in Germany, as an exchange instructor at the British Army Command and Staff College, Camberley and with the UN in Rwanda.
Pat resigned from the Army in 2002 due to a family illness. He established a financial planning business in Brisbane and worked in the business until 2015.
Pat joined the board of RSL Care in October 2010 and was elected Chairman in July 2012 after developing and implementing a significant business transformation program. When RSL Care merged with RDNS (Royal District Nursing Society) in October 2015 the Group adopted the trading name Bolton Clarke. Pat is the Chairman of Bolton Clarke, Altura Learning, RDNS New Zealand and RDNS Hong Kong.
Pat has extensive experience in leadership, management, finance, training and strategic planning. He has degrees in personnel management and accounting. His post graduate qualifications include a Graduate Diploma in Management and a Master of Business Administration.
Pat was awarded a Conspicuous Service Cross in 1995 for service in command of the Australian Medical Support Force in Rwanda and was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in 2002.
Pat was appointed to the SCCU Board as a casual director on 29th June 2021 and elected as Audit Committee Chair in November 2021. Pat is also a member for the Risk Committee.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Free Download of The Leadership Survival Guide (10 World-Class Leaders Reveal Their Secrets)
The Leadership Conversations Podcast
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