7 Questions on Leadership with Eddie Bullock

Name: Eddie Bullock
Title: Principal Owner
Organisation: Eddie Bullock Golf Consulting
Eddie Bullock Golf Consulting is a leading golf consultant. Recognised for his diversity in his advisory roles, providing direction on strategic partnerships, the authority on emerging lifestyle trends, and influencing change with bespoke solutions. His unique methods in mentoring and coaching countless young managers with a positive mindset have been
Eddie Bullock is a prominent figure in golf consulting. He is known for his expertise in various advisory roles and his ability to shape the golf industry through strategic partnerships and innovative solutions. With a career characterised by versatility, he has a name for himself as a consultant who understands the intricacies of the business of the golf leisure world and the broader lifestyle trends that influence it.
Eddie Bullock Consulting's services are highly sought after, as he is recognised for his unique approach to mentoring and coaching, having played a pivotal role in guiding and shaping the careers of numerous talented individuals in the golf industry. His focus emphasises the importance of maintaining a positive mindset in fostering growth and development.
Eddie is a respected authority on emerging lifestyle trends that impact the golf industry. He possesses a keen understanding of how these trends can shape the future while having a track record of helping organisations adapt and thrive in the face of change.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!
I hope Eddie's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!
Jonno White
1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?
Developing communication methods to influence a change mindset for those set within the status quo –
I have always been a student of organisational change. When you are in the service sector, involved with teams, and creating customer experiences, it's essential to understand that you are in the human behavior business.
2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?
A combination of experiences and personal qualities shaped my leadership role. I started at an early age with a paper round, which provided you with a sense of responsibility and autonomy; this was followed at the age of 18 being a chauffeur driving and caring for a Rolls Royce, requiring accountability and punctuality – Golf was my passion which was my driving force, and this is a sport that requires self-discipline, focus and the ability to make decisions independently. These qualities then translated into my leadership tenets. I then diversified into the business sector of golf and, with international experience, exposed me to different cultures, management styles, and leadership approaches. From leading modest golf club businesses to heading up international clubs, I demonstrated leadership growth on the journey, gaining valuable experiences in listening to people. These experiences helped me to develop disciplined decision-making abilities, all combined with those leadership skills necessary to lead.
3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?
I am fortunate that I live in the countryside of West Sussex, South of England, which allows me to take advantage of the beautiful local surroundings.
First of all, I have my daily dose of cider vinegar and honey
However, I am an early riser, so a walk on a local beach with Lola [ our dog] allows me to focus and meditate, providing a peaceful start and a great way to clear the mind and set a positive tone for the day.– I always have a book on the go, so that's an integral part of my routine to digest some learning time, as it's a great way to gather new insights and ideas.
I am well-disciplined in structuring my time and managing the diary; I ensure I have allocated my time to the most critical tasks. Virtual communications have been a silver lining in activating time productively, using this as a communication tool to collaborate with others and manage my time efficiently.
When I immerse myself in a project, I carry out detailed research time; the research is essential for understating and embracing the dynamics of the project vision, allowing the business to lead to more informed decision-making.
Somehow, I find the opportunity for a couple of weekly 5k runs to set my fitness levels.
Golf is still a happy place, an opportunity to meet people and discuss business opportunities. I meet people and discuss business opportunities, so I often have a business meeting at The Kennels, Goodwood https://www.goodwood.com, followed by a game. Nothing better than golf as a valuable networking tool; it allows you to understand the behavior of those you are likely to be associated with in a more relaxed social setting.
The end of the perfect day is either a Gin and tonic or a glass of White Burgundy!
Overall, my routine combines personal well-being with a focus on learning and a productive work pattern.
4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?
Good leaders have a vision; hence, they can communicate this vision to their teams. They build trust and maintain a special relationship with their teams through thick and thin – so having a passionate appreciation for human connection is critical.
5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?
This isn’t easy – so I’m going to take the liberty and share two:
Danny Meyer's 'Setting The Table' resonated with me that the employees were the rock stars while allowing their personalities to flourish to fit the culture of the business – while emphasizing genuine natural hospitality is how you deliver the extra, making the customers feel special.
And Dale Carnegies' How to Win Friends and Influence People is still a book that is so relevant in the 21st Century. As I mentioned earlier, I am a student of organizational behavior, and this simplifies many modern-day situations while improving you as a leader.
6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?
This point is often asked – don't allow failure to affect you; embrace failure as a powerful source of learning and growth. Please treat it with respect, as it's one fantastic teacher that success alone might not provide. While receiving one hundred percent positive feedback does not allow for actual growth, honest critique is a stepping stone toward achieving your goals and becoming a better version of yourself.
7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?
When I started my business in 2008, one of my business strategies was to identify the future industry leaders and share my time and experiences with them; business coaching was reasonably new. Having the enjoyment and observing their growth and maturity into their leadership roles is a blessing. When I meet up with those that are prospering successfully I get a sense of pride, that sharing has its rewards, and today, it's something I still get a buzz from.