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900 Inspirational Tim Ferriss Quotes: Author of 4 Hour Work Week

1. “Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.”

2. Make it conscious. 2. Make it a game. 3. Make it competitive. 4. Make it small and temporary.”

3. “Sports just happen to be excellent for avoiding foreign-language stage fright and developing lasting friendships while still sounding like Tarzan.”

4. “The question you should be asking isn’t, What do I want? Or What are my goals? But, What would excite me?” Tim Ferriss

5. Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.

6. There is a direct correlation between an increased sphere of comfort and getting what you want.

7. Measure the cost of inaction, realize the unlikelihood and repairability of most missteps, and develop the most important habit of those who excel and enjoy doing so: action.

8. “All the magic happens outside your comfort zone, and in order to get to that magic, you have to change.”

9. “It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. This is a nonstarter—nothing can justify that sacrifice.” – Tim Ferriss

10. “Pain is never out of season if you go shopping for it.”

11. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” — The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

12. “I’ll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”– Tim Ferriss

13. “Never let a good crisis go to waste. It’s the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential.”

14. “The easiest way to learn the swing is based on a method developed by Zar Horton: Stand with the kettlebell directly between the middle of your feet. Bend down and do deadlifts (head up,”

15. “Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.”

16. “Remember – boredom is the enemy, not some abstract “failure.” – Tim Ferriss

17. “When I wake up in the morning, I’m thinking to myself: What can I do to be ready for that moment, which is coming? That propels me out of bed.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

18. “Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market — define your customers — then find or develop a product for them.”

19. Does your life have a purpose? Are you contributing anything useful to this world, or just shuffling papers, banging on a keyboard, and coming home to a drunken existence on the weekends?

20. “As a builder, as an entrepreneur, how can you create something for someone else if you don’t have even enough glancing familiarity with them to imagine the world through their eyes?”

21. “Look creatively at your resume, work experience, physical habits, and hobbies and compile a list of all the groups, past and present, that you can associate yourself with.”

22. “The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad, but to pursue and experience the best in the world.”

23. “Writing is a thought crystalized on a piece of paper, which can then be reviewed.”

24. “For me, money is not a prime motivator. It’s one criterion that I can use to filter out opportunities. My high is the eureka moment when I find, or I am taught, a non-obvious way of solving a problem. That’s it.”

25. “If the challenge we face doesn’t scare us, then it’s probably not that important.” Tim Ferriss

26. “Most people are fast to stop you before you get started, but hesitate to get in the way if you’re moving.”

27. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’ You won’t believe what you can accomplish by attempting the impossible with the courage to repeatedly fail better.”

28. “If you can’t define it or act upon it, forget it.”

29. “In other words, you can spend all day undermining other people, and even if you’re right, who cares? Anybody can talk about why something’s bad. Try doing something good.”

30. “The idea is not to be idle. That's not something that I advocate. It is to maximize your per hour output.”

31. “I'll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”

32. “We are simultaneously gods and worms.”—Abraham Maslow”

33. “Observe your thoughts, instead of being constantly the victim of your thoughts.”

34. “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. —OSCAR WILDE,”

35. “Dedication is often just meaningless work in disguise”

36. “Being able to quit things that don’t work is integral to being a winner”– Tim Ferriss

37. The lessons have made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration.

38. “Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.”

39. “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. —ROBERT FROST, American poet and winner of four Pulitzer Prizes”

40. “Life is too short to be small.”

41. “People don’t want to be millionaires — they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.”

42. “You must want to be a butterfly so badly, you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”

43. “I think time management as a label encourages people to view each 24-hour period as a slot to which they should pack as much as possible.”

44. “todo el mundo le interesa lo nuevo. Poca gente se interesa por lo mejor. Si eres el primero en una categoría”

45. Nine times out of ten, a meeting is unnecessary and you can answer the questions, once defined, via e-mail.

46. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” Tim Ferriss

47. Most people are fast to stop you before you get started but hesitant to get in the way if you're moving.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

48. “The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.”

49. “Don’t use skepticism as a thinly veiled excuse for inaction or remaining in your comfort zone.”

50. “método de las afirmaciones de Scott Adams”

51. “City of Thieves by David Benioff”

52. “As someone who read exclusively nonfiction for nearly 15 years, I can tell you two things: It’s not productive to read two fact-based books at the same time (this is one), and fiction is better than sleeping pills for putting the happenings of the day behind you.”

53. “The bottom line is that you only have the rights you fight for.”– Tim Ferriss

54. “I think the ‘soft sell’ is very undervalued”

55. “Anyone you have in your mind as an icon is an imperfect, flawed creature, just like all humans on the planet.”

56. “Because the goal is to free your time to focus on bigger and better things.”

57. The new path for men that creates a purpose driven life and doesn’t require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals.

58. “Life is too short to be small.” – Tim Ferriss

59. “Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action”

60. “Most people can do absolutely awe-inspiring things. Sometimes they just need a little nudge.”

61. The majority of my finances come from early-stage startup investing.

62. “Being busy is not the same as being productive. In fact, being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” Tim Ferriss

63. “Tim’s TED Talk, “Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator,”

64. “How is it possible that all the people in the world need exactly 8 hours to accomplish their work? It isn’t. 9–5 is arbitrary.”

65. “But you are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

66. “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

67. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.”

68. “Doing the unrealistic is easier than doing the realistic.”

69. “Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”

70. “Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask. After all, conscious thinking is largely asking and answering questions in your own head. If you want confusion and heartache, ask vague questions. If you want uncommon clarity and results, ask uncommonly clear questions.”

71. “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.”– Tim Ferriss

72. I also have been indulging in the practice of praying to future versions of myself.

73. “The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting.”

74. “The existential vacuum manifests itself mainly in a state of boredom. —VIKTOR FRANKL, Auschwitz survivor and founder of Logotherapy, Man’s Search for Meaning”

75. “Most people are fast to stop you before you get started but hesitate to get in the way if you’re moving.”– Tim Ferriss

76. “The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attach has had no impact on you.”

77. There are rare times when I feel like I'm in the zone. Those are great.

78. “Age doesn’t matter; an open mind does.”

79. “Losers react, leaders anticipate.”

80. “Happiness is wanting what you have.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

81. “Don’t dismiss people, don’t be a dick, and don’t rush. Play the long game.”

82. “Creation is a better means of self-expression than possession; it is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed. —VIDA D. SCUDDER, The Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets”

83. “The purpose of life is to find your passion and pursue it. – Unknown

84. “Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions”

85. “Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.” — The 4-Hour Workweek Quotes by Tim Ferriss

86. “An entrepreneur isn’t someone who owns a business, it’s someone who makes things happen.”

87. “I don’t think people are fearless. If you’re fearless, you’re nuts. But you can learn to fear less.”

88. “To find the right things, we’ll need to go to the garden.”

89. Fear itself is quite fear-inducing. Most intelligent people in the world dress it up as something else: optimistic denial.

90. “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive. —THICH NHAT HANH”

91. “As long as you are keeping your blood-sugars in check, and your insulin levels in check, I think that the demonization of fat – including saturated fat – is completely unwarranted”

92. “Failure isn’t always durable. You can go back and you can look at it and go, ‘Oh, that wasn’t a failure. That was a key moment of my development that I needed to take, and I can trust my instinct. I really can’.”

93. “Being overwhelmed is often as unproductive as doing nothing, and is far more unpleasant. Being selective - doing less - is the path of the productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest.”

94. “Look for flexible principles so that you can then have a toolkit that’s adaptable.”

95. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think. Unreasonable and unrealistic goals are easier to achieve for yet another reason.”

96. “Develop the habit of letting small bad things happen. If you don’t, you’ll never find time for the life-changing big things.”

97. Massive elimination is the most important step and the most neglected step for entrepreneurs.

98. “If you’re afraid to fail then you’re probably going to fail.”Kobe Bryant

99. “The best entrepreneurs I’ve ever met are all good communicators. It’s perhaps one of the very few unifying factors.” Tim Ferriss

100. “Love yourself... You’ve got to love yourself before you can love others. Without it, nothing productive is going to happen, and we can all bang our heads on the wall.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

101. “I do not equate productivity to happiness. For most people, happiness in life is a massive amount of achievement plus a massive amount of appreciation; and you need both of those things.”

102. “The key to that satisfaction is to reach the nirvana in which love of practice for its own sake (intrinsic) replaces the original goal (extrinsic) as our grail. The antithesis of mastery is the pursuit of quick fixes.”

103. “I discourage passive skepticism, which is the armchair variety where people sit back and criticize without ever subjecting their theories or themselves to real field testing.” Tim Ferriss

104. “People don’t want to be millionaires – they want to experience what they believe only millions can buy.”

105. “I’ve never for a moment even thought about that. I don’t do replays well. The question I’ll never answer is, ‘What would you have done differently had you known X?’ I never, ever play that game because you didn’t know X.”

106. “Learn the art of the pitch and of messaging.” Tim Ferriss

107. “Personally, I now aim for one month of overseas relocation or high intensity learning (tango, fighting, whatever) for every two months of work projects.”

108. “To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”—Elbert Hubbard”

109. Take action and believe in yourself. Dreams do come true.

110. “The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.” Tim Ferriss

111. A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.

112. “Learn to be difficult when it counts”– Tim Ferriss

113. “Fíjate en lo que haces actualmente y pregúntate: «¿Qué pasaría si hiciera lo contrario que los que me rodean? ¿Qué voy a sacrificar si continúo así durante 5, 10 o 20 años más?».”

114. “Less Is Not Laziness

115. “My goal is to learn things once and use them forever.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

116. “Lack of time is actually lack of priorities.” Tim Ferriss

117. “Age doesn’t matter. An open mind does.”

118. “Poisonous people do not deserve your time. To think otherwise is masochistic.”

119. “The blind quest for cash is a fool’s errand.”

120. “If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.”

121. “Epicurus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Michel de Montaigne, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Bertrand Russell.”

122. “It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. —WILLIAM OF OCCAM (1300–1350), originator of “Occam’s Razor”

123. “No hurry, no pause.”

124. Shorten work time to limit tasks to the important (Parkinson's Law).

125. “Just because you are embarrassed to admit that you’re still living the consequences of bad decisions made 5, 10, 20 years ago shouldn’t stop you from making good decisions now. If you let pride stop you, you will hate life 5, 10, and 20 years from now for the same reasons.”

126. What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing, even if temporarily?

127. “most people spend most of their time on defense, in reactive mode, in playing with the cards they got instead of moving to a different table with different cards. Instead”

128. “the goal is to connect with your own self, your own soul.”

129. “It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. This is a nonstarter—nothing can justify that sacrifice.”– Tim Ferriss

130. “The fishing is best where the fewest go, and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone else is aiming for base hits. There is just less competition for bigger goals.” – Tim Ferriss

131. “Have you outgrown your systems or beliefs? Is it time that you upgraded? Or, on a personal level, as Jerry Colonna, executive coach to some of the biggest tech stars in Silicon Valley, would ask: “How are you complicit in creating the conditions you say you don’t want?”

132. “The best defense is a good offense. —DAN GABLE, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling”

133. “sequencing. If you stop reading here”

134. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. —GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, Maxims for Revolutionists”

135. “Things are never as good or as bad as they seem.”

136. “Most people are fast to stop you before you get started but hesitate to get in the way if you’re moving.” – Tim Ferriss

137. “The commonsense rules of the ‘real world’ are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions”

138. “Doing the Unrealistic Is Easier Than Doing the Realistic”

139. “To do the impossible, you need to ignore the popular.”

140. “Though you can upgrade your brain domestically, traveling and relocating provides unique conditions that make progress much faster. The different surroundings act as a counterpoint and mirror for your own prejudices, making weaknesses that much easier to fix. I”

141. “It is predicated on the assumption that you dislike what you are doing during the most physically capable years of your life. This is a nonstarter—nothing can justify that sacrifice.”

142. “Losers have goals. Winners have systems.” – Timothy Ferriss

143. Being overwhelmed is often as unproductive as doing nothing, and is far more unpleasant. Being selective – doing less – is the path of the productive.

144. “The question, ‘what is the worst thing that can happen?’ is a very powerful question.”

145. “I always advise young people to become good public speakers (top 25%). Anyone can do it with practice. If you add that talent to any other, suddenly you’re the boss of the people who have only one skill.”

146. “Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now.”

147. “To do the impossible, you need to ignore the popular.” Tim Ferriss

148. “Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant.

149. “Often, all that stands between you and what you want is a better set of questions.”

150. “Are you inventing things to do to avoid the important?”

151. “'Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

152. Creativity is an infinite resource. The more you spend, the more you have.

153. “For the employee, the goal is to have full access to necessary information and as much independent decision-making ability as possible. For the entrepreneur, the goal is to grant as much information and independent decision-making ability to employees or contractors as possible.”

154. “Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. —Socrates”

155. “One can steal ideas but no one can steal execution or passion.”

156. “after Ben Franklin’s famous quote: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy,”

157. “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”—Albert Einstein”

158. “Most people are fast to stop you before you get started but hesitant to get in the way if you’re moving.”

159. “Look for the optimal dose of any activity. Too little sun, you don’t get a tan. Just enough, you get a tan. Too much, you get burned.”

160. The idea is not to be idle. That’s not something that I advocate. It is to maximize your per hour output.

161. “Earn with your mind, not your time.”

162. “Think big, and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life is too short to think small.”

163. Ours is a culture where we wear our ability to get by on very little sleep as a kind of badge of honor that symbolizes work ethic, or toughness, or some other virtue—but really, it’s a total profound failure of priorities and of self-respect.

164. “If someone’s criticism is completely unfounded on data, then I don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.”

165. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

166. “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a big mistake.”

167. “If you let pride stop you, you will hate life.” – Tim Ferriss

168. The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.

169. “Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive.”

170. To do anything remotely interesting you need to train yourself to be effective at dealing with, responding to, even enjoying criticism.

171. “Simplicity requires ruthlessness.”

172. “Hay algo muy raro en una sociedad en la que toda la gente con más talento es guiada hacia los mismos centros de elite, donde acaban estudiando la misma cantidad reducida de asignaturas y llegando a un mismo número reducido de carreras.”

173. “I was an all American in wrestling in high school. Was a national champion in Chinese kickboxing in 1999; and have spent a lot of time around professional athletes which includes my 8+ years as a CEO of a Sports Nutrition company.”

174. “Love yourself . . . You’ve got to love yourself before you can love others. Without it, nothing productive is going to happen, and we can all bang our heads on the wall.”

175. “For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they’re being held from.”– Tim Ferriss

176. “Parkinson’s Law dictates that a task will swell in (perceived) importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for its completion.”

177. “The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: ‘What is the worst that could happen?’”

178. “The Act of Creation by Arthur Koestler,”

179. “What’s the worst that could happen?

180. “One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism by Rodney Stark The Idea of Decline in Western History by Arthur Herman”

181. “Take the analytical frameworks; the capabilities that you have and apply them to old fears, apply them to very big dreams”

182. “The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad, which does nothing more than leaving you with a vacuum, but to pursue and experience the best in the world.” — Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

183. “Strauss, Neil: “‘The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.’—Norman Vincent Peale”

184. “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

185. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too.” Tim Ferriss

186. “People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive. —JOSEPH CAMPBELL, The Power of Myth”

187. “Jack used to say it’s okay to take a day off from working out. But on that day, you’re not allowed to eat.”

188. “I am a human guinea pig and a professional dilettante.”

189. “Being efficient without regard to effectiveness is the default mode of the universe.”

190. “Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive.” – Tim Ferriss

191. “Make what you want to see or see yourself. Scratch your own itch.” Tim Ferriss

192. “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

193. “Si esto es un hombre y La tregua (Club Círculo de Lectores, 2004), de Primo Levi,”

194. “Everything popular is wrong. —OSCAR WILDE, The Importance of Being Earnest”

195. “Focus on being productive instead of busy.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

196. “If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why? I would not have a billboard, and I would take down every billboard that everybody else has put up.”

197. “Don’t confuse the complex with the difficult. Most situations are simple – many are just emotionally difficult to act upon.”

198. “Doing less meaningless work, so that you can focus on things of greater personal importance, is NOT laziness.”

199. “Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask. After all, conscious thinking is largely asking and answering questions in your own head.”

200. “Charles Schwab no abrió una agencia de valores mejor. Creó el primer agente de préstamos. Esto va en contra del pensamiento”

201. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As I have heard said, a person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear. I”

202. “I wish I would have known that there was no need to wait. I went to college. I went to law school. I worked in law and banking, though not for terribly long. But not until I started PayPal did I fully realize that you don’t have to wait to start something.

203. “Do I choose the stairs or the elevator when deciding to move to another table in life?”

204. The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

205. “Focus on being productive instead of busy.”– Tim Ferriss

206. Limit tasks to the important to shorten work time (80/20).

207. What are you putting off out of fear?

208. “You have to schedule creative time and defend it with your life.”

209. “Learn to be difficult when it counts.”

210. “Productivity is for robots. What humans are going to be really good at is asking questions, being creative, and experiences.” – Timothy Ferriss

211. “The very word ‘success’ has become contaminated by our ideas of someone extraordinary, very rich, etc., and that’s really unhelpful…. Ultimately, to be properly successful is to be at peace as well.”

212. “Learn the art of the pitch and of messaging.”

213. The gems I’ve found were forged in the struggle. Never ever give up, as you are never ever alone.

214. More than 80% of the interviewees have some form of daily mindfulness or meditation practice

215. Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now.

216. “Just as modern man consumes both too many calories and calories of no nutritional value, information workers eat data both in excess and from the wrong sources.”

217. “Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission.”

218. “How can you use different belief systems, different frameworks, different principles, different tech tools to optimize your productivity and your effectiveness?”

219. Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.

220. Define your nightmare, the absolute worst that could happen if you did what you are considering.

221. “And if all else fails, I try to obey this message I got in a Chinese fortune cookie (which I have since taped to my laptop): “Avoid compulsively making things worse.”

222. “By working only when you are most effective, life is both more productive and more enjoyable. It’s the perfect example of having your cake and eating it, too.” – Tim Ferriss

223. “Be bold and don’t worry about what people think. They don’t do it that often anyway.”

224. “The most important trick to be happy is to realize that happiness is a choice that you make and a skill that you develop. You choose to be happy and then you work at it. It’s just like building muscles.”

225. “The most important actions are never comfortable”

226. “Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.” – Tim Ferriss

227. “Writing is thought on paper”

228. “The superheroes you have in your mind (idols, icons, titans, billionaires, etc.) are nearly all walking flaws who’ve maximized 1 or 2 strengths.”

229. “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.”

230. “Being able to quit things that don’t work is integral to being a winner.” – Tim Ferriss

231. “Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less. It is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination.”

232. “The worst that could happen wasn’t crashing and burning, it was accepting terminal boredom as a tolerable status quo.”

233. “Each delegated task must be both time-consuming and well-defined. If you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off and assign your VA to do that for you, it doesn’t improve the order of the universe.”

234. “What are the kinds of key things that might be constraints on a solution, or might be the attributes of a solution, and what are tools or assets I might have? . ”

235. “Ralph Waldo Emerson: “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children . . . to leave the world a bit better . . . to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded.”

236. “The minimum effective dose (MED) is defined simply: the smallest dose that will produce a desired outcome.”

237. “My art, if I have an art, is deconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me”

238. “The best defense is a good offense. —DAN GABLE, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling and the most successful coach in history; personal record: 299–6–3, with 182 pins”

239. “The question you should be asking isn't, "What do I want?" or "What are my goals?" but "What would excite me?”

240. “The genuine love for reading itself, when cultivated, is a superpower. We live in the age of Alexandria, when every book and every piece of knowledge ever written down is a fingertip away. The means of learning are abundant—it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”

241. “The most important trick to be happy is to realize that happiness is a choice that you make and a skill that you develop. You choose to be happy, and then you work at it. It’s just like building muscles.”

242. We would always think: 'Okay, if we do X today, what does that result in tomorrow, a year from now, ten years from now?'

243. “$1,000,000 in the bank isn't the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.”

244. Someday' is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.

245. I discourage passive skepticism, which is the armchair variety where people sit back and criticize without ever subjecting their theories or themselves to real field testing.

246. “The way that you become world-class is by asking better questions.”

247. “I’d rather die doing something I feel is great and amazing rather than be safe and comfortable living a life I hate.”

248. “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”– Tim Ferriss

249. It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.

250. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

251. “on a scale of 1–10, 1 being nothing and 10 being permanently life-changing, my so-called worst-case scenario might have a temporary impact of 3 or 4.”

252. “Friction points and single points of failure happen in any given day potentially, so think in a concise, intelligent way. Out of five items to do, which one would make you satisfied with your entire day?”

253. “Dubai is a safe place, and I never came across anything to worry about.”

254. “Many a false step was made by standing still. —FORTUNE COOKIE”

255. “To have an uncommon lifestyle you need to develop the uncommon habit of making decisions, both for yourself and for others”

256. “I really feel like knife skills – not just in the kitchen, but in life – are really critical.”

257. “Being busy is a form of laziness - lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.”

258. If the potential payoff is mediocre or average, so is your effort

259. In a world where nobody really knows anything, you have the incredible freedom to continually reinvest yourself and forge new paths, no matter how strange. Embrace your weird self.

260. “Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.”

261. “Three ingredients of luxury lifestyle design are time, income, and mobility.”

262. Never let a good crisis go to waste. It's the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential.

263. “The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad, but to pursue and experience the best in the world.” – Tim Ferriss

264. “When everything and everyone is failing, what is the cost of a little experiment outside of the norm? Most often, nothing”

265. “The fishing is best where the fewest go,”

266. The gems I’ve found were forged in the struggle.

267. “Listen to other experiences, and start forming questions that you can journal.”

268. “The perfect day is caffeine for 10 hours, alcohol for 4. It balances everything out perfectly.”

269. “Pareto’s Law can be summarized as follows: 80% of the outputs, result from 20% of the inputs.”

270. “I gauge success in years, not weeks. The weekend box-office approach to book launches is short sighted and encourages crappy books.”

271. “Emphasize strengths, don’t fix weaknesses”

272. “Earn dollars. Live on pesos. Compensate in rupees.”

273. “Lack of time is actually lack of priorities.”

274. “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.” – Tim Ferriss

275. “Indiscriminate action is a form of laziness.”

276. “Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions.”

277. Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest.

278. “Embrace uncertainty, groundlessness, and fear as the place where you’ll really learn and grow.”

279. “Relative income uses two variables: the dollar and time, usually hours.”

280. “People are fond of using the its not what you know, its who you know adage as an excuse for inaction, as if all successful people are born with powerful friends.” – Tim Ferriss

281. “People are fond of using the its not what you know, its who you know adage as an excuse for inaction, as if all successful people are born with powerful friends.”

282. “Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer. —NICCOLÒ MACHIAVELLI, The Prince”

283. What are the outcomes or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of more probably scenarios?

284. “If [more] information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

285. “the major fears of modern man could be boiled down to two things: too much e-mail and getting fat.”

286. “For reaching influential people, I think that in-person is the least crowded and most effective way, because they have to trust the messenger before they will endorse the message”

287. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”– Tim Ferriss

288. “There is no sure path to success, but the surest path to failure is trying to please everyone.”

289. “Slow Dance:

290. “Schedule things in advance, or you might be inclined to quit. A lot of standup comedians do this, because they may have six or 12 gigs before they do their first set well. Commit beforehand; prepay if you can.”

291. What problem do you face every day that nobody has solved yet?' or 'What is a great company no one has started?' I will

292. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too.”

293. “Life would be boring if we all followed exactly the same rules.”

294. “If the challenge we face doesn’t scare us, then it’s probably not that important.”

295. “Instead of thinking of the repercussions of an action, you should also be asking yourself, ‘what are the costs of inaction?’”

296. Every time I find myself stressed out, it’s because I do things primarily driven by growth.

297. “Too much, too many, and too often of what you want becomes what you don’t want.”

298. “Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.”

299. “Don’t save it all for the end. There is every reason not to.”

300. “Money doesn't change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice”

301. “The superheroes you have in your mind (idols, icons, titans, billionaires, etc.) are nearly all walking flaws who’ve maximized 1 or 2 strengths.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

302. The question you should be asking isn't, 'What do I want?' or 'What are my goals?' but 'What would excite me?'

303. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too.”

304. “Many of our strengths in excess become or create glaring weaknesses.”

305. “What bullshit excuses do you have for not going after whatever it is that you want? Please, write in, tell us on social media why these are real excuses with #bullshit afterwards. Oh my God, man, that’s such a great story.”

306. Happiness is a choice you make and a skill you develop.

307. I've interviewed everyone from gold medalists to CEOs who make $100 million a year, and their one common characteristic is the ability to 'single-task' without interruption.

308. “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

309. “Different is better when it is more effective or more fun. If”

310. “Perfection is an impossible destination.”

311. “Seemingly unrelated [things] that are in fact really related, that’s the stuff I like to talk about. Like dancing, language learning, swimming, three-pointers…”

312. “But not having cable or the Internet turns out to be cheaper than having them. And nature is still technically free, even if human beings have tried to make access to it expensive. Time and quiet should not be luxury items.”

313. “Using people to leverage a refined process multiplies production; using people as a solution to a poor process multiplies problems.”

314. “By working only when you are most effective, life is both more productive and more enjoyable. It’s the perfect example of having your cake and eating it, too.”– Tim Ferriss

315. “Success, however you define it, is achievable if you collect the right field-tested beliefs and habits.”

316. Stop wishing and start doing.

317. There is no sure path to success, but the surest path to failure is trying to please everyone.

318. “Being able to quit things that don’t work is integral to being a winner”

319. “I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I closed my eyes, smiled, and took a deep breath. Things were about to change. Everything was about to change”

320. “One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.” Tim Ferriss

321. “Age doesn’t matter: an open mind does.”

322. “The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment. —WARREN G. BENNIS,”

323. “It’s when I’m fuzzy about where I’m headed that I start to say yes to things willy-nilly. And I’ve been burned enough times by FOMO-based and ego-based decision-making to know that I’ll always regret choosing to do something for the wrong reason.”

324. “Fear is your friend. Fear is an indicator. Sometimes is shows you what you shouldn’t do, but more often than not it shows you exactly what you should do”

325. “Simon received the Nobel Prize in 1978 for his contribution to organizational decision making: It is impossible to have perfect and complete information at any given time to make a decision.”

326. “Learn to be difficult when it counts”

327. “Creativity is an infinite resource. The more you spend, the more you have.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

328. “If you don’t have time, the truth is, you don’t have priorities. Think harder; don’t work harder.”

329. “Becoming a member of the NR is not just about working smarter. It’s about building a system to replace yourself. This is the first exercise.”

330. “I’m not a big believer in long-term planning and far-off goals. In fact, I generally set 3-month and 6-month dreamlines. The variables change too much and in-the-future distance becomes an excuse for postponing action.”

331. “Get good at being a troublemaker and saying sorry when you really screw up”

332. “In cooking—as in business and war—hope for the best but plan for the worst.”

333. “Lifestyle Design is thus not interested in creating an excess of idle time, which is poisonous, but the positive use of free time, defined simply as doing what you want as opposed to what you feel obligated to do.”

334. Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.

335. “There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do. —BILL WATTERSON,”

336. “Learn to be difficult when it counts. In school as in life, having a reputation for being assertive will help you receive preferential treatment without having to beg or fight for it every time.”

337. “Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress – stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.” – Tim Ferriss

338. You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.

339. “Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice.”

340. “You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

341. “Remember—boredom is the enemy, not some abstract “failure.”

342. “An entrepreneur isn’t someone who owns a business, it’s someone who makes things happen.” Tim Ferriss

343. “As Bruce Lee said, “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

344. “Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace. —ROBERT J. SAWYER, Calculating God”

345. “We are drawn to tasks where we can receive validation through results, but I’ve learned that true fulfillment comes from love of the process. Look for something where you love the process, and the results will follow.”

346. Information is useless if not applied to something important. Or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.

347. “I take notes like some people take drugs.” Tim Ferriss

348. “Esto se hace para que «no vuelvas a [las viejas creencias] a través de viejas fórmulas lingüísticas”

349. Create slack, as no one will give it to you. This is the only way to swim forward instead of treading water.

350. “What you do is more important than how you do everything else, and doing something well does not make it important.”

351. “Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.” Tim Ferriss

352. “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. —ROBERT FROST,”

353. “Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

354. “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. —PABLO PICASSO”

355. “Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined. Otherwise, you waste someone else’s time instead of your own, which now wastes your hard-earned cash.”

356. “I encourage active skepticism – when people are being skeptical because they’re trying to identify the best course of action. They’re trying to identify the next step for themselves or other people.”

357. “The goal is to find your inefficiencies in order to eliminate them and to find your strengths so you can multiply them”

358. “An entrepreneur isn’t someone who owns a business. It’s someone who makes things happen.”

359. What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.

360. “When in doubt or overwhelmed, take a break and 80/20 both business and personal activities and relationships.”

361. “Age doesn’t matter: an open mind does.” – Tim Ferriss

362. “A person’s success in life can be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” Tim Ferriss

363. “It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.”– Tim Ferriss

364. “Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much by Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir. An explanation of scarcity for rich intellectuals, showing how poor people do stupid things for lack of money, while rich people do stupid things for lack of time.”

365. “I don't think people are fearless. If you're fearless, you're nuts. But you can learn to fear less.”

366. You just need to feel like you've pushed a millimeter ahead in some creative direction.

367. “Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest.”

368. “Flavor is, counterintuitively, less than 10% taste and more than 90% smell.”

369. “Remember – boredom is the enemy, not some abstract failure.”

370. “The most common approach is very seldom the most effective and most efficient”

371. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do. As”

372. “Focus on being productive instead of being busy.”

373. “Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined. Otherwise, you waste someone else’s time instead of your own, which now wastes your hard-earned cash.” – Tim Ferriss

374. “para afrontar cualquier posible contingencia».”

375. “It’s amazing how someone’s IQ seems to double as soon as you give them responsibility and indicate that you trust them.”

376. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” – Tim Ferriss

377. Slow down and remember this: Most things make no difference. Being busy is a form of mental laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.

378. “Life is too short to think small”

379. “lo que he dicho es que no todo el mundo debe seguir los mismos pasos.”

380. “I know nothing. I am a beginner. But I ask a lot of question and I would love your advice”

381. Do you have a plan for becoming unfamous if you don't like it?

382. “You are the average of the five people you associate with most.” Tim Ferriss

383. “Adversity doesn’t build character; it reveals it.”

384. “I take notes like some people take drugs.”

385. “The more you schedule and practice discomfort deliberately, the less unplanned discomfort will throw off your life and control your life.”

386. “Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.”

387. “Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.”

388. “Babe Ruth struck out all the time, but he's not remembered for that. He's remembered for what worked.”

389. “Define the worst case, accept it, and do it.”

390. “The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits.”

391. “Big things are coming.”

392. “Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.”

393. “Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.”

394. “$1,000,000 in the bank isn’t the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.” – Timothy Ferriss

395. I still feel there are much smarter self-promoters out there than me. I am very methodical about my messaging, and I know how to gain attention very quickly.

396. People, even good people, will unknowingly abuse your time to the extent that you let them. Set good rules for all involved to minimize back-and-forth and meaningless communication.

397. “The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it.”

398. “every day, it’s something to reflect on and think about ‘How do I become less competitive in order that I can become more successful?”

399. “Remember—boredom is the enemy, not some abstract “failure.”– Tim Ferriss

400. “Morality is simply the attitude we adopt toward people we personally dislike. —OSCAR WILDE”

401. “Being efficient without regard to effectiveness is the default mode of the universe”

402. Just invite a few friends to dinner, look at the graphic, and follow the instructions. It's fun.

403. “Para desarrollar tus aptitudes en un principio, aprendes a establecer prioridades; para conservar tus facultades debes defenderte de las prioridades de los demás.”

404. Lack of time is lack of priorities

405. “This is just a general rule – and it sounds really silly – but I would remove gluten from your diet”

406. “There is a big difference between intelligence and wisdom. Many are fooled into thinking they are the same thing, but they are not. I have seen intelligent serial killers, but I’ve never seen a wise one.”

407. “It’s totally fine if you feel nervous and stammer a bit. If you give actionable, clear advice, people will forgive it all.”

408. “My maxim comes from Samuel Beckett, a personal hero of mine: ‘Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.’ You won’t believe what you can accomplish by attempting the impossible with the courage to repeatedly fail better.”

409. “Focus on being productive instead of busy.” Quotes From The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

410. “That's precisely the question everyone should be asking, why the hell not? Why not you? Why not now?”

411. If you believe you can change the world, do what you believe is right and expect resistance and expect attackers.

412. “Many a false step was made by standing still.” – Tim Ferriss

413. If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to get things under financial control?

414. “If you’re confused about life, you’re not alone.

415. “If the best in the world are stretching their asses off in order to get strong, why aren’t you?”

416. “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.”

417. “From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds by Daniel C. Dennett. How consciousness arises, and how much it depends on a sense of past, present, and future (plus a lot of other interesting insights).”

418. “everything around you that you call ‘life’ was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And”

419. For a long time, I’ve known that the key to getting started down the path of being remarkable in anything is to simply act with the intention of being remarkable.

420. “The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.”

421. “The best way to improve mental performance, is to improve physical performance.”

422. “Work wherever and whenever you want, but get your work done.”

423. I believe that life exists to be enjoyed, and that the most important thing is to feel good about yourself.

424. “A veces también puedes convertir algo del montón en un producto estrella inventando una categoría nueva.”

425. “Ésa es la máxima responsabilidad. Asúmela por completo».”

426. “principio sencillo: Si no puedes ser el primero en una categoría, crea una nueva en la que puedas ser el primero.”

427. “To quote the industrial statistician George Box: “Every model is wrong, but some are useful.”

428. “we would always think: ‘Okay, if we do X today, what does that result in tomorrow, a year from now, ten years from now?’ The”

429. “Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid. —HEINRICH HEINE,”

430. If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.

431. What are you waiting for?”

432. “Real work and real satisfaction come from the opposite of what the web provides. They come from going deep into something”

433. “The key of not feeling rushed is remembering that lack of time is actually lack of priorities.”

434. Much like you would train your body, you can train your mind.

435. “There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do. — BILL WATTERSON,”

436. “What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? When in doubt, let kindness and compassion guide you. And don’t be afraid to fail.”

437. “Doing something unimportant well does not make it important,”

438. “Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate. —DAVE BARRY, Pulitzer Prize–winning American humorist”

439. “A common rookie error that inexperienced leaders make is always agreeing with the last person they talked to; this takes a while to get past, though it becomes easy once you get exposed to enough people who contradict each other.”

440. “The first ten minutes of sorting through clothing was like choosing which child of mine should live or die.”

441. “Remember—boredom is the enemy, not some abstract ‘failure’.”

442. “So I think, every day, it’s something to reflect on and think about ‘How do I become less competitive in order that I can become more successful?”

443. “Weirdness is why we adore our friends…. Weirdness is what bonds us to our colleagues. Weirdness is what sets us apart, gets us hired. Be your unapologetically weird self. In fact, being weird may even find you the ultimate happiness.”

444. “There is no sure path to success. But the sure path to failure is trying to please everyone.” Tim Ferriss

445. “I eventually learned to cook by focusing on two principles. Both of them apply to all learning and will be your constant companions throughout this book: failure points and the margin of safety.”

446. Often, all that stands between you and what you want is a better set of questions.

447. “Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. —ALBERT EINSTEIN”

448. “Many a false step was made by standing still.”– Tim Ferriss

449. “The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.” – Tim Ferriss

450. “If you want great mentors, you have to become a great mentee. If you want to lead, you have to first learn to follow. Ben”

451. When 99% of people doubt you, you're either gravely wrong or about to make history.

452. “Look for flexible principles so that you can then have a toolkit that's adaptable.”

453. “The options are limitless, but each path must begin with the same first step: replacing assumptions”

454. “Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner.”

455. “Kids don’t do what you say. They do what they see. How you live your life is their example.”

456. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. The heroes in this book are no different. Everyone struggles. Take solace in that.

457. “The concept of lifestyle design as a replacement for multi-staged career planning is sound.”

458. “Being able to quit things that don’t work is integral to being a winner.”

459. I have built my blog traffic and book buzz using mostly offline activities, and I recommend others do the same.

460. “Getting fired, despite sometimes coming as a surprise and leaving you scrambling to recover, is often a godsend. Most people aren’t lucky enough to get fired and die a slow spiritual death over 30-40 years of tolerating the mediocre.”

461. “When I wake up in the morning, I’m thinking to myself: What can I do to be ready for that moment, which is coming? That propels me out of bed.”

462. Decision is related to the word incision, it means 'to cut off.' It means to cut away other options and to commit and to focus.

463. “I want to measure twice and cut once; therefore the vast majority of my important work is deciding what to work on.”

464. “Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all.”

465. “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”—Thomas Edison”

466. “A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.”

467. “Time is wasted because there is so much time available.”

468. “Most people are good at a handful of things and utterly miserable at most.”

469. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

470. By working only when you are most effective, life is both more productive and more enjoyable. It's the perfect example of having your cake and eating it, too.

471. Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.

472. “The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.”– Tim Ferriss

473. “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”—Warren Buffett”

474. “Don’t do things that you know are morally wrong. Not because someone is watching, but because you are. Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself. You’ll always know.”

475. “I can’t give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time. —HERBERT BAYARD SWOPE, American editor and journalist; first recipient of the Pulitzer Prize”

476. “Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market – define your customers – then find or develop a product for them.”

477. “One of the most universal causes of self-doubt and depression: trying to impress people you don't like. Stressing to impress is fine, but do it for the right people - those you want to emulate.”

478. “Reality is negotiable.”

479. “Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress – stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.”

480. “everything changes. Snow becomes water. It’s beautiful because it changes. Things are fleeting. It felt so beautiful to be part of this weird world in that moment. I felt part of the world again, rather than removed from it. It”

481. “To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.”

482. “can’t give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.”

483. “The way that you become world-class is by asking good questions.”

484. “What do you want?" is too imprecise to produce a meaningful and actionable answer.”

485. “When you try to do something big its hard to fail completely.”

486. “The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.”

487. “If you spend your time, worth $20-25 per hour, doing something that someone else will do for $10 per hour, it’s simply a poor use of resources.”– Tim Ferriss

488. “Related: Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice”

489. “Luxury, to me, is not owning a lot of stuff. Luxury, to me, is feeling unrushed.”

490. If you want to have more, do more, and be more, it all begins with the voice that no one else hears.

491. “Refuse to accept partial completeness.”

492. To get rich beyond your wildest dreams in startup investing, it isn’t remotely necessary to bet on a Facebook or Airbnb every year.

493. “Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive. Capacity, interest, and mental endurance all wax and wane. Plan accordingly.”– Tim Ferriss

494. If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.

495. “there has never been a better time for testing the uncommon.”

496. “Luxury is feeling unrushed. It is designing a life that allows you to do what you want with high leverage, with many options, all while feeling unrushed.”

497. “Losing makes you think in ways victories can’t. You begin asking questions instead of feeling like you have the answers. Questions open up the doors to so many possibilities.”

498. “La culpa es de mi jefe”.”

499. “Incineration does not equal human digestion; eating a fireplace log will not store the same number of calories as burning one will produce.”

500. “What might this look like if it were easy?”


502. “I’m not a big believer in long-term planning and far-off goals. In fact, I generally set 3-month and 6-month dreaminess. The variables change too much and in-the-future distance becomes an excuse for postponing action.”

503. “Becoming a member of the new rich is not just about working smarter. It’s about building a system to replace yourself.”

504. “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.”—Betty Reese”

505. “The golden years become lower-middle-class life revisited. That’s a bittersweet ending.” – Tim Ferriss

506. “I’ve seen the promised land, and there is good news. You can have it all.”

507. “Simple works, complex fails.”

508. “Happiness can be bought with a bottle of wine and has become ambiguous through overuse.”

509. “Being overwhelmed is often as unproductive as doing nothing, and is far more unpleasant. Being selective—doing less—is the path of the productive.”

510. If you sit down in a negative state, you will be thinking first and foremost of problems, and not solutions.

511. “My definition of luxury has changed over time. Now, it’s not about owning a lot of stuff. Luxury, to me, is feeling unrushed.”

512. “If the potential payoff is mediocre or average, so is your effort.”

513. “Even a small amount of non-reactive planning and reflection will completely separate you from everyone else, because you are avoiding the impulse and social pressure to multitask.”

514. “The easiest way to distinguish yourself is to ask yourself how you can be different, and not just better.”

515. “Herbs? Herbs are from the leaves and stems of plants. Spices, on the other hand, are from the root, bark, and seeds.”

516. “Proteins *Egg whites with 1–2 whole eggs for flavor (or, if organic, 2–5 whole eggs, including yolks) *Chicken breast or thigh *Beef (preferably grass-fed) *Fish Pork

517. “I’ll repeat something you might consider tattooing on your forehead: What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”

518. “Realistic goals, goals restricted to the average ambition level, are uninspiring and will only fuel you through the first or second problem, at which point you throw in the towel. If the potential payoff is mediocre or average, so is your effort.”

519. “Einstein said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”

520. “I’ve even been known to go to bed while my guests are still partying.”

521. “I would emphasize that by improving your physical machine, which includes the brain, you improve all of your performance, and the transfer is incredible to business”

522. Focus on impact, not approval.

523. “To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.”– Tim Ferriss

524. “If you don’t have time, the truth is you don’t have priorities.”

525. If you suddenly had 100,000 or 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 more followers, what might happen?

526. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” — Book The 4-Hour Workweek Quotes by Timothy Ferriss

527. “Our fears are always more numerous than our dangers.”—Seneca the Younger”

528. “When You Complain, Nobody Wants to Help You”

529. “Doing less is not being lazy. Don’t give in to a culture that values personal sacrifice over personal productivity.” – Tim Ferriss

530. “As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. —Ralph Waldo Emerson The system is the solution. —AT&T”

531. “To enjoy life, you don't need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren't as serious as you make them out to be.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

532. “Puertas de fuego (Grijalbo Mondadori, 1999), de Steven Pressfield.”

533. “If this is the only thing I accomplish today, will I be satisfied with my day?”

534. “Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you, just measure it in inches.”—Andy Warhol”

535. As a business owner, it's very easy to fall into the trap of being busy, and being busy is not necessarily productive.

536. “For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams dreams they’re being held from.”

537. “One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.”

538. “When you get specific with your fears, you rob them of their power.”

539. “A goal without real consequences is wishful thinking. Good follow-through doesn't depend on the right intentions. It depends on the right incentives.”

540. “The great majority of that which gives you angst never happens, so you must evict it. Don’t let it live rent-free in your brain.”

541. “This is another one that took me a long time to learn. Starting something doesn’t automatically justify finishing it.”

542. “It’s better to design an ideal lifestyle and then fill in the gaps with high output, streamlined work, than to fill the calendar with as much as possible and hop an acceptable lifestyle will be the byproduct.”

543. “One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity. —BRUCE LEE”

544. “The question you should be asking isn’t, “What do I want?” or “What are my goals?” but “What would excite me?”– Tim Ferriss

545. “Meetings are an addictive, highly self-indulgent activity that corporations and other organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate. —DAVE BARRY, Pulitzer”

546. “Most things make no difference. Being busy is a form of mental laziness.”

547. Time is wasted because there is so much time available.

548. “You can fail at plenty as long as you get a few important things right.”

549. “Fun things happen when you earn dollars, live on pesos and compensate in rupees.”

550. An entrepreneur isn’t someone who owns a business, it’s someone who makes things happen.

551. “Don’t follow a model that doesn’t work. If the recipe sucks, it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are.”

552. “The most important actions are never comfortable.”

553. “Becoming a member of the new rich is not just about working smarter. It’s about building a system to replace yourself.”– Tim Ferriss

554. “I will take as a given that, for most people, somewhere between six and seven billion of them, the perfect job is the one that takes the least time.”

555. I came to France to take a break from everything. No social media, no email, no social commitments, no set plans… except one project.

556. “We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a month.”

557. “The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you.” Tim Ferriss

558. “But you are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.” – Timothy Ferriss

559. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.”– Tim Ferriss

560. “Named must your fear be before banish it you can. —YODA, from Star Wars:”

561. “Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive. Capacity, interest, and mental endurance all wax and wane. Plan accordingly.”

562. “Learn to be difficult when it counts. In school as in life, having a reputation for being assertive will help you receive preferential treatment without having to beg or fight for it every time.” – Tim Ferriss

563. “Have fun and laugh at yourself whenever possible.”

564. “Much like you would train your body, you can train your mind.”

565. You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

566. For anything approaching happiness, you have to want what you already have.

567. “Aristotle had it right, but he was missing a number: “We are what we do repeatedly.”

568. “When you start to assess the cause of an action, and dissect the fears with fear setting of the action, people can do amazing things.”

569. The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: What is the worst that could happen?

570. “Doing less meaningless work, so that you can focus on things of greater personal importance is NOT laziness. This is hard for most to accept, because our culture tends to reward personal sacrifice instead of personal productivity”

571. First get the crowd, then sell the product.

572. My quota is two crappy pages per day. I keep it really low so I'm not so intimidated that I never get started.

573. “99% of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The competition is thus fiercest for realistic goals.” Tim Ferriss

574. “Compile your to-do list for tomorrow no later than this evening.”

575. “The question you should be asking isn’t, “What do I want?” or “What are my goals?” but “What would excite me?” – Tim Ferriss

576. “Short, sweet, and to the point. Clear writing, and therefore clear commands, comes from clear thinking. Think simple.”

577. “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”

578. “OrbiTape One-handed Tape Measure”

579. “Pero los clientes tienen una mentalidad abierta cuando se trata de categorías.”

580. We all get frustrated. I am particularly prone to frustration when I see little or no progress after several weeks of practicing something new.

581. “The golden years become lower-middle-class life revisited. That’s a bittersweet ending.”

582. “Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.” – Timothy Ferriss

583. “Not Dead, Can’t Quit.”

584. “If everyone is defining a problem or solving it one way and the results are subpar, this is the time to ask, what if I did the opposite? Don’t follow a model that doesn’t work. If the recipe sucks, it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are.”

585. “The future is already here—it’s just unevenly distributed.”—William Gibson”

586. “Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less, it is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination.”

587. “At least three times per day at scheduled times, he had to ask himself the following question:”

588. “I not only use all the brains that I have but all that I can borrow. — WOODROW WILSON” — Tim Ferriss

589. “It is possible to become world-class, enter the top 5% of performers in the world, in almost any subject within 6-12 months, or even 6-12 weeks.”

590. “sometimes it pays to model the outliers, not flatten them into averages. This isn’t limited to business.”

591. Give vulnerability a shot. Give discomfort its due. Because I think he or she who is willing to be the most uncomfortable is not only the bravest, but rises the fastest. — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

592. Realistic goals, goals restricted to the average ambition level, are uninspiring and will only fuel you through the first or second problem, at which point you throw in the towel. If the potential payoff is mediocre or average, so is your effort.

593. “The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad, which does nothing more than leave you with a vacuum, but to pursue and experience the best in the world.”– Tim Ferriss

594. “Pareto’s Law can be summarized as follows: 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs.” – Tim Ferriss

595. “What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task. —VIKTOR E. FRANKL, Holocaust survivor; author of Man’s Search for Meaning”

596. “Tomorrow becomes never. No matter how small the task, take the first step now!”

597. “It is far more lucrative and fun to leverage your strengths instead of attempting to fix all the chinks in your armor.”

598. The objective is to control your time – a non-renewable resource – and apply it where you have the highest leverage or enjoyment.

599. You don’t need to go through life huffing and puffing, straining and red-faced. You can get 95% of the results you want by calmly putting one foot in front of the other.

600. “You can lose money and make it back, you can’t do that with time.”

601. If everyone is defining a problem or solving it one way and the results are subpar, this is the time to ask, What if I did the opposite? Don't follow a model that doesn't work. If the recipe sucks, it doesn't matter how good a cook you are.

602. “Age doesn’t matter: an open mind does.” Tim Ferriss

603. “I often ask myself, what if I just did the opposite for 24 to 48 hours?”

604. “Slow down and remember this: most things make no difference.”

605. “The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits. There is just less competition for bigger goals.”

606. Having an unusually large goal is an adrenaline infusion that provides the endurance to overcome the inevitable trials and tribulations that go along with any goal.

607. “Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant. If you find a focus, an ambitious goal that seems impossible and forces you to grow, these doubts disappear.”

608. “When you try to do something big it’s hard to fail completely.” Tim Ferriss

609. “Many a false step was made by standing still.”

610. “Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Timothy Ferriss

611. “No quieres ser la decimosegunda empresa de paneles solares de la última década. Y no quieres ser la enésima empresa de ninguna tendencia en particular. Así”

612. “For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they’re being held from.” – Tim Ferriss

613. “One wrong person in your circle can destroy your whole future.”

614. Greatness is setting ambitious goals that your former self would have thought impossible, and trying to get a little better every day.

615. “Where in your life might defining your fears be more important than defining your goals?”

616. “Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.” — Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

617. “The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits.”– Tim Ferriss

618. “Ninety-nine percent of people believe they can’t do great things, so they aim for mediocrity.”

619. “Most people fail not because they lack the skills or aptitude to reach their goal. But because they simply don’t believe they can reach it.”

620. I've seen the promised land, and there is good news. You can have it all.

621. “It’s far more lucrative and fun to leverage your strengths instead of attempting to fix all the chinks in your armor”

622. I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I closed my eyes, smiled, and took a deep breath. Things were about to change. Everything was about to change.

623. When you’re writing and you start to feel really uncomfortable, that’s when you know you’re starting to get it right. I’d imagine that applies to photography. It applies to everything.

624. “Ravikant, Naval: “‘Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want’ (paraphrased”

625. “Don’t suffer fools or you’ll become one.”

626. Everything that works in sales has been done already. Just keep track of the crap that you buy, or the awesome stuff that you buy, and decide what was the trigger, and then just sell to people like you. It’s really that easy – and that’s what I do.

627. “The idea is not to be idle. That’s not something that I advocate. It is to maximize your per hour output.”

628. “Lack of time is actually lack of priorities”

629. Our goal isn't to create a business that is as large as possible, but rather a business that bothers us at little as possible.

630. “Indiscriminate action is a form of laziness."

631. Simply reading Stoic passages in preparation for the day helps me to ideally, ignore, and when I cannot ignore, not respond to, certainly not engage with critics who have unfounded attacks.

632. “It isn’t enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.” Tim Ferriss

633. “To enjoy life, you don’t need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.” – Tim Ferriss

634. “A Lonely Place Is an Unmotivated Place”

635. “love, be loved, and never stop learning—”

636. “It’s always the hard part that creates value.”

637. “For me, money is not a prime motivator. It's one criterion that I can use to filter out opportunities. My high is the eureka moment when I find, or I am taught, a non-obvious way of solving a problem. That's it.”

638. “There is a direct correlation between an increased sphere of comfort and getting what you want”

639. “Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them. —BILL COSBY”

640. “Focus on being productive instead of busy”

641. “The best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions”

642. “Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.”

643. “Simplicity requires ruthlessness.” Tim Ferriss

644. “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” – Tim Ferriss

645. “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. —BENJAMIN DISRAELI, former British Prime Minister”

646. “Becoming a member of the NR is not just about working smarter. It's about building a system to replace yourself.”

647. “If you’re wasting time having fun, you’re not wasting time.” Tim Ferriss

648. “Whatever you feel you have been assigned in life, the hand you have been dealt genetically, is actually very, very malleable”

649. “Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.”

650. “You need to know what your unique strengths are and be willing to delegate.” Tim Ferriss

651. “$1,000,000 in the bank isn’t the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.” Tim Ferriss

652. “If you spend your time, worth $20-25 per hour, doing something that someone else will do for $10 per hour, it’s simply a poor use of resources.” – Tim Ferriss

653. To fix" someone's problem, you very often just need to empathically listen to them. Even"

654. “Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

655. “Focus on being productive instead of busy.”

656. “I will take as a given that, for most people, somewhere between six and seven billion of them, the perfect job is the one that takes the least time.” – Tim Ferriss

657. “In my case, I use spam filters, autoresponders with FAQs, and automatic forwarding to outsourcers to limit my e-mail obligation to 10–20 e-mail responses per week. It takes me 30 minutes per week because I used systems—elimination and automation—to make it so.”

658. “Doing less is not being lazy. Don't give in to a culture that values personal sacrifice over personal productivity.”

659. “As you stumble and learn, stumble and learn again, resolve to talk to yourself as if you were your best friend. Be cool, like the Fonz.” Tim Ferriss

660. “You develop confidence through action, and you have to have courage first.”

661. “$1,000,000 in the bank isn’t the fantasy. The fantasy is the lifestyle of complete freedom it supposedly allows.” – Tim Ferriss

662. Suffice to say, this old man wants to limber up and get back on the playing field.

663. “The first book was turned down by 26 publishers”

664. “Out of clutter, find simplicity. —Albert Einstein”

665. “When you have the best and tastiest ingredients, you can cook very simply and the food will be extraordinary because it tastes like what it is.”

666. “Geld kann seinen praktischen Wert vervielfachen, abhängig davon, wie viele "Ws" Sie in Ihrem Leben selbst kontrollieren: was Sie tun, wann Sie es tun, wo Sie es tun und mit wem Sie es tun. Ich nenne das den Freiheitsmultiplikator.”

667. “Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W’s you control in your life, what you do, when you do it, where you do it and with whom you do it.”

668. “por no haberle explicado de forma que lo entienda por qué necesitas el respaldo que necesitas.”

669. “Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market – define your customers – then find or develop a product for them.” Tim Ferriss

670. “Most things make no difference. Being busy is a form of mental laziness.”– Tim Ferriss

671. “If you let pride stop you, you will hate life”

672. “Una de las principales convicciones que me limitaban a mí era:”

673. “clásico en marketing, que está orientado a las marcas: «¿Cómo hago que la gente prefiera mi marca?». Olvídate de la marca.”

674. “stick to what excites you no matter what people say. It’s your life, live it the way you know is right for you.”

675. “Don’t confuse the complex with the difficult. Most situations are simple—many are just emotionally difficult to act upon.”

676. “One evening, intending to ask my host mother to wake me the next morning (okosu), I ask her to violently rape me (okasu). She is very confused.”

677. “What is the 20% of my belongings that I use 80% of the time? Eliminate the other 80% in clothing, magazines, books, and all else. Be ruthless - you can always repurchase things you can't live without.”

678. “The means of learning are abundant—it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”

679. “You’re not responsible for the hand of cards you were dealt. You’re responsible for maxing out what you were given.”

680. “Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress — stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.”

681. If you let pride stop you, you will hate life.”

682. “But you are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn't making you stronger, they're making you weaker.”

683. “Your body is almost always within your control.

684. “And when you lose more than a few clothing sizes, just remember to put on a bit of Gotu Kola cream to minimize stretch marks, as Olympic strength coach Charles Poliquin recommends.”

685. “Where can you trade money for time? Where can you spend money that creates more time tomorrow or next week? That is almost always a good investment.”

686. “There are two components that are fundamental to enjoy life and feel good about yourself: continual learning and service.”

687. “Hard feelings pass. Don’t suffer fools or you’ll become one.”

688. “Age doesn't matter: an open mind does.”

689. “Happiness is wanting what you have.”

690. “People are poor judges of importance and inflate minutiae to fill time and feel important.”

691. “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. The heroes in this book are no different. Everyone struggles. Take solace in that.”

692. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”—Mark Twain”

693. “The advice I give for sustainable behavioral change, including diet, is that you make one change at a time”

694. Truth be told, I never thought I’d make it to 40. My first book was rejected 27 times by publishers. The things that worked out weren’t supposed to work, so I realized on my birthday: I had no plan for after 40.

695. “Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. —RALPH CHARELL”

696. “For all their bitching about what’s holding them back, most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they’re being held from.”

697. “Being busy is not the same as being productive. In fact, being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.”

698. “I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow. —WOODROW WILSON”

699. True freedom is much more than having enough income and time to do what you want.

700. “The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you.”

701. “If you sit down in a negative state, you will be thinking first and foremost of problems, and not solutions.”

702. “People are fond of using the its not what you know, its who you know adage as an excuse for inaction, as if all successful people are born with powerful friends. Nonsense.”

703. “Magnesium and calcium are easiest to consume in pill form, and 500 milligrams of magnesium taken prior to bed will also improve sleep.”

704. “There are two synergistic approaches for increasing productivity that are inversions of each other:

705. “Remember—boredom is the enemy, not some abstract "failure.”

706. “Weirdness is why we adore our friends. . . . Weirdness is what bonds us to our colleagues. Weirdness is what sets us apart, gets us hired. Be your unapologetically weird self. In fact, being weird may even find you the ultimate happiness.”

707. “The opposite of play isn’t work. It’s depression.”

708. “Pareto’s Law can be summarized as follows: 80% of the outputs

709. “If you let pride stop you, you will hate life.”

710. “The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad, which does nothing more than leave you with a vacuum, but to pursue and experience the best in the world.”

711. Email eats so much time. First, because it's everyone else's agenda for your time, often including manufactured emergencies. Second, email allows you to fool yourself into thinking you're being productive.

712. “There is no sure path to success, but the surest path to failure is trying to please everyone.”– Tim Ferriss

713. My parents didn’t have much money growing up, but they always had a budget for books.

714. “You don’t need more recipes. You need to learn to cook without them.”

715. “Oftentimes, in order to do the big things, you have to let the small bad things happen.”

716. Just because they say it can’t be done doesn’t make it so.

717. “Strong Views, Loosely Held”

718. “Even if you are predisposed to being overweight, you’re not predestined to be fat.”

719. “Pareto’s Law can be summarised as follows: 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs”

720. “If you cannot find meaning in your life, it is your responsibility as a human being to create it.”

721. “most cold calls didn’t get to the intended person for one reason: gatekeepers. If I simply made all my calls from 8:00–8:30 A.M. and 6:00–6:30 P.M., for a total of one hour, I was able to avoid secretaries and book more than twice as many meetings”

722. “We should remember the warning of the wise Grail knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: “You must choose, but choose wisely, for as the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.”

723. “Peter ha escrito en otro lugar: «El próximo Bill Gates no creará un sistema operativo. El próximo Larry Page o Serguéi Brin no hará un buscador de internet. Y el próximo Mark Zuckerberg no creará una red social. Si copias a estos tipos, no estás aprendiendo nada de ellos».”

724. “Reality is merely an illusion,

725. 10x results don’t always require 10x effort.

726. “What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”

727. “Learn to slow down. Get lost intentionally. Observe how you judge both yourself and those around you.” — Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

728. “The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction Is Not a Disease by Marc Lewis. Addiction is short-term desire. Purpose is long-term desire.”

729. “Lo que prefiero, en lugar de las tendencias, es pensar que tengo encomendada una misión. Que trabajo en un problema único que la gente no está resolviendo en ningún otro lugar.”

730. “People really do think they have to choose between high stress and high rewards jobs, and low stress and low reward jobs.”

731. “the key to not feeling rushed is remembering that lack of time is actually lack of priorities. Take time to stop and smell the roses, or—in this case—to count the pea pods.”

732. “The bottom line is that you only have the rights you fight for.”

733. “Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.”– Tim Ferriss

734. At the same time, I knew that most students would go out and promptly do the opposite of what I preached. Most of them would be putting in 80-hour weeks as high-paid coffee fetchers unless I showed that the principles from class could actually be applied.

735. “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”

736. “Experience often deeply embeds the assumptions that need to be questioned in the first place.”

737. “If someone isn’t making you stronger, they’re making you weaker.”

738. “One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.”– Tim Ferriss

739. “Researchers use alloxan in lab rats to induce diabetes. That’s right—it’s used to produce diabetes. This is bad news if you eat anything white or “enriched.”

740. “Creativity is an infinite resource. The more you spend,the more you have.”

741. “Most information is time-consuming, negative, irrelevant to your goals, and outside of your influence. I challenge you to look at whatever you read or watched today and tell me that it wasn’t at least two of the four. I read the front-page headlines through”

742. “The question no one really seemed to be answering was: ‘Why do it all in the first place? What’s the pot of gold that justifies spending the best years of you life hoping for happiness in the last?’”

743. “I’m in it for the long haul; the adventure continues”

744. “If you ran into an asshole in the morning you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”

745. “In a world of distraction and multitasking, the ability to single task — to genuinely do one thing without getting distracted by push notifications, alerts, email, text messages, social media, whatever it might be — is a super power.”

746. “Tomorrow becomes never, no matter how small the task, take the first step now.” Tim Ferriss

747. “Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages. —DAVE BARRY”

748. What is it costing you - financially, emotionally, and physically - to postpone action?

749. “The fishing is best where the fewest go.”

750. “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field. —NIELS BOHR, Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner”

751. “Greatness is setting ambitious goals that your former self would have thought impossible, and trying to get a little better every day.” Tim Ferriss

752. “In a world of distraction and multitasking, the ability to single-task — to genuinely do one thing without getting distracted by push notifications, alerts, email, text messages, social media, whatever it might be — is a superpower.”

753. “There are certain things I will automate, but when it comes to quality control, I want to keep a very close eye.”

754. “If you’re wasting time having fun, you’re not wasting time.”

755. Why men consistently settle and ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth.

756. “The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: What is the worst that could happen?” Tim Ferriss

757. “Normalmente, lo que nos da más miedo hacer es lo que más necesitamos hacer.”

758. I created Tools Of Titans because it’s the book that I’ve wanted my entire life.

759. “Instead of thinking of the repercussions of an action, you should also be asking yourself, ‘what are the costs of inaction?”

760. “The fishing is best where the fewest go and the collective insecurity of the world makes it easy for people to hit home runs while everyone is aiming for base hits.” – Tim Ferriss

761. “Information is useless if it is not applied to something important or if you will forget it before you have a chance to apply it.” – Tim Ferriss

762. “When you try to do something big it’s hard to fail completely.”

763. “Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner”

764. “As you stumble and learn, stumble and learn again, resolve to talk to yourself as if you were your best friend. Be cool, like the Fonz.”

765. “Role models who push us to exceed our limits, physical training that removes our spare tires, and risks that expand our sphere of comfortable action are all examples of eustress—stress that is healthful and the stimulus for growth.”