Leadership Conversation- Episode 57 with Nathan Jones

Name: Nathan Jones
Current title: Managing Director
Current organisation: Improvability Solutions
I've been regularly described as a "useful guy to have around". This is because I seem to have a knack for helping solve problems, fix things, and basically improve the capability of the people and teams I work with. I'm the older version of the kid that played with lego and Meccano and gets excited by fixing things.
I've worked in many areas and businesses in Australia and internationally. One of the key things I've learned is that listening and being helpful in the way others want to be helped are universally more welcomed than telling people what to do.
My background includes many projects and roles in which I've been able to save time and money, make things easier to do, and help make decisions more real and simple. I've had the great fortune of having the opportunity to work in many industries. These include:
* Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Water)
* Government
* Banking (retail and investment, including superannuation and insurance)
* Manufacturing (local and international, small and well, frankly enormous!)
* Logistics and Warehousing
* Sales and distribution (including sales ops)
* Research including the university sector and industrial R&D
* For Purpose (Not for Profit) Sector
* Training and coaching (as teams and as individuals, often execs)
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Free Download of The Leadership Survival Guide (10 World-Class Leaders Reveal Their Secrets)
The Leadership Conversations Podcast
The Jonno White Leadership Podcast
The Leadership Question of the Day Podcast
Clarity Website
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