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Jonno White
7 Questions with Maurice Brewster
7 Questions with Maurice Brewster
Name: Maurice Brewster
Current title: Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Current organisation: Mosaic Global Transportation
As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mosaic Global Transportation, Maurice Brewster is responsible for Mosaic Global’s strategy for growth, public relations, profitability and the vision for the brand. Mr. Brewster founded Mosaic Global in January 2002 and remains active in its expansion and growth.
Brewster brings to Mosaic Global more than forty two years of experience in business management, sales and brand management in successful global companies including E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, General Telephone & Electronics (GTE), SPRINT, PageNet, and Verizon Inc. (Formerly MCI Communications). His broad executive management experience has spanned the chemistry, engineering, telecommunications, transportation, and marketing industries – targeting customers in mature and emerging markets.
“Mo”, as he is known, holds a Business Degree from Lincoln University with advanced studies in Entrepreneurship from UCLA, Dartmouth College and Stanford University. Mo is married to Rhonda Svalstad Brewster and they have 5 brilliant & wonderful children.

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader of a small or medium enterprise?
There have been several challenges as the CEO of Mosaic Global Transportation. The first one that comes to mind is the challenge of obtaining working capital that allows for the growth of my company. The second challenge is finding and retaining outstanding employees. Employees, in the ground transportation industry, tend to move from place to place. Creating programs that retain that talent is a moving target.
2. How did you become a leader of an SME? Can you please briefly tell the story?
It was a dream of mine, to be an Entrepreneur. To take the lessons learned from life, college and my employment experiences and parlay all of that to create my own business. I knew if I could embrace a unique idea for a business startup, I could use my sales, PR and marketing skills to be successful.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
Work day schedules have changed dramatically since COVID - 19. We went from have an outside sales staff, inside sales staff and a customer service team, to me taking up those roles. My days are filled with finding new opportunities to sell Mosaic Global's ground transportation services, to create PR moments both internally and externally, while working closely with my wife who works as our President & COO and our CFO. We are working hard to keep the doors open and ready for the return of some sort of normalcy in our economy.
4. What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?
Even in challenging times, keep your faith in God and be an "open book" to our employees. Over communicating has seemed to be one of the keys in keeping our employees engaged during these tough times.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The most recent book has been Simon Sinek's book, Start with Why. Simon's book teaches one to start with Why our company exists. With a great "Why", we can inspire our most important assets, our employees, to embrace the dream of why we exist. That will lead to how we exist and what we do.
6. How do you build leadership capacity in an SME?
Building leadership comes from delegating responsibility and allowing our staff to learn from errors and mistakes without harsh criticism. Replacing harsh criticism with constructive criticism allows for learning and growth.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader of an SME so far?
The absolute, most impactful story I recall, was with the great recession of 2008. As my wife and I were making decisions to layoff employees, in an effort to reduce expenses everywhere and anywhere we could, our employees banded together and collectively asked if they could take pay cuts, reduction of hours, cancellations of commissions and bonuses, to help keep the business afloat. This action brought tears to our eyes and truly demonstrated we had loving and caring employees, looking to be a part of a solution. This was a great moment in time for Mosaic Global Transportation.