Leadership Conversation- Episode 148 with Isvari Maranwe

Name: Isvari Maranwe
Current title: President and Co-Founder
Current organisation: Dweebs Global
I'm the President of Dweebs Global. I am also a national and cyber security lawyer, an ex-physicist, and a writer.
I have held many positions with the U.S. government (Department of Defense, Department of State, National Commission on Service, FCC), worked for businesses (Sidley Austin, Ingenico, iKeyVault), written columns for several different outlets, and researched particle and astrophysics (CERN, Fermilab, Lawrence Berkeley Lab). I have taught Python, given two TEDx talks, and volunteered around the world. I write novels. I have played the piano for twenty years, sing, and speak Hindi, Spanish, German, French, Kannada, and English.
Most of all, I help people.
Janani Mohan, Nathan Maranwe, and I founded Dweebs Global, an international mentorship organization with thousands of mentors around the world. Starting to help people through COVID 19, our services will always be 100% free. No paid content. No sponsorships. No nonsense.
If you are reaching out for free personalized resume edits, career tips, or anything else, please go through www.dweebsglobal.org/contact. We have helped thousands of people with life and mental health advice, resume editing, and boosting their careers and network. We will continue to help for free, especially in these dark times. If you are also willing to be a mentor, please reach out to me.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Free Download of The Leadership Survival Guide (10 World-Class Leaders Reveal Their Secrets)
The Leadership Conversations Podcast
The Jonno White Leadership Podcast
The Leadership Question of the Day Podcast
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Jonno White's eBook Step Up or Step Out
Jonno White's Book Step Up or Step Out (Amazon)