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350 Best Dan Lok Quotes On Business (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. Extreme clarity leads to extreme results. - Dan Lok

2. They can only be developed by having a single mentor or someone to show you exactly what they did, and copy them.” – Dan Lok

3. Ask yourself, What would the best version of myself do?" - Dan Lok

4. “If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher.” -Dan Lok

5. The secret to having it all is knowing you already do. - Dan Lok

6. I want you to imagine what life could be like if you could be your very best in every area of your life — your relationship, your finance, your business, your career, your family, your health, your hobby, your passion.

7. “Don’t let your emotions control your actions, but use your actions to control your emotions.”

8. Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.

9. “Be humble.  Stay open-minded.  You can learn something from everybody.”

10. “Extreme clarity leads to extreme results.”

11. “Idea generator #23 info-products based on your personal interests or expertise” -Dan Lok

12. The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time.

13. People buy based on emotions, and they justify with logic. - Dan Lok

14. Behind every successful man is a smarter woman. - Dan Lok

15. “You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don’t want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you’re not doing something that scares you, you’re not growing.” -Dan Lok

16. Poor people don't count their money. - Dan Lok

17. “How can you inject stories into everything you do?”

18. Post not marked as liked3

19. “It’s not about becoming something you’re not. It’s about being the man or woman you’re destined to become. Once you know who you want to become, you know what actions you need to take to get there’’

20. “Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.” – Dan Lok

21. I came to Canada as a teenager with no money, no contacts, and no knowledge of English.

22. It’s no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it’s the fast fish eating the slow fish. - Dan Lok

23. Think accomplishments, not activities. - Dan Lok

24. “Strength And Growth Come Only Through Continuous Effort And Struggle.”

25. “Entrepreneurs solve people’s problems at a profit.” -Dan Lok

26. I am here to tell you what you don’t want to hear, but need to hear. You might be put-off by my brutal honesty but you just have to realize that it’s 'tough love.'

27. Your will decides your future and so your courage in oneself also be different at least from what others do. - Dan Lok

28. “You don’t get what you want in life, but what you negotiate.”

29. They buy stories.” – Dan Lok

30. “Deal with the world as it is, not as you wish it to be.”

31. Quotes don't work until you do. - Dan Lok

32. The key is not to internalize it. Don’t take it personally.

33. Sometimes you break down before you break through. - Dan Lok

34. Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.

35. F*ck you. You’re not an entrepreneur. You haven’t earned the right to be an entrepreneur – yet. Develop your high-income skill… then you can be an entrepreneur. - Dan Lok

36. If you truly want to save others, you could only give coming from a place of abundance. - Dan Lok

37. Money doesn’t go to people who need it. It goes to people who multiply it. - Dan Lok

38. You’ll think of nothing else if you don’t have it.” – Dan Lok

39. I failed at 13 businesses before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures. - Dan Lok

40. A limited offer has unlimited appeal. - Dan Lok

41. What I notice is, high-performance people? We are self-motivated. - Dan Lok

42. I was broke once, but I have never been poor. Poor is a state of mind. It is a mindset. - Dan Lok

43. I was the invisible kid. - Dan Lok

44. “Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and are willing and capable of buying from you.” ― Dan Lok

45. “Decide exactly what you want. What would you do for money? What would you not do for money? Where do you want to live? ”

46. The law of clarity states: the more clear you are about your goals and objectives, the more efficient and effective you will be able to get what you want. - Dan Lok

47. “Drowning people will pull you under.” “You've heard of the term 'get rich quick.' Somehow, in our society, we believe if you make your money quickly, it ...

48. Most people never get rich because they never value their time.” – Dan Lok

49. “Think accomplishments, not activities.”

50. Rich people, we have an action mentality.” – Dan Lok

51. Most entrepreneurs fail because they underestimate the difficulty and the effort that it takes to succeed. - Dan Lok

52. Sugar coating is meant for cereal.

53. “Beauty Begins The Moment You Decide To Be Yourself.”

54. “Rich people do what is hard, that is why their life is easy.” – Dan Lok

55. Dan Lok

56. Sometimes you break down before you break through.

57. “The greatest risk in life is not taking a risk.”

58. If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in the world who is making an impact will be criticized—period.

59. That’s why I only hang out with winners.” – Dan Lok

60. “The people you hang out with greatly impact your future. If you hang out with four millionaires, you’ll be the fifth. But if you hang out with four losers, you’ll also be the fifth.” – Dan Lok

61. Bennett

62. Ignorance is an illness. Ignorance is devastation.” – Dan Lok

63. “Never let your dreams die because of someone else’s opinion.”

64. “Action takers are money makers.” – Dan Lok

65. Study done by the Wall Street Journal the number seven (7) has been found to be the number that most people respond to. - Dan Lok

66. “I always demonstrate that I am a good student to every single person on my team.  Every year I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on my own education because I know that continuous learning and developing new skills are critical even before I began my global organization.”

67. Today I have the greatest job in the world. I work when I want, where I want, with whom I want, doing whatever I want to do. - Dan Lok

68. Poor people, they value money more than they value time.” – Dan Lok

69. The people you hang out with greatly impact your future. If you hang out with four millionaires, you'll be the fifth. But if you hang out with four losers, you'll also be the fifth. - Dan Lok

70. $55 million

71. Kennedy

72. “I’m just a guy with desire and ambition and goals. And I didn’t give up. I just kept on going. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.” -Dan Lok

73. Success is on the razor’s edge of failure. - Dan Lok

74. “It’s the emotions that we feel that dictate the quality of our life.”

75. What gets measured, gets improved. - Dan Lok

76. I wasn't social at all. I didn't have a lot of friends.

77. “Facts tell, stories sell.”

78. It’s not just how much you know, it’s how fast you learn. In order to compete today, you need to learn, you need to grow. You cannot stop. - Dan Lok

79. “The number one skill you need to make money online is copywriting.  Persuasion in print.  Turning words into money, into cash.  Everything you do is all about copy, it’s about communication.”

80. “I’m just a guy with desire and ambition and goals. And I didn’t give up. I just kept on going. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.’’

81. “Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.”

82. “Success is not about what you have, it’s about who you become.”

83. You must surround yourself with mentors, not gurus.

84. Once you know how to work hard, you need to know how to work smart. - Dan Lok

85. “Most people want to be entertained, not educated.”

86. “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”—Winston Churchill “Don’t look for society to give you permission...

87. You’ve heard of the term ‘get rich quick.’ Somehow, in our society, we believe if you make your money quickly, it must be something shady. You must be doing something illegal. It must be a scam, right? But when people ask, ‘Is it get rich quick?’ I say, ‘You better hope that it is.’ Why? Because you don’t have enough time to get rich slow. - Dan Lok

88. “I failed at 13 businesses before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.” ― Dan Lok 

89. The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time. - Dan Lok

90. “Lame people blame people.” – Dan Lok 

91. Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and are willing and capable of buying from you. - Dan Lok

92. Facts tell, stories sell. - Dan Lok

93. “Success is not a destination, but a journey that never ends.”

94. “Most entrepreneurs fail because they underestimate the difficulty and the effort that it takes to succeed.” -Dan Lok

95. “If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher.”

96. “If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher’’

97. “Success is living life on your own terms.” -Dan Lok

98. “I failed at 13 business before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.” -Dan Lok

99. Fewer know how to keep money. And almost no one knows how to multiply it.” – Dan Lok

100. “Lame people, blame people.”

101. “You’ve heard of the term ‘get rich quick.’  Somehow, in our society, we believe if you make your money quickly, it must be something shady.  You must be doing something illegal.  It must be a scam, right?  But when people ask, ‘Is it get rich quick?’ I say, ‘You better hope that it is.’  Why?  Because you don’t have enough time to get rich slow.”

102. Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up.

103. Constantly improve your earning ability. - Dan Lok

104. Remember: ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is an illness. Ignorance is devastation. - Dan Lok

105. Your comfort zone is your income zone. - Dan Lok

106. “Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up.”

107. “Most people are addicted to their struggles.”

108. Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.

109. I want you to imagine a person that you like, respect and look up to, someone who you consider to be very successful.

110. “Success is not about working harder, but smarter.”

111. The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how deeply you understand your marketplace’s pain. - Dan Lok

112. Those who can’t do, criticize. - Dan Lok

113. It's not just how much you know, it's how fast you learn. In order to compete today, you need to learn, you need to grow. You cannot stop.

114. “Be very, very careful who you select as a partner.  You cannot do a good deal with a bad partner.”

115. “The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses.” -Dan Lok

116. Follow the market. Follow your gifts. What are you good at? Not necessarily what are you passionate about, but what are you actually good at? - Dan Lok

117. It’s better to be hated than ignored. - Dan Lok

118. Decide exactly what you want. What would you do for money? What would you not do for money? Where do you want to live?

119. You'll never outperform your internal self-image. - Dan Lok

120. The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses. - Dan Lok

121. 70 Kg

122. “Geniuses are made, not born.”

123. The best skills can't be developed by watching a bunch of videos. They can only be developed by having a single mentor or someone to show you exactly what they did, and copy them. - Dan Lok

124. I believe most people don’t know how to make money. Fewer know how to keep money. And almost no one knows how to multiply it. - Dan Lok

125. “It's no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it's the fast fish eating the slow fish.” “Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and are willing and capable of buying from you.” “Most people want to be entertained, not educated.”

126. If you are focused on delivering value, money comes. - Dan Lok

127. “I was the invisible kid.”

128. Stay open-minded. You can learn something from everybody.” – Dan Lok

129. “Today I have the greatest job in the world. I work when I want, where I want, with whom I want, doing whatever I want to do.” -Dan Lok

130. “Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up.” -Dan Lok

131. Your customers are the marketing genius. They’ll tell you what they like and they will also tell you what they don’t like and what they are willing to pay for” – Dan Lok


133. If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher.

134. “If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in the world who is making an impact will be criticized.’’

135. “The law of clarity states: the more clear you are about your goals and objectives, the more efficient and effective you will be able to get what you want.”

136. How many of these tasks are moving you toward the outcome you want. - Dan Lok

137. If you are focused on delivering value, money comes. - Dan Lok · 2. People buy based on emotions, and they justify with logic. - Dan Lok.

138. “I failed at 13 businesses before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.”

139. If you hang out with four millionaires, you’ll be the fifth. But if you hang out with four losers, you’ll also be the fifth.” – Dan Lok

140. Geniuses have good questions.” – Dan Lok

141. You must surround yourself with mentors, not gurus. - Dan Lok

142. You have never read a book like mine.

143. “Failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of success.”

144. Geniuses are made, not born. - Dan Lok

145. Decide who you are going to learn from. - Dan Lok

146. If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher. - Dan Lok

147. “Be who you are, not who people want you to be.” – Dan Lok 

148. 1.71m

149. “Once you know how to work hard, you need to know how to work smart.”

150. Our problem is that we have too many opportunities to lose it.” – Dan Lok

151. Who Can Benefit From Reading Dan Lok Quotes?

152. “I’m just a guy with desire and ambition and goals. And I didn’t give up. I just kept on going. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.”

153. Schwartz

154. “The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses.” ― Dan Lok 

155. “It's not about becoming something you're not. It's about being the man or woman you're destined to become. Once you know who you want to become, you know what actions you need to take to get there.”

156. The best marketers aren’t the best talkers… although many of them could charm the pants right off you…they’re the best listeners. They know how to hear what prospects are really saying and what they’re not saying. - Dan Lok

157. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough. - Dan Lok

158. When I look at the deliberate success I had over the years, having a great marriage, building a number of successful companies, writing multiple best-selling books, becoming a highly paid speaker that impacts hundreds of thousands of people, and just living life on my own terms.

159. “Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.” -Dan Lok

160. “Most entrepreneurs fail because they underestimate the difficulty and the effort that it takes to succeed.” ― Dan Lok

161. “Follow the market. Follow your gifts. What are you good at? Not necessarily what are you passionate about, but what are you actually good at?” – Dan Lok

162. Remember, people don't buy from you because they understand what you sell-they buy from you because they feel understood.

163. It isn’t about finding yourself as much as it is creating yourself. - Dan Lok

164. Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans. - Dan Lok

165. A limited offer has unlimited appeal.

166. “A penny saved is still just a fucking penny.” -Dan Lok

167. Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell—they buy from you because they feel understood. - Dan Lok

168. “Strategy Is A Commodity, Execution Is An Art.”

169. Smart people have good answers. Geniuses have good questions. - Dan Lok

170. The goal is not to get rich but to stay rich. - Dan Lok

171. They know how to hear what prospects are really saying and what they’re not saying.” – Dan Lok

172. “Decide who you are going to learn from.”

173. “You don’t get rich on income, you get rich on equity.” @danlok  

174. “Nothing gets done without a deadline.”

175. Drowning people will pull you under. - Dan Lok

176. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes.” @danlok  

177. The uncertainty and lack of clarity about the potential outcome is the root of the problem. - Dan Lok

178. I failed at 13 business before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.

179. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

180. Maximum results in Minimum Time. - Dan Lok

181. I don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as hell know the sure-fire way to failure, and that is to try to please everybody.

182. “The fear of failure is an illusion.  Success is the true fear.”

183. Geniuses have good questions.” – Dan Lok

184. “If you are focused on delivering value, money comes.”

185. $81 million

186. “[Wealthy people] admire and appreciate the curiosity that someone can bring to them because they want to be able to share their own story, success, and their skills — they want to give back. ” – Dan Lok

187. I am here to show you how to think differently. I am here to change the way you think about business and about making a lot of money. I am here to make you grow. I am here to challenge you. I am here to give you a dose of reality.

188. “I failed 13 businesses before having my first success.  Where you are, where you’ve been, how much you doubt yourself, none of that matters.  I’ve seen success so many times and you are capable of it with the right mechanism and the right mentorship.”

189. “Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.” ― Dan Lok 

190. “Success is living life on your own terms.” ― Dan Lok 

191. I’m going to make it happen. I’m going to make myself successful.” – Dan Lok

192. Most people are addicted to their struggles. - Dan Lok

193. “Become so good at your skill, or at least be different enough to be irreplaceable.”

194. Rich people count their money regularly. - Dan Lok

195. “You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.”

196. You don’t have to be a marketing genius. Your customers are the marketing genius. They’ll tell you what they like and they will also tell you what they don’t like and what they are willing to pay for - Dan Lok

197. “The very first rule of online marketing is, first of all, you need to know who your audience is.  It’s not about making noise, it’s not about just getting your name out there.  Fame does not equal fortune.  The right type of fame to the righttype of people equals fortune.”

198. “If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher.” ― Dan Lok 

199. The fear of failure is an illusion. Success is the true fear. - Dan Lok

200. $86 million

201. “Every one of us needs to be an investor — it doesn’t matter how we make the money. I teach a concept called the Wealth Triangle that has three parts. The first part is called ‘high-income skills’ which are skills that could make you more than $10,000 a month. … [The second part] is finding a scalable business, … such as a software business, … [that you can] either open or invest in. … And [the third part is having a] high return investment that would give you a 10% return [every year]. … Now here’s the thing, if you have high-income skills, you are already earning an income. Your scalable business gives you profits. And your high return investment [is your] net worth. Wealthy people … don’t talk about income, … they talk about net worth.” – Dan Lok

202. “A limited offer has unlimited appeal.” ― Dan Lok

203. Follow your gifts. What are you good at? Not necessarily what are you passionate about, but what are you actually good at?” – Dan Lok

204. You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don’t want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you’re not doing something that scares you, you’re not growing. - Dan Lok

205. “Stop thinking that you can overcome your environment with willpower.  It does not work.  Trust me, I’ve tried.  And the problem is, most people are afraid to walk away from the toxic environment they live in because they’ll lose their friends.  Afraid of what their friends will think about them, and that they’ll be alone.  That is okay.  It means it is time to change your environment, and to find new friends who are on the same path as you are.  To support you.”


207. Stop thinking that you can overcome your environment with willpower. It does not work. Trust me, I’ve tried. And the problem is, most people are afraid to walk away from the toxic environment they live in because they’ll lose their friends. Afraid of what their friends will think about them, and that they’ll be alone. That is okay. It means it is time to change your environment, and to find new friends who are on the same path as you are. To support you. - Dan Lok

208. “Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell-they buy from you because they feel understood.” ― Dan Lok 

209. Nothing gets done without a deadline. - Dan Lok

210. This did not diminish it. Instead, he took every opportunity to ...

211. Once you know who you want to become, you know what actions you need to take to get there.

212. How can you inject stories into everything you do? - Dan Lok

213. Entrepreneurs solve people's problems at a profit.

214. “Maximum results in minimum time.” ― Dan Lok

215. “[Another] thing with [poor people] is that they don’t talk about money. They avoid conversations like it’s a taboo topic. … Think of money as a person in your life, … and [if] you don’t talk about it, … would it want to stay in your life? … [Also important is] value [and self-belief]. … The marketplace [of the world] only cares about one thing — value. … If someone is really motivated, they can think positively, [and they] offer their skill sets to the marketplace. … Your mindset … combined with your skillset, … is the key.” – Dan Lok

216. “Entrepreneurs solve people’s problems at a profit.”


218. It's not about becoming something you're not. It's about being the man or woman you're destined to become. - Dan Lok

219. Be humble. Stay open-minded. You can learn something from everybody. - Dan Lok

220. Entrepreneurs solve people’s problems at a profit. - Dan Lok

221. You can’t expect support from family and friends. - Dan Lok

222. Married

223. “The best skills can’t be developed by watching a bunch of videos. They can only be developed by having a single mentor or someone to show you exactly what they did, and copy them.” – Dan Lok

224. Money is like sex. You’ll think of nothing else if you don’t have it. - Dan Lok

225. The bad days bring lessons and experience, while the good days bring happiness, memories and success.”

226. People don’t buy their way into something, they buy their way out of something. - Dan Lok

227. “A limited offer has unlimited appeal.”

228. “You must surround yourself with mentors, not gurus.”

229. “Your income is a direct reflection of your self-worth.”

230. How Can Dan Lok Quotes Help Me In My Business Or Career?

231. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” -Dan Lok

232. You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don't want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you're not doing something that scares you, you're not growing.

233. “I am [always] looking at the next level, and start hanging around with people at that level. … They are smart, but they are just people, there’s nothing that they can do and I cannot. … They all have fears and doubts, and a lot of them are much older. … And they’ve had time to get where they are. … And that is it, they have more money, and you have more time.” – Dan Lok

234. “It’s no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it’s the fast fish eating the slow fish.” ― Dan Lok 

235. Hong Kong, China

236. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

237. “Imagine you are walking down the streets … and you see a Lamborghini. What … comes to your mind? … If it’s a woman, most people would say, … “She’s a gold digger,” … [or for a] young person they would [call it] “daddy’s money.” … Poor people have a negative association with money. … [They don’t know that the other] person is a hard-working entrepreneur, … and this is a little treat that he got for himself. … That never comes to mind.” – Dan Lok

238. Can someone work 10 times harder than us? So you work eight hours a day, they work 80 hours a day. No.

239. “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.”

240. “No One Will Believe In You Until You Believe In You.”

241. “I Think Everybody Is Special, If They Believe They Are Special.”

242. What Is The Purpose Of Dan Lok Quotes?

243. “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” ― Dan Lok

244. “Watch how you treat those very first few people, your very first fans.”

245. “Tactics without mindset can’t solve your problems.”

246. “I Failed 1,000 Times And No One Knows It Cuz I Refused To Quit.”

247. “Imagine what life could be like if you could be your very best in every area of your life — your relationship, your finance, your business, your career, your family, your health, your hobby, your passion.”

248. Net Worth

249. “You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.” -Dan Lok

250. Watch how you treat those very first few people, your very first fans. - Dan Lok

251. “When you get to a certain size and a certain point, you have to learn to say no.  As an entrepreneur, you must realize that you have a finite amount of time, resources, capital.  So as a CEO, as a founder, you must learn to prioritize.  Ask: does this fit my overall vision, or is it just a distraction?”

252. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.

253. “You don’t want to compete in a market or niche. You want to dominate it. Any company that’s a great company always dominates.” -Dan Lok

254. Entrepreneur, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Author, Business Trainer, Youtuber Copywriter, Marketer, Businessman,

255. I don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as heck know the sure-fire way to failure, and that is to try to please everybody. - Dan Lok

256. “If you are worried about what other people think of you, it will be very hard to get the success you want.  It limits you from taking action.”

257. “Most entrepreneurs fail because they underestimate the difficulty and the effort that it takes to succeed.”

258. “Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.”

259. Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. - Dan Lok

260. “Wherever your attention goes, energy flows and results show.”

261. “Idea generator #23: info-products based on your personal interests or expertise.”

262. The very first rule of online marketing is, first of all, you need to know who your audience is. It’s not about making noise, it’s not about just getting your name out there. - Dan Lok

263. “Entrepreneurs solve people’s problems at a profit.” ― Dan Lok 

264. “Getting rich is not an act, it is a habit.”

265. Not known

266. If you are worried about what other people think of you, it will be very hard to get the success you want. It limits you from taking action. - Dan Lok

267. Your network is your net worth. That's why I only hang out with winners. - Dan Lok

268. You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price. - Dan Lok

269. Success is the true fear.” – Dan Lok

270. “Poor people get paid based on time, rich people get paid based on results.” – Dan Lok

271. Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.

272. You have to learn to be alone without being lonely. - Dan Lok

273. “What I notice is, high-performance people?  We are self-motivated.  You can’t expect support from family and friends.  The air is thin at the top.  You have to learn to be alone without being lonely.”

274. “You cannot help, you cannot save, you cannot give coming from a place of lack and scarcity.  If you truly want to save others, you could only give coming from a place of abundance.”

275. “The most successful people in the world are not lucky, but disciplined.”

276. I’m just a guy with desire and ambition and goals. And I didn’t give up. I just kept on going. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough. - Dan Lok

277. “It isn’t about finding yourself as much as it is creating yourself.  Your purpose is like a sculpture, and you are the only one who knows how to shape that and how you want to be shaped.  By sculpting your purpose you’re constantly finding new ways to experience the emotions of joy, satisfaction and pride, knowing that you are making an impact.  That is what life is about.”

278. No longer Available

279. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers, you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.” – Dan Lok

280. “Money is like sex. You’ll think of nothing else if you don’t have it.”

281. Your will decides your future and so your courage in oneself also be different at least from what others do.

282. “Money doesn’t go to people who need it.  It goes to people who multiply it.”

283. “To be wealthy, one has to add value to others’ life or lives. How can I successfully add value to someone else’s life without trying to impress them or going overboard? Without losing my own dignity and self-respect?”

284. Success is living life on your own terms. - Dan Lok

285. “Act as if all your dreams have come true, and then your challenge … [is to] catch up [with them, which] is more powerful [than anything else]. … The Law of Attraction is basically thoughts about things; everything is energy, and you become what you think about, essentially. … But it’s just … 2% of the equation. … I believe in having the vision board, but also believe in having other things … like the law of action, the law of cause and effect, … the law of realism.” – Dan Lok

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287. “The only way to grow your business is to grow yourself first.”

288. “I failed at 13 businesses before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.’’

289. A penny saved is still just a freaking penny. - Dan Lok

290. “Constantly improve your earning ability.”

291. Chinese- Canadian

292. “Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and are willing and capable of buying from you.”

293. When I look in my own life, I ask myself the question: what was it that made me successful? It wasn't because of my intelligence.

294. “Money is not the goal, but a tool to accomplish your goals.”

295. “You can be very busy and not accomplish a whole lot at the same time.  Just because you’re splashing in the water, doesn’t mean that you’re swimming.”

296. “Drowning people will pull you under.”

297. “Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up.” Dan Lok. “Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus ...

298. “Getting rich is not an act, it is a habit.” – Dan Lok

299. Wherever your attention goes, energy flows and results show. - Dan Lok

300. “Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.” -Dan Lok

301. Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus. - Dan Lok

302. Rich people get paid before they do the work, poor people get paid afterwards. - Dan Lok

303. You want to dominate it. Any company that’s a great company always dominates.” – Dan Lok

304. Poor is a state of mind. It is a mindset.” – Dan Lok

305. People don’t buy products or services. They buy stories. - Dan Lok

306. “You must determine the price that you are willing to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.” ― Dan Lok 

307. You don’t want to compete in a market or niche. You want to dominate it. Any company that’s a great company always dominates. - Dan Lok

308. “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.”

309. Extreme clarity leads to extreme results.

310. Lame people, blame people. - Dan Lok

311. “Don’t follow your passion.  If you’re not paying your bills, if you cannot provide for your family, then you have not earned the right to follow your passion.  If you truly want success, you have to not ‘do what you love,’ but whatever if f*cking takes.”

312. Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business. - Dan Lok

313. “The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time.” -Dan Lok

314. They buy stories.”

315. “I believe most people don’t know how to make money.  Fewer know how to keep money.  And almost no one knows how to multiply it.”

316. “I came to Canada as a teenager with no money, no contacts, and no knowledge of English.”

317. The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses.

318. I know that I realized there was one factor in each of those successes in every one of little successes.

319. Become so good at your skill, or at least be different enough to be irreplaceable. - Dan Lok

320. “The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how deeply you understand your marketplace’s pain.” – Dan Lok 

321. Decide exactly what you want. What would you do for money? What would you not do for money? Where do you want to live? - Dan Lok

322. If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in the world who is making an impact will be criticized. - Dan Lok

323. “It's no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it's the fast fish ...

324. “Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They can not focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.” ― Dan Lok 

325. You can't get rich looking poor. - Dan Lok

326. Marden

327. “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” -Dan Lok

328. “The most valuable asset you have in your life is not money, but time.”

329. You can be very busy and not accomplish a whole lot at the same time. Just because you’re splashing in the water, doesn’t mean that you’re swimming. - Dan Lok

330. “Follow the market.  Follow your gifts.  What are you good at?  Not necessarily what are you passionate about, but what are you actually good at?  What can you do better than anybody else that the marketplace is willing to pay for?  Develop your gifts, develop your skills, then you can focus on yourself.”

331. “It's not just how much you know, it's how fast you learn. In order to compete today, you need to learn, you need to grow. You cannot stop.”

332. “You don’t have to be a marketing genius.  Your customers are the marketing genius.  They’ll tell you what they like and they will also tell you what they don’t like and what they are willing to pay for.  They vote with their wallets.  That’s the best bet.  You see, most entrepreneurs spend all their time making their ‘thing’ better, but they don’t spend any time listening to their customers.”

333. Once you know who you want to become, you know what actions you need to take to get there. - Dan Lok

334. Fox

335. “It’s not just how much you know, it’s how fast you learn.  In order to compete today, you need to learn, you need to grow.  You cannot stop.  That’s what smart entrepreneurs do.  And that’s what you need to do as well.  Remember: ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is poverty.  Ignorance is an illness.  Ignorance is devastation.  What you don’t know willcost you.  So keep learning and keep growing and keep reinventing yourself.”

336. “The biggest obstacle to success is not failure, but quitting too soon.”

337. “I don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as hell know the sure-fire way to failure, and t hat is to try to please everybody.”

338. unknown

339. “Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell-they buy from you because they feel understood.” -Dan Lok

340. N/A

341. What Are Some Of The Most Popular Dan Lok Quotes?

342. “Smart people have good answers.  Geniuses have good questions.”

343. “If you are focused on delivering value, money comes.” – Dan Lok 

344. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

345. “You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don’t want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you’re not doing something that scares you, you’re not growing.” ― Dan Lok

346. The best marketers aren't the best talkers… although many of them could charm the pants right off you… they're the best listeners. They know how to hear what prospects are really saying and what they're not saying.

347. What’s the price you are willing to pay for success? - Dan Lok

348. What is the one quality or action or mindset that will ensure a person truly create extraordinary success.

349. Just because you’re splashing in the water, doesn’t mean that you’re swimming.” – Dan Lok

350. “Entrepreneurship teaches us something of ourselves, right? Through this journey, we learn about our weaknesses, we learn who we are, and we have to deal with a lot of inner conflicts and issues.” – Dan Lok

351. “Can someone work 10 times harder than us? So you work eight hours a day, they work 80 hours a day? No!”

352. Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your relaity to catch up. - Dan Lok

353. “A limited offer has unlimited appeal.” -Dan Lok

354. Our problem is not that we don’t have enough opportunities to make money. Our problem is that we have too many opportunities to lose it. - Dan Lok

355. “The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time.” ― Dan Lok 

356. Getting rich is not an act, it is a habit. - Dan Lok

357. “Success Is Your Duty, Obligation, and Responsibility.” 

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