7 Questions on Leadership with Dr. Rochelle Atkins
Updated: Dec 31, 2024
Name: Dr. Rochelle Atkins
Title: Certified Executive Coach, I/O Psychologist, Entrepreneur
Organisation: Atkins Leadership Collaborative, LLC
Dr. Rochelle Atkins is an accomplished Executive Coach, Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychologist, and senior faculty member with the Human Capital Institute (HCI). She is also the founder of Atkins Leadership Collaborative, LLC a boutique coaching and consulting business. Dr. Atkins has over 25 years of experience in people building and organizational development.
As a former executive responsible for co-founding a multi-million-dollar start-up non-profit organization, Dr. Atkins has successfully led and implemented change management programs for the continual growth of various organizations. She is adept in creating strategies for greater alignment of leadership with organizational vision, mission, and goals, and in facilitating and creating content for workshops and seminars. She is passionate about people-building and helping organizations create healthy work cultures.
Dr. Atkins holds a Doctor of Strategic Leadership degree from the School of Business and Leadership - Regent University, with a concentration in Strategic Foresight. In addition, she has a Master of Psychology - Industrial Organizational Psychology from Northcentral University and various certifications from the Christian Coach Institute, University of Pennsylvania, HCI, Coaching & Applied Positive Psychology Institute (CaPP), and the University of Oxford-Säid School of Business.
Dr. Atkins is an elected community member of the 300 Moral Leaders Organization (Memphis, TN) serves as an executive board member of Intimate Altars nonprofit organization, and volunteers her time to various organizations.
Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Dr. Rochelle's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
The most challenging thing I have found in being a leader is that growth is optional but change is inevitable. I challenge myself to grow and not just change, change can be for the good or bad. Being an effective, relevant, and transformational leader has to be intentional because the role of leadership is constantly evolving at such a fast pace.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
My first introduction to leadership occurred in my early 20s as a co-founder of a multi-million dollar non-profit organization from that experience, I went on to other leadership roles in various industries and landed in my current role as CEO of Atkins Leadership Collaborative, LLC.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I try to structure my day around my 6 Pillars in life: Faith, Fitness, Financial Literacy, Fun (Humor); Fulfillment (Flow), and Full-scale thinking(limitless mindset). I try to incorporate all of these components into my day. I wake up 6:00 am and have my prayer and meditation time. I proceed to work out for at least 15 minutes on the stepper and/or light weights. I shower and get dressed for the day and then spend time reading about industry trends and reading at least one article on financial literacy.
I try to have at least one or more belly laughs a day for my dose of fun. I then emerge myself in whatever is on my calendar for the day whether facilitating, coaching, or consulting, I endeavor to reach my flow state. Lastly, after dinner, I savor my day reflecting in gratitude and allowing my mind to experience full-scale thinking- dreaming about how I can continue to evolve.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
A recent leadership lesson I have been reminded of is the fact that "no man is an island"; there is strength in community and collaboration. I have been reminded that leaders are often thrilled to collaborate and offer assistance when they can because many leaders have felt the pain of the lonely road of isolation often associated with leadership.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner has had a profound impact on my leadership because of the five leadership practices shared in this book.
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
Leadership starts with yourself. Seek to model discipline, integrity, loyalty, and authenticity in your own life first. Take time to be a continuous learner to consistently grow as a person. Leadership begins and ends with the level of personal growth and development you nurture and pursue.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
As a leader, your words can be seeds that grow and flourish when they land on good ground (a receptive heart). I am reminded of a conversation with a successful businessman, who shared a quote from me that I shared with him over 20 years ago. I was amazed he remembered what I had shared that long ago but he shared that my words had impacted him and served as a form of encouragement in his life and professional pursuits.