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800 Best Inspirational Stepmom Quotes And Sayings

Writer's picture: Jonno WhiteJonno White

1. Stepmothers should get the same respect a mother would receive. They give their time, energy, and affection to a child they didn’t give birth to. Stepmothers do all this, not because they must do it. They do it because they choose to do it.” – Anonymous

2. “A stepmom might have to put in more effort and handle difficult situations so that everything goes smoothly and to make everyone feel at ease. It is one of the best gifts she could give.” —Unknown

3. Remember why you chose to come together in the first place—the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them, and this makes them just as important to your happiness.” – Beth Huber

4. You came not to replace my mother, but to add to the love that I am receiving.” – Unknown

5. You never treated me as a spare child, but as an extra blessing.” – Unknown

6. There is no universal approach when it comes to being a stepmom. So, let us all just do our best to encourage and help each other through it.” – Unknown

7. It is said that with great power comes great responsibility. But stepmothers’ shoulder great responsibilities even when they have limited power over their stepchildren in terms of acceptability and trust.” – Anonymous

8. Being a stepmom is a difficult job, but it is worth it because you go to sleep every night with an amazing feeling that you are loved by children who don’t biologically belong to you.” – Anonymous

9. You never treated me as a spare child, but as an extra blessing.” – Anonymous

10. No matter what happens, I want my stepchildren to know that they are forever loved.” – Unknown

11. You didn’t treat me like an extra child, you treated me like one more blessing.” — Unknown

12. Dear Stepmom, thank you for being patient with me…every single day.” – Unknown

13. “That moment after losing your baby when you need to get out of the house but then see a mother with her newborn baby. That’s pain like nothing else.” – Unknown

14. Parenthood requires love, not DNA.” — Unknown

15. Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” — Oprah Winfrey

16. “My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.”– Maya Angelou

17. “Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.” ~ Tina Fey

18. “A mother is a daughter’s best friend.”

19. “Birth inequities don’t have to exist, but they do. We shouldn’t have a black maternal mortality crisis, but we do. Black mothers should feel empowered & supported throughout there pregnancy, birth and after delivery, but they often don’t, especially when interfacing with medical staff and navigating through our biased medical system. Black mothers, their babies and there families should be valued in society, but oten they are not. I am committed to changing the world we live in through my work as a birth doula and holding black mothers up in love, support, and empowerment. “- Celina Sargusingh Cruz, Birth Doula

20. If you’re about to become a stepmother or are currently filling that role, you are gambling that the love you’ve found and the strength and wisdom that you’ve acquired will see you through.” — Sue Patton Thoele, The Courage To Be a Stepmom

21. I might not have carried them in my belly for nine months, but I promise to carry them in my heart forever.” — Unknown

22. “Family: a social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space.” – Evan Esar

23. “A good stepparent can change the life of the child for the better.” —Unknown

24. “I am a stepmother to the fullest extent.” ―Megan Fox

25. “Mothers and daughter become the closest, when daughters become mothers.” – Unknown

26. “No mother and daughter ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.” — Christie Watson

27. Only true warriors can become good stepmothers.” – Anonymous

28. ”I want to show the example that you can be a single mother and work and handle a lot of other things at the same time.”

29. To my stepmom, thank you for being brave enough to face uncertainties when all things were new. You never made us feel like a stranger’s child. You always loved us as your own. And I will always love you for that.” – Unknown

30. A home isn’t always the house we live in. It’s also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.” – T.J. Klune

31. “However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” ―Valeria Harper

32. Stepmothers in books usually behave very spitefully towards the children entrusted to them. But he was now learning by his own experience that in real life this does not always happen.” – Murasaki Shikibu

33. “We may not want to say it out loud, but motherhood is hard.” – Stephanie Ruhle

34. Only one whose heart is full of love can choose to love someone else’s child as their own.” – Unknown

35. “My mother told me two things constantly. One was to be a lady, and the other was to be independent,” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

36. "Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs since the payment is pure love.” —Mildred B. Vermont

37. “It is said great power comes great responsibility. But stepmothers’ shoulder great responsibilities even when they have limited power over their stepchildren in terms of acceptability and trust.” ―Unknown

38. “My mother carried me for ten months. I asked her ‘Mother, you had an extra month, why you didn’t make me a beautiful face?’ and mother told me, ‘My son, I was busy making your beautiful hands and heart.’” – Mstislav Rostropovich

39. “My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent." - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, source unknown

40. I will never understand the difference between a stepmother and a biological mother because you’ve never shown me the difference between the two.” – Unknown

41. “My mom is a strong-willed lady. She taught me to believe in myself no matter what anybody else said.” – Tracey Edmonds

42. To a mother, a son is never a fully grown man; and a son is never a fully grown man until he understands and accepts this about his mother.

43. “I am positive, determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person.” — Jennifer Lopez

44. "We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.”

45. “Behind every successful man, is a mother who never stops supporting him to reach his dreams.”

46. "He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin.” — English Proverb

47. Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” – Leigh Anne Tuohy

48. When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your stepchild instead. You’ll never fail with best interest at heart.” – Jessica James

49. My mom is my heart. But my stepdad was my role model, the hardest working man I ever knew.” – Brian Urlacher

50. “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”

51. “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” ~ Maya Angelou

52. "It was easy for me to not feel beautiful in a world of prom queens, yet my mother was always reminding me of how worthy I was. I was a lucky daughter.” — Brittainy C. Cherry, Eleanor & Grey

53. “Take heart tired momma. You will make it through these exhausting days, and you will be stronger for them. You are a good mother. You only need to look into the eyes of your children and believe it.”

54. There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn't have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always. —Taylor Swift

55. “In my experience, if you’re a good girl and suffer yourself to be led you will find your stepmother the sweetest creature imaginable. I never managed it but you might.”― Lady Harriet Cumnor

56. A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem. — Naomi Wolf

57. Dear mother, it’s a special day and I want to add joy to this day. The way you have cared for me has inspired me to be the best mother in the future.

58. Being a stepmom is not easy, but a sweet hug and kiss from the kids are all worth it.” – Unknown

59. A stepparent is so much more than just a parent; they made the choice to love when they didn’t have to.” – Anonymous

60. “There’s no clear road map to being a stepmother.” ―Laura Brimberry

61. A stepmom is the glue that holds everything together, even when she feels she may fall apart.” – Anonymous

62. “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness, and children sleep soundly in them.”—Victor Hugo

63. “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD cares for me.” – Psalm 27:10

64. A good stepparent can literally turn the life of a child around.” — Unknown

65. This birthday message is for a mother who wants her son to know how happy she is to be his mother and how her life is complete with him.

66. Being a stepmother has worked out very well for me. I love my stepchildren very much.” – Philippa Gregory

67. “I can be not the best daughter for you because I know how many troubles you’ve experienced with me. But I want to tell you that for me, you are the best mom ever.” – Unknown

68. “Every mother and daughter should make time for a trip together. It’s good for the soul.” ― Anne Robinson

69. There’s something really empowering about going, ‘Hell, I can do this! I can do this all!’ That’s the wonderful thing about mothers, you can because you must, and you just do.” — Kate Winslet

70. “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” ―Leigh Anne Tuohy

71. Of all the evil stepmothers in the world, I’m glad I got you.” – Anonymous

72. “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” ― Abraham Lincoln

73. Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.” — Dave Willis

74. "We mothers are learning to mark our mothering success by our daughters’ lengthening flight.” — Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Family Politics

75. “Single mothers juggle two roles – the role of the father and that of mother – at the same time. For single mothers who just found themselves in that role, nothing prepares them, but they do it anyway.” – Anonymous

76. “We should recognize that women become mothers the moment they are pregnant.”– Alveda King

77. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” -Rajneesh

78. “There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother.” —Sara Josepha Hale

79. A woman by her very nature is maternal - for every woman, whether... married or unmarried, is called upon to be a biological, psychological or spiritual mother.

80. ‘A single mom tries when things are hard. She never gives up. She believes in her family, even when things are tough. She knows that above all things… a mother’s love is more than enough.’ – Denice Williams

81. “Parents – especially stepparents, are sometimes a bit of a disappointment to their children. They don’t fulfill the promise of their early years.” ―Anthony Powell

82. Remember why you chose to come together in the first place—the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them, and this makes them just as important to your happiness." — Beth Huber

83. A tribute to my mom who passed away from breast cancer. We met in the hospital room after I had delivered her last child, a daughter. Her love for me was boundless and she gave me my life back.

84. Stepmoms deserve the same respect a mother would receive. They pour all of their time, energy and love into a child they didn’t even create. Stepmoms don’t do it because they have to. They do it because they want to.” — Unknown

85. There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one. —Jill Churchill

86. “I’m lucky to have two mothers; a great mother and stepmother. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for a woman you love.” ―Mark Rebb

87. “The best medicine in the world is a mother’s kiss.”—Anonymous

88. “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.”—Honore de Balzac

89. “My mother shed her protective love down around me, and without knowing why, people sensed that I had value.” ― Maya Angelou

90. The only steps in this house are the stair steps, and the only half in this house is the half-and-half creamer.” – Al Hodson

91. “Stepparents are not around to replace biological parent, rather to augment a child’s life experience.” ―Azriel Johnson

92. “I remind myself every day that the version of motherhood in my head- the mom guilt, the imperfection, the worry- isn’t the same version of motherhood that my kids see – a mom who loves them fully and forever no matter what.”

93. “I know enough to know that no woman should ever marry a man who hated his mother.” — Martha Gellhorn

94. Half and full should be used in math, not in relationships. There are no half-mothers, only complete families.” — Unknown

95. “Remember why you chose to come together in the first place—the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them, and this makes them just as important to your happiness.” ―Beth Huber

96. “My mother, she is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her.” – Jodi Picoult

97. There is no universal approach when it comes to being a stepmom. So, let us all just do our best to encourage and help each other through it.” – Anonymous

98. "The loves of my life are my children and my mother. I don’t feel as if I need a man.” — Diane Keaton

99. You showed me when I was young just how to grow / You showed me everything that I should know / You showed me just how to walk without your hands / Cuz mom you always were the perfect fan —The Backstreet Boys

100. To the stepmom who feels like you are failing. Don’t doubt yourself. Right now, it feels hard, but each day you still show up, even through the exhaustion. You pour your love into your children, even though your cup feels empty. You do the best you can, even when you think you can’t. And that dear mama is not failing. You are amazing.” – Anonymous

101. “That’s one of the things [Joe Biden and I] have in common. My children don’t call me stepmom, they call me Momala. We’re a very modern family. Their mom is a close friend of mine. … Joe and I have a similar feeling that really is how we approach leadership: family in every version that it comes.” ―Kamala Harris

102. “I couldn’t believe my grandmother would be lying to me. She went to church every morning of the week and she said grace before every meal, and somebody who did that would never tell lies. I was beginning to believe every word she spoke. ”

103. As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine life without her.” —Kristin Hannah

104. ‘I may not always say it but thank you for being such an amazing mother in law. I love you. Happy Mother’s Day.’

105. Happy birthday you son of a great mother!

106. “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thought. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”

107. “A man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it’s too late to let her know that he sees it.” – W. D. Howells

108. “Clarity and focus don’t always come from God or inspirational quotes. Usually, it takes your mother to slap the reality back into you.” — Shannon L. Alder.

109. Take good care of your marriage. showing your kids and step-kids what a happy, healthy partnerships looks like is an invaluable gift.” — Jenna Korf

110. “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” — Honore de Balzac

111. Being a stepmom can be hard, but it’s totally worth it.” – Anonymous

112. "Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life." - Sophocles

113. “A man can love different women during his life, but the love for his mother is timeless.”

114. I am grateful for whatever God has given me. But I am more grateful for having you in my life as my mother-in-law. You have made me feel more special every day.

115. "Mothers and daughters are closest when daughters become mothers.” — Anonymous

116. Parenting... Strip it down and what do you really have? A relationship with a unique, little person god entrusted to you to nurture, love, and raise.” — Mathew L. Jacobson

117. There’s no clear road map to being a stepmother.” — Laura Brimberry

118. “If you’re about to become a stepmother or are currently filling that role, you are gambling that the love you’ve found and the strength and wisdom that you’ve acquired will see you through.”―Sue Patton Thoele

119. For a mother is the only person on earth who can divide her love among ten children and each child still have all her love. –Anonymous

120. “Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained from having one.”

121. “A mother is clothed with strength and dignity, laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness.” – Proverbs

122. “Of all the haunting moments of motherhood, few rank with hearing your own words come out of your daughter’s mouth.” – Victoria Secunda

123. Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” — Robert A. Heinlein, Have Space Suit—Will Travel

124. “Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” — Stevie Wonder, Singer

125. Proud Stepmothers. We are not attempting to be some other person. We are quite amazing just being ourselves.” – Unknown

126. “The biggest surprise about motherhood was how completely and totally it changed how I look at myself, and what I believe I deserve, for the better.”

127. Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me. —Lady Gaga

128. Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.”— Dave Willis

129. “Sometimes when you pick up your child, you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood – finding a piece of yourself separate and apart from that all the same, you could not live without.” – Jodi Picoult

130. “A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” ~ Honore de Balzac

131. Men are what their mothers made them. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

132. The best place to cry is in a mother’s arms. — Jodi Picoult

133. I am a stepmother to the fullest extent.” — Megan Fox

134. “Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.” ―Dave Willis

135. Happy Mothers’ Day to a woman who has always tried to fill the empty space in my heart, not my mother’s shoes.” – Unknown

136. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday if she believes he is a blessing in her life.

137. “We should recognize that women become mothers the moment they are pregnant.” – Alveda King

138. “God cannot be present to mend every broken family, hence he created stepmom.” —Unknown

139. “When a baby is born, it’s a mother’s instinct to protect her baby. When a baby dies, it’s a mother’s instinct to protect their memory.” — Unknown

140. “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” ~ Cardinal Meymillod

141. Family isn’t blood. It’s the people who love you. The people who have your back.” — Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

142. “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Tuohy. Here are 40 Inspirational Stepmom Quotes.

143. "As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her.

144. “I say if you love something, set it in a small cage and pester and smother it with love until it either loves you back or dies.” — Mindy Kaling

145. A healthy stepmother knows that some days she’s a stagehand, somedays she’s the leading lady, and some days she’s the audience…and she plays each role with style and grace.” – Unknown

146. This birthday message can be used for mothers who have an amazing son and want him to have a great birthday.

147. “Understand that your role is transitional. … Some days you’re going to be the leading lady. Some days you’re just going to be a stagehand. And some days you’re not going to be in the scene at all. The quicker you realize that the better off you’ll be.” ―Naja Hall

148. If a mother is not able to be with her son on his birthday, she can send him this message to let him know that she is still thinking of him.

149. My stepmom is an angel who gave me an additional love and I am so grateful.” – Unknown

150. “A single mom has a backbone made of steel and a heart made of gold.” – Anonymous

151. “When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”— Charley Benetto

152. Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.” — Sheryl Crow

153. “Even on the days you feel like you are failing, look around, I promise your kids still think you are the best mom in the whole universe.” –

154. “As mothers and daughters, we are connected with one another. My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true. She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot now imagine a life without her.” – Kristin Hannah

155. “Mother, dearest mother, no other woman compares to you. You were strong in the darkest hour and you showed me the strength to achieve victory. So at this moment my victories and achievements belong to you.” ― Mark Frank

156. “Because my father was absent on naval duty, my mother suffered me to do as much as I pleased.”- John James Audubon

157. It is said that with great power comes great responsibility. But stepmothers’ shoulder great responsibilities even when they have limited power over their stepchildren in terms of acceptability and trust.” – Unknown

158. My children don’t call me stepmom, they call me Momala. We’re a very modern family. Their mom is a close friend of mine.” — Kamala Harris

159. “Being a mother is the greatest blessing and the hardest challenge in all of life.”—Dr. Magdalena Battles

160. “A single mother has a backbone made of steel and a heart made of gold”

161. “I know being a mom isn’t always easy… but I’m sure glad we’re in this together!” -Kendra Wilkinson

162. Stepparenting is working at a late-night convenience store… all the responsibility and none of the authority.” — Valerie J. Lewis Coleman

163. “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” – Sophia Laren

164. We aren’t ‘step.’ We are just a family.” – Anonymous

165. “I certainly think Halle Berry’s a wonderful role model. She’s a terrific stepmother and has shown that in so many beautiful ways and has made such enormous strides for women culturally and such great successes as an actress and philanthropist.”—Sharon Stone

166. “my mother, poor fish,

167. “The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.” – Henry Ward Beecher

168. “Whatever you do. be different – that was the advice my mother gave me. and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different. you will stand out.” – Anita Roddick

169. My mother ... had a very deep inner spirituality that allowed her to rebuild her life. It’s extraordinary that she had such a strong sense of self and such a commitment to the future and such a strong creative sense that she could build new worlds for herself and for us out of the total devastation in her life. —Caroline Kennedy

170. “A very long time ago, when I was a little girl, I didn’t have a naughty little sister at all. I was a child all on my own. I had a father and a mother of course, but I hadn’t any other little brothers or sisters - I was quite alone.”

171. “Who knew all I needed was a little break and I’m back to being the mom I always want to be.” -Jessica Herrington

172. Only mothers can think of the future because they give birth to it in their children.” – Maxim Grosky

173. “You can be a good mother and chase your dreams. You totally can, if you so desire..” – Anonymous

174. When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your stepchild instead. You’ll never fail with [their] best interest at heart.” — Jessica James

175. A good stepmom is not made, she is built. She is built by the hardships of her role, the tears she cries in secret, and by the lessons, she learns through trial and error.” – Michelle Zunter

176. “For the first time. I would be away from the protection of my mother.”

177. Stepparenting is working at a late-night convenience store…all the responsibility and none of the authority.” – Valerie J. Lewis Coleman

178. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the love between the mother and a son.

179. This greeting can be sent from a mother to her son on his birthday. It is a loving message that expresses her hope that his birthday will be as wonderful as he is.

180. “Half and full should be used in maths not in relationships. There are no half-mothers only complete families.” —Unknown

181. “From the moment I became a stepmother, my purpose has been to love and protect these children with everything I have.” ―Unknown

182. ‘Thank you for every hug, word of encouragement, and act of love you’ve given me. You’re an amazing mother in law. Happy Mother’s Day!

183. “A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.” – Unknown

184. “Caring for a child with special needs can be isolating in other ways, too. When one couple learned the little girl they had adopted had autism, the new mom left the workplace to care for her full time. Suddenly, her husband was her only lifeline to the world.” – Gary Chapman & Jolene Philo

185. “Being a stepmom is extremely tough because you are continually being tested, by the children, your husband, the neighbors, your husband, the relatives, old friends who knew the children’s parents in their previous marriage, and by yourself.” —Unknown

186. Blessed mothers will want to use this birthday message to show their sons how loved and appreciated they are on their birthday.

187. Dear stepmom, thank you for being patient with me—every single day.” – Anonymous

188. “Even on the days you feel like you are failing, look around and I promise your kids still think you are the best mom the whole universe.”

189. “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field since the payment is pure love.” – Mildred Vermont

190. Although my stepson and I may not share the same blood, we will always share the same love.” – Anonymous

191. When it feels as if you can't do right by the other parent, do right by your step-child instead. You'll never fail with best interest at heart.” — Jessica James

192. Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” – Fleur Conkling Heyliger

193. “I’m going to show people my true intentions, and my true heart. I’m going to show them the man that my mother raised. I’m going to make them all proud.”

194. “Darkness and night are mothers of thought.”- Dutch Proverb

195. I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.” — Unknown

196. "There's a feeling sometimes in motherhood that you're alone in what you're going through, and none of us are alone. We're all going through the same thing.”- Nia Vardalos

197. Being a stepmom is extremely tough because you are continually being tested, by the children, your husband, the neighbors, your husband, the relatives, old friends who knew the children’s parents in their previous marriage, and by yourself.” – Anonymous

198. “There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” —Elder M. Russell Ballard

199. However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” – Valeria Harper

200. “Being a healthy, happy, and fit mom may seem impossible today, but six years from now you’ll thank yourself for starting.” — Anonymous

201. However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” — Valeria Harper

202. From the moment I became a stepmother, my purpose has been to love and protect these children with everything I have.” – Unknown

203. “I truly have a village supporting me. My son has godmothers, godfathers, grandparents and so many others in his life who love him as much as I do. They’re there for both of us. I may not have a mate or husband, but I’m definitely not a single parent.” – Jill Scott

204. Yes, I didn’t give life to you, but you really gave me mine.” – Anonymous

205. “The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life, the stronger the daughter.” — Anita Diamant

206. “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” — James E. Faust

207. “A mother’s job is to teach her children not to need her anymore. The hardest part of that job is accepting success.”

208. In my experience, if you’re a good girl and suffer yourself to be led you will find your stepmother the sweetest creature imaginable. I never managed it but you might.” – Lady Harriet Cumnor

209. "The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat.”

210. This is a short and simple bday message from a mother to her son.

211. Any mother could perform the jobs of several air-traffic controllers with ease. — Lisa Alther

212. A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s. —Princess Diana

213. Family isn’t something that’s supposed to be static or set. People marry in, divorce out. They’re born, they die. It’s always evolving, turning into something else.” – Sarah Dessen

214. “As a single mom, I’m juggling a lot and working long hours. Yes, it costs them a little, but what my children get in return is a mother who is energized and content.” – Edie Falco

215. Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.” – Murasaki Shikibu

216. “Working out as a mom is the best, because your kids are never going to judge how many squats you can or can’t do.” — Cami

217. Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.” – Dave Willis

218. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” – Honoré de Balzac

219. “Strong mothers are not the ones that have never struggled. They are the ones that never give up despite the struggles.”

220. Stepmothers are more self-critical and blame themselves more than any other members of a remarried family. They tend to experience difficulty with a stepchild as ongoing, unremitting, and overwhelming.” – Wednesday Martin

221. Being a stepmom is not easy, but a sweet hug and kiss from the kids are all worth it.” – Anonymous

222. ‘The funny thing about pregnancy is that you are not just creating a child, you are also creating a mother.’

223. A mom like you is the sweetest gift

224. Respect matters. When a stepmom feels respected, she'll want to do just about anything for her step-kids” — Jenna Korf

225. Biological, step, foster, adoptive. It’s not the word before ‘mom’ that defines you, but rather the love and dedication in your heart.” – Unknown

226. “Only one whose heart is full of love can choose to love someone else’s child as their own.” —Unknown

227. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”— Richard Bach

228. “Behind many great children is a stepparent who stepped in, took responsibility and cared.” —Unknown

229. Self-care is choosing not to argue with those who are committed to misunderstanding you” — Ayishat A. Akandbi

230. A mother can use this birthday message to wish her son a happy birthday and let him know she is looking forward to seeing him soon.

231. “Stepmothers should get the same respect a mother would receive. They give their time, energy, and affection to a child, they didn’t give birth to. Stepmothers do all this, not because they must do it. They do it because they choose to do it.” —Unknown

232. Freud: If it’s not one thing, it’s your mother.

233. “Remember that a single mom is just like any other mom and that our number one priority is still our kids. Any parent does whatever it takes for their kids and a single mother is no different.” – Paula Miranda

234. “When you’re a single parent, you’re often lonely yet seldom alone. There is no backup. It is mothering without a net.” – Amy Dickinson

235. Step-parenting and being a step-sibling presents a lot of exciting opportunities. When families break up and re-form, there may be less order, less certainty, and a bit more trauma involved, but kids can end up having half-a-dozen parent figures.” – Morris Gleitzman

236. Remember why you chose to come together in the first place—the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them, and this makes them just as important to your happiness.”— Beth Huber

237. “As a single mom, I am juggling a lot and working long hours. Yes, it costs them a little, but what my children get in return is a mother who is energized and content.” – Edie Falco

238. ‘In the end, I’m the only one who can give my children a happy mother who loves life.’ – Janene Wolsey Baadsgard

239. “My mother has always been my emotional barometer and my guidance. I was lucky enough to get to have one woman who truly helped me through everything.” — Emma Stone, Actress

240. Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy – Tina Fey

241. It’s your birthday, so make sure you do something fun today! But don’t get too crazy , because you still have to listen to mom and dad.

242. “Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever.” – Unknown

243. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you! Happy Mother’s Day to the sweetest mother in the world, we love you!

244. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday if she loves him unconditionally.

245. “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his.” — Oscar Wilde.

246. “When I was a child, my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk you’ll end up as the pope.’ Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.” – Pablo Picasso

247. I love my stepmom. She may not have given birth to me, but she has always raised me as her own.” – Anonymous

248. “No matter how old you are, you always want your mother’s love and acceptance. I guess I’m hoping one day I’ll get it back.” – Hilary Grossman

249. “You’re second in line to your husband’s kids because the kids should come first, right? … Logically speaking, that sounds fantastic. Of course! Always put the kids first! But your heart … feels like, oh, like, I’m not significant and I don’t matter. … You have hurt feelings, and you don’t really understand how to say that.” ―Jasjit Sangha

250. If I were hanged on the highest hill / Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine! / I know whose love would follow me still / Mother o’ mine, O mother o’ mine! —Rudyard Kipling

251. Scott Eastwood had a very wise mother. Leave a good mark on the world.

252. Only one whose heart is full of love can choose to love someone else’s child as their own.” – Anonymous

253. I love my stepmom. She may not have given birth to me, but she has always raised me as her own.” – Unknown

254. “The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.” – Jessica Lange

255. “Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.”

256. “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”—Abraham Lincoln

257. “The single mothers who are coming to this country, and the children who follow them, are changing the face of immigration to the United States.”

258. However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” — Valerie Harper

259. “I’m not really single. I mean I am, but I have a son. Being a single mother is different from being a single woman.” – Kate Hudson

260. Being a stepmom is like completing someone else’s incomplete melody. Understanding the already created tune and adding your own personality to seamlessly complete it, is really a work of a true maestro.” – Anonymous

261. A mother can send this message to her son to make sure he has a great day. He deserves nothing but the best.

262. ‘Dear mama, it doesn’t matter if you are a single mom or not, just remember that you are the best mom for your child and you are doing the best you can.’

263. This is a message a mother could use for her son’s birthday if they share the same birthday

264. My married life wouldn’t be so delightful and happy without you. You are so compassionate and helped me to handle everything. I can’t believe that such an amazing woman is my mother-in-law.

265. A healthy stepmother knows that somedays she’s a stagehand, somedays she’s the leading lady, and somedays she’s the audience… and she plays each role with style and grace.” — Unknown

266. “Let me tell you a few truths about being a stepmother you won’t read in any self-help books or get from a therapist. It’s emotionally draining to be a stepmother. Being a stepmother is the most difficult job on the planet because no matter what you do, you lose.” ―Sarah Jo Smith

267. “The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness.” — Jessica Lange

268. “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” —Oprah Winfrey

269. “The strength of my mother is something I didn’t pay attention to for so long. Here she was, this single mom, who was part of the Great Migration, who was part of a Jim Crow south, who said, ‘I’m getting my kids out of here. I’m creating opportunities for these young people by any means necessary.” – Jacqueline Woodson

270. All of a sudden you’re thrown into doing motherly duties. And I call that the stepmom vortex. You just get pulled in. You’re making lunch. You’re making dinners. You’re going to practice—nobody tells you.” – Kendall Rose

271. While this birthday message is geared more towards mothers who have become better because of their son, it can be used for any mother who wants to show how much they love their son.

272. This birthday message is perfect for a mother to her son. It lets him know that it is time to celebrate his birthday and that she doesn’t want him to grow up too fast.

273. “Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.”— Dave Willis

274. The only steps in this house are the stair steps and the only half in this house is the half-and-half creamer.” — Al Hodson

275. “A mother is the person you can always call to see how long chicken lasts in the fridge.”

276. She never gets tired of making me feel what it’s like to have a family not solely based on blood or name, but by heart and soul.” – Anonymous

277. The mother loved me, the sister loved me, the father loved me, IT COULD’VE BEEN PERFECT!” – Mariah Carey

278. "That’s what love is like: mother of the greatest bliss and stepmother of the most tragic misery.” — Stefanos Livos

279. Hold your head high. It takes a very special and strong woman to be a stepmom.” – Anonymous

280. A good stepparent can literally turn the life of a child around.” – Unknown

281. It’s my time to tell you how fortunate and special I am to be blessed with a mother as caring, loving as you. Wish you a happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

282. “A single mother has a backbone made of steel and a heart made of gold.” ‒ Absent Father Inspiration Single Mom Quotes

283. “One thing I know for sure – this motherhood thing is not for sissies.” – Jennifer Nettles

284. I might not be the mother who gave you the gift of life, but I’m glad life gave me you as a gift. You are my stepdaughter and I will truly love you no matter what.” – Anonymous

285. Every day I wake up and think: How on Earth did I become this much like my mother?

286. “Sooner or later we all quote our mothers.

287. ‘For my mother in law, happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for inspiring me and being such a positive influence in my life.’

288. “My brother from the same mother.”

289. When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your stepchild instead. You’ll never fail with best interest at heart.” — Jessica James

290. “Motherhood has taught me that being a woman isn’t all about being perfect, having it all together, and being able to do everything. Being a mom reminds me that I am human.” -Toni Hammer

291. There’s no clear road map to being a stepmother.” – Laura Brimberry

292. “Career is important, but nothing really supersedes my role as a mother.” – Halle Berry

293. “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” —George Washington

294. ‘Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you, my mother in law, for being such an important part of our lives. We are truly blessed!’

295. “For every dream that has taken flight, there’s a mother who believed.” ~ Jennifer Fujita

296. ”Just because a single-mom usually can’t be bothered to spend much time on her make-up doesn’t mean that she has given up on romance.”

297. ‘Happy Mother’s Day! You are an incredible mother in law! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know what I would ever do without you!

298. “I can see my daughter a successful woman, a fighter, and a very good person. I always believe in her. I love how she becomes exactly like me. I only hope she will be a better mom more than me.”

299. “My mother is the reason that I love you,’ Bhim said simply. ‘She is the reason I know what love is.” ― Leah Franqui

300. My mother’s menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it.” — Buddy Hackett

301. "We are born of love; love is our mother." - Rumi

302. “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” ―Oprah Winfrey

303. A child cannot have too many people who love them and want to help them succeed.” – Unknown

304. Behind many great children is a stepparent who stepped in, took responsibility and cared.” – Unknown

305. “Either a mother and daughter know each other very well or they are strangers.” ― Shin Kyung-sook

306. Grandmothers always have time to talk and make you feel special.” – Catherine Pulsifer

307. “Mothers see the angel in us because the angel is there. If it’s shown to the mother, the son has got an angel to show, hasn’t he?” – Booth Tarkington

308. ‘Thank you, my mother in law, for all the blessings you have given me. Happy Mother’s Day!’

309. The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.” – Rajneesh

310. “Only mothers can think of the future because they give birth to it in their children.” ~ Maxim Grosky

311. “Self-care during pregnancy is the first gift that the mom can give to her child.”

312. Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood – finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without.” — Jodi Picoult

313. Understand that your role is transitional. Some days you’re going to be the leading lady. Some days you’re just going to be a stagehand. And some days you’re not going to be in the scene at all. The quicker you realize that, the better off you’ll be.” – Naja Hall

314. Not every child in this world is fortunate enough to have two beautiful moms in a single lifetime.” – Anonymous

315. “Disney has been lying to little girls. Stepmothers are not scary, nannies are not magical, and dwarfs do not let you spend the night at their house without expecting something.” ―Xanthippe Voorhees

316. Remember why you chose to come together in the first place—the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them, and this makes them just as important to your happiness.” – Anonymous

317. It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God remarked, "it's the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have."

318. Being a mother is discovering strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you never knew existed.

319. “A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.” — unknown

320. Even though I’m disrespected, lied about, walked over, ignored, blamed, and hated, I’m still a proud stepmom.” – Anonymous

321. Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.” — Jodi Picoult

322. “It is true. Despereaux’s eyes should not have been open. But they were. He was staring at the sun reflecting off his mother’s mirror. The light was shining on the ceiling in an oval of brilliance, and he was smiling up at the sight.”

323. “A mom is like a teabag. You can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

324. Biological, step, foster, adoptive. It’s not the word before ‘mom’ that defines you, but rather the love and dedication in your heart.” – Anonymous

325. “Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.”―Murasaki Shikibu

326. I might not be the mother who gave you the gift of life, but I’m glad life gave me you as a gift. You are my stepdaughter and I will truly love you no matter what.” – Unknown

327. Family isn't defined only by last names or by blood; it's defined by commitment and by love.” — Dave Willis

328. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” — Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

329. “One of the most important relationships we’ll have is the relationship we have with our mothers.” – Iyanla Vanzant

330. Being a stepmom means they grew inside of my heart instead of my tummy.” – Anonymous

331. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” — Theodore Hesburgh

332. It takes someone really brave to be a stepmom. Someone strong to raise a child not her own, but love them with all her heart anyway.” – Unknown

333. “My mother carried me for ten months. I asked her ‘Mother, you had an extra month, why you didn’t make me a beautiful face?’ and mother told me, ‘My son, I was busy making your beautiful hands and heart.'” — Mstislav Rostropovich

334. My job as a stepmom is to protect my step kids. I don’t care how old they are, they’re mine to protect for life.” – Anonymous

335. She never gets tired of making me feel what it’s like to have a family not solely based by blood or name, but by heart and soul.” – Unknown

336. ‘My mom was a strong single mom, and I am who I am today because of her strength and dedication.’

337. You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu

338. “A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother’s love”

339. Yes, I didn’t give life to you, but you really gave me mine.” – Unknown

340. “I didn’t join films to become a great star. I wanted a change from my mother’s memory. I started believing in God after my mother’s death because then there is heaven and hell and I might meet her there. I think of her as a star. She is a solid point of reference in my life. And I figure if I’m in films. if I’m 70mm. it is easier for her to see me.” – Shah Rukh Khan

341. For better or worse, step-parenting is self-conscious parenting. You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.” – Unknown

342. “My mother – my stepmother, really, she herself have been what they call an elocutionist. And she was the one who first encouraged me to write poetry, because she used to read it to us. And then when I began to write when I was nine years old, my first poem was published in the Amsterdam News. I called it “The Graveyard.”— Ruby Dee

343. The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother's always a Democrat.

344. “You don’t take a class; you’re thrown into motherhood and learn from experience.”- Jennie Finch

345. Fun loving mothers may want to use this message to write to their son on his birthday. It is a way to encourage him to get a cake with lots of icing.

346. “There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart.” — Washington Irving

347. Only true warriors can become good stepmothers.” — Unknown

348. “I grew up in a makeup chair. And to see the women around me getting ready was so aspirational. It’s about mothers and daughters, a girl watching her mom at a vanity table.” – Drew Barrymore

349. “Mothers are the people who love us for no good reason. And those of us who are mothers know it’s the most exquisite love of all.”-Maggie Gallagher

350. “Maybe it’s just a daughter’s job to piss off her mother.” — Chuck Palahniuk

351. Half and full should be used in maths not in relationships. There are no half-mothers, only complete families.” – Anonymous

352. Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” — Fleur Conkling Heyliger

353. To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.” – Barbara Bush

354. “I was once a single mother, with very few resources, so I have a special place in my heart for women in difficult situations.” – Linda Lael Miller

355. ”Hillary Clinton famously talked about how raising a child takes a village. Except our society isn’t set up that way. We’re organized in nuclear units, and a single mom can ask her friends only so many times for help picking up the kids.”

356. Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Tuohy

357. “President Obama’s fight for rural America is personal. He was raised by a single mom and grandparents from Kansas. He hails from a farming state, Illinois.” – Tom Vilsack

358. “Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.” ―Sheryl Crow

359. Loving your own kids is easy. Loving another woman's children as your own is what makes stepmoms really special.” — Dave Willis

360. “A tired mom is a good mom. A rested mom is a better mom.” -Mandy Hale

361. Behind many great children is a stepparent who stepped in, took responsibility and cared.” — Unknown

362. “A mother understands what a child does not say.”—A Jewish proverb

363. “A healthy stepmother knows that some days she’s a stage hand, some days she’s the leading lady, and some days she’s the audience… and she plays each role with grace and style.”―Unknown

364. I will never understand the difference between a stepmother and a biological mother because you’ve never shown me the difference between the two.” – Anonymous

365. “Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” ―Fleur Conkling Heyliger

366. A stepparent doesn’t just marry a spouse; they marry an entire situation. They find a balance between supporting and defending without overstepping visible and invisible boundaries.” – Unknown

367. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday to remind him how unique he is.

368. A caring stepmother doesn’t have to replace the child’s own mom. She will secure her own special place in the heart of the child by her love and care.” — Unknown

369. Co-parenting is not a competition. It’s a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of the child at heart. Work for your kids, not against them.” – Anne Brown

370. A good stepmom is not made—she is built. She is built by the hardships of her role, the tears she cries in secret and by the lessons she learns through trial and error.” — Michelle Zunter

371. “He didn’t realize that love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark…to have been loved so deeply…will give us some protection forever.

372. “Single mom or not, there is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.” – Anonymous

373. Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.” — Murasaki Shikibu

374. I might not have carried them in my belly for nine months, but I promise to carry them in my heart forever.” – Anonymous

375. If you’re about to become a stepmother or are currently filling that role, you are gambling that the love you’ve found and the strength and wisdom that you’ve acquired will see you through.” – Sue Patton Thoele

376. Family isn't something that's supposed to be static or set. It's always evolving, turning into something else.” — Sarah Dessen

377. Everyone keeps telling me that I look like my mother. But I want to tell them that as wonderful as my mother is, I want to grow up to be like my father. I want to be like the strong and wonderful person that he is. Thank you for being a wonderful daddy to me, daddy.

378. A caring stepmother doesn’t have to replace the child’s own mom. She will secure her own special place in the heart of the child by her love and care.” – Unknown

379. “Each child is biologically required to have a mother. Fatherhood is a well-regarded theory, but motherhood is a fact.” – PJ O’Rourke

380. When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your stepchild instead. You’ll never fail with your best interest at heart.” – Jessica James

381. A birthday message like this one is perfect for a mother who wants her son to know how special their relationship is.

382. "Being a mother is hard and it wasn’t a subject I ever studied.” – Ruby Wax

383. “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.” ~ Dorothy

384. “I am a single parent, a working mother, an executive, and an author. My greatest accomplishment will be to raise three wonderful children.” – Ivana Trump

385. “Career is important, but nothing really supersedes my role as a mother.” — Halle Berr

386. “Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate.”

387. God couldn’t be everywhere, so that is why he invented mothers.” – Daphne Wilder, Because I Said So

388. “If I turn into my mother or even half the woman she is, I’ll consider my life a successful one.”

389. Not a single drop of my self-worth depends on what the bio mom in my situation thinks of me.” – Unknown

390. The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother. — St. Therese of Lisieux

391. If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? — Milton Berle

392. You don't choose your family. they are god's gift to you, as you are to them.” — Desmond Tutu

393. Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother comes out.

394. “Now that you’ve graduated, just remember: Bosses don’t usually accept notes from your mother.” — Melanie White

395. “We don’t get to choose who we fall in love with. If we did, the world would have fewer single mothers.” – Margaret A. Belt

396. “My mother was my first country, the first place I ever lived.” — Nayyirah Waheed

397. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday if he is always making her laugh and she wants him to have a birthday that is fun.

398. “My mom is the greatest mom in the whole wide world. She’s done everything for me to make my dreams come true.” – Josh Hutcherson

399. “An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.” - Spanish Proverb

400. Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child.” – Tony Gaskins

401. My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” – George Washington

402. “I never had that wicked stepmother or evil stepfather thing at all. I’m very close to both stepparents and I consider them to be my parents, too.” ―Mark Ronson

403. A stepmother has a hard hand.” – Anonymous

404. “A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” – Dorothy C. Fisher

405. A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. — Dorothy Canfield Fisher

406. Younger sons can receive this message from their mothers on their birthday if they want to wish them a happy birthday and let them know they are charming.

407. “As a son I would say this, she was the best mum in the world. She smothered us with love, that’s for sure.” — Prince Harry

408. Proud stepmothers. We are not attempting to be some other person. We are quite amazing just being ourselves.” – Anonymous

409. “Daughters always revel in their mother’s admiration. And daughters always bask in their father’s love.” ― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., The Wealth Reference Guide

410. “Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, a mother’s love is not.” – James Joyce

411. From the moment I became a stepmother, my purpose has been to love and protect these children with everything I have.” — Unknown

412. Stepparents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather to augment a child’s life experience.” — Azriel Johnson

413. “Sometimes a mother wonders if her son could have a better mother, but she knows for sure that she knows that there doesn’t exist a better son.”

414. “When I came out, I told my stepmother Gladys, and she just said she had known for years and was glad I wasn’t lying anymore.” —Ian McKellen

415. A caring stepmother doesn’t have to replace the child’s own mom. She will secure her own special place in the heart of the child by her love and care.” – Anonymous

416. “I also keep most of my pain. anger and feelings inside. I refuse to be vulnerable to anyone. especially my husband. The only people who see that more emotional or softer side are my children. That too because of my mother.”

417. You don’t just complete my dad’s life. You add a special touch to mine, too.”

418. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach

419. "Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them – a mother’s approval, a father’s nod – are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.” —Mitch Albom

420. I love my stepmom and everything she does for me. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.” – Unknown

421. Being a stepmother has worked out very well for me. I love my stepchildren very much.” — Philippa Gregory

422. “Most young men are such bores. They haven’t lived long enough to learn that they are not the wonders to the world they are to their mothers.” — L.M. Montgomery

423. You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.” — Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society

424. “There is no universal approach when it comes to being a stepmom. So, let us all just do our best to encourage and help each other through it.” —Unknown

425. A stepparent is so much more than just a parent: They made the choice to love when they didn’t have to.” – Unknown

426. “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.” —Dorothy on The Golden Girls

427. "Even on the days you feel like you are failing, look around, I promise your kids still think you are the best mom in the whole universe.” –

428. You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” — Desmond Tutu

429. “The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

430. “A caring stepmother doesn’t have to replace the child’s own mom. She will secure her own special place in the heart of the child by her love and care.” —Unknown

431. “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them” – Victor Hugo

432. "You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father’s.”

433. “Not every child in this world is fortunate enough to have two beautiful moms in a single lifetime.” —Unknown

434. When my grandmother died, time died, too, in this apartment.”― Banana Yoshimoto

435. A stepmother’s role is sometimes difficult, but it is always worthwhile.” — Ivana Davies

436. “My mother always told me, no monster lived beneath my bed, but she had failed to warn me, it laid on top of it instead.” -Erin Hanson

437. I tell myself, 'You've been through so much, you've endured so much, time will allow me to heal, and soon this will be just another memory that made me the strong woman, athlete, and mother I am today.

438. “Dating a single mom doesn’t mean you’ll be playing daddy. It just means you’ll be becoming part of a family and a role model for a child/children. If you aren’t ready to step up, then don’t step to her.”

439. A mother can send this message to her son on his birthday if he is very special to her and she is grateful to have him in her life

440. When everything feels too hard, my stepmom is always there to remind me just how loved I really am.” – Anonymous

441. A mother can send this birthday message to her son to make sure he has a great day. He is a good son, and she wants him to have everything he deserves.

442. “Pregnancy and motherhood are the most beautiful and significantly life-altering events that I have ever experienced.” – Elisabeth Hasselbeck

443. Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began. — Signe Hammer

444. You may not have my eyes or my smile, but from the very beginning you had my heart.” – Anonymous

445. I asked God for a best friend, so he sent me a stepmom!” – Unknown

446. I might not have carried them in my belly for nine months, but I promise to carry them in my heart forever.” – Unknown

447. You are just a great mother-in-law. You have stood by my side through all the good and bad times of the year. You are just an example of a perfect mother-in-law.

448. A stepmother’s love is unique. She continues to love her bonus children selflessly despite knowing that she will never be the priority in their lives.” – Anonymous

449. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood - finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without.

450. I am so proud to be your mother. I cherish you more than anything in this world! Happy Birthday!

451. “Sooner or later we all quote our mothers.” — Bern Williams

452. “I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.”—Lance Conrad

453. “The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.”- Henry Ward Beecher

454. “Every mom needs a break every now and again. Needing one doesn’t make you a bad parent.” -Michelle Olsen

455. It’s hard being a stepmom. But I cherish every moment.” – Anonymous

456. “As a mother, I will never give up on my child. As the mother of a child who has autism, I will never give up hope. I look into his eyes, and I see all the potential he has to offer to this beautiful world and just know that one day the world will see what I see.”

457. A stepmom might have to put in more effort and handle difficult situations so that everything goes smoothly and to make everyone feel at ease. It is one of the best gifts she could give.” – Anonymous

458. All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. –Oscar Wilde

459. While a mother’s love for her son is supposed to be unconditional, some mothers feel they could never love someone as much as they love their son.

460. When someone takes you on as their own when you’re not biologically their own, I think it is really special… My stepdad didn’t have to raise me. He wanted to.” – Jonathan Van Ness

461. I use the word bonus mom because I feel like it’s a blessing in my life. I feel so lucky that I got to have an extra, wonderful little angel in my life.” — Gisele Bundchen

462. “I tried to make my husband make his daughter like me. After ten years of failed attempts, I decided to make myself change.” ―Valerie J Lewis Coleman

463. ‘To my mother in law, I can never repay everything you’ve done for us, but I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you. Happy Mother’s Day!’

464. A stepparent is so much more than just a parent: they made the choice to love when they didn't have to.” — Unknown

465. Bright families are just like bright colors: When you blend two, you get something beautiful!” – Unknown

466. "There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” —Elder M. Russell Ballard

467. “Being a stepmother has worked out very well for me. I love my stepchildren very much.” ―Philippa Gregory

468. They are not my stepchildren. They are my children who came into this world before I met them.” – Anonymous

469. Stepparents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather augment a child’s life experience.” – Azriel Johnson

470. You may not have my eyes or my smile, but from the beginning, you had my heart.” — Unknown

471. “I want to say this to every stepmother: take it a little easier, try not to be so insistent, try not to have your desires dominate—and not just with the stepchildren, but with your husband, your family, your friends. The moment you step back from whatever it is that exasperates you, you get an unrestricted view of the situation—and you can take a breath before you move forward.”―Margit Eva Bernard

472. What I wish I could say to my children's Step-mom” — Unknown

473. “The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

474. “A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered and the smile that lights on the first born babe and assures it of a mother’s love.”

475. “I’m going to show people my true intentions and my true heart. I’m going to show them the man that my mother raised, and I’m going to make them all proud.”

476. A stepmom is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.” – Anonymous

477. "I keep seeing myself in my daughter, and I see my mother in me and in her.

478. Happy Birthday My Dear Son! Your birthday is truly a special day because it was also the day I became a mother. May you always be happy and healthy.

479. "Being a mother and grandmother is the best of the best in my life. My grandchildren multiply the joy my daughters bring me.” — Alexandra Stoddard

480. “When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”—Erma Bombeck

481. "Career is important, but nothing really supersedes my role as a mother.” — Halle Berry

482. ‘Happy Mother’s Day! I am so blessed to have such a warm, considerate, and amazing mother-in-law like you.’

483. Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” – Oprah Winfrey

484. Although my stepson and I may not share the same blood, we will always share the same love.” – Unknown

485. “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.”—Rudyard Kipling

486. A stepmother’s love is unique. She continues to love her bonus children selflessly despite knowing that she will never be the priority in their lives.” — Unknown

487. “I don’t understand how people can stand next to you one year, and next year, they cannot. They’re going crazy, screaming. They can’t take it that you’re there. But last year I was in the same club, walking around, lonely like a motherfucker. Couldn’t get a date or a dance. I was too skinny, too something, and now, ‘He’s just adorable. He’s just, oh!’„

488. “Most important is the recognition that stepparenting is different from primary parenting. It can be just as satisfying, it can be a reciprocally loving and caring relationship between parent and child, and it can provide some very good moments when it works, but it is different.” ―Claire Berman

489. “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” – Abraham Lincoln

490. “Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.”- Sophocles

491. “I decided instead of being embarrassed of my failed marriage and ashamed of being a single mother, I was going to OWN it. Being the best mother you can be and giving your kids the BEST life possible has nothing to do with your relationship status and you don’t have to be happily married to have a ‘picture-perfect family.’” — Amanda Stanton

492. “You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than you can never be. I had a mother who read to me.” – Strickland Gillilan

493. “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” ~ George Washington

494. "The emotions, responsibilities - and the pain - of motherhood are unique to each of us with children. Ask any woman, and she will have her own story to tell.”- Fiona Barton

495. “A daughter is a rainbow — a curve of light through scattered mist that lifts the spirit with her prismatic presence. Is a shadow — a reminder of something brilliant ducking out of sight, too easily drawn away. She is an aria, swelling within the concern chamber, an echo reverberating across a miniature sea. She is a secret, whispered, a hint of what we cannot know until it finds us. She is a sliver of her father, a shard of her mother. A daughter is a promise, kept.” — Ellen Hopkins, Triangles

496. Being a stepmom is like completing someone else’s incomplete melody. Understanding the already created tune and adding your own personality to seamlessly complete it, is really a work of a true maestro. ” – Unknown

497. “Your dream came true, your very own little one, your brand new life as a mother is about to begin. The moment you breathe in that new baby smell, you’ll feel a love so fierce, it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before.”

498. All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. — Abraham Lincoln

499. To the stepmom who feels like you are failing. Don’t doubt yourself. Right now, it feels hard, but each day you still show up, even through the exhaustion. You pour your love into your children, even though your cup feels empty. You do the best you can, even when you think you can’t. And that dear mama is not failing. You are amazing.” – Unknown

500. Grandmothers are the people who take delight in hearing babies breathing into the telephone.” —Unknown

501. “A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” – Honore de Balzac

502. “Only one woman is able to love a man more than she loves herself. It`s his mother.”

503. This birthday message can be used for mothers who want their son to know how special he is to

504. Not every child in this world is fortunate enough to have two beautiful moms in a single lifetime.” – Unknown

505. “Stepmothers are more self-critical and blame themselves more than any other members of a remarried family. They tend to experience difficulty with a stepchild as ongoing, unremitting and overwhelming.” ―Wednesday Martin

506. ‘To my mother in law, thank you for helping to make the hard times easier and the easy times more fun. Wishing you a very happy Mother’s Day!’

507. “All of a sudden you’re thrown into doing motherly duties. And I call that the stepmom vortex. You just get pulled in. You’re making lunches. You’re making dinners. You’re going to practices. … Nobody tells you.” ―Kendall Rose

508. Being a stepmom is a relationship like no other. Even the seemingly impossible challenges and fights will bond you to your stepchild or stepchildren for a lifetime.” — Michelle Brown

509. “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust

510. “A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” —Honore de Balzac

511. “Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall. A mother’s secret hope outlives them all.”—Oliver Wendell Holmes

512. We wondered why when a child laughed, he belonged to Daddy, and when he had a sagging diaper that smelled like a landfill, ‘He wants his mother.’

513. A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem” — Naomi Wolf

514. “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”—Jill Churchill

515. The tragedy of the loss of your mother has really left a deep wound in our hearts. She was our great family friend. Rest in peace.

516. “A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born baby, and assures it of a mother’s love.” — Thomas Chandler Haliburton

517. She is the mother I never had, she is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person.

518. [What's beautiful about my mother is] her compassion, how much she gives, whether it be to her kids and grandkids or out in the world. She’s got a sparkle. —Kate Hudson (on mom Goldie Hawn)

519. I don’t care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching—they are your family.” — Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty

520. The older I get, the more I realize that my stepmom is the best friend I could ever have.” – Anonymous

521. From the moment I became a stepmother, my purpose has been to love and protect these children with everything I have.” – Anonymous

522. This birthday message is great for a son who is always doing hard work. The mom wants him to have a happy relaxed day.

523. The only steps in this house are the stair steps, and the only half in this house is the half-and-half creamer.” — Al Hudson

524. “You didn’t treat me like an extra child, you treated me like one more blessing.”

525. It takes a strong man to accept somebody else’s children and step up to the plate another man left on the table.” – Ray Johnson

526. "Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, a mother’s love is not.” – James Joyce

527. “The greatest gift every mother can have is a daughter. Someone who sings with her, who helps in cleaning the house and someone, she can be with her most of the time.”

528. “Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.” — Lady Gaga

529. “The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.” — Elaine Heffner

530. Let me tell you a few truths about being a stepmother you won’t read in any self-help books or get from a therapist. It’s emotionally draining to be a stepmother. Being a stepmother is the most difficult job on the planet because no matter what you do, you lose.” – Sarah Jo Smith

531. “My mom and dad always tried to make Christmas special for us. We were poor, but it’s funny because we had no idea.” – Johnny Mathis

532. The classic phrase “like mother, like daughter” exists for good reason. With all of the heartfelt messages, it’s sometimes fun and necessary to point out the funny and ridiculous things that each other does. After all, you got your sense of humor from her, right?

533. “My mom taught me a woman’s mind should be the most beautiful part of her.” — Sonya Teclai

534. “As a single mom, I’m juggling a lot and working long hours. Yes, it costs them a little, but what my children get in return is a mother who is energized and content..” – Edie Falco

535. “Father has a strengthening character like the sun and mother has a soothing temper like the moon.” — Amit Kalantri

536. I asked God for a best friend, so He sent me a stepmom!” – Anonymous

537. "A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” — Dorothy Canfield Fisher

538. To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.” — Barbara Bush

539. I love my stepmom and everything she does for me. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.” – Anonymous

540. Supportive mothers will appreciate this birthday message from their sons, which shows how much they are loved.

541. Even on days when you feel like you are doing everything wrong, I promise you your stepkids still think you are the best stepmom.” – Anonymous

542. “No daughter and mother should ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.”—Christie Watson

543. “All stepmothers need to give themselves some time to adjust in a new home, with a new family. It is okay if you don’t instantly become the children’s favorite. Be your honest caring self, and in time all will be okay.” —Unknown

544. I’m lucky to have two mothers; a great mother and stepmother. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for a woman you love.” – Mark Rebb

545. “A stepmother’s love is unique. She continues to love her bonus children selflessly despite knowing that she will never be the priority in their lives.” —Unknown

546. A stepparent is so much more than just a parent: They made the choice to love when they didn’t have to.” — Unknown

547. “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.”– Barbara Kingsolver

548. “If a tie is like kissing your sister, losing is like kissing your grandmother with her teeth out.”

549. “Being a mom isn’t easy. It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love.” -Unknown

550. “You might be a redneck if during your senior year you and your mother had homeroom together.” ― Jeff Foxworthy

551. Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you did not grow under my heart but in it.” — Fleur Conkling Heyliger

552. This birthday message is for mothers who want their son to know how loved they are.

553. To my stepmom, thank you for embracing me like your own.” – Anonymous

554. "A mother and a daughter always share a special bond, which is engraved on their hearts.” — Anonymous

555. “If I turn into my mother, or even half the woman she is, I’ll consider my life a successful one.” — Anonymous

556. Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.” — C. Joybell C.

557. A boy-mom win is sitting on the toilet and it not being covered in pee.

558. However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” – Anonymous

559. “There’s no doubt that motherhood is the best thing in my life. It’s all that really matters.” – Courtney Cox

560. To the rest of the world you may be just my mother-in-law, but deep down in my heart, you are a rock of support during all the troubles of life. I am so grateful for you and the support you give to me. I hope you have a wonderful day today and know how much you are loved! Happy Mother’s Day!

561. “It’s hard being a stepmom. But I cherish every moment.” —Unknown

562. "I will never be as good a mother as she was. She was just grace incarnate.” — Angelina Jolie on Marcheline Bertrand

563. A child cannot have too many people who love them and want to help them succeed.” — Unknown

564. There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul.” – Unknown

565. A mother can use this message to show her appreciation for her son on his birthday.

566. A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” – Tenneva Jordan

567. “My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.” —Michael Jordan

568. “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” ~ Jill Churchill

569. “As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible.” – Ruth Bell Graham.

570. Even on days when you feel like you are doing everything wrong, I promise you your stepkids still think you are the best stepmom.” – Unknown

571. A mother can use this birthday message to her son on his special day to let him know that she thinks he deserves ice cream and that she hopes his birthday is everything he has ever wished for.

572. “A mother understands everything, even if child does not say anything” ~ Invajy

573. “It doesn’t matter what problems follow a man; he always knows that he is the best for his mother.”

574. A mother scolding her little daughter in street. Child is crying and woman is shaking finger because of child's bad behavior.

575. Special days like this are perfect for mothers who want their son to know how loved he is.

576. “I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Mitch Albom

577. “No matter what happens, you will be your stepmother’s children.” ―Unknown

578. God cannot be present to mend every broken family, hence he created stepmom.” – Anonymous

579. ‘Happy Mother’s Day to the greatest mother in law I could have ever asked for!’

580. “A mother is the only person in the world, who can turn daughter’s worries and fears into happiness.”

581. “Even more than the time when she gave birth, a mother feels her greatest joy when she hears others refer to her son as a wise learned one.” — Thiruvalluvar

582. “When I was in great sadness from life’s hardships, all I needed to see was my son’s smile. Caring for him as my daily routine has helped me become a happy person and mother. My son is my hero.”

583. Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.” – Lady Gaga

584. ”I am a single mom and I’m the breadwinner and I have to work and I have to do these things and that’s just the way it is. I don’t think my son even knows any different.”

585. Family isn’t something that’s supposed to be static or set. People marry in, divorce out. They’re born, they die. It’s always evolving, turning into something else.” — Sarah Dresden, Lock and Key

586. “The strength of my mother is something I didn’t pay attention to for so long. Here she was, this single mom, who was part of the Great Migration, who was part of a Jim Crow south, who said, ‘I’m getting my kids out of here. I’m creating opportunities for these young people by any means necessary.” – Jacqueline Woodson

587. You are more than just a mom to me! You’re my best friend. I love you so very much, Mama!

588. I used to have functioning brain cells, but I traded them in for children.” — Unknown

589. “Every parent has the power to teach their child that it is perfectly okay to like or love your stepparent and have an amazing relationship with them. There is enough love for everyone.” —Unknown

590. Stepmothers are fairy godmothers personified.” – Anonymous

591. Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs since the payment is pure love.” — Mildred B. Vermont

592. To my stepmom, thank you for being brave enough to face uncertainties when all things were new. You never made us feel like a stranger’s child. You always loved us as your own. And I will always love you for that.” – Anonymous

593. “I know that despite whatever stupid thing I do, I’d be able to go to my mom and she’d still love me. I honestly believe that.” ― Nellie Christine

594. ”I decided instead of being embarrassed of my failed marriage and ashamed of being a single mother, I was going to OWN it. Being the best mother you can be and giving your kids the BEST life possible has nothing to do with your relationship status and you don’t have to be happily married to have a ‘picture-perfect family.’” — Amanda Stanton

595. “Co-parenting is not a competition. It’s a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of the child at heart. Work for your kids, not against them.” ―Anne Brown

596. We aren’t stepfamily, we aren’t half family, we’re just family.” – Unknown

597. “Being a stepmom is not easy, but a sweet hug and kiss from the kids are all worth it.” —Unknown

598. Co-parenting is not a competition. It's a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of the child at heart. Work for your kids, not against them.” — Anne Brown

599. She raised us with humor, and she raised us to understand that not everything was going to be great—but how to laugh through it.” —Liza Minnelli (on mom Judy Garland)

600. “Any mother could do the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease” —Lisa Alther

601. “A little girl giggles when she is denied an ice cream by her mother. She knows daddy will get her some later.”

602. I never had that wicked stepmother or evil stepfather thing at all. I’m very close to both stepparents and I consider them to be my parents too.” — Mark Ronson

603. They are not my stepchildren. They are my children who came into this world before I met them.” — Unknown

604. Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.” – Jodi Picoult

605. “Step-parenting and being a step-sibling presents a lot of exciting opportunities. When families break up and re-form, there may be less order, less certainty, and a bit more trauma involved, but kids can end up having half-a-dozen parent figures.” ―Morris Gleitzman

606. “We might not share our physical features, but we do share our hearts.” —Unknown

607. Who needs a fairy godmother when there are stepmoms?” – Anonymous

608. “More than mother and son, they were accomplices in solitude.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez

609. Being a stepmom is not easy, but a sweet hug and kiss from the kids are all worth it.” — Unknown

610. “My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose to bring laughter and joy to the world.”

611. Sentimental messages like this are perfect for a mother to send to her son on his birthday. It reminds him of how much he is loved and appreciated.

612. Blended families are woven together by choice. Strengthened together by love. Tested by everything. And each is uniquely ours.” – Unknown

613. The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.

614. “Inner silence is the mother of all talents.”

615. “Stepparenting is working at a late-night convenience store….all the responsibility and none of the authority.” ―Valerie J Lewis Coleman

616. “Sometimes a mother can think that her son could get a better mommy. But she knows for sure that she knows that there doesn`t exist a better son.”

617. [A] mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. —Emily Dickinson

618. The children who have two moms are blessed twice over. They get twice the love, twice the happiness, and twice the pampering.” – Anonymous

619. My brother from the same mother

620. “A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.”

621. My mother. . . had a very deep inner spirituality that allowed her to rebuild her life. It’s extraordinary that she had such a strong sense of self and such a commitment to the future, and such a strong creative sense that she could build new worlds for herself and for us out of the total devastation in her life. — Caroline Kennedy

622. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”

623. I did not give you the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you.” — Unknown

624. Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.” – Pierce Brown

625. “When someone asks you where you came from, the answer is your mother. It’s so much more than love. Even when there’s no love, it’s so much more than anything else in your life.” –Anna Quindlen