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7 Questions on Leadership with Kim Aque


Name: Kim Aque

Title: Youth Committee (Volunteer), Youth Leaders Participant and CSR

Organisation: Global Peace Foundations Philippines and VMPowered Corp.

I am Kim Aque, 23 years old, who has several years of experience in terms of leadership. At this young age, I am pursuing my college degree, a Bachelor of Science in Office Administration. I also used to work as a customer service representative (CSR) since 2021, which allows me to keep growing and enhance my communication skills. I also joined and was invited to the Global Peace Convention 2023 this December 10–15 in Manila, Philippines, as a volunteer and participant.

Thank you to the 2,000 leaders who’ve generously done the 7 Questions on Leadership!

I hope Kim's answers will encourage you in your leadership journey. Enjoy!


Jonno White

1. What have you found most challenging as a leader?

The most challenging situation I have experienced is handling a team without being entitled. Of course, you don't need a title to lead. I have been a leader in school activities and have joined some programs in the city as a youth participant, and that's fine. It was just taking a lot of responsibility and effort from you without knowing what would happen next. Am I qualified for this evaluation, whatever happens? It's not.

But since I have been working with this organization and need to serve the task they give me, I just think in my head that "it's a call of duty," not just because I'm working with them but also for the improvement of myself while growing up. I used to inspire people and help them find their problem or their struggles in order to guide them and give them the best performance they had. At the end, it was successful, but sadly, I'm too young and still do not have my degree, so I lost the chance for that opportunity, but they gave me awards for it.

As of now, even though my supervisor wants to recommend me to the management, I refuse for now. For me at this time, I wanted to focus on my goals to get my degree and grow while working step by step. I would love to learn technically because I know for myself that there are still a lot of things that matter and need to be learned. I'm just waiting for the right time to do it without hesitation.

2. How did you become a leader? Can you please briefly tell the story?

There are many times that I become a leader. Let's just say I'm like the other people out there who can't stand and are afraid in front of many people. But because of my skills, confidence, and persistence in doing something despite the difficulty, and because I am passionate about overcoming my fear, I'm always being recommended or offered by other people, and I'd love to hear that from them.

I keep on observing professional people and listening to how they speak, and I just imitate them and acknowledge it. I also used to read books and listen to podcasts of Franklin Covey, a leadership company in the state of Utah, until now, and with the guidance of my mentor's weekly evaluation in our workspace, I grew up and adopted it from them. And one time, people around me, like my friends, shocked me with big changes.

I don't know exactly, but all of them actually think that I am like another person or a successful one. I found it funny, but maybe because I'm lazy every time they see me, I'm still human. But because of my persistence to change myself, I started doing things I didn't want to do that mattered a lot.They told me I could lead because of the way I speak, my very preparedness, and the efforts they saw in me. Well, I take credit for it since I wanted to challenge myself rather than have regrets in the end. So it all starts with what they can see in me.

3. How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

Well, for me as a working student and one of the young leaders of my generation, mental awareness is necessarily very important. Not just about me but, of course, to everyone. I can say that I have been studying how to overcome my anxiety and loneliness since then because of stressful days like school on the weekend and work in the office on weekdays. So I feel like I'm drowning and drained by everything.

The good thing is that whenever I feel it, I already know what I'm going to do or what to do next in order to stop it. So I can probably say that I have discipline on how to handle myself regularly. When I go to work, I make sure I have enough energy, and I eat and drink vitamins. I'm checking to see if I'm okay mentally and physically.

Of course, it's healthy, but we have to work out and make sure we are motivated. That's why I watch or listen to the Franklin Covey podcast or watch Bo Sanchez's lesson on LinkedIn, and most of all, Have connections with God.

4. What's a recent leadership lesson you've learned for the first time or been reminded of?

I joined and became a participant in the Global Peace Convention 2023 in Manila this December to empower the Filipino communities towards sustainability and peace with the theme of "One Family Under God." Of course, I'm aware that I will be able to meet a lot of influential people, both international leaders and young leaders. I was amazed and grateful to hear them share the lesson and empower the youth to make a change in the future that helps the community or nations worldwide.

I remember the founder and chairman of Global Peace Foundations, Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon, saying, "You will plant the seed of a new civilization in this world." That's the lesson I've learned that I think I can bring wherever I serve to help the communities or any organizations I can belong to.

5. What's one book that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

I can recommend The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. It includes seven factors that help you maintain yourself and align yourself to achieve your goals. And also "How to Prosper" by Bo Sanchez. This was for financial goals and life-changing actions. "How to Prosper" focuses on Prosper Your Mind and Prosper Your Money.Increase your income by increasing your service.Grow your wealth and duplicate yourself. These helped me to grow in every aspects i encountered.

6. If you could only give one piece of advice to a young leader, what would you say to them?

Be passionate and careful with your time. You may be young, but your time to chase your dreams is running out. So make it more meaningful, start doing things differently to other people, which may lead you to success, and sacrifice for the greatest achievements you can get. There's a lot of opportunity, so you must grab it and make sure you give it all your best because you only have one chance. Expect nothing but to explore for more. Don't depend on others. Besides, you can walk step by step without them and start being a proactive person, wherein no matter what, you'll not be affected and just align with your dreams.

7. What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a leader, so far?

The most memorable things I experienced in my time as a leader were when I received the "people's choice awards" and was recognized for two leadership awards in 2022. I remember my hard work and how I helped people in their difficult times. It was very worth it. I thought that I was just doing it for myself to grow, but I didn't know that I also helped people grow.

I was too emotional to hear from them that they were also inspired by me and would become their source of energy whenever they felt down. All the advice I gave them that was really meant for me is the reason why they keep fighting today. And one thing I will never forget was when I heard from a mom employee that I had become part of their success and that they were thankful for me.

Now I learned the great lesson as a leader: I was not just working for myself, but as a leader, it was my responsibility to uplift them to keep on going, whatever struggles they experienced. I must acknowledge it.

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