500 Best Daughter Quotes That Will Warm Your Heart (2023)
Updated: Jan 15, 2023
1. She’s my best friend—she’s everything to me. It’s always just been me and her against the world. ― Jacquelyn Middleton, Until the Last Star Fades
2. “The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life the stronger the daughter.” – Anita Diamant
3. “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie
4. The golden rule of parenting is to always show your children the kind of person you want them to be. Remember that children are impressionable. If you wish to have a well-mannered, kind and honest daughter, do your best to show these characteristics to her. — Elizabeth Roxas
5. “You are the woman who came into my life unexpectedly, whose presence kissed my soul.” – Marisa Donnelly
6. “A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never your heart.” — Unknown
7. The woman who is my best friend, my teacher, my everything: Mom. — Sandra Vischer
8. “A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous…full of beauty and forever beautiful…loving and caring and truly amazing.” – Deanna Beisser
9. A daughter is the most precious gift of life who lets our hearts dance with joy. – Apollo M
10. Someday, when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters. — Unknown
11. My mother. . . had a very deep inner spirituality that allowed her to rebuild her life. It’s extraordinary that she had such a strong sense of self and such a commitment to the future, and such a strong creative sense that she could build new worlds for herself and for us out of the total devastation in her life. — Caroline Kennedy
12. “I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my mother is a queen.” – Unknown
13. Over the years, I learned so much from mom. She taught me about the importance of home and history and family and tradition. She also taught me that aging need not mean narrowing the scope of your activities and interests or a diminution of the great pleasures to be had in the everyday. — Martha Stewart
14. “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms your children.” – Cardinal Mermillod
15. “When my daughter says ‘Daddy I need you!’ I wonder if she has any idea that I need her billion times more.” — Stanley Behrman
16. “It’s quite difficult for a parent to know that their daughter is in great danger.” — Malala Yousafzai
17. “Our daughters are the most precious of our treasures, the dearest possessions of our homes and the objects of our most watchful love.” — Margaret E. Sangster
18. I would say that my mother is the single biggest role model in my life, but that term doesn’t seem to encompass enough when I use it about her. She was the love of my life. — Mindy Kaling
19. “You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” – Unknown
20. Of course, mothers and daughters with strong personalities might see the world from very different points of view. — Katherine Howe
21. “It’s your job as a parent to help your daughter identify her purpose, develop her talents, and learn how to get along with people. It’s not a high-paying or cushy job, but it is extremely rewarding and, in our opinion, one of the most important jobs you’ll ever do.” — Mary Anne Richey
22. A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer. – Unknown
23. So, after much observation, I realized that our daughters needed the same things we lacked in our younger years. . . wisdom. Without wisdom, we continue to blunder through life, repeating the same mistakes. — Laura Alexander
24. Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had. — Linda Wooten
25. “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.”
26. “Your daughter’s coming of age, you ought to let her see the world a little.” — Susumu Katsumata, Red Snow
27. “It’s a different kind of love. It’s very pure, it’s unconditional, but they haven’t earned it yet. They didn’t do anything, they just exist and you love them completely, but it’s not built on anything other than their existence.” – John Legend
28. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” — Sigmund Freud
29. Every father decides what man his daughter marries: not ordering, but showing an example. – Unknown
30. “I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” — Hedy Lamarr
31. “My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” — Clarence Budington Kelland
32. “I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine. She helps me prosper and reach great heights.” – Terri Guillemets
33. “Daddy, thanks for being my hero, chauffeur, financial support, listener, life mentor, friend, guardian, and simply being there every time I need a hug.” — Agatha Stephanie Lin
34. “It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us father and daughter.” — Unknown
35. “There were times when…I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.” – Taylor Swift
36. “What sunshine is to flowers, and tides are to the sea, is nowhere as important you’re being in my life is to me.” – C. Stellar
37. To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter. – Euripides
38. “For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.” – Unknown
39. “There’s two things I know for sure: She was sent here from heaven and she’s Daddy’s little girl.” — Bob Carlisle
40. “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.”
41. It’s funny how you can sometimes see yourself in your daughter, like when she gives that same sass to your husband that you do. – Unknown
42. Every daughter is her own kind of flower. ― Mary Calvi, Dear George, Dear Mary: A Novel of George Washington’s First Love
43. One day soon we’ll look back laughin’ At the week we brought her home This phase is gonna fly by So baby just hold on It won’t be like this for long.” — Darius Rucker
44. My dear girls, I am ambitious for you, but not to have you make a dash in the world—marry rich men merely because they are rich, or have splendid houses, which are not homes because love is wanting. Money is a needful and precious thing—and, when well used, a noble thing—but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. I’d rather see you poor men’s wives if you were happy, beloved, contented, than queens on thrones, without self-respect and peace. ― Louisa May Alcott
45. “By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she’s wrong.” – Unknown
46. The most precious jewels you’ll have around your neck are the arms of your daughter. — Altaf ul Qadri
47. Mothering is a mysterious task. First, you create an intimate, all-consuming attachment with your daughter, then you spend the rest of your life learning to let her go. — Judy Ford
48. Some people don’t believe in heroes, but they haven’t met my dad.
49. There is an emptiness inside of me — a void that will never be filled. No one in your life will ever love you as your mother does. There is no love as pure, unconditional, and strong as a mother’s love. And I will never be loved that way again. — Hope Edelman, Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss
50. “It’s the sweetest thing to be a parent of a daughter. When they hit their twenties, they become these lovebugs that come back. It’s just so sweet.” — Garth Brooks
51. A good father will leave his imprint on his daughter for the rest of her life. — Dr. James Dobson
52. “He was a father. That’s what a father does. Eases the burdens of those he loves. Saves the ones he loves from painful last images that might endure for a lifetime.” — George Saunders
53. Maybe it’s just a daughter’s job to piss off her mother. — Chuck Palahniuk
54. “A daughter is God’s way of saying, ‘thought you could use a lifelong friend.’” – Unknown
55. Of course, mothers and daughters with strong personalities might see the world from very different points of view. – Katherine Howe
56. “To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides
57. “I can encourage my daughter to love her body, but what really matters are the observations she makes about my relationship with my own body.” — Brené Brown
58. “Mothers and daughters are closest when daughters become mothers.” — Unknown
59. “My Daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him. He listened to me and taught me so many things. But most of all he was fun.” — Bindi Irwin
60. My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do. I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings. — Erica Jong
61. “A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.” – Unknown
62. “Happiness is mother and daughter time.”
63. “I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.” – Unknown
64. My mother was my first country, the first place I ever lived. — Nayyirah Waheed, “Lands”
65. “Mother and daughter never truly part, maybe in distance but never in heart.” – Unknown
66. “From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my heart.” – Unknown
67. “Thank you to the woman who carried me for 9 months and for 29 years financially.” – Unknown
68. “A mother is the only person in the world, who can turn daughter’s worries and fears into happiness.” – Unknown
69. Daughters are like flowers. They fill the world with beauty and sometimes attract pests. –Unknown
70. The classic phrase “like mother, like daughter” exists for good reason. With all of the heartfelt messages, it’s sometimes fun and necessary to point out the funny and ridiculous things that each other does. After all, you got your sense of humor from her, right?
71. “And the moon said to me — my darling daughter, you do not have to be whole in order to shine.” — Nichole McElhaney
72. They both began to giggle, and then. . . fell into a side-splitting round of laughter, the cleansing, complete sort of laughter only a mother and daughter can share. – Karen Kingsbury
73. I unapologetically and unabashedly am deeply biased toward my mother. — Chelsea Clinton
74. “I never thought my dad would be my best friend.” — Meet the Robinsons
75. “There will always be a little girl searching for love, pushing against the outstretched hand of someone who can only love her so much.” — Piper Payne
76. “Because my instincts have been shaped by a man who knew that family was everything… my family will always be where I strive most for success.” — Gwyneth Paltrow, My Father’s Daughter
77. “Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh is infectious. Her heart is pure and true. Above all, I love that she is my daughter.”
78. “Some people don’t believe in heroes but they haven’t met my dad.” — Unknown
79. Happiness is mother and daughter time. — Unknown
80. Mother and daughter from the start, best friends forever from the heart. — Unknown
81. Sometimes, when I need a miracle, I look into my daughter’s eyes and realize I have already created one. – Unknown
82. By the time you realize your mother was right, you have a daughter who thinks that you’re wrong. – Sada Malhorta
83. Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.
84. Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes. – Gloria Naylor
85. She raised us with humor, and she raised us to understand that not everything was going to be great—but how to laugh through it. — Liza Minnelli (on mom, Judy Garland)
86. “A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” – Dorothy C. Fisher
87. “Since I’ve heard your first scream and saw your wonderful eyes, my heart has been stolen. And it was the prettiest thief I’ve ever seen.” – Unknown
88. Daughters are angels sent from above to fill our hearts with unending love. – J. Lee
89. When a mother dies, a daughter grieves. And then her life moves on. She does, thankfully, feel happiness again. But the missing her, the wanting her, the wishing she were still here — I will not lie to you, although you probably already know. That part never ends. — Hope Edelman, Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss
90. “I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.” – Unknown
91. The living mother-daughter relationship, you learn over and over again, is a constant choice between adaptation and acceptance. — Kelly Corrigan, Glitter and Glue
92. “Every Dad is entitled to one hideous shirt and one horrible sweater. It’s part of the Dad code.” — Cheaper By the Dozen 2
93. A daughter is a treasure and a cause of sleeplessness. — Ben Sirach
94. “A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remain as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.” — Ama H. Vanniarachchy
95. “When I look at her, it’s like when I was in 7th grade and fell in love for the first time, where it’s debilitating.” — Dax Shepard
96. “No mother and daughter ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.” — Christie Watson
97. The best place to cry is in a mother’s arms. — Jodi Picoult
98. “To her the name of father was another name for love.” — Fanny Fern
99. I’m still amazed at how my mother emerged from her lonely early life as such an affectionate and levelheaded woman. — Hillary Clinton
100. “My highest hope for her is just that she has the fearlessness to always be her authentic self, no matter what she thinks men want her to be.” – Channing Tatum
101. “A daughter is chiseled to chisel the world.” — Karishma Gajipara
102. The love between a mother and daughter is FOREVER. — Unknown
103. “I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.” – Unknown
104. “You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father becomes the son.” — Superman Returns
105. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. — Unknown
106. My mom has always been my hero. Watching her experience something like breast cancer was pivotal, I think, in my whole family’s life and experience. She is one strong lady. — Emma Stone
107. “Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapters.” – Unknown
108. A man’s daughter is his heart. Just with feet, walking out in the world. — Mat Johnson
109. “Big fathers, complimenting their tiny daughters, are so beautiful.” — Unknown
110. “If you ever want to torture my dad, tie him up and right in front of him, refold a map incorrectly.” — Cathy Ladman
111. “You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.” – E.E. Cummings
112. To a child’s ear, ‘mother’ is magic in any language. — Arlene Benedict
113. “Thank you for being the answer to the prayer I hadn’t realized I asked for.” – Marisa Donnelly
114. Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angel shine about them, and though it wears thin, sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart. – Alan Beck
115. There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. — Jill Churchill
116. “Each day I give thanks for you and appreciate all that you do.” – Catherine Pulsifer
117. “I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king.” — Author Unknown
118. Daughters can sometimes be too serious. Teach them to laugh and not take life too seriously. — Catherine Pulsifer
119. “You don’t know what unconditional love is. You may say you do, but if you don’t have a child, you don’t know what that is. But when you experience it, it is the most fulfilling ever.” – Regina King
120. A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s. — Princess Diana
121. To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow. — Maya Angelou
122. “A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of herself. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships.” – Victoria Secunda
123. “Who can describe the transports of a beam truly parental on beholding a daughter shoot up like some fair and modest flower, and acquire, day after day, fresh beauty and growing sweetness, so as to fill every eye with pleasure and every heart with admiration?” — George Fordyce
124. “The first lesson every child of Athena learned: Mom was the best at everything, and you should never, ever suggest otherwise.” – Rick Riordan
125. “To my daughter. Never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the woman I know you can be.” – Unknown
126. In my daughter’s eyes, I am a hero/ I am strong and wise, and I know no fear/ But the truth is plain to see/ She was sent to rescue me/ I see who I want to be/ In my daughter’s eyes – Martina McBride
127. “Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennet Henry
128. “I could never love anyone the way I love you, I used to tell my wife. And then the second I looked in that baby’s eyes, in that exact moment, that if we were ever under attack, I would use my wife as a human shield to protect that baby.” – Ryan Reynolds
129. What’s beautiful about my mother is her compassion, how much she gives, whether it be to her kids and grandkids or out in the world. She’s got a sparkle. — Kate Hudson (on mom, Goldie Hawn)
130. “Raising a daughter is like growing a flower. You give it your best. If you’ve done your job well, she blooms. And after that, she leaves.” — Unknown
131. “Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” — Caitlin Houston
132. Fathers, be good to your daughters/ Daughters will love like you do/ Girls become lovers who turn into mothers/ So mothers be good to your daughters too — John Mayer
133. No one in this world can love a girl more than her father. — Michael Ratnadeepak
134. A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. — Marion C. Garretty
135. A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. — Agatha Christie
136. No one in this world can love a girl more than her mother. — Unknown
137. “Your father, Jo. He never loses patience, never doubts or complains, but always hopes, and works and waits so cheerfully that one is ashamed to do otherwise before him.” — Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
138. I can encourage my daughter to love her body, but what really matters are the observations she makes about my relationship with my own body. — Brené Brown
139. The mother-daughter relationship is the most complex. — Wynonna Judd (on mom, Naomi Judd)
140. Mother-daughter disagreements were, in hindsight, basically mother stating the truth and daughter taking her own sweet time coming around. — Barbara Delinsky, Sweet Salt Air
141. “I don’t want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take the path next to me and go further than I could have ever dreamt possible.”
142. “To my beautiful daughter, always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish ANYTHING your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.” – Unknown
143. Mothers possess a power beyond that of a king on his throne. — Mabel Hale
144. “Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life.” — Marinela Reka
145. “My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.” – Denise Van Outen
146. A little girl giggles when she is denied an ice cream by her mother. She knows daddy will get her some later. – Unknown
147. “Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began.” – Signe Hammer
148. “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – William Shakespeare
149. A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. — Dorothy Canfield Fisher
150. “Mother. One person who does the work of twenty. For free.” – Unknown
151. A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. — Tenneva Jordan
152. The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother. — St. Therese of Lisieux
153. “The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life, the stronger the daughter.” — Anita Diamant
154. Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings. – Unknown
155. “Nobody asks to be a hero; it just sometimes turns out that way.” — Black Hawk Down
156. The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life, the stronger the daughter. — Anita Diamant
157. “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” – Oprah Winfrey
158. Mother and daughter never truly part, maybe in distance but never in heart. — Unknown
159. I know a girl. She puts the color inside of my world. – John Mayer
160. “No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.” — Michael Ratnadeepak
161. “I was raised by a strong woman, and that DNA is in my daughter and wife.” — Dwayne Johnson
162. “Find it within you to love exactly who you are and to know you’re capable, you’re loved and you’re beautiful. The world is a better place, because of you. You are unique because there is only ONE of you.” – Shantel VanSanten
163. Fathers, be your daughter’s first love, and she’ll never settle for anything less. – Unknown
164. Daddy and daughter, not always eye to eye, but always heart to heart.
165. “Motherhood is difficult and rewarding.” – Gloria Estefan
166. “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” — Unknown
167. In the mother’s eyes, her smile, her stroking touch, the child reads the message: ‘You are there!’ — Adrienne Rich
168. It’s not easy being a mother. If it were, fathers would do it. — The Golden Girls
169. My Daughter. . . She’s like an Excellent Cut Diamond that shines brilliantly from the inside out. She’s admired by many, including me! She exudes joy, love, peace, and excellence. She is phenomenally made! – Stephanie Lahart
170. “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” — Mother Teresa
171. “A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.” – Unknown
172. “My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do. I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings.” – Erica Jong
173. Share one of your favorite memories with your mother or daughter in the comment section below! To show her some extra love, gift her a potted plant or flowers to represent your ever-growing relationship.
174. “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill
175. “Her mother’s injunction on competing with other girls is a challenge, a gauntlet thrown down: ‘You just have to be smarter than the ones who are prettier and prettier than the ones who are smarter.'” — Cherry: A Memoir
176. “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” – Robert A. Heinlein
177. By the time you realize your mother was right, you have a daughter who thinks that you’re wrong. — Sada Malhotra
178. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” — Jim Valvano
179. I am not a princess because I have a prince, but because a queen raised me. — Unknown
180. May your coffee be stronger than your daughter’s attitude. – Unknown
181. A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men. – Unknown
182. I hope that my daughter grows up empowered and doesn’t define herself by the way she looks but by qualities that make her an intelligent, strong, and responsible woman. — Isaiah Mustafa
183. “Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of.” – Bethany Hamilton
184. Mother-daughter disagreements were, in hindsight, basically mother stating the truth and daughter taking her own sweet time coming around. — Barbara Delinsky
185. “My mother, she is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her.” – Jodi Picoult
186. “To my daughter. Never forget that I love you. Life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can. Be the woman I know you can be. Mom”
187. “A daughter without her mother is a woman broken. It is a loss that turns to arthritis and settles deep into her bones.” – Kristin Hannah
188. Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life. – Marinela Reka
189. “The laugh of a daughter is a favorite symphony of a father.” — Unknown
190. A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart. – Unknown
191. “The golden rule of parenting is to always show your children the kind of person you want them to be. Remember that children are impressionable. If you wish to have a well-mannered, kind and honest daughter, do your best to show these characteristics to her.” — Elizabeth Roxas
192. “I will let my daughter do whatever her heart wants. I will support her and guide her and give her all the knowledge that I have because I want her to succeed in whatever she loves.” — The Miz
193. Mothers and daughters together are a powerful force to be reckoned with. — Melia Keeton-Digby
194. I once asked my mom what it was like to have the most wonderful daughter in the world. She told me she had no idea but that I should ask Grandma. – Unknown
195. I secretly enjoy when my daughter is defiant because I love to see her fighting spirit. Then I put her in her place because there’s only room for one sheriff in this town. – Unknown
196. Nothing is more powerful than a mother’s love, and nothing is more healing than a child’s soul. – Unknown
197. “What the daughter does, the mother did.” — Jewish Proverb
198. “The love between a mother and daughter is FOREVER.”
199. She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for the way she thought. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
200. “A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.”
201. What’s your favorite Christmas movie? 🎄
202. The best way to show appreciation for the amazing women in your life is by letting them know often how important they are to you. There may be ups and downs every now and again, but at the end of the day, she is your biggest ally and only wants what’s best for you. The time we spend with loved ones is the most valuable commodity so take advantage of every moment.
203. I told my mom she was invading my personal space, and she said I came out of her personal space. — Anonymous
204. “My father died many years ago, and yet when something special happens to me, I talk to him secretly not really knowing whether he hears, but it makes me feel better to half believe it.” — Natasha Josefowitz
206. “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” – Abraham Lincoln
207. “The biggest surprise about motherhood was how completely and totally it changed how I look at myself, and what I believe I deserve, for the better.” – Unknown
208. When my daughter says, ‘Daddy, I need you!’ I wonder if she has any idea that I need her a billion times more. – Stanley Behrman
209. “Mom – a title just above the queen.” – Unknown
210. “The love between a mother and daughter is FOREVER.” – Unknown
211. I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life. – Ian McEwan
212. “It’s not ’empty nest syndrome’ until all of their crap is out of your basement.” – Unknown
213. “We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” – Letty Cottin Pogrebin
214. In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. — N.K. Jemisin
215. Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. – Winnie the Pooh
216. I always wondered what would happen if my mom had to count past three. Now that I am a mom, I know that she was praying it wouldn’t go that far cause we really don’t have a plan when we start counting. – Unknown
217. My son is my son till he has got him a wife, but my daughter’s my daughter all the days of her life. – Thomas Fuller
218. “As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied.” – Oscar Wilde
219. How to Have Tough Conversations & Prepare Your Child for the Real World – Podcast Ep 96
220. Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anybody would miss you. –Dan Hedaya, Clueless
221. Why Kids Like to Test the Boundaries
222. No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them. — Christie Watson
223. You know fathers don’t like to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives. It means we’ve become spectators. – Larry Miller, 10 Things I Hate About You
224. Nobody tests your inner gangster more than your daughter’s smart mouth. – Unknown
225. “A daughter is a treasure and a cause of sleeplessness.” — Ben Sirach
226. “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” — Unknown
227. “You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.” – Unknown
228. “In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes.” – Unknown
229. “My greatest blessings call me mom.” – Unknown
230. “My mom is the greatest mom in the whole wide world. She’s done everything for me to make my dreams come true.” – Josh Hutcherson
231. Teach your daughters their battle cries are needed far more than their silence, and hear them deafen the world with their fearlessness.― Nikita Gill
232. As my mom always said, ‘You’d rather have smile lines than frown lines.’ — Cindy Crawford
233. A mother is a daughter’s best friend. — Unknown
234. “If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little girl watching who wants to be just like you.” – Unknown
235. It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping. — John Sinor
236. My daughter is my greatest inspiration. – Whitney Houston
237. “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” – Milton Berle
238. Beautiful girl, you can do hard things. – Unknown
239. “A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.”
240. If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little girl watching who wants to be just like you. — Unknown
241. “Maybe it’s just a daughter’s job to piss off her mother.” — Chuck Palahniuk
242. “No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her mom.”
243. My mom is literally a part of me. You can’t say that about many people except relatives and organ donors. — Carrie Latet
244. I remember being seven and asking my mom if I was as pretty as Monique (my best friend in grade school). And with all the love in the world, my mom looked at me and said, ‘Oh, honey, you’re so funny.’ So, she doesn’t lie to me. . . she answers the question by not answering and instead tells me what she thinks is my greatest strength. — Jennifer Aniston
245. “The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” – Jane Sellman
246. “Because my mother couldn’t change my present, I decided to change my daughter’s future.” — Manal al-Sharif
247. Sure, sometimes I question my parenting. But to be honest, sometimes I question my child’s childing. – Just Surviving Motherhood
248. “A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.” — Unknown
249. “Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son.” — Russian Proverb
250. What the daughter does, the mother did. — Jewish Proverb
251. Not only is a father an example for a daughter, but a daughter is a great inspiration for a father. – Unknown
252. No one is able to make the female a queen except her father… — Arab Proverb
253. A mother’s treasure is her daughter. — Catherine Pulsifer
254. I never want her to think that the world revolves around her, but I want her to know that my whole world does. – Unknown
255. As is the mother, so is her daughter. – Ezekiel 16:44
256. Happy senior woman reading a book to her excited young granddaughter sitting on her lap
257. A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend. — Unknown
258. “Thank you for caring. You don’t have to, but I sure am glad you do.” – Kasey Chatburn
259. “All I know is that I carried you for nine months. I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for your college education. Friending me on Facebook seems like a small thing to ask in return.” – Jodi Picoult
260. Daughters always revel in their mother’s admiration. And daughters always bask in their father’s love. ― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic
261. There is a magic in daughters’ existence. It can lighten even the darkest nights and heal even the most miserable hearts. To the parents, their daughter makes them feel more love for life and expectation for the future. And a world of more love is the world of more light and warmth. – Unknown
262. “There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father.” — Alison Lohman
263. Isn’t she lovely/Isn’t she wonderful/Isn’t she precious/ Less than one minute old/ I never thought through love we’d be/ Making one as lovely as she – Stevie Wonder
264. We used to sing along to Judy Garland and Ella Fitzgerald records together. She had the most amazing voice. . . She’s always encouraged me, and she’s still that person who, when things look dire, lifts me up and reminds me of who I am and that we all have a capacity for greatness. – Sheryl Crow
265. One is a mother to shield when lightning streaks the night, when thunder shakes the earth when mud bogs one down. One is a mother in order to love without beginning or end. — Mariama Bâ, So Long a Letter
266. My mother is everything to me. She’s my anchor, she’s the person I go to when I need to talk to someone. She is an amazing woman. — Demi Lovato
267. “A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.” — Gregory E. Lang
268. A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem. — Naomi Wolf
269. “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides
270. “The happiest moment of my life was probably when my daughter was born.” — David Duchovny
271. We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong. — Laura Stavoe Harm
272. There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always. — Taylor Swift
273. “A daughter is a bundle of firsts that excite and delight, giggles that come from deep inside and are always contagious, everything wonderful and precious and your love for her knows no bounds.” — Barbara Cage
274. My mother is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words, but I always remember the tune. — Graycie Harmon
275. Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.
276. Daughters. They were sometimes as familiar and intimate as honeysuckles in bloom, but mostly daughters were mysteries. They lived in rooms you had long since abandoned and could not, did not ever want to reenter. ― Benjamin Alire Saenz, Names on a Map
277. “Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began.” — Signe Hammer
278. Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving. — Gail Tsukiyama
279. My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her. — Sonya Teclai
280. “A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.” — Unknown
281. Mothers and daughters serve as constant inspiration for each other. Many mothers encourage their daughters to pursue their dreams, and daughters feel empowered to follow those dreams because they were raised by a strong and supportive mom.
282. Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together. — Susan Gale
283. Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me. — Lady Gaga
284. “Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.” — Gloria Naylor
285. I smile because you’re my father, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.
286. “From a little girl so very small, how and when did you get so tall?” ― Karen Mortensen
287. “Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” – Susan Gale
288. “When you have a daughter, you want to protect her from the things that I’ve seen out there, you know, the things that’s out there that ain’t good for her. It’s a crazy world we live in.” — Nas
289. Mothers and daughters are closest when daughters become mothers. — Unknown
290. Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million-dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. – Jim Bishop
291. “It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” — Anne Sexton
292. “Always love your mother because you will never get another.” – Unknown
293. “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.” – Unknown
294. Her mother would tell her she was beautiful and that everything was all right. — Sarah Addison Allen
295. “They don’t make men like my daddy anymore.” — Loretta Lynn
296. When I’m weak and unpretty, I know I’m beautiful and strong because I see myself like my mother does. – Lauren Alaina
297. “I think a dad has to make his daughter feel that he’s genuinely interested in what she’s going through.” — Harry Connick, Jr.
298. “By the time I was ten, playing baseball got to be like eating vegetables or taking out the garbage. So when I was 14, I started to refuse. Could you believe that? An American boy refusing to play catch with his father?” — Field of Dreams
299. The bond between a mother and her child is the only real and purest bond in the world, the only true love we can ever find in our lifetime. — Ama H. Vanniarachchy
300. “You fathers will understand. You have a little girl. She looks up to you. You’re her oracle. You’re her hero. And then the day comes when she gets her first permanent wave and goes to her first real party, and from that day on, you’re in a constant state of panic.” — Stanley T. Banks
301. Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of. — Bethany Hamilton
302. Life is tough, my darling, but so are you. – Stephanie Bennet Henry
303. “It won’t be like this for long
304. A mother and a daughter have one soul for two, which can’t be broken by time, obstacles, distance, and insults. — Anonymous
305. “There is no amount of money I can make which could buffer my daughter from the horrors that will explode in our society if we do not address the huge amount of suffering in our midst.” — Marianne Williamson
306. It was my father who taught me to value myself. – Dawn French
307. In the darkest days, when I feel inadequate, unloved, and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am, and I straighten my crown. – Unknown
308. There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years, it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. – John Gregory Brown
309. “My daughter makes me laugh with her incredibly humorous take on the world. Everything makes her laugh, and I aspire to take in the world the same shoes she does.” – Unknown
310. If I could give my daughter three things, it would be the confidence to always know her self-worth, the strength to chase her dreams, and the ability to know how truly, deeply loved she is. –Unknown
311. “A daughter is God’s way of saying “thought you could use a lifelong friend”.
312. “I love my daddy. My daddy’s everything. I hope I can find a man that will treat me as good as my dad.” — Lady Gaga
313. “Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away.” – Heather Gudenkauf
314. “Your daughter wants your guidance and support; she wants and needs a strong bond with you. And, as all successful fathers know, you need a strong bond with her.” — Meg Meeker
315. “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field since the payment is pure love.” – Mildred Vermont
316. “A man’s daughter is his heart. Just with feet, walking out in the world.” — Mat Johnson
317. “Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” – Caitlin Houston
318. “When I hear people talk about juggling or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they’re crazy because ‘sacrifice’ infers that there was something better to do than being with your children.” — Chris Rock
319. “A good father will leave his imprint on his daughter for the rest of her life.” — Dr. James Dobson
320. She is the creature of life, the giver of life, and the giver of abundant love, care, and protection. Such are the great qualities of a mother. — Ama H. Vanniarachchy
321. “Happiness is mother and daughter time.” – Unknown
322. A mother is the only person in the world who can turn her daughter’s worries and fears into happiness. — Anonymous
323. “What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, wherever that might be, and if there was space for me as well, I would, indeed, have reaped what I had tried to sow.” — Helen Claes
324. A mother’s love is like an everlasting bed of roses that continues to blossom. A mother’s love bears strength, comfort, healing, and warmth. Her beauty is compared to a sunny day that shines upon each rose petal and inspires hope. — Ellen J. Barrier
325. Good daughters make good mothers. — Abigail G. Whittlesey
326. “You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli
327. “It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life.” — Dawn French
328. I loved Susan from the moment she was born, and I love her now and every minute in between. And what I dream of is a man who will discover her, and that she will discover a man who will love her, who is worthy of her, who is of this world, this time, and has the grace, compassion, and fortitude to walk beside her as she makes her way through this beautiful thing called life. –Anthony Hopkins, Meet Joe Black
329. “Having a daughter makes you see things in a different way. This is my only girl. So I don’t care what it takes to protect her. You can call it what you want to call it. As long as you treat her the same way I treat her, like my princess, I don’t mind.” — Tracy Morgan
330. A mother is the only person in the world who can turn a daughter’s worries and fears into happiness. — Unknown
331. “Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.” — Clementine Paddleford
332. My mother shed her protective love down around me, and without knowing why, people sensed that I had value. – Maya Angelou
333. Our daughters grow up with the same possibilities as our sons. ― Betty Friedan
334. You don’t ever have to feel lonely/ You will never lose any tears/ You don’t have to feel any sadness/ When you look back on the years/ How can I look you in the eyes/ And tell you such big lies/ The best I can do is try to show you/ How to love with no fear – Jack Johnson
335. “The most precious jewels you’ll have around your neck are the arms of your daughter.” — Altaf ul qadri
336. All I know is that I carried you for nine months. I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for your college education. Friending me on Facebook seems like a small thing to ask in return. – Jodi Picoult
337. He who has daughters is always a shepherd. – Proverb
338. My Mother: she is beautiful, softened at the edges, and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. — Jodi Picoult
339. Having a daughter is like having a little broke best friend who thinks you’re rich. – Unknown
340. “Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother.” – Unknown
341. “When I come home, my daughter will run to the door and give me a big hug, and everything that’s happened that day just melts away.” — Hugh Jackman
342. “Daughters are far more precious than jewels.” – Unknown
343. Any mother could perform the jobs of several air-traffic controllers with ease. — Lisa Alther
344. “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” – Unknown
345. “I’ve made it my business to observe fathers and daughters. And I’ve seen some incredible, beautiful things. Like the little girl who’s not very cute — her teeth are funny, and her hair doesn’t grow right, and she’s got on thick glasses — but her father holds her hand and walks with her like she’s a tiny angel that no one can touch. He gives her the best gift a woman can get in this world: protection. And the little girl learns to trust the man in her life. And all the things that the world expects from women — to be beautiful, to soothe the troubled spirit, heal the sick, care for the dying, send the greeting card, bake the cake — all of those things become the way we pay the father back for protecting us.” — Adriana Trigiani
346. “There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.” — John Gregory Brown
347. A daughter is God’s way of saying, ‘Thought you could use a lifelong friend.’ — Unknown
348. “What’s important for my daughter to know is that… if you are fortunate to have opportunity, it is your duty to make sure other people have those opportunities as well.” — Kamala Harris
349. She stands firmly on her own two feet, and I just behind her, should she ever need me. – J. Iron Word
350. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh
351. To her, the name of father was another name for love. — Fanny Fern
352. No matter how old my daughter gets, she’ll always be my baby girl. – Unknown
353. God couldn’t be everywhere, so that is why he invented mothers. — Daphne Wilder, Because I Said So
354. “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer
355. “You might never know a man’s vulnerable place until you see him with his daughter, because with her, he seems capable of more human emotions than he will ever share with anyone else.” — Unknown
356. “Many a man wishes he were strong enough to tear a telephone book in half — especially if he has a teenage daughter.” — Guy Lombardo
357. A mother’s love is everything. It is what brings a child into this world. It is what molds their entire being. When a mother sees her child in danger, she is literally capable of anything. Mothers have lifted cars off of their children and destroyed entire dynasties. A mother’s love is the strongest energy known to man. — Jamie McGuire
358. “I couldn’t catch a ball if it had Elmer’s Glue all over it. And my father had to be this ex-football star. He didn’t know what to tell his friends, so he told them all I had Polio. On Father’s Day, I used to limp for him.” — A Chorus Line
359. What to Teach Kids to Do When They are Lost
360. I want my daughters to grow up to be beautiful on the inside, rich in compassion, and perfectly imperfect. – Brenda Kosciuk
361. A mother’s and daughter’s love is never separated. — Viola Shipman (Wade Rouse)
362. A mother’s treasure is her daughter. – Catherine Pulsifer
363. “To my beautiful daughter, always remember: you are brave, you are capable, you are pretty, and you can accomplish ANYTHING your heart desires! I know this because I am your mother.”
364. “The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother.” — Elaine S. Dalton
365. “So, after much observation, I realized that our daughters needed the same things we lacked in our younger years… wisdom. Without wisdom, we continue to blunder through life repeating the same mistakes.” — Laura Alexander
366. Praying my child’s sass helps her lead a company one day and not a gang in prison. – Unknown
367. Mother and daughter got on very well indeed, with a deep affection founded on almost complete misunderstanding. — Mary Stewart
368. “Every mother hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did, and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did.” – Martin Andersen-Nexö
369. Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began. — Signe Hammer
370. “Daughters are like flowers that fill the world with beauty.” – Unknown
371. Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs since the payment is pure love. — Mildred B. Vermont
372. “To her, the name of father was another name for love.” — Fanny Fern
373. Dad, you’ve always been the coolest – like all those times you said ‘yes’ when Mom said ‘no.’ – Unknown
374. “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.” – Catherine Pulsifer
375. “When daughters have engaged dads, they benefit from that relationship for a lifetime.” — Kevin Leman
376. “It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping.” — John Sinor
377. No mother and daughter ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them. — Christie Watson
378. “At the end of the day, don’t forget that you’re a person, don’t forget you’re a mother, don’t forget you’re a wife, don’t forget you’re a daughter.” — Indra Nooyi
379. Our daughters are the most precious of our treasures, the dearest possessions of our homes, and the objects of our most watchful love. – Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
380. “A daughter is a rainbow — a curve of light through scattered mist that lifts the spirit with her prismatic presence. Is a shadow — a reminder of something brilliant ducking out of sight, too easily drawn away. She is an aria, swelling within the concern chamber, an echo reverberating across a miniature sea. She is a secret, whispered, a hint of what we cannot know until it finds us. She is a sliver of her father, a shard of her mother. A daughter is a promise, kept.” — Ellen Hopkins, Triangles
381. As a mom, I constantly worry about the safety of my children. Like especially the one who has been rolling her eyes and talking back to me. – @relaxingmommy
382. “You’ve had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born.” — Tim McGraw, “My Little Girl”
383. Don’t ever worry that you have pushed me away. Whenever you’re ready to come back to your mama, I’ll be here waiting. – Brenda Kosciuk
384. “He sweeps her hair back from her ears and he swings her above his head. He says she is his émerveillement, he says he will never leave her, not in a million years.” — Anthony Doerr
385. “She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.” — Harper Lee, Go Set a Watchman
386. “When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” — Linda Poindexter
387. I truly believe that the death of my mother has made me the way I am today. I’m a survivor, mentally strong, determined, strong-willed, self-reliant, and independent. I also keep most of my pain, anger, and feelings inside. I refuse to be vulnerable to anyone, especially my husband. The only people who see that more emotional or softer side are my children. That too because of my mother. – Hope Edelman, Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss
388. “He who has daughters is always a shepherd.” — Thomas Jefferson
389. And save these questions for another day I think I know what you’ve been asking me I think you know what I’ve been trying to say I promised I would never leave you Then you should always know Wherever you may go, no matter where you are I never will be far away.” — Billy Joel
390. Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be. – Clementine Paddleford
391. The best music I have ever heard is the sound of my daughter’s giggling. — Deasish Mridha
392. “Fathers, be good to your daughters. You are the god and the weight of her world.” — John Mayor
393. We must teach our girls that if they speak their minds, they can create the world they want to see. – Robyn Silverman.
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395. Beautiful newborn baby boy, laying in crib in prenatal hospital
396. “A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.”
397. “My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” – Sonya Teclai
398. My parents elected me president of the family when I was 4. We actually had an election every year, and I always won. I’m an only child, and I could count on my mother’s vote. — Condoleezza Rice
399. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” — Richard Bach
400. A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorsefully all that stands in its path. – Agatha Christie
401. “You’re a very special lady, who showered me with love I am thankful for you as I’ve told God above.” – Charly Lester
402. Sometimes, the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws. — Barbara Kingsolver
403. We gotta start teaching our daughters to be somebodies instead of somebody’s. — Kifah Shah
404. “There is no place higher than on Daddy’s shoulders.” — Unknown
405. I’m your father. Trying to comprehend how much I love you would be like trying to visualize the size of the universe. – Kevin Costner, Molly’s Game
406. “I got it from my mama.” – Will.I.Am.
407. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. – Louisa May Alcott
408. My mother was my role model before I even knew what that word was. — Lisa Leslie
409. “Moms should know that even the manliest guys will become softies when they have daughters. Dads immediately fall in love with their little girls and will let them get away with everything. So moms are going to have to be the disciplinarians when it comes to daughters.” — Jimmy Fallon
410. “Her smile makes me smile. Her laugh is infectious. Her heart is pure and true. Above all, I love that she is my daughter.” – Unknown
411. “What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?” — Rose Kennedy
412. A daughter is a rainbow — a curve of light through scattered mist that lifts the spirit with her prismatic presence. A daughter is a promise, kept. – Ellen Hopkins
413. A father’s job is not to teach his daughter how to be a lady. It’s to teach her how a lady should be treated. – Unknown
414. “The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, ‘Daddy, I need to ask you something,’ he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan.” — Garrison Keillor
415. “You’re always with me, like a handprint on my heart.” – Unknown
416. “The best music I have ever heard is the sound of my daughter’s giggling.” — Deasish Mridha
417. Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism. — Gilda Radner
418. When someone asks you where you come from, the answer is your mother. — Anna Quindlen
419. Go in peace, my daughter, and remember that in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a wonder woman. – Unknown
420. A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. – Unknown
421. “As they get older, our daughters become more and more like us too.” – Amy Newmark
422. Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter. — Caitlin Houston
423. A mother scolding her little daughter in street. Child is crying and woman is shaking finger because of child's bad behavior.
424. My daughter introduced me to myself. The connection that I had with her when I was giving birth was something I’ve never felt before. – Beyonce
425. We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight. — Letty Cottin Pogrebin
426. “Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters, there is something which there are no words to express.” — Joseph Addison
427. “Mothers and daughters are closest when daughters become mothers.”
428. Collage of cool splurge-worthy gifts for kids
429. “The day you came into this world was the day that my life was forever changed. I never thought it was possible to feel so many different emotions all at the same time. One look at your beautiful face and I felt overjoyed, incredulous, blessed, relieved, exhausted, and utterly terrified.” – Unknown
430. A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give. — Laurel Atherton
431. My mom had four kids, one with special needs. She had a full-time job, and she still came home and made dinner for us every night from scratch. It was amazing. — Eva Longoria
432. You’re beautiful baby, from the outside in/ Chase your dreams but always know/ The road that will lead you home again/ Go on, take on this old world but to me/ You know you’ll always be my little girl – Tim McGraw
433. Lucky is the woman whose first child is a daughter. – Prophet Mohammed
434. “Goodnight my angel, time to close your eyes
435. As is the mother, so is her daughter. — Ezekiel 16:4
436. “Mothers, look after your daughters, keep them near you, keep their confidence – that they may be true and faithful.” – Elmina S. Taylor
437. Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are. — Dorothy Canfield Fisher
438. “Dear mom, I get it now.” – Unknown
439. The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother. — Sharon Olds
440. I want my daughter to be kind, but I also want her to know that she can throat punch someone if she needs to. – Unknown
441. “A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.” – Unknown
442. “Mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod
443. My mother has always been my emotional barometer and my guidance. I was lucky enough to get to have one woman who truly helped me through everything. — Emma Stone
444. My daughter didn’t ruin my life. . . she gave me a new one. – Unknown
445. “When a daughter is born, the ordinary life of a man turns into the extraordinary life of a father.” — Unknown
446. A mother and a daughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts. — Unknown
447. “The best place to cry is on a mother’s arms.” – Jodi Picoult
448. “A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.” – Unknown
449. “My mom is literally a part of me. You can’t say that about many people except relatives, and organ donors.” – Carrie Latet
450. Raising a daughter is like growing a flower. You give it your best. If you’ve done your job well, she blooms. – Unknown
451. “No one in this world can love a girl more than her mother.” – Unknown
452. It’s your job as a parent to help your daughter identify her purpose, develop her talents, and learn how to get along with people. It’s not a high-paying or cushy job, but it is extremely rewarding and, in our opinion, one of the most important jobs you’ll ever do. — Mary Anne Richey
453. I smile because you’re my daughter. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. –Unknown
454. “Daughters can sometimes be too serious, teach them to laugh and not take life too seriously.” — Catherine Pulsifer
455. “Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angelshine about them, and though it wears thin sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart.” – Alan Beck
456. “Angels are often disguised as daughters.” – Unknown
457. “First my mother, forever my friend.” – Unknown
458. Of all the haunting moments of motherhood, few rank with hearing your own words come out of your daughter’s mouth. – Victoria Secunda
459. Little girls soften their daddy’s hearts. – Paul Walker
460. “The dearest things I know are what you are.” – Oscar Hammerstein II
461. “They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. She makes him feel like Christmas. In exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, the mistakes she makes, or the secrets she keeps.” — Unknown
462. “The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother.” – Sharon Olds
463. “My daughter makes me laugh with her incredibly humorous take on the world. Everything makes her laugh, and I aspire to take in the world the same shoes she does.”
464. “Good daughters make good mothers.” — Abigail G. Whittlesey
465. My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star, and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along. — Denise Van Outen
466. “I have never dreamt of having a better daughter than you. You made my life complete.” – Unknown
467. Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away. — Heather Gudenkauf
468. “I smile because I’m your daughter, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.” – Unknown
469. As they get older, our daughters become more and more like us too. — Amy Newmark
470. The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life. . . the stronger the daughter. – Anita Diamant
471. “A mother is a daughter’s best friend.” – Unknown
472. Shot of a senior woman spending time with her daughter in their garden at home.
473. “It was my father who taught me to value myself.” — Dawn French
474. “Chin up Princess or the crown slips.” – Unknown
475. I let my kids follow their dreams unless I already paid the registration fee on their last dream, then they follow that one for 6-8 more weeks. – Petite Bello
476. “Every day I become a little bit more like my mother… and I couldn’t be prouder.” ― Anonymous
477. “We gotta start teaching our daughters to be somebodies instead of somebody’s.” — Kifah Shah
478. There is something about losing a mother that is permanent and inexpressible — a wound that will never quite heal. — Susan Wiggs
479. She’s magic, that one. – Unknown
480. If we don’t always see eye to eye, daughter, that means I’ve done my job and raised you to have your own mind. – Brenda Kosciuk
481. I do see the world as being different for girls – especially now, having daughters. – Dierks Bentley
482. “In order to be successful as a woman, teach your daughter to never apologize for her success. Men never have to apologize for it, why should the women who earned it?” — Finlay Gow JD and Kailin Gow MA, Raising A Strong Daughter: What Fathers Should Know
483. Every day is Father’s Day to me when I’m with her: when I’ll be able to hold my daughter and see her grow and see her smile. That’s Father’s Day to me every day. – Saquon Barkley
484. “On behalf of every man looking out for every girl, you are the God and weight of her world.” — John Mayer
485. And the moon said to me — my darling daughter, you do not have to be whole in order to shine. – Nichole McElhaney
486. Mother was comfort. Mother was home. — Ruta Sepetys
487. “A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous… full of beauty and forever beautiful, loving and caring and truly amazing.” — Deanna Beisser
488. Having a little girl has been like following an old treasure map with the important paths torn away. – Heather Gudenkauf
489. The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children. — Elaine Heffner
490. “I hope that my daughter grows up empowered and doesn’t define herself by the way she looks but by qualities that make her an intelligent, strong and responsible woman.” — Isaiah Mustafa
491. “Father has a strengthening character like the sun and mother has a soothing temper like the moon.” — Amit Kalantri
492. I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me. — Unknown
493. I love when my daughter gets an attitude with me. I’m like, girl, I gave you that attitude, and I have way more practice with it. – Unknown
494. “Mother and daughter are like spoons in a drawer.” — Maggie Stiefvater
495. Fathers and daughters have a special bond. She is always daddy’s little girl. – Richard L. Ratliff
496. “A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” – Laurel Atherton
497. The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother. – Elaine S. Dalton
498. “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” – Ian McEwan
499. “Mother and daughter from the start, best friends forever from the heart.” – Unknown
500. “Fly free, my daughter. Be what I could never be and leave the cage forever.” — Nalini Singh, Archangel’s Enigma
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