700 Adorable Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Instagram
1. “It’s true somewhere over the rainbow dreams really do come true.”
2. If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d never guess that healthy foods could be so bland and tasteless. I really want to go back to eating fast food!
3. Guess the reason for my beauty, I am pregnant, can’t wait to hold the little one in my hands.
4. We don’t know who it will be, boy or girl, but we can say that our bundle of happiness is definitely coming.
5. Happiness knocking on our Door.
6. “Even miracles take a little time.”
7. Soon to be due. Soon to be two.
8. Piggyback: A simple piggyback ride will take your baby announcement to the next level. Literally! (via @lindsayantenucci
9. To Do List: Capture your big kid crossing off a sweet “to do” list, with the last item being “becoming a big sister/brother”. (via Keeping Up With the Morgans
10. Knowing you’re about to become a parent is the most beautiful experience in the world! I can’t wait to meet my baby!
11. Partner. If you didn't find out together, your partner would likely be the first person you tell. There are some great ideas for telling your partner you’re pregnant, and we’ve included a few in our list!
12. In a woman’s life, pregnancy is the most wonderful time. The joy of carrying a new person inside yourself can sometimes be difficult to put into words. The news of your pregnancy means a lot to your loved ones, especially your husband, family members, and close friends. It is your duty to tell them the good news with some creative, funny, or wonderful pregnancy announcement messages. “I’m pregnant” texts are ideal for sharing this wonderful news with your loved ones and on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, and others. These creative, funny, and sweet pregnancy announcement messages for you will help to spread the wonderful news of your pregnancy!
13. Growing Our Patch (via @drkatesavoie
14. “Roses are red violets are blue, we’re expecting baby #2.”
15. Ice, ice, baby. If you love a good pun or the musical artist Vanilla Ice (who doesn’t?), use his famous lyric “Ice, ice, baby” to announce your pregnancy. Ask your partner to hold two bags of ice and stand to your right. You’ll point to your baby bump and ask a friend to take a photo. In the end, you’re the lyric: ice, ice, baby!
16. BrendaHey mama! (Or soon-to-be mama!) Paper Heart Family was created by me to help mothers through pregnancy, the baby stage, the toddler stage (eek!) and beyond. Whether you’re simply surviving through new motherhood, or looking for kid activities and parenting advice, you’ll find the resources you need here. Click to learn more about me.
17. All I want for Christmas is you, baby
18. Kissing Pumpkin Belly (via @its.kayla.wallace
19. “Future (your favorite team) fan.”
20. Chalk Belly: We can’t get over the creativity of this sweet reveal with a faux chalk belly! (via Instagram Gypsy Jones
21. One + Two = Three (via Love Lulu Bell
22. With these custom designed clothing pieces, you’ll be able to announce your pregnancy without saying a word. From funny T-shirts, to “Mom” and “Dad” hats, just slip them on and snap some great photos to tell everyone you’re expecting!
23. A new baby is such a wonderful way to start people.
24. Line-up with small balloons & Letterboard (via @modernfarmhousefamily
25. We can’t wait to meet our first child. Please pray for the baby and us that everything goes well.
26. “Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of mother’s love.” – Maureen Hawkins
27. Pregnancy is something you can’t hide for long, it will finally show off.
28. We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch in (birth month and year). (great for a fall pregnancy announcement!)
29. New Player: How cute is this baby announcement idea with a video game theme? Player 2 entering the game soon! (via @nelsanellis
30. Bun in the oven, burgers on the grill. #babybump
31. “Oldest (cross out the word only) child.”
32. Thanksgiving Turkey Shirts (via Zoeys Attic
33. Little Firecracker Letterboard (via Mom Life Digitals
34. My belly is going to be big day by day. I cannot wait to share my feelings.
35. “Player 1, Player 2, Waiting for Player 3…”
36. “It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift.” – Beyoncé
37. I love my baby with all of my bellies, I’d say my heart, but my belly is much bigger
38. The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
39. Coming soon: This top-down shot captures your due date, and even a tiny pair of baby shoes. (source unknown
40. Guess what’s cooking in our oven? (Hint: it’s not cookies).
41. What is tiny, causing me lots of grief, and will make its appearance in (birth month)?
42. “Every superhero needs a sidekick!”
43. Home›Special Occasions›70 Pregnancy Announcement Messages and Wording
44. Family, I’m expecting a child. Only happiness will be showered upon you from now on. I’m sure my baby will bring great joy to this house.
45. Pregnancy Announcement Messages
46. All rights reserved
47. Skeleton Family (via @paula_luna_photography. . Grab the shirts here from Epic Tees 4 You.
48. Piggy bank. It’s never too early to start saving, so this baby announcement idea is playful yet practical! Order a custom-made piggy bank with “BABY” on the side (or paint one yourself with supplies from a craft store) and put some coins in it. Present it to your partner and watch their eyes light up.
49. “This really is our last one…”
50. Hold on to your party hats… we’re pregnant!
51. Pregnancy Announcement Ideas to Surprise Your Partner
52. “Have faith in your dreams and one day, your rainbow will come smiling through.” – Cinderella
53. Oh baby – the more, the merrier!
55. Growing a tiny human is exhausting! Struggling with aches and pains but all worth it.
56. Another Firecracker (via Maries Digital Designs
57. “If I am thinking correctly,” said Pooh, “a new baby is probably, undoubtedly the grandest gift that could ever be. — Winnie the Pooh”
58. At Disney World: They don’t call it the happiest place on earth for nothing! Share your big news with Mickey and Minnie by bringing your sonogram pic to one of your favorite spots in the park. (via @everydaybay
59. Wanted to keep you in the loop: we’ll soon be adding to our troop.
60. “Hip-hip-hooray! Another baby is on the way!”
62. This article contains the perfect list of pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram. Letting the world know you are expecting is such a special moment but announcing it on social media can be a little daunting. Take your time to select the right wording for you.
63. Pregnancy test gift box. Surprise your partner with this classic pregnancy announcement idea, where you wrap your pregnancy test in a gift box and let your partner open it at a special time, such as during a date night.
64. “We’re happy to say that some bunny is on the way.” (Along with baby shoes or an ultrasound picture.)
65. Baby on board. We can’t forget a true classic! “Baby on board” is probably the most popular phrase to use in a pregnancy announcement, and you can be creative with it! Post any photo you’d like of you with your bump, partner, or family, with this traditional phrase as the caption.
66. Holding baby shoes together (via @alexandrapapanaga_studio
67. “Now, you can stop asking when we’re going to have a baby.”
68. Nursery Coming Boxes: Announce that you’ll be making space for a nursery soon with a cute display of moving boxes and baby items. (via @datingdivas
69. “Pregnancy is the only time when you can do nothing at all and still be productive.” – Evan Esar
70. “I have dreamed of you, before I even knew who you were.”
71. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan
72. It feels like giving birth to new possibilities within ourselves when we give birth to our babies. I have a great person inside.
73. E-card on three. For this idea, simply email an e-card with the pregnancy announcement to everyone joining you on the call but instruct them not to open it yet. While on the call, tell your family and friends to log into their email and click open on the count of three.
74. Say it with coffee. Serve your partner a cup of joe in a new mug with a personalized message, such as “You're going to be a parent.” It will surely brighten your partner's morning routine.
75. In back pocket: Tuck the ultrasound pic in a back pocket for this cool reveal pic. (via @beautifulyou_bybriana
76. Draw in the sand. Go somewhere that has a beach and draw doodles in the wet sand. Make sure one of those doodles is your pregnancy announcement with something like “We’re pregnant!” or “Baby on the way.”
78. Looking forward to a new tax deduction in (year)!
79. I am so happy; I am going to have a baby sister to play with. Mom and daddy are also very excited. I could not wait to share the news with you.
80. Our little Valentine Sign (via Chalking It Up Boards
81. mockup of pregnancy milestone cards
82. “I want to announce that this is not a pure FAT… It’s a baby!”
83. Pregnancy Announcement Messages: Of all the experiences women can have, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful. A new baby is a unique and wonderful addition to any family. When the time comes, share the good news with everyone because it means so much to your friends, family, and loved ones. We can assist you if you don’t know how to announce the good news. Our amusing and adorable pregnancy reveal messages will astound those around you. We have several messages that will assist you in this situation. Inform everyone about the good news.
84. Let the countdown begin. Hold a sign that says “Let the countdown begin!” with your expected due date. If you post this pregnancy announcement idea on Facebook or Instagram, you can use the countdown feature in your story!
85. Hold on to your peeps for Baby (Insert Last Name)
86. You give me peace of mind when I feel you every day and every night.
87. Let us make pregnancy as an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.
88. “A wonderful gift was granted to us. Our family has a new plus.”
89. Every superhero needs a sidekick. (for families with sons).
90. “Mom and dad are getting me a tiny human!”
91. Now we’re expecting baby number two!
92. Baby number 2 is coming‼️ We’re so excited to announce that our family is growing with my two feet!
93. “We can’t wait to tell you with joy over the moon, that our bundle of joy is coming soon.”
94. “We’re preparing for 9 months to fall in love for a lifetime.”
95. Getting those first ultrasound photos is truly a blessing, and the perfect symbol of your pregnancy to share with the future grandparents and your closest friends. While there are plenty of ways to incorporate your ultrasound picture into your baby announcement, here are a few of our favorite ideas:
96. “Love makes the belly go round.”
97. We will be welcoming our bundle of joy on [date]. I can’t wait for the baby to arrive, to see if he looks like me.
98. Boss and colleagues. When you're ready to announce your pregnancy at work, your boss should be the first to find out. When you decide to share the news might depend on numerous factors, including what type of work you do, how family-friendly your workplace is, whether you're showing yet, and whether your workplace has any policies about pregnancy or maternity and paternity leave.
99. Weird Early Signs of Pregnancy
100. I can bring a smile to your face, A tear to your eye, Or even a thought to your mind.
101. All the squinty smiles, because we have been keeping a little surprise #( Baby number 1), is on the way.
102. And baby makes (number of family members)
103. “Adding one more to the pack.”
104. The time has finally come to share the wonderful news that we are expecting our first child. It’s just the beginning.
105. Pregnancy Announcement Captions with Dogs & Cats
106. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart – A.A Milne”
107. Dad/Mom Jackets: Announce your pregnancy in style with these custom jean jackets:
108. Unique and Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
109. Here in this post, we are sharing so many different types of pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram. These pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram are as perfect as your baby bump.
110. As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.
112. I can feel, that someone special is coming right into my life.
113. “The time has come to buy some Lego because we found out that I’m preggo!”
114. Overlay on Belly: This fun shot shows the sonogram pic right where it came from…your belly! (source unknown
115. Table for three. Book a table at your favorite restaurant but make the reservation for three rather than two. Ask the restaurant to set the table with plates, and write “congratulations” on the plate at the third setting. Give your partner time to connect the dots and enjoy their reaction!
116. Being pregnant was the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. Except for the cupcakes.
117. “Our adventure is about to begin.”
118. For mamas looking for a faith-based way to share their special news while thanking God for one of their greatest blessing, these Christian pregnancy announcement caption ideas are just precious –
119. My today’s good news is I am going to be a mom.
120. Tired, Thrilled, Nauseous #pregnant.
121. We are excited to have a baby soon! We want to raise them as you do.
122. We can’t wait to see our new addition.
123. “It’s hard to keep quiet knowing that our little family is growing.”
124. I like big bumps, and I cannot lie!
125. “A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.” – Amy Tan
126. Superhero Sidekick: Dress up your big kid as a superhero waiting for his or her sidekick! (source unknown
127. Baby's Due Date*
128. Always Read the Fine Print – it says “I’m Pregnant” in the fine print! (via Nunu Tee Design
129. Spring Pregnancy Announcement Captions
130. Tie Breaker: If you currently have the same number of boys and girls in your family, announce that your new baby will be the tie breaker! Use a sign like this beautiful shot from Amber Enos Photography, or use these cute T-shirts from Lillie Dimple Designs.
131. Winter Pregnancy Announcement Captions (Christmas & Thanksgiving)
132. Click for more info about His Plan is Perfect Rainbow Baby Sweatshirt Bodysuit Baby - Etsy Canada>
133. We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch in (baby’s due month and year).
134. Making A Pregnancy Announcement To Your Husband? 25 Ideas!
135. I am blessed to carry this baby.
136. “Every child begins the world again.” – Henry David Thoreau
137. Cute pregnancy announcements
138. Plus One Coming Soon: Matching Vans and a “just announced” sign make for one cool reveal. (via @thebigredeffect
139. “Only child expiring soon!”
140. From mugs, to books, to custom cookies, these creative ideas to announce your pregnancy need just a few simple props. We’ve also thrown in some super unique ideas that require some basic Photoshop skills to pull off (although read on, as some are easier than you think!).
141. Baby (Insert Last Name), coming this (Insert Month)
142. Thought bubbles. Get a little silly by posing with thought bubbles and write something funny, such as “Something big is happening!” or “diaper-changing-master-in-training.”
143. First comes love.
144. Selfie with my bump – just because I have it and because I am very proud of it and every day that I get to see and feel the tiny human.
145. How big is my baby? A popular way to announce your pregnancy on social media is to share a photo taken of you while you hold a piece of fruit in front of your belly, representing the size of your baby. For ideas on which fruit or vegetable to use, check out our pregnancy calendar and find your pregnancy week. For example, at 17 weeks, you'll need to pose with a pear.
146. Pregnancy Announcement Captions
147. We can’t wait to meet our Sweet Baby.
148. Get ready to “fall” in love with baby (Insert Last Name)
149. big brother christmas pregnancy announcement
150. “There’s a bun in the oven…”
151. “The nicest things come in small packages, wrapped in joy, filled with goodness, and sent with love. We are proud to announce we are expecting.”
152. Little Dog with Baby Shoes (via @rachellehucal
153. The most enjoyable part of having a baby is entrusting your child to the care of your friends. Prepare yourself! I promise it will be lovely.
154. “Our family will be growing by 2 feet.” (With a pic of baby shoes nestled in between you and your partner’s shoes.)
155. Red, White, Blue & Baby #2 (via Casual Claire
156. “It’s time for the news to drop: I’m going to pop!”
157. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect pregnancy announcement wording here!
158. “Pink or blue? Either will do. We just know there are two.”
159. A baby fills your heart with happiness; a place you never knew was empty.
160. “Tis the season to be jolly. Baby number 2 is coming soon.”
161. Soon we are going to buy an extra bed for someone special who will be arriving in a few months. I am so happy. I’m pregnant!
162. Pregnancy isn’t always super fun, but your announcement can be!
163. A bubble of joy is coming soon… in nine month’s time.
164. “My little chick is going to hatch.”
165. Funny Pregnancy Announcement Riddles
166. Thing 1, 2 & 3! (via Journey of Parenthood
167. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17
168. One is great, two is fun, so why not add another one?
169. You Can Stop Asking: For those willing to poke fun at prying parents, this onesie can finally put those nosey questions to rest! (via Lynn and Lee Kidz
170. There are a few pregnancy milestones that some people like to wait for before revealing the big news to their broader community:
171. A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.
172. Is those “Pregnancy Announcement Captions” enough to express feelings?
173. How to Announce Your Pregnancy
174. Ice, Ice, Baby!
176. Custom Cookies: How incredible are these custom cookies to make your big announcement?! (via @mayaandcocookies and @shore_sweets
177. “The more, the merrier! Baby arriving (due date).”
178. Looking from behind: This artsy pose lets your friends and family see your ultrasound photo from your perspective – make sure the focus is on the photo, with lots of good blur in the foreground! (via @montannaphotocollective
179. Stockings (via @laurahanes_xx
180. All We Want for Christmas Is You (via Kenia Lauriano
181. Hey, Get ready to prepare a new bed.
182. We have been blessed, my dear wife is expecting a baby boy, and we would like to share this joy with you.
183. Twin Instagram Pregnancy Announcement Captions
184. “A new addition joined us.”
185. Our family is expanding by two feet.
186. “Who let the baby out?”
187. Love makes the belly go round.
188. I am going to be a mother for the second time.
189. Big Bro/Sis: Use small balloons to spell out “Big Sis” or “Big Bro” and capture a candid moment! (sources unknown
190. “We’re officially outnumbered.”
191. “Out of difficulties, grow miracles.” – Jean de la Bruyere
192. Less sleep, more love, baby #2
193. You can replicate these ideas, or put your own unique touch on them – either way, your friends, family and followers on social media will be positively thrilled to learn about your new baby on the way.
194. Baby (last name) is on the way!
195. Funny pregnancy announcements
196. Cute Pregnancy Photo Captions for Siblings
197. “Miracles come in pairs/threes.”
198. I can’t keep calm, my baby is loading.
199. Don’t know what all of this stuff is used for, but I’m so glad that all of these wonderful women are here to teach me.
200. A new baby is such a special, wonderful and joyous thing. Who doesn’t love a newborn child? Now you’ve got your little bun cooking in the oven, thoughts have turned to how you’re going to spill the beans. The Smilebox blog was created to help you with inspiration and creative ideas, and as such, we have compiled some categorized lists, to hopefully help you make that super, special announcement.
201. Pregnant AF
202. The last few days have been filled with lots of excitement and love. We are so happy to announce our second upcoming baby with our friends and family.
203. We’ve Been Naughty (via Life as Meghan
204. “People always say that pregnant women have a glow. And I say it’s because you’re sweating to death.” – Jessica Simpson
205. “Our greatest adventure begins on (date).”
206. Today I am very happy. Today I am going to be a mother for the second time.
207. We get to see baby #1
208. Meal Service: (your pregnancy craving) 🥑
209. Getting pregnant is like getting a new job—the baby in my tummy is my new boss and my husband is my new secretary.
210. My Superhero is coming into the world.
211. “On [due date], we’ll be popping bottles of a different kind! We’re expecting a baby!”
212. Add another gift to the tree, new baby makes three!
213. I am pregnant!!!! 🤰🏻 Some things in life are unexpected but turn out to make perfect sense and that sums up our story.
214. Year of Birth Pumpkins (via @ls_texas
215. So very merry – Baby (last name) (month) (year)
216. “Here’s to new life, new thrills, and new challenges. Our baby is on the way and (parents’ names) are parents to be.”
217. Birthdates and feet. Snap a photo of your feet and your partner’s feet on a sidewalk and use chalk to write the year of your births on the pavement. Then draw two little pairs of feet next to you and write the year of your due date.
218. Finding out that you’re having a second baby is so exciting!
219. “Do not open until (due date).” (While holding a bottle of wine.)
220. But the hard part is figuring out what’s the best way to announce your pregnancy.
221. “Some bunny is going to be a big sister/brother.”
222. Super sweet ideas to announce that your boys will be welcoming a new baby sister!
223. Baby Shark: Play off the can’t-get-it-out-of-your-head song by telling everyone when you’re “due due due due due due”. (via @theroxyeffect
224. “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason
225. We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in (baby’s due month).
226. We are going to be the best mom and dad in the world.
227. “Two tiny hands, two tiny feet, a baby girl/baby boy we can’t wait to meet. We will be welcoming (baby’s name) to the world (date).”
228. Cute Pregnancy Announcement Captions
229. So first before choosing a pregnancy announcement wording, I would think about what type of picture you want to take.
230. We’re having a baby!
231. It’s hard to resist the excitement of shopping for teeny tiny baby clothes, but with these pregnancy announcement ideas, you’ll have a great excuse! These sweet photos use baby clothes (adorable onesies, gah!) as a super cute way to reveal the wonderful news.
232. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.” – Suzanne Finnamore
233. With Books: Let a book do the talking by picking the right cover like this pic from Life Lutzurious featuring the classic What to Expect When You’re Expecting and the funny, Dude, You’re Gonna be a Dad!
234. We’re making room for our second edition.
236. Pregnancy Announcement Message to Husband
237. My life was happy but not complete. I thank God today because he has blessed me with the most precious gift. I have conceived a baby and it’s a matter of nine months now!
238. I’m afraid we haven’t been social distancing (lockdown humor).
239. Our little nest, has been so blessed – Baby (last name) (month) (year)
240. “Our family grew by ten little toes.”
241. “Expecting brand new genes (due date).”
242. Don’t judge me. I’m eating for two!
243. My superhero is on the way.
244. We’re in for the ride of our lives – Baby (last name) (month) (year) 🎡
245. I am so excited, can’t wait to welcome the new baby into the family.
246. Couple Pregnancy Captions
247. I will soon be a mom, I am pregnant.
248. “It’s double the giggles and double the grins, and double the trouble if you’re blessed with twins.”
249. We asked Santa for a baby! Baby (last name) – due (month) (year)
250. Party of…: Announce your pregnancy by stating how you’ll soon ask for a restaurant table, “Party of…”. (via @picturemethisbylacie and @beauty.with.a.blog
251. Custom Jacket: Or get jackets custom made like these from A Lil Somethin Chicago on Etsy.
252. baby bump Captions
253. As I go through this incredible pregnancy journey, my mood swings are at their peak. So don’t blame me if I’m odd and mean to you. It’s all for the sake of the lovely pregnancy!
254. Prepare to meet a new member of our family. The baby will arrive soon.
255. “There’s a little turkey in this oven”
256. I’m all prepared to say goodbye to my freedom and sleep. And guess what, everyone is just so happy about it. Sweet pregnancy they call it!
257. I always wondered what it felt like to be pregnant, Imagine now I know!
258. Whatever it is, incorporate it in your pregnancy announcement!
259. Making a splash this summer, Baby (Insert Last Name)
260. Virtual Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
261. People always say that pregnant women have a glow. And I say it’s because you’re sweating to death.
262. “In one beat of a heart, our family grew by one.”
263. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way – Oh what fun, it is to say, a baby is on the way!
264. Finally, we did it; we are blessed to have a baby girl.
265. So here we are imparting some of the best pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram you can pair these best pregnancy announcement Instagram captions with your picture and make people give you lots of congratulations. Below is the list of best pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram that we have got for you people to use with your post on all types of social platforms.
266. First things first, CONGRATULATIONS! If you’re here, it probably means you’re expecting a baby, and we couldn’t be more thrilled for you and your partner at this special time in your life. And if you’re nearing the end of the first trimester, you’re likely ready to make the big pregnancy reveal, and we want to help you make it perfect.
267. “Best oops ever!”
268. Cute and Creative Baby Shower Invitation Wording Samples To Make Your Own
269. I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath and embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun. You’re part of me, my little one.
270. “We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in [due date month].”
271. Pink or Blue We’re Due: If you don’t yet know the gender, this “we’re due” message with coordinating baby onesie is a wonderful way to spread the news. (via @ambarcrystal1
272. Eating Christmas cookies for two – Baby due (month) (year)
273. “A tiny human is about to join us. Everyone, I am overjoyed to announce I am pregnant.”
274. Dad and Mom cheer. Order a set of mugs or glasses, one reading “Mom” and the other “Dad” (or the title of another family member, like “Aunt”) and pose for a photo as you hold them. You could intertwine your arms while sipping from glasses, or get a little silly with coffee mugs and give an exhausted look.
275. Pregnancy Announcement Captions for Instagram
276. German Shepard + Ultrasound (via @dangerclosemedia
277. “Making a miracle with lots of love and a little science.”
278. A little person is on the way who makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.
279. There are plenty of great pregnancy announcement captions ideas out there that will allow you to express your personality.
280. Baking/Flour: Get messy with this fun announcement by writing in flour. (source unknown
281. CategoriesPregnancy
282. Baking Something Sweet: Grab this sweet digital file that is customized with your baby’s last name, due date and ultrasound photo…meaning, you don’t even have to take the photo! (via Oh My Cuteness Shop on Etsy
283. New Year’s Poppin Bottles (via The Samantha Show
284. “Don’t Eat the pumpkin seeds.” (Have you and your partner in the picture too.)
285. I am worthy of this pregnancy, this baby, and beautiful birth, I deserve this child.
286. We’re Expecting Onesie (via Minny Prints
287. New members are coming to our family to increase our happiness.
288. Scavenger hunt. Invite your family over and tell everyone to arrive at the same time. Place the first clue of the scavenger hunt on your front door. You and your partner will be in one room with your pregnancy announcement, and you can listen while your family moves from room to room, solving the clues. When they get to you, reveal the surprise!
289. Big Sister/Brother: You don’t have to get overly fancy with your chalk art, a simple message in rainbow chalk is just as impactful. (via Johnson’s First Comes Love
290. Adding a new branch to the family tree. I’m pregnant!
291. John and I are expecting a sweet baby girl
292. “Two little blessings sent from above. Twice the smiles, twice the love.”
293. Friends “The One Where…” (via Crystal Apparel USA
294. Making spirits bright – Baby (last name) #2 – (month) (year)
295. Pregnancy Announcement Captions for a Second, Third Baby and Beyond
296. I like big bumps and I cannot lie (perfect for a husband pregnancy announcement)
297. Knights in shining armor always need a princess to protect.
298. “We have two bundles of joy in custody. Release date (your due date).”
299. Making A Pregnancy Announcement To Your Husband? 41 Ideas!
300. Something Spooky is Coming (via The Nims
301. The first time your baby kicks, it’s a monumental moment captured for eternity.
302. If you want even more ideas you can check out this post about cute ways to announce your pregnancy!
303. Crying with Sign: Sometimes the real moments are the best ones of all, so don’t worry if you don’t get that perfect smile, a sad expression can capture those mixed emotions perfectly…and make for one funny announcement! (via @swikie10
304. In this part, I am completing the 15 best Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Wording. That you can use for your pregnancy announcements on Facebook.
305. Professional photo shoot. Have both you and your partner write down sweet messages on chalkboards during a photo shoot. Your final message will be something like “I’m pregnant.” Then face each other to reveal what you wrote. The photographer will catch your partner’s surprise.
306. Pregnancy wording ideas
307. I’ll be home for Christmas – Baby (last name) – (month) (year)
308. Baby/Beer (via Print & Arrow
310. This is my baby bump. In other words, this is what a woman’s stomach looks like when she’s pregnant!
311. We’re adding another to our clan!
312. “What’s one more? We’ve done this before!”
313. “You are the perfect finishing touch to our family!”
314. ….. (Your child’s name) has been promoted to big sister.
315. “Santa’s not the only one coming to town. Baby (last name) is due (due date).”
316. “Two precious bundles to cuddle and kiss. Life just doesn’t get any better than this!”
317. Our hands can’t wait to hold our precious baby due [date].
318. We have to admit, we are a sucker for balloons, and they can sure make for an epic, eye-catching “we’re expecting” reveal. These pregnancy announcement ideas incorporate all different kinds of balloons, from oversized numbers to cute phrases.
319. “Pink or blue? Either will do! We just know there are two.”
320. The first ultrasound. You might decide to wait to tell some people until after your first ultrasound or until you know your baby's gender, so that you can do both at the same time. You also might want to use your sonagram photo in your baby announcement!
321. We’re pregnant! Oh yeah, and it’s TWINS!
322. Have fun with these 2nd baby announcements!
323. My life changed completely because of you. But it’s the best change I have ever been through.
324. “Being promoted to big sister/brother on (due date).” (You could have your child wear a “big sister/big brother” shirt or hold up a letter board with the baby’s due date.)
325. Only-child expiration date. Likewise, your current child will no longer be an only child if it's your second pregnancy. Create a cute T-shirt or do a chalkboard illustration indicating your due date as the expiration date of your little one’s “only child” title.
326. I. Declare. Pregnancy!
327. “If I am thinking correctly,” said Pooh, “a new baby is probably, undoubtedly the grandest gift that could ever be.” – Winnie the Pooh
329. “I like big bumps, and I cannot lie.”
330. We’ve been keeping a little secret…baby Smith coming April 2023
331. Ice cream cones. Your current child will love this pregnancy announcement idea! Get a family photo with each person holding an ice cream cone but give your child two to hold. Take the photo quickly before the ice cream melts and see who can decode the message!
332. “And then there were…”: Fill in the number to coordinate with your growing family. Write it on a simple piece of paper like @krissyisler or go fancy with a custom sign (source unknown
333. Just because I’m pregnant, I finally quit dieting.
334. “Extra hungry this year.” (Along with the ultrasound pictures.)
335. Secrets out !! we are expecting, finally baby is coming to meet the world. #mommyandme
336. Hip hop hooray! Baby (last name) is on the way!
337. “Say hello to baby number (whatever number your baby is).”
338. List of Top Pregnancy Announcement Captions for Instagram Posts
339. Our home has been blessed, my beloved wife is expecting a baby and we want to share this joy with you.
340. “Our happiness has been doubled as we announce that we are expecting baby twins.”
341. “(Year of your baby’s birth) – the year I grow a human but still kill all the plants.”
342. Telling everyone you’re pregnant and then heading out of town so your phone doesn’t ring…PRICELESS!
343. “There is a new love in our life…”
344. “Adding another turkey to our table this year.”
345. I long for my old fast food habits. It’s tedious to eat healthy foods all the time while pregnant.
346. “We made a wish- and you came true.”
347. “I don’t have any big news for you, but my second child would like to announce that I’m pregnant!”
348. Our Happiness is on the way.
349. “Our Christmas wish list: Chocolate, new slippers, and a baby!”
350. Why Is My Pregnant Belly Sometimes Hard And Sometimes Soft?
351. How do you announce a baby on social media?
352. “Everyone, leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant and I have to do it again tomorrow.”
353. The best gifts don’t come under the tree, baby due July 2023
354. Our baby is yet to come… (due date).
355. “Something’s brewing for (due date).” (With a photo of a coffee cup or you and your partner holding a coffee cup.)
356. Best Pregnancy Announcement Wording Ideas For Your New Baby
357. “Player number 3 has joined the game.”
358. Here we “grow” again. Put a pun into it with this idea! Take a family photo with everyone wearing a shirt that reads “Here we grow again!” and hold a baby item, like a bootie or rattle.
359. “Oh, brother! There’s another?!”
360. The news of the pregnancy gives a wave of happiness to your family members who do care for you. To announce your pregnancy in some creative way and post such pictures with cute pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram. Check our list of cute pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram—–
361. Our family will be growing by two feet!
362. Holding hands (via @jagjit_studio_photography
363. Candy Cane Heart (via Perfectly Beautiful Things
364. Worried about finances as you prepare for baby? Learn how to budget and get tips for financially preparing for baby.
365. Pregnancy test in plain sight. Think of a place where your partner is bound to spend a lot of time, such as the kitchen or bedroom. Hide the pregnancy test in the fridge or leave it on the bedside table for the ultimate surprise.
366. Photo op to remember. A surprise pregnancy announcement photo is a hilarious way to remember the moment. While taking a family photo, instead of shouting “cheese,” you and your partner shout, “We're pregnant!” The best part about this pregnancy announcement idea will be the immediate reaction of your family that’s captured on camera!
367. More than a food baby
368. Pregnancy caption ideas
369. Before revealing the big news to the world, think about who you want to tell and in what order, and how you want to make the announcement. For example, you could reveal the news in person, over the phone, virtually, on social media, or by mailing a pregnancy announcement card.
370. Super tired, super hungry, super pregnant.
371. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold
372. “Our little circus is about to have three rings.”
373. Pregnancy Announcement Scavenger
374. “No tricks just a treat. Our family is growing by two little feet.”
375. “Our second one is coming soon…”
376. Gamer Themed Pregnancy Announcement Captions
377. Not fat just… Pregnant!
378. Oh Boy! It’s a Girl!
379. My secrets are safe with me, but I can’t hide any longer. I am pregnant.
380. Sidewalk chalk art. Whether it's your second, third, or fourth (or more) pregnancy, this option is a great announcement idea for the entire family. Equip your little crew with sidewalk chalk and let them have fun! While they work, you’ll create a pregnancy announcement in the middle of their art. Snap a photo of the announcement while your kids are still drawing!
381. Baby Carved into Pumpkin (via TDCJason
382. Two are due. Have fun with a rhyme and create your announcement using the phrase “two are due.” You can put it on a T-shirt, chalkboard, or a party sign, or use it simply as a photo caption.
383. It’s No Trick Sign (via Printable Candee
384. Best Pregnancy Announcement captions for Instagram
385. I quit drinking… JK I’m pregnant!
386. “Our family will be bigger soon.”
387. Pumpkin spice and everything nice! Baby (Insert Last Name) Due (Insert Year)
388. Add Text: Don’t want to go to the trouble of creating numbers? Keep it simple and add them in after you take the photo using a simple design program like Canva (via @modernfarmhousefamily
389. Taco Bout a Baby: Add a little Mexican flair into your reveal, with this Taco-themed reveal message. (via To Little Arrows – Etsy
390. “We prayed for one but were blessed with two. Our twins are coming (date).”
391. Best Pregnancy Journals for New Moms
392. Egg-cited to say, we’re pregnant!
393. We are eager to meet our newest member of the family. #babyonboard
395. Dinner for two…$80, Weekend getaway…$550.
396. Rainbow Baby: Celebrate your baby after loss with this rainbow themed chalk art and due date.
397. I’m in love with a tiny human who is still inside me.
398. Instructions:
399. “Worth the wait and wait and wait.”
400. “Napping for two.”
401. Boxing Gloves: Play on being “Knocked Up” with a fun boxing themed shoot. (source unknown
402. I feel like I am not myself all because of this pregnancy.
403. Personalized announcement gift. This simple pregnancy announcement is also a sentimental one. Give the grandparents-to-be a personalized gift, such as a framed picture of your pregnancy announcement card or your little one’s sonogram.
404. What’s this? What’s this?A baby is on the way
405. Announce it with pumpkins. If you’d like to share your news around Halloween or in the fall, get a little crafty with some pumpkin carving or line up pumpkins in order of size to announce your new baby.
406. Pregnancy Announcement Text to Family
407. “We thought we were doing simple addition but we multiplied instead!”
408. Life will always find a way- quote from Jurassic Park (this is a great rainbow baby announcement)
409. The only thing I love about getting pregnant is that I can eat as much as I want!
410. “Welcoming our little one in (due date).”
411. We stopped trying to get pregnant because our efforts have already been successful!
412. A baby makes three {or insert number here}.
413. We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in (due date month).
414. “Love swoops down to Earth riding on the colors of a rainbow.”
415. Baby On Board Hat: Opt for a super stylish message a top a wide-brimmed hat. (via @biancaftyler. We found plenty of options for similar ones on Etsy, like this one from Mod Party.
416. “We can’t wait to meet our new addition (due date).”
417. Temporary tattoos. Order custom-made, skin-safe temporary tattoos and put them on your current children. Kids love playing with these, and you can take photos of them sporting messages like “new baby on the way” or “big sister.”
418. I’m never as happy as when I’m pregnant. I literally would have 10 babies if I could!
419. To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited.
420. Movie poster message. Movie buffs can create their own movie poster for a unique and cool pregnancy announcement. All you need is a good photo of you and your partner, some editing skills to add the movie title, your names along the top as the starring actors, and the due date under the words “coming soon.”
421. All because two people fell in love.
422. Shhh we haven’t told him yet. Baby arriving (month) (year)
423. Social Media Pregnancy Announcement
424. Fine print. This creative yet adorably nerdy pregnancy announcement idea brings some humor into the process. You’ll need to create a custom-made label for something you’d like to give to your partner, friends, and family. Some ideas include candles, bottles of wine, or chocolate bars. The name of your item should be “Always Read the Fine Print,” and the fine print on the label is where you reveal the surprise!
425. My quarantine achievement is my pregnancy.
426. Future Best Friend: It truly is a blessing to have a sibling, so why not celebrate this special connection by announcing a future best friend is expected. Have your child hold a sign (via Stayglam. , or stage a little tea party for two, reserving the seat for baby. (via Caitlin Houston
427. Having a second baby may call for a slightly different type of pregnancy announcement that involves your kids, which makes it more fun! Check out the following ideas for a little inspiration.
428. Not a waddle. Just pregnancy swag. #preggo
429. Me and my husband are going to wait until next month to announce our new baby!
430. “Adding a new boo to the crew!”
431. Creative Baby Announcement Captions
432. This great family continuous bloom with happiness with your great grandbaby
433. Diaper delivery. Order a pack of diapers and wipes online and ask your partner to answer the door when the delivery arrives. Or, if they’re not home, wait to open the box with them. At first, they might be confused about why you ordered baby essentials, but eventually, they’ll figure it out!
434. A tiny human is on its way to join us. Everyone, I am ecstatic to inform you that I am pregnant.
435. Pregnancy Announcement Captions: Every girl wants to be a mother after her marriage. Pregnancy means when women conceive a baby. When a woman knows she is pregnant, this moment is the most special & memorable moment in her life.
436. Looks like Netflix and Chill went a little bit too far.
437. Pregnant with twins? Make your pregnancy announcement double the fun with one of these ideas. Post the announcement on Facebook or other socials, or send it in the mail!
438. Guard Dog Book: Stage a shot with your pup reading a “How to Guide” to becoming the best guard dog! (via @ournextchapter2020_bronte
439. Fun and Funny Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
440. A baby is on its way to brighten our sweet little home. Please keep us in your prayers. I’m looking forward to surprising you!
441. Bumpin’ around. #babyregistry
442. Silly games. Reveal your news during game night, especially if this is something you like to do together. Good options are charades, celebrity heads (where instead of being a celebrity, your partner is “pregnant”), or spelling out your message on a board game.
443. “For this baby, we have prayed.”
444. Best Pregnancy Apps that are Free
445. Happy to officially and publicly announce that we are expecting our first baby
446. Acquaintances and everyone else. These are hi-and-bye neighbors, people you only see occasionally, or casual friends. One of the best ways to announce your pregnancy for this group of people will be on social media. Of course, you can also choose to tell some in person the next time you bump into one of them when you’re out and about!
447. Only child expiring (month) (year) – pic of baby crying
448. Meet the new love in our lives, [baby name].
449. Everybody leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant and I have to do it again tomorrow.
450. I’m all set to bid farewell to my freedom and sleep. And guess what? Everyone is thrilled about it. They call it a “sweet pregnancy.”
451. ….. (Your child’s name) is going to big sister …..(Due Date).
452. “If you think I can cause trouble, wait until you meet my little brother/sister.”
453. First came love, then came you. We can’t wait to meet our baby!
454. “We hoped, we prayed, and we’re excited to say that our little miracle is on its way!”
455. Our newest carry-on – Baby (last name) arriving (month) (year)
456. Only Child Expiring Sign: If you have one child, this is a sweet way of announcing your pregnancy by showing that their status of “only child” is nearing its end. (via @jacquelynbphoto
458. spring pregnancy announcement
459. “Two little blessings from above.”
460. I don’t have the perfect words to express my joy when knowing that we are expecting a baby.
461. Been There, Done That: Announcing baby #4? These printable signs are perfect to highlight your youngest child’s new role as big brother or sister. (via Chalking It Up Boards on Etsy
462. We thought we were through, and then there was you.
463. Red White & Due Onesie (via @ashlandandco
464. Eating for three. Take a picture of yourself holding a bowl with the words “eating for three” written on the side. This is a great picture for social sharing, too.
465. “Nine months is not so long when you are waiting for the little love of your life.”
466. Roses are red, violets are blue, on (baby’s due date) our little miracle is due.
467. “We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” – Laura Stavoe Harm
468. We wished to have a baby, God has answered our prayers, we are expecting a baby
469. “A child is the richness of tradition, the excitement of youth, and the promise of tomorrow. We’re expecting our tomorrow on (date).”
470. Announcing your pregnancy to the world is almost as exciting as getting pregnant in the first place!
471. I think you need to increase to go to market for our upcoming.
472. “Here is what the sonogram revealed.”
473. Baby Onesies
474. Santa isn’t the only one coming to town, baby due July 2023
475. “When we lose one blessing, another is most often unexpectedly given in its place – CS Lewis”
476. Fur mama to baby mama (month) (year)
477. Pick one of these holiday-themed pregnancy announcements wordings to go along with a fun, festive photo.
478. Adding S’more: Match the number of s’mores to the number of kids you have…and just try and resist eating them after you’ve snapped your pic! (via @fitmommyaubreye
479. Hatching Egg (via Mother and Baby
480. Bun pun. This pregnancy announcement idea is ideal if you love the classic “bun in the oven” pun. Place an actual bun in the oven and pose in front of it. Share the photo on social media or email and see who can guess what it means first!
481. “Two different children, two different experiences, but one love we share.” – Paula Rollo
482. Buy a little brush when you come home. Because our prince or princess is coming after 10 months.
483. In [month}, our family will hear the pitter-patter of little feet.
484. Number Paddles: Or grab some auction paddles like these from @whatmomslove (yup, that’s our Founder, Aly!
485. “We’ve been blessed beyond measure.”
486. “Patiently waiting for the arrival of my little brother/sister in (due date).”
487. ….. (Your child’s name) is going to big brother…..(Due Date)
488. The day is finally here, after waiting for nine months. It’s a baby boy.
489. Hey, my lovely husband a prince or princess is on the way.
490. Mommy all day, blogger at naptime! I’m a stay-at-home mom to my beautiful baby. I hope to help you on this wonderful journey of motherhood!
491. At a Bookstore: You could even hold your photoshoot in a bookstore! (via Brooke Kelly Photography
492. Baby Announcement Captions
493. Changing Names: The sweetest message for first time parents-to-be…soon to be Mom and Dad! (via @heathen.by.nature
494. Elf Reveal (via Dan McGinty
495. “We’ve added another color to our family’s rainbow…”
496. Being pregnant means more plans with the love of my life.
497. Roses are Red Letterboard (via @herfamilydotie
498. You can also document your pregnancy announcement, your weekly baby bump and everything to do with your pregnancy with my Pregnancy Journal printable.
499. “You can hear now. Your inner ear is formed. I shout “I love you” into the bedroom. Then I feel stupid. Then I don’t. This is pretty much the story of my life.” – Suzanne Finnamore
500. Baby beach hat. Some couples like to take a “babymoon” vacation before their little one arrives. If you’re planning one with a beach destination, get a custom-made beach hat that says something like “baby on the way” and pose with it while in paradise.
501. “No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow at the end. No matter how sad you might be, believe that happiness is waiting.”
502. Today I am very happy. Because I knew a little while ago that I was going to be a mother.
504. Script “baby”: This pretty script balloon is perfect for a boho styled shoot. (via @roseandlock
505. “Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” – Judy Garland
506. We are adding a new pair of ears to our family.
507. “Adding a bit of sugar and spice to our crew!”
508. Best oops ever (with a picture of baby things).
509. Also Read: Baby Shower Captions for Instagram
510. There is no doubt that babies are cute and so are baby bumps. A woman carrying a baby bump is so cute and pretty. So for your cute pictures, we are sharing cute pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram.
511. I fell in love with a child I had never met. I can’t wait to see him.
512. “You never understand life until it grows inside of you.” – Sandra Chami Kassis
513. And these pregnancy announcements will help express it.
514. Baby shark due due due!
515. Related: Babymoon Captions for Instagram
516. Original, Sequel, Finale: For those pregnant with your third (and final. child, these T-shirts and onesies from Shep and West on Etsy make for an epic announcement.
517. Pregnancy is the happiest reason ever for feeling like crap.
518. Recipe For a Baby: Showcase your child “baking” up a sibling with plenty of sweet ingredients like hugs, kisses and lots of love. Bake until your due date! (via @b.cloin
519. Show a family-sized shoe lineup. Another good idea for a pregnancy announcement post is to reveal your new addition with a photo of a row of shoes, including yours, your partner’s, and some tiny booties representing your baby. If you have a cat or dog, you could show your and your partner’s feet in socks and your pet’s paws next to tiny baby socks.
520. Guys, finally, you can stop asking me if we’re going to have a baby.
521. Dog Shirt: This has to be our favorite of all – between the dog wearing a shirt, and the scared expression, this makes for one epic new baby announcement! (via @dear.kindred
522. Not fat. Just… PREGNANT!
523. Don’t Eat the Pumpkin Seeds (via @kaylasadamphotography
524. The best is yet to come… (baby’s due date).
525. Unique location (via Expresso Ever After
526. Oh Baby: Whether you’re letting your husband in on the good news, or posing for a pic to share with friends and family, these “Oh Baby” balloons do all the talking! (via @navigatingparenthood
527. “Tacos for two, please.”
528. “We’re adding some bunny new to our family.”
529. RELATED: If you’re looking to reveal the gender of your baby at the same time, check out
530. Ingredients:
531. “Extra lucky this year.”
532. Scoops of ice cream. Get a large clear bowl and fill it with two or four heaping spoons of ice cream. You and your partner can pose with it, with spoons in hand. Add some baby items to the scene to make it more obvious. Think of some fun pregnancy announcement captions, such as “eating for four,” “Two scoops are better than one!” or “double the fun.”
533. Pregnant (via @beup1015
534. Cute Pregnancy Announcement captions for Instagram
535. Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.
536. I had a happy life, but it was not complete. Soon it will be complete, I am blessed to be pregnant, and soon I will be delivering the precious gift.
537. Trading silent nights for more joy to our world – Baby due (month) (year)
538. “Our parents are getting us a human!”
539. Copy and paste. Reveal your news with personalized infant T-shirts—one that reads “copy” and another that says “paste,” or something like “We wished for one…” written on one T-shirt and “…but got two!” written on the other. The great thing about this idea is that you’ll be able to use these tees after your little ones are born.
540. Big Sibling T-shirt: Grab a cute tee like this crossed out “only child” one, or go simple by stating their new role. Try these similar Big Sister/Brother tees from Anias Collection on Etsy. (pics via @j.coxphotography_ and @tovan_leah
541. “Twins. God’s way of saying “Buy one get one free.”
543. Fall Pregnancy Announcement Captions
544. Tired of Sleeping In: This letter board message is perfect if you’re a first-time parent – and yes, it’s very true, your days on sleeping in and doing whatever you want will soon be coming to an abrupt halt! (via @abster.o
545. “An adventure is about to begin.”
546. “Hold on to your stockings, we have got some big news.”
547. The best is yet to come… (your due date)
549. The most amusing aspect of pregnancy is that you get a personal servant 24/7 for the next nine months. That is your husband. Yes, that’s what happens when you make a woman fat!
550. “We have waited so long for this special day to announce to you – we have a baby on the way! What will our little peanut be? We just have to wait and see!”
552. We’re going to need a bigger boat” – a quote from Jaws
553. Bigger Boat: Already have a handful of kiddos? Grab an inflatable boat, plop them in, and hold up a sign with the classic saying, “We’re going to need a bigger boat!” (via Little Dove Blog
554. Pink or blue, either will do – we’re expecting – baby #2
555. Eviction Notice: Post an Eviction Notice on your child’s crib, announcing that they must vacate by your due date! Super cute, and insanely simple thanks to this editable and printable sign from Irene Template on Etsy.
556. “We’ve been naughty! Baby arriving (due date).”
557. Santa Not The Only One (via @_tiffanyphotography
558. Spring is a fantastic time to announce your baby bump! Below er some cute captions for your Easter pregnancy announcement:
559. By whatmomslove » baby
560. “Only child expiring (due date).”
561. “We’re embarking on a new journey in a couple of months. And on this journey, we will have a new addition.”
562. Finally someone is coming to sleep in our middle sit.
563. You can announce your pregnancy with good Pregnancy Announcement Captions.
564. “The Easter bunny came early this year. Here comes baby #3.”
565. Adventure Begins: And what an adventure it is! (via @khrystynakv
566. Patriotic and pregnant!
568. “(Father’s name) is going to be a daddy and I’m pretty sure it’s mine.”
569. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown
570. Pregnancy Announcement Captions for Facebook and Instagram
571. These pregnancy announcements are perfect for bigger families!
572. “Here we Grow Again”: The perfect message for those who already have a kid or two in tow! (via @kristinmarie013 and @abbeylynnphotography
573. Baby Number 2 Announcement Captions
574. Mummy has a bun in the oven.
575. My Parents Are Getting Me a Human: Hooray for a human playmate! These pets announce the baby news with humor via bandanas and signs.
576. “It’s official! I’m getting a little brother/sister!”
577. “Baby (last name) coming to you soon. (expected month and year below or next to it).”
578. Pass the gravy, we’re having a baby!
579. “Being a big sister/brother is way better than being an only child!”
580. “We got lucky.” (Along with you and your partner holding the ultrasound pictures.)
581. So Long Silent Nights (via @Samantha_Knuth
582. I can’t wait to make my big announcement. Today I got all the details about my pregnancy and I found out I was pregnant. Have a nice day
583. Spill the Beans: This custom onesie sure does spill the beans! (via @jillmartowska
584. Baby (Insert Last Name) will be home for Christmas!
585. “It’s not a food baby.”
586. If you and your partner didn't find out about your pregnancy together, there are several ways you could plan a surprise announcement. All work whether you’ve been trying to have a baby, or if this is an exciting and unexpected pregnancy announcement. Here's some inspiration:
587. Wrapping Belly (via @elizabeth_klimberley
588. HomePregnancyPregnancy Announcement100 Cute, Creative, and Funny Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
589. Roses are Red sibling sign (source unknown
590. Seaside Sundays | 101 Instagram Pregnancy Announcement Captions
591. Halloween Pregnancy Announcement Captions
592. … a new baby is coming…
593. I wouldn’t trade the excitement of learning I was pregnant for anything. I had no idea what an incredible sensation I was experiencing until now.
594. Throwing Confetti: Share your sheer joy by holding up your ultrasound photos and throwing confetti! (via @katiebcreative
595. “No tricks just a treat. Baby number 2 is coming soon.”
596. Social Media Pregnancy Announcement Wording
597. I am announcing today, I am going to be a mom.
598. “Call us extra lucky!”
599. “The battle for mama’s attention begins (due date).”
600. Roses are red, violets are blue
601. For video-game loving couples, here are some fun gamer themed pregnancy announcement caption ideas:
602. Pregnancy is the happiest reason ever for feeling like crap. #pregnancyannouncement
603. Many parents-to-be describe their dogs as their first babies, so why not get your furry friends involved to spread the special news in a cute, creative way. These funny pregnancy announcements using pets will get both a laugh and a smile!
604. Surfboard reveal. This baby announcement idea is creative and fun if you’re a surfer or paddleboarder. Take a photo of you on your surfboard or paddleboard and place a mini version next to you or between you and your partner. A small boogie board would probably do the trick.
605. I want to announce that this is not a pure FAT… It’s a baby!
606. Ice Ice Baby (via NG Blue Design
607. Sports Jerseys: Celebrate the arrival of your little sports fan with these personalized custom jerseys. (source unknown
608. A baby brings joy to three.
609. “There’s a lucky charm we can’t wait to meet. Baby (last namer or number) is coming (due date).
610. I am Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever.
611. Baby blocks. Think back to your own childhood for this baby announcement idea and gather those cute traditional wooden blocks. You can find them online or at antique shops. Line them up with your message (something like, “We’re having a baby!”) and put them behind you. See how long it takes for someone on the call to notice!
612. Lil Pumpkin (via Happenings of our Home
613. Picnic at sunset. Gather your family for a sweet photo shoot at sunset. Set up a picnic blanket and snacks and ask a friend to take photos of you. Put a few baby items on the blanket, such as a sippy cup or bottle. Cute pregnancy announcement captions for this one could be “We need a bigger blanket” or “Our picnic basket just got heavier.”
615. My darling, having a baby with you feels like a dream come true. I’m overjoyed.
616. Instagram Pregnancy Announcement Captions
617. “The best is yet to come (due date).”
619. When you become a mother, you stop being the picture and start being the frame.
620. We’re Prego: This funny pregnancy announcement had us laughing. Grab a jar of Prego sauce and style an Italian dinner with lots of clever details – like Ginger Ale for you! (via Mamabee; via Sunflowers and Stilettos
621. Individual script letters: These individual script letters are so pretty, and easy for kids to hold. (via @kristencombo
622. Oldest, youngest. This pregnancy announcement idea works for a second or third baby. Dress your current children in T-shirts that indicate their current title as either “only child,” “oldest,” or “youngest.” Then, cross out the title with a big black marker and write in the new one. For example, your only child will now be the oldest, or your youngest will be a middle child! Let the T-shirts do the revealing.
623. The responsible woman in me is budgeting for groceries. The pregnant woman is going “Oooo! Chocolate Cake!”
624. “Bun in the oven. Bake at 98.6 degrees until (due date).”
625. Teddy Bear Theme Baby Shower—The Beary Best Ideas For A Fun Party
626. “The backseat just got a little more sweet.”
627. One More to Adore: Use this darling wooden sign from Lemon Grace Designs to announce your new bundle of joy with a cute stuffed animal and ultrasound pic. (via @keepingup.withkenzi. (23. K-I-S-S-I-N-G: Check off those boxes on the classic children’s rhyme, including the “baby in the baby carriage”! (source unknown
628. Christian Pregnancy Announcement Captions
629. Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain – your life will never be the same.
630. In (baby’s due month), our family will hear the pitter-patter of little feet.
631. Thank you for the most incredible gift anyone could ever receive. Are you interested in babysitting in a few months? Congratulations to you, Mr. Dad.
632. “What does a chef baking a roll and I have in common? We both have a bun in the oven!”
633. B-A-B-Y: Or opt for big separate letters, add helium and let them float up behind you! (via @mrsrachelmurray
634. Unwrap the bump. Surprise your virtual audience with your baby bump! Tie a ribbon around your belly and tell your family or friends that you have a gift to give them. Stand up and show them your bump to reveal the news!
635. Sibling Training: Put your youngest child into Big Brother or Sister Training, with your older children (or you!. as the teacher. All assignments due before your due date! (via @Susannahkellogg
636. Do you want to make a cute holiday-themed picture? One with the kids? Or one with just a sign and baby items?
637. With your baby photos: Display your baby photos and year of birth with your ultrasound pic and due date in front of your growing belly. (source unknown
638. Lying Down: Another option is to place them on the ground and go for a bird’s eye view shot! (via XO, Mrs. Mitchell
639. Best present ever. Coming… (baby’s due date – great for Christmas babies).
640. Adding a bit of sugar and spice to our crew!
641. Have you heard the buzz?
642. Here’s to new life, new experiences, and new thrills. My baby on the way and I’m the mommy to be.
643. Nana and pop-pop naming. This is one of the most sentimental ways to announce your pregnancy to your family in person, but it only works for your and your partner's parents, who are becoming grandparents. Invite them over for a naming party where, after the big reveal, they can choose what they’d like their grandchild to call them. To get the ball rolling, write different options on paper sorted by gender and have them pick them out of a box and mull it over.
644. “And our Love Grew, Baby 2 Due [date]”
645. Jingle bells, jingle bells, baby on the way
646. Pregnancy Announcement Hashtags
647. “Looks like Netflix and Chill went a little bit too far.”
649. Our pack is growing – baby (last name) arriving (month)
650. “Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy growing a human.”
651. Mic Drop (via KaAns Designs
652. Funny Pregnancy Captions for Instagram
653. Thanksgiving Pregnancy Announcement Captions
654. Being pregnant is the only time when your husband appreciates your size. I’m really enjoying these priceless moments!
655. Large balloons above kids (via @shoplavendercrush. :
656. The best gift I can give you, my dear husband, is a new baby.
657. I am not fat I am pregnant.
658. “The fourth is with us. Empire expanding (due date).”
659. It’s the most wonderful news of the year – Baby (last name) (month) (year)
660. Roses are red, Violets are blue, This February, Baby (Insert Last Name) is due.
661. “We are adding ten more fingers and toes to our family!”
662. Circus Act: If you feel like you already run a circus, what’s one more?! Announce your new act with this fun sign, and don’t forget to include your other little monkeys too! (via J.Luehmann Blog
663. “Big brother body guards on duty starting on [baby’s due date]!”
664. Can’t Read: This funny pregnancy announcement reveals the big news to everyone except the kids! (via @ajat_
665. Having a rainbow baby is so special.
666. “You are the rainbow that adds color to my grey sky.”
667. I can’t wait to meet with my little baby.
668. With family: Get the whole family involved in the reveal with kids holding the ultrasound and super cute expressions! (via @whatdoesnotexist
669. Kid news. If you have kids, let them deliver the news! Ask your older child to wear a T-shirt or hold a sign that has “only child” crossed out and replaced with “big brother” or “big sister.” Snap a photo or ask them to walk into the room where friends and family await!
670. Beach chairs at sunset. If you live near a beach, take a romantic photo at sunset while sitting in beach chairs. You and your partner can sit in traditional chairs while holding hands, then place a small chair of the same style between you.
671. My today’s good news is I am pregnant.
672. In Store: Go all out and head to the baby clothing aisle at your local Target and take a humorous pic showing how you’re stocking up! (via @carlinbates98
673. We’ve been naughty!
674. Baby cry. For a funny and clever pregnancy announcement idea, use this one! Get a recording of a baby crying and play it a few times while on the virtual call. When you hear it, excuse yourself and then come back to the screen. Wait until someone asks about the noise before revealing the news—they may need to listen to your “baby” crying a few times before catching on.
675. Holding up Onesie: We love this simple pose of the parents-to-be holding up a baby onesie. Customize the onesie however you’d like – with baby’s due date (via @grizzlyphotographyllc. , or a saying like “our greatest adventure is about to begin” (via @dejamae
676. And then there were (baby number).