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350 Best Don't Treat Me Like An Option Quotes (2023)

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”

2. Therefore, value whoever values you, and do not treat as priority whoever treats you as an option.

3. Though you are my friend, please don’t make me an option in your life. Don’t string me along, don’t take my love for granted.

4. “I’m more than just an option; refuse or be forgotten.” – Drake

5. You’re the one and the only one for me. Please don’t make me an option in your life because I will never be.

6. If we are not together, don’t make me your option. With an opportunity, we have the freedom to make our own choices.

7. “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.” — Oscar Wilde

8. I’m here for you, and I want to be with you. I am not an option, and I wish to be a priority. You can’t have me when you’re bored, when someone else is busy, or when it’s convenient for you. I’m not an option because I’m worth more than that.

9. “Being alone is scary, but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart

10. “Unrequited love differs from mutual love, just like delusion differs from the truth.” – George Sand

11. “If they keep coming back to you, it isn’t love. It is because you made yourself and easy option. The moment the thing they truly want becomes less difficult to obtain is when you will realize that your worth was on sale.”― Shannon L. Alder

12. They may not even bother speaking with you and rely predominantly on emails, text messages, and instant messenger.

13. “If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.”-Unknown

14. “Real relationships are the product of time spent, which is why so many of us have so few of them.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

15. “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience.”-Unknown

16. When I saw you, I was instantly captivated. I felt love at first sight, and I knew I had to start a conversation. But if I am going to be an option, I rather not be in your life.

17. My moral in life is simple, you treat me good and I will definitely treat you better.

18. They treat everyone from the old lady down the street, to the postman, the dog and whoever else has no romantic expectations of them with decency, but when it comes to you, they’re an assclown.

19. “I am not here to fill up your time or make you feel better about yourself by being there for you when no one else is. Please leave me alone if you can’t see me for who I truly am. Please don’t treat me like an option.”

20. I’m not an option. I’m your priority, and your only option is to love me as I am.

21. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

22. “Don’t treat me like an option. I am not a bus stop, I am not a parking space, and I am not your backup plan. I am not a piece of furniture to be arranged around your schedule or needs. I am not a light fixture you can turn on and off at will. I am not a toy you can play with when it suits you and toss aside when it doesn’t. I’m a person with feelings and needs, and if you don’t understand that, then maybe we shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place.”

23. Treat me like I have some choice because I am not a default setting that you can turn on or off. I am not a feature that you can toggle on or off. I am not something that you can use until something better comes along. Your actions show how less you think of me.

24. “Of course if something better comes along, they’ll be out of there.” Or maybe not. The ExEUM/AC got 24 out of 30. #19 was right on! Love it Nat!

25. They treat you without love, care, trust, and respect. Even if you don’t love one another yet, it shouldn’t stop them from being a respectful person with integrity that cares about their actions and those around them.

26. “When men or women make their work their top priority and become hostile to the normal, natural needs of their children and spouse – obviously, something is wrong.” – Laura Schlessinger

27. “Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played.”

28. “Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you.”

29. Please don’t treat me like an option because I will not be your backup plan. Don’t say, “Let’s see how it goes. I won’t be hanging around, waiting for you to decide if I’m worth it. If you’re not interested in me, that’s fine, but don’t waste my time, and don’t make me feel bad about myself just because you aren’t into me.

30. My love for you will never die. As long as the sun rises in the sky, I will continue to love you until the day I die.

31. I’m with you daily, and you don’t care to see. I’ll be someone to love you, but you say I’ll never be.

32. “Be with someone who won’t make poor excuses for their lack of effort.” – Kristie May

33. I’m not an option because I’ve got better things to do than sit around waiting for you to make up your mind about me. You’re not worth my time or energy if you’re going to be this indecisive about us. Don’t try to make me feel like I’m some second-best option because I’m not.

34. “Though you are my friend, please don’t make me an option in your life. Don’t string me along, don’t take my love for granted.”

35. I want to be more than just an option because I want to be your everything. Could you not make me an option in your life? Love me, or I’m gone.

36. Sometimes, your heart won’t listen, despite what your mind says. I was hoping you wouldn’t make me an option in your life when you know deep down inside you and I was always meant to be.

37. “It hurts to know that even though you like me, I’m still not your priority.” – Joanne Lobedica

38. I don’t want to be an option in your life. I want to be your everything. You say you love me, I believe you, so give me that love, forget about the others.

39. “If someone is really into you, you don’t have to keep begging them for a text, call, or to spend time with you. They’ll do it if you’re a priority.”

40. They’ll make a lot of noise when you attempt to move on with someone else and then when you ‘reciprocate’, they’re nowhere to be seen.

41. They send texts, emails, DMs, or leave voicemails, and when you no doubt eagerly respond, they either take ages to or don’t bother at all.

42. “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.”-Unknown

43. “Sometimes I regret being nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and for making unworthy people a priority in my life.”

44. “If you have to ask where you stand chances are you’re not a priority because if you were you’d know it.” – Sonya Parker

45. “When someone treats you as if you were an option and makes you feel like one, they not only demonstrate to you that your emotions are not a priority for them, but they also make it abundantly plain that you deserve better than them.”

46. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”-Unknown

47. “I give him so many chances to show me I’m a priority. I think it’s time to realize I’m not.”

48. If you can’t converse with me, can’t make me a priority, and if you don’t want to experience life with me, leave me out of your life in good faith.

49. “If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the one who treats you like you’re the only one.”

50. “I’m Natalie Lue, and I’m a recovering people pleaser. Suppressing and repressing my needs, desires, expectations, feelings, and opinions to try to influence and control other people’s feelings and behaviour was as natural to me as breathing.” This is the opening of my new book, The Joy of Saying No: A Simple Plan to Stop People Pleasing, Reclaim Boundaries, & Say Yes to the Life You Want. As I also explain in the book, a recovering people pleaser is “someone who recognises they’ve had the habit but is committed to getting to know it and themselves so that they can break the pattern.” And that’s what I’ve been doing for over seventeen years, and I share everything I’ve learned in my book, which comes out in January 👏🏾🎉 I’m wearing a sweatshirt which I designed and got made by my bro @richardllue 👏🏾❤️ Pre-order and listen to the first chapter at the links in my bio. #healthyboundaries #peoplepleaser #codependentnomore #thejoyofsayingno

51. Please do not treat me like an option because I am not an option. You can’t ‘pick’ me. I’m not a filler choice. I am a human being with feelings, thoughts, and needs. I am not an item on your ‘menu’ of potential partners that you can choose between picking and discarding at will.

52. “The moment you discover he doesn’t want the same thing you want, let him go.” – Steve Harvey

53. “Never make someone your priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou

54. “Nobody is too busy, it’s just a matter of priorities.”

55. “Love is my first priority, all others may vary.” – J M Gharst

56. “Ladies, a man that is truly interested in you will never leave you guessing about the role he intends to play in your life. Good men pursue the women that they want with upfront communication, genuine intentions, and consistent effort.”

57. “There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities. Therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat a priority whoever treats you as an option.”-Unknown

58. “If you treat me the way I treat myself, I assure you that I will treat you better than you treat yourself.” — Vikrant Parsai

59. I can be your choice, reason, priority but never your option.

60. “You’re out of my league”

61. “Please don’t make me an option in your life. Keep me in your heart, and keep me on your mind. You have to have me because I am your biggest fan.”

62. “THIS is the type of thing that people who you get involved with while having little or no boundaries think of you.”

63. It hurts when I make someone my priority and they treat me like an option.

64. Love me like a necessity, love me like air, love me like a passion, and love me like a treasure. You should love me as you mean it, love me like it’s forever, and love me as if you might lose it.

65. “Knowing you has been the best part of my life, but the worst part is knowing I’m only an option in your life. I want us to be together forever, just me and you, no one.”

66. “Please don’t treat me like an option because I’m not one. If you don’t want to be with me, there’s probably someone else who does.”

67. I’m not an option and don’t treat me like one. I’m not your backup plan, and I’m not your second choice. You can’t just replace me with someone else whenever you feel like it. I am not disposable, and I am not a thing that you can throw away when you’re done with me. Let me know if you don’t want to be with me anymore! Don’t string me along and make excuses about why we can’t see each other anymore. If you don’t want to date me anymore, then say so.

68. Don’t treat someone as an option when that person treated you as his first choice.

69. I’m forced to make a choice. With you, I’d rather not. I need to know what to do. I won’t leave your life if you make me a priority.

70. “I thought you loved me, but your actions say otherwise. If you love me, don’t make me an option in your life.”

71. “Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that’s probably the biggest key to success.” – Taylor Lautner

72. “Don’t settle for being someone’s sometimes.”

73. “No one is always busy. It just depends on what number you are on their priority list.”

74. You are my necessity, like air, water, and food. I need you here with me and can’t imagine my life without you. You fill my heart with love and bring me much happiness. Could you not make me an option in your life?

75. “I can be your choice, reason or priority but never your option.”

76. I’m not here for your amusement or your entertainment. I am here for myself and only myself, so if that isn’t enough for you, please find someone else to amuse yourself with because there’s no way I’ll let you do it at my expense anymore.

77. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” — Mark Twain

78. They are controlling, manipulative, jealous and possessive.

79. “You can treat me right or you can watch someone else do it for you.”-Unknown

80. “If you think I’m someone you can use as a fallback or Plan b, you need to rethink your approach. You’re not getting me on the side because no one else is good enough, so don’t treat me like an option.”

81. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority.” — Blaze Olamiday

82. “The wrong person makes you beg for attention, affection, love, and commitment. The right person gives you these things because they love you.”

83. “You are my necessity, like air, water, and food. I need you here with me, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You fill my heart with love and bring me much happiness. Could you not make me an option in your life?”

84. “You shouldn’t marry unless the both of you are on the same page on a lot of things. Life is going to deal you blows, and you have to be together. Your values and priorities have to be on the same page; otherwise, it won’t work.” – Nicole Ari Parker

85. “Priorities are not about including essential but removing inessential.” – Nitin Namdeo

86. They leave it to the last minute/short notice to make plans. They may not even bother to make last-minute plans – they might just show up late at night expecting you to be around. Don’t be.

87. It is that simple.

88. They’re so ‘busy’ that they have no time for the relationship. Nobody is that busy and when someone is genuinely interested they find the time.

89. I don’t want to be a backup plan because I want to be a priority. Please don’t treat me like an option because you see my weakness. I’m not going to wait for you because you’re convenient. I deserve better than that.

90. Do not let someone become a priority in your life….when you are just an option in theirs.

91. Choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. Love is commitment, not a feeling.

92. I can’t seem to escape you, no matter how far I run. How can I flee from myself? I’m forced to be with you because love has bonded us into one forever.

93. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.”–Chardonnay Tyson

94. “That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.”-Unknown

95. “weird comments about his fears of relationships ”

96. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.” – Chardonnay Tyson

97. When I fall in love, I wish I didn’t. You may open your arms wide, but I may never run in. I want to be more than a friend. I want you to be my life.

98. “Accept me as I am, or watch me as I go, you choose the second option so don’t cry for me anymore.”-Unknown

99. I’ll love you for eternity, even if I have to wait millions of years; that’s how long I’ll wait for you; you’ll never be an option in my life.

100. “It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there or doesn’t want to be there.”

101. “When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself.”- Paulo Coelho

102. “You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.” – Ritu Ghatourey

103. “He’ll tell you he’s a bad guy.”

104. “Please do not treat me like an option, don’t leave me where you left me because I’m not your way to make a trophy, like a prize you thought you would win.”

105. “That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.”

106. Please don’t treat me like an option. I’m not here to be a backup, the last resort, or someone you can always go back to. Don’t use me as a safety net if things don’t work out with other women because I deserve better than that. I want someone who sees me as a significant other, not someone to keep on the sidelines until he’s ready to commit.

107. “Sometimes, your heart won’t listen, despite what your mind says. I was hoping you wouldn’t make me an option in your life when you know deep down inside you that I was always meant to be.”

108. “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.”

109. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll be gone before you know it. I’m not here to fill a void in your life. You can’t have me on the side. I don’t do ‘on the side’.”

110. “I’m Natalie Lue, and I’m a recovering ...

111. I want you, but I’ll never be an option in your life because the thought of you with me is better than reality.

112. My love, do you not see? You’re the only human I see and the one I feel. Have you not noticed how I’ve been there for you, no matter what the weather,

113. “Let us reflect on what is truly of value in life, what gives meaning to our lives, and set our priorities on the basis of that.” – Dalai Lama

114. “Go take a bloody long walk off of a very short pier – preferably with very deep water at the end of it!”

115. “Stop feeding connections that don’t feed you.Stop spending so much time filling others, while you starve of love. You are deserving too.” – Billy Chapata

116. “the fact that any female of any persuasion, seeking opportunity for meaningful connectedness with a man, would put up with any of the above; which in my view is nothing more than a list of pitiful victimization excuses to make you feel better about your own self deception; then why would a man, or a string of men treat you as nothing more than a ‘booty call’?”

117. Sometimes, I wonder why you don’t see my love for you. It belongs to you, and you have no idea how much I love you. I’m just a fool, loving you.

118. “Problem can be fixed. But unrequited love is a tragedy.” – Suzanne Harper

119. They disappear for periods of time.

120. “I am not anyone’s replacement, nor anyone’s good-for-the-moment. I am important, and I matter.”

121. “When someone tells you they are too busy.It’s not a reflection of their schedule, it’s a reflection of your spot on their schedule.” – Steve Maraboli

122. “For honest insight into who you are, don’t ask yourself what your priorities are for next week. Ask what your priorities were last week.” – Robert Reed

123. Please don’t make me an option in your life. Keep me in your heart, and keep me on your mind. You have to have me because I am your biggest fan.

124. “If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.”

125. “She questioned her own beauty because of him he left scars on her self esteem…” — r.h. sin

126. “You’re the one and the only one for me. Please don’t make me an option in your life because I will never be.”

127. They’re more interested in having things their way, on their terms, being right, and having the power.

128. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen, and I’ll make you feel like a king.” — Chardonnay Tyson

129. “I can be your choice, reason, or priority, but never your option.”

130. “Don’t expect me to treat you right if you ain’t acting right.”-Unknown

131. “Just because someone desires you, does not mean they value you.”-Unknown

132. “19.They tell you that they love you but they’re not in love with you, that they’re not ready for a relationship, they’re not the right person for you, that they’re a ‘bad person’, ‘out of your league’, that you’re ‘too good for them’ and other such things that basically say I have limited interest in you.”

133. “I’m not your backup plan. I’m the person you’ll want to be with for the rest of your life. If you don’t want to be with me, let me know so we can move on and find someone who does. If you’re not sure about us yet, then I’m not sure if I can wait for you to figure it out.”

134. “I need to know that you’re here for me, not because you don’t have a better option. I may not be the best person in your life, but I am the most important one. Please don’t treat me like an option.”

135. “It’s easier to make an excuse than it is to make an actual effort. And when all you get are excuses, it’s a red flag that something is going downhill in your relationship.”

136. “Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priority than your relationships. Love is what gives meanings to life” – Dave Willis

137. “Love simply is – it asks no permissions. Acceptance is all love asks, the only demand it makes, but it is an absolute one. You can either admit it to your heart or refuse it, but there’s no other option.” – Stephanie Laurens

138. They create drama in the hope that you’ll take the hint that they’re not interested and end it, so that they can be let off the hook.

139. Don’t Let him treat you like an option you deserve real love.

140. “If you become too readily available to people, they begin to take you for granted; pull away, and they will clamor for you.” – Dara Reidyr

141. Don’t treat me like an option; I am more than just a body, don’t treat me like a commodity because I might not always be here when you need me.

142. Please don’t treat me like an option because I am not a backup plan, a substitute for anything, and not second best. You can’t walk away from me if you don’t find someone else. I’m not even on your radar: you’re only using me as a placeholder until something better comes.

143. “Please don’t treat me like an option because I will not be your backup plan. Don’t say, ‘Let’s see how it goes’. I won’t be hanging around waiting for you to decide if I’m worth it. If you’re not interested in me, that’s fine, but don’t waste my time, and don’t make me feel bad about myself just because you aren’t into me.”

144. They are controlling, manipulative, jealous and possessive. These are not signs that they’re actually interested in you; these are signs that they want to control you. This is not the same as love or as a result of love. A person who behaves in this way isn’t the type to have a balanced, respectful relationship, and may not even really want you but won’t want anyone else to have you either.

145. “Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you.”-Unknown

146. They’re not contacting you or are sporadically contacting you.

147. “I am not somebody’s go-to person when their Plan A fails. I will never be a plan B.”

148. Treat me like a priority, not an option. Please don’t make me feel like you’re waiting for a better option to come along because I’m not here as a backup plan. I’m here because I want to be with you and only you. You don’t have to keep looking around for something better when the best thing is right in front of you.

149. “Love yourself enough to take care of your health of mind, body, and soul as a top priority, then you’ll be fit to face anything.” – Jay Woodman

150. I’m a human being, not a choice. Please don’t treat me like an option. I don’t want to be your backup plan. I’m not here for you to get back at someone else or pass the time until something better comes. I deserve more than that.

151. “You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.” — Ritu Ghatourey

152. They’re sporadic in their efforts, and you can often pin bursts of efforts to when you either told them to beat it or they felt in danger of losing you.

153. “If they aren’t making you a priority don’t make them a priority.” – Sonya Parker

154. I hope you know I don’t want to be an option in your life. You are the center of my universe. I want us to be together forever.

155. “I’m not an option, and don’t treat me like one. I’m not your backup plan, and I’m not your second choice. You can’t just replace me with someone else whenever you feel like it. I am not disposable, and I am not a thing that you can throw away when you’re done with me. Let me know if you don’t want to be with me anymore! Don’t string me along and make excuses about why we can’t see each other anymore. If you don’t want to date me anymore, then say so.”

156. “Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection, and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need him the most.” – E.J Cenita

157. When I look at you, my heart melts. No one gives me this much fulfillment. So please don’t make me an option in your life.

158. “Don’t settle for being someone’s sometimes.”-Unknown

159. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.”

160. “Don’t treat her wrong if she’s doing everything to make things right.”-Unknown

161. It’s not that I’m not good enough, not that I’m not smart enough, not that I’m not attractive enough, and not that I’m not funny enough. Why make me an option?

162. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

163. Sometimes being strong is your only option.

164. Love is not a game; It’s pure and true. When I look at you, it makes me feel like I’m in heaven. But if you leave me, I’ll suffer the same pain as an empty man.

165. I’m not your option; I’m your man. Please don’t make me an option in your life. Make me a priority in your life, and I will love you even more than I do now.

166. I am not here to fill up your time or make you feel better about yourself by being there for you when no one else is. Please leave me alone if you can’t see me for who I truly am. Please don’t treat me like an option.

167. “I will not treat you like a priority when you treat me like an option.”-Unknown

168. Don’t treat me like an option, I beg you, don’t do it. I love you, needs to be heard, I deserve your love, don’t doubt it.

169. Don’t treat me like an option. I’m not your backup plan or a last resort. I’m not someone you can choose to have around when you’re bored or lonely, but not when you feel happy and satisfied. I will not be there for you until someone better comes along.

170. Don’t treat me like an option. I am not a bus stop, I am not a parking space, and I am not your backup plan. I am not a piece of furniture to be arranged around your schedule or needs. I am not a light fixture you can turn on and off at will. I am not a toy you can play with when it suits you and toss aside when it doesn’t. I’m a person with feelings and needs, and if you don’t understand that, then maybe we shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place.

171. “There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities. Therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat a priority whoever treats you as an option.”

172. “I’m not a choice. I am a person, and I deserve to be treated as such. If you want to be with me, then be with me. If you don’t, then don’t. But don’t treat me like an option.”

173. “Don’t expect me to treat you right if you ain’t acting right.”

174. They don’t get that divorce finalised. In fact, they may even pretend they’ve started proceedings!

175. Don’t treat someone as your option because if they treat you in the same way you can accept it.

176. “Excuse de jour”

177. I need to know that you’re here for me, not because you don’t have a better option. I may not be the best person in your life, but I am the most important one. Please don’t treat me like an option.

178. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”-Unknown

179. “I’m not your option but a human being with feelings and desires, just like you. I deserve to be treated with respect like you do. So please don’t treat me like an option.”

180. “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.”– Oscar Wilde

181. They tell you that they love you but they’re not in love with you, that they’re not ready for a relationship, they’re not the right person for you, that they’re a ‘bad person’, ‘out of your league‘, that you’re ‘too good’ for them and other such things that basically say, “I have limited interest in you”.

182. “I want to be more than just an option because I want to be your everything. Could you not make me an option in your life? Love me, or I’m gone.”

183. “Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.”-Unknown

184. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority.”

185. “Just because someone desires you does not mean they value you.”

186. “Love should be your top priority, primary objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your life; it’s the most important part. The Bible says, Let love be your greatest aim.” — Rick Warren

187. “Please don’t treat me like an option. I am not only a nice person to have around. I am a person with feelings and thoughts of my own, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t want to be around you.”

188. Never allow someone to be your priority by allowing yourself to be their choice.

189. “Her attitude is based on how you treat her. Treat her right and she’ll treat you better. Do her wrong and she’ll do you worse.”

190. “Remove yourself from people who treat you like your time doesn’t matter, like your feelings are worthless, or like your soul is replaceable.”

191. “How can I let you be a priority in my life, when I’m still an option in your life?” – Hussein Nishah

192. They don’t break up with their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend. But they still expect to be with you. Hell, they seem to think you have all the time in the frickin’ world to be waiting around for them.

193. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be there priority.” – Blaze Olamiday

194. Don’t let anyone treat you like an option, Nobody deserve to be treated that way.

195. Anyone can be with you if you let them. You can be anyone you want, but don’t make me an option in your life.

196. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” — Shannon L. Alder

197. They only have a sexual interest in you.

198. “Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

199. “Make your relationship your number one priority” – Lisa Ling

200. If you are in love you are left with no option…..If you have an option, you are not in love.

201. “If it’s a priority you’ll find a way. If it isn’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

202. “You can treat me right, or you can watch someone else do it for you.”

203. I’m not a choice. I am a person, and I deserve to be treated as such. If you want to be with me, then be with me. If you don’t, then don’t. But please don’t treat me like an option.

204. Do not ever be someone alternative, their second option. Love is a game of all or nothing. There is no halfway commitment when it comes to loving someone for the rest of your life.

205. I know I am not owed anything but don’t treat me like an option and call me your friend.

206. “If marriage isn’t a first priority in your life, you’re not married.” — Joseph Campbell

207. “You are my necessity, like air, water, and food. I need you here with me and can’t imagine my life without you. You fill my heart with love and bring me much happiness. Could you not make me an option in your life?”

208. Don’t treat me like an option. I don’t want to be a “Maybe.” I want to be your “Yes.” we don’t belong together if you keep me around as a backup plan, and we don’t belong together if you’re not sure about us. If you’re looking for someone else when we’re together, we don’t belong together. We don’t belong together if you’re unsure if we’re compatible or even want us to last. Please don’t treat me like an option when I should be the only one for you.

209. Knowing you has been the best part of my life, but the worst part is knowing I’m not the only option in your life. I want us to be together forever, just me and you.

210. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” – Shannon L. Alder

211. “I am not anyone’s replacement, nor anyone’s good-for-the-moment. I am important and I matter.”

212. They’re keeping you a secret.

213. “Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played.”-Unknown

214. I’ll never be an option in your life, even if you want me to. I’ll never be anything more than a romantic love interest.

215. “Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted.” – Anupama Garg

216. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority.”–Blaze Olamiday

217. “When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.” – Jess C. Scott(The intern)

218. “It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.”-Unknown

219. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.”

220. “When someone tells you they are too busy, it’s not a reflection of their schedule, it’s a reflection of your spot on their schedule.” — Steve Maraboli

221. “Don’t let anyone save you for later. Read that again.”

222. If you treat me like an option, I’ll be gone before you know it. I’m not here to fill a void in your life. You can’t have me on the side. I don’t do “On the side.”

223. “Focus on your priorities before your priorities lose focus on you.” – Sarah Leigh

224. During a walk in the park, you told me you loved me, and in a heartbeat, I started to doubt. You made me feel like an option.

225. Don’t treat me like one of your many options, treat me like your only option and I will treat you like my only choice.

226. “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” – J. K. Rowling(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

227. If you spend too long holding on to one who treats you like an option, you will miss the one who treats you like a priority.

228. They create drama in the hope that you’ll take the hint that they’re not interested and end it so that they can be let off the hook

229. “Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.”

230. You’re hanging out like friends. You may even be friends with benefits.

231. They talk incessantly about themselves while not really taking an interest in you. OR… they deflect conversations away from details about themselves and try to focus on you.

232. “I’m here for you, and I want to be with you. I am not an option, and I wish to be a priority. You can’t have me when you’re bored, when someone else is busy, or when it’s convenient for you. I’m not an option because I’m worth more than that.”

233. When you’re broken up with them, they get in touch, often in a lazy manner just to ensure that you still jump to their beat. In fact, take the fact that you’re not in a relationship with them as a major sign of disinterest. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that they got in touch because they want to get back together.

234. “Look for people in your life that who will help calm the storms in your soul rather than challenge it to a battle. Peace should always be your first your life.” – Timothy Pina

235. There’s nothing but pain in this world of lies. Your love is like a world where I can be your hero.

236. “If you have to ask where you stand, chances are you’re not a priority because if you were, you’d know it.” — Sonya Parker

237. “My mistake was making you a priority when I was your second choice.”

238. “Love is a priority.True love is being a priority.” – Ananya Aggarwal

239. When I look at myself through your eyes, I see a person, not a body.

240. Don’t treat me like a option I am not just going to stick around for when you decided you want me because by that time I will have moved on.

241. Treat me like a game and I will show you how it is played.

242. “There’s no sense talking about priorities. Priorities reveal themselves. We’re all transparent against the face of the clock.”- Eric Zorn

243. I thought you loved me, but your actions say otherwise. If you love me, don’t make me an option in your life.

244. I am made of more than just skin and bones. I am more than just a body and more than a soul.

245. “Busyness is not a reason for not getting other things done. It is an excuse for not claiming your true priorities.” – Alan Cohen

246. Could you not treat me like an option? Love me like a necessity, a necessity to your happiness, a necessity to your life.

247. I made you a priority when all I was to you, was an option.

248. “If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the one who treats you like you’re the only one.”-Unknown

249. Please don’t treat me like an option because I’m not one. If you don’t want to be with me, there’s probably someone else who does.

250. I’m not your backup plan. I’m the person you’ll want to be with for the rest of your life. If you don’t want to be with me, let me know so we can move on and find someone who does. If you’re not sure about us yet, then I’m not sure if I can wait for you to figure it out.

251. “… if ever you ‘dumped’ us guys at the first sign of not respecting you, treating you like a PTC, and doing any of the above, that you would *lose your chance with us*…

252. I’m not a choice because I should be a necessity. I’m here permanently if you think of me or wonder how I am. You don’t need to look anywhere else.

253. Do not treat me like an option or I will leave you with one less.

254. They don’t want to put both of their feet in and commit. They’d like you to ‘go with the flow’ even if there is nothing flowing, and to expect nothing beyond this.

255. “If someone makes you feel like you’re asking for too much, leave them.” – R.H. Sin

256. “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.It’s necessary.” – Mandy Hale

257. You mean the world to me, and I don’t want to say this, but I hope you don’t make me an option in your life. I want to stay around because I love your presence.

258. “Choose the option that will give you long term happiness instead of the option that will only give you temporary pleasure.” – Sonya Parker

259. “I deserve someone who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with them. You’re either in or out, and if you’re not sure about us, then I’m going to assume that you’re out and move on with my life.”

260. They’re either Future Avoiders, afraid to talk about the future or make plans, or they’re Future Fakers, faking a future so they can get what they want in the present, because they know they won’t be around in the future, because they’re not genuinely interested.

261. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”-Unknown

262. “As priority changes love changes.” – Tashiya

263. The only person who deserves a special place in your life is someone who never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.

264. The relationship doesn’t progress. It goes in fits and starts, stalls, or goes into reverse.

265. Suppose you don’t want me, fine. But don’t make me feel bad about it. I need to know that someone wants me, and not as an option. Don’t treat me like an option if you’re not going to choose me in the end anyway.

266. “Don’t treat me like an option, I beg you, don’t do it. I love you, needs to be heard, I deserve your love, don’t doubt it.”

267. “I’m not a choice; I’m a necessity. I’m right here permanently if you think of me or wonder how I am. You don’t need to look anywhere else.”

268. Do not love those who don’t know your worth don’t let anyone treat you like an option

269. “Life’s a prison when you’re in love alone.” – Usher

270. I am more than just a body held in high regard. I am more precious than you will ever know. My heart, my soul, our mind are my true worth.

271. I know I’m not an option to have in your life, but I’m the one you should choose to have in your heart.

272. “In a relationship,no amount of extra effort on your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs.” – John Mark Green

273. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” – Mark Twain

274. “When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself.”

275. Deep down in my soul, I wish you could be there. See inside of me, understand that I care. I’d give you the world if you could be there.

276. I’m not your option but a human being with feelings and desires, just like you. I deserve to be treated with respect like you do. So please don’t treat me like an option.

277. I have no choice but to let you go, although I hope you’ll return to me. I allowed you to be an option in my life, but this has caused me to feel so many fears.

278. “I am not somebody’s go-to person when their Plan A fails. I will never be a plan B.”-Unknown

279. “Treat me like a priority, not an option. Please don’t make me feel like you’re waiting for a better option to come along because I’m not here as a backup plan. I’m here because I want to be with you and only you. You don’t have to keep looking around for something better when the best thing is right in front of you.”

280. I do not compete. You either want me in your life or you do not. I am not going to be those individuals who put their life on hold while you try and figure it out which you rather be with. Treat me like a priority and I am all yours. Treat me like an option though and I will leave. It is as simple as that.

281. “They deflect conversations away from details about themselves and try to focus on you.”

282. “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.”

283. “A real man makes his lady feel like a priority, not an option.”

284. I deserve someone who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with them. You’re either in or out, and if you’re not sure about us, then I’m going to assume that you’re out and move on with my life.

285. It takes them weeks or even months to call you up after a date or taking your number.

286. Please do not treat me like an option, don’t leave me where you left me, because I’m not your way to make a trophy, like a prize you thought you would win.

287. Don’t treat me like an option because I am the one and only answer of your heart beat.

288. Somewhere between heartaches and waiting comes another chance to be found by someone who can show you that you are not just an option, but the only choice.

289. Don’t treat me like an option otherwise i will left you like a choice.

290. Someone asked me, “if I could be an option in your life, would you consider being an option in mine?” I said, “no.”

291. “When someone treats you as an option, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.”-Unknown

292. “The very fact you DONT know what it is that you WANT, makes is oh so easy for us to get money/favors/arrangements/short notice meetings/sex from you.”

293. They sleep with other people while sleeping with you.

294. They are controlling, manipulative, jealous and possessive. These are not signs that they’re actually interested in you – they are signs that they want to control you. This is not the same as love or as a result of love. People who are like this are the type that won’t want to have a balanced, respectful relationship and may not even really want you but they won’t want anyone else to have you either.

295. “Know what matters most to you and be unwilling to compromise those priorities at almost any price.” – Frank Sonnenberg

296. “There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”

297. They keep blaming timing, the no 5 bus, work, their ex, their commitment issues, or whatever the excuse du jour is, for why they can’t be or do something. In fact, they keep making excuses.

298. “Don’t treat her wrong if she’s doing everything to make things right.”

299. If you think I’m someone you can use as a fallback or “Plan b,” you need to rethink your approach. You’re not getting me on the side because no one else is good enough, so don’t treat me like an option.

300. ” I’m going to teach my son to treat ag irl right. Like a priority, not like an option.”-Unknown

301. They treat you like an option.

302. “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience.”

303. I want to be your first, and I want to be your last. I want to be the love of your life and the one you trust.

304. We are more than just a body, we are more than just a spirit, and we are more than just a soul. We are more than a body, heart, and soul. Please don’t treat me like a piece of anything.

305. “Hey, if someone treats you like crap, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other human beings.”

306. “Don’t settle for being an option; become a priority.”― Matt Mitchell

307. They keep changing their mind about their interest in you. Flip-flapper alert!

308. “Don’t blame me for treating you like this. Because I’ll treat you the way you treat me.”

309. “Treat me like I have some choice because I am not a default setting that you can turn on or off. I am not a feature that you can toggle on or off. I am not something that you can use until something better comes along. Your actions show how less you think of me.”

310. “If we are not together, don’t make me your option. With an opportunity, we have the freedom to make our own choices.”

311. “If you can’t converse with me, can’t make me a priority, and if you don’t want to experience life with me, leave me out of your life in good faith.”

312. Please don’t treat me like an option. I am not only a nice person to have around. I am a person with feelings and thoughts of my own, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t want to be around you.

313. They tend to be around/call you up when they want something. It might be money, attention, an ego stroke, sex, being an armchair psychologist–something. If you think back to all the times when you’ve heard from them, you might notice that it was a preamble to something.

314. “No one will be forced to take the public option. The word option means choice.” Valerie Jarrett

315. “Never beg someone to be in your life. If you text and call and still get ignored, walk away. It’s called self-respect.”

316. “The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.”― Ernest Hemingway

317. “Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who’ll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you’re in the wrong house, that’s what it means.” ―Henry Youngman

318. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”

319. Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

320. “Don’t let anyone save you for later. Read that again.”-Unknown

321. “It is better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel alone.”

322. “If you don’t receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it.” – Robert Goolrick

323. “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” — Maya Angelou

324. “Stop breaking yourself down into bite-sized pieces to serve others. Stay whole and let them choke.”

325. “I’m a human being, not a choice. Please don’t treat me like an option. I don’t want to be your backup plan. I’m not here for you to get back at someone else or pass the time until something better comes. I deserve more than that.”

326. “If you’re constantly having to wonder where you stand with someone, maybe it’s time to stop standing and start walking.”

327. “Accept me as I am, or watch me as I go, you choose the second option, so don’t cry for me anymore.”

328. “There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”-Unknown

329. “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein

330. “Please don’t treat me like an option. I’m not here to be a backup, the last resort, or someone you can always go back to. Don’t use me as a safety net if things don’t work out with other women because I deserve better than that. I want someone who sees me as a significant other, not someone to keep on the sidelines until he’s ready to commit.”

331. “Please don’t treat me like an option. What’s a body but a tumbling, tumbling thing? I am more than just a body; I am a spark in the ashes of a fire.”

332. You might be the one for me, or you might be the one that left! But don’t make me an option in your life, not unless you’re ready for it.

333. Please don’t treat me like an option. What’s a body but a tumbling, tumbling thing? I am more than just a body; I am a spark in the ashes of a fire.

334. “When someone treats you as an option, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.”

335. “Treat me like a queen, and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game, and I’ll show you how it’s played.”

336. I don’t need you to be my everything. I’ll be my everything. If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best. I’m not an option. I’m a choice for someone who values me.

337. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”

338. Therefore, value whoever values you, and do not treat as priority whoever treats you as an option.

339. Though you are my friend, please don’t make me an option in your life. Don’t string me along, don’t take my love for granted.

340. “I’m more than just an option; refuse or be forgotten.” – Drake

341. You’re the one and the only one for me. Please don’t make me an option in your life because I will never be.

342. If we are not together, don’t make me your option. With an opportunity, we have the freedom to make our own choices.

343. “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.” — Oscar Wilde

344. I’m here for you, and I want to be with you. I am not an option, and I wish to be a priority. You can’t have me when you’re bored, when someone else is busy, or when it’s convenient for you. I’m not an option because I’m worth more than that.

345. “Being alone is scary, but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart

346. “Unrequited love differs from mutual love, just like delusion differs from the truth.” – George Sand

347. “If they keep coming back to you, it isn’t love. It is because you made yourself and easy option. The moment the thing they truly want becomes less difficult to obtain is when you will realize that your worth was on sale.”― Shannon L. Alder

348. They may not even bother speaking with you and rely predominantly on emails, text messages, and instant messenger.

349. “If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.”-Unknown

350. “Real relationships are the product of time spent, which is why so many of us have so few of them.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

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