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Jonno White
7 Questions with Jerald L Feinstein
7 Questions with Jerald L Feinstein
Name: Jerald L Feinstein
Current title: Dean and Chief Academic Officer
Current organisation: Planet Startup Inc
Jerald L. Feinstein, PhD Planet Startup Educational NGO, Dean & Chief Academic Officer
[email protected] [email protected]
+1 202 997 1323
Visiting Fellow – Harvard University
PhD Information Systems - The George Washington University
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering – New Jersey Institute of Technology Engineering School
The United States Naval Postgraduate School – Program Planning
Bachelor of Science in Physics with a Minor in Mathematics – The University of Oklahoma Professor, Dean, Business Consultant, Futurist, Planet Startup Entrepreneurial NGO and Founder of Buzz Analytics – Technology foresight futurist consulting firm, experienced technology and business consultant, professor, and chief academic officer introducing emerging Information Technology applications for business, education, and workforce development around the world - - - and advisor to the United States National Science Foundation on early identification of emerging technology and education trends. International business and education leader combining a strong background in emerging technologies and business with private, non-profit, and private sector organizations. Business and technology leadership roles with firms such as Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, and MITRE, Harvard, and Stanford University working with Fortune 100 firms such as Citibank, Coca-Cola and others, the US Department of Defense, and advisor to foreign governments such as the UK and others with a focus on job creation. Recently spoke at the United Nations conclave on education, entrepreneurship, and job creation.
Serves on the advisory boards of start-ups, works with technology incubators and entrepreneurship groups around the world with African incubation centers, established an NGO, entrepreneurial incubator called Planet Startup, linking African innovation and job creation centers with others around the world, with connections to venture capitalists and mentors from diverse locations such as China and Australia for collaboration and access to capital. I feel initiative and creativity are spread equally over the planet; however, access to education, technology and the capital markets is not. Produces motivational seminars on education, emerging technology, leadership, and business for top performing organizations around the world, well published, and is on the editorial board of several journals.
Led efforts on multi-million dollar education, technology modernization initiatives, computer security, and technology change management programs for fortune 100 corporations, the US Government, and other nations such as the Republic of Singapore’s Information Technology Modernization Initiative, the UK, and other international agencies with objectives of competition and job creation.
Led a session on innovation at a recent YALI session, working on the design team for a modern network of universities in Cameroon, and helped develop innovative programs in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Togo, Benin, and others for creating sustainable companies.
Worked with Chilean, Brazilian, and Costa Rican universities on distance learning initiatives. Feinstein was also involved in the design of the US Army Distance Learning Initiative to make learning available anywhere in the world including very remote regions.
Consultant to Fortune 100 Companies and Government Organizations; and was formerly associated with Booz, Allen & Hamilton, The Stanford Research Institute of Stanford University, and MITRE (earlier, a part of MIT Lincoln Labs).
Recognized author and educator - - editor of several peer reviewed technical journals, delivers a series of technology seminars presented throughout the world, invited lecturer at Harvard, Princeton, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Oxford University, University of Virginia, and American University, and Regional Editor of The Expert Systems Journal.
The NGO called Planet Startup that Dr. Feinstein started while at Harvard, received the Top Nonprofit award for 2020 as well as for the last four years due to outstanding job creation in Africa. Check out the site at www.PlanetStartup.org . For outcomes and what people say about the organization, check out
For an online e-brochure see
https://online.fliphtml5.com/oeoqx/cdpi/ Who We are and What We Do (English)
https://online.fliphtml5.com/oeoqx/trqr/ Who We are and What We Do (French)

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader of a small or medium enterprise?
Keeping people constantly energized and motivated with a focus on the goal.
2. How did you become a leader of an SME? Can you please briefly tell the story?
Creating and communicating an exciting, compelling, and dynamic vision in a way that others buy in and follow.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
Reflecting and planning in the early morning hours and then executing actions the rest of the day along with close relationships with the implementers.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
Never take credit . . . give it to others who deserve it
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The Harvard Business Review Leader's handbook
It's all there . motivation, inspiring people, creating a winning organization without the usual bullshit.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in an SME?
Care about people and how to motivate them
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader of an SME so far?
Losing a major engagement and retooling to win it back . . . never giving up and doing what is needed.