Leadership Conversation- Episode 129 with Shane Coppin

Name: Shane Coppin
Current title: Chief Executive Officer
Current organisation: Presbyterian & Methodist Schools Association
Passionate and experienced CEO intent on building teams and transforming sporting organisations and businesses to grow capacity, capability, and self-sufficiency.
As a leader, I am focused on the big picture and this is reflected in the instrumental role I played in bringing 18 cycling entities in Australia together to form one unified National Sporting Organisation as AusCycling.
Known as authentic and approachable, I build strong relationships with people. This has allowed me to create an organisational culture based on the values of continual improvement, mentoring, and taking a team-first approach to everything we do. I focus on the big picture and am resolute and tenacious in finding ways through difficult situations. I value innovation, change, and experimentation and am focused on creating operational, commercial, and financial independence.
CEO level with state and national sporting organisations, across a variety of sports, including Basketball, Mountain Bike, BMX, and Cycling.
Honorary Adjunct Assistant Professor - Bond Business School - Bond University
Australian Institute of Company Directors Course (GAICD)
Fellow - Institute of Managers and Leaders
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