500 Best Sandlot Quotes: Smores and More (2023)
1. (HAM): Hey you wanna smore? (smalls): some more of what? (ham): No, no you wanna a smore? (smalls): i haven’t had anything yet. so how can i have some more of nothing? (ham): YOU’RE KILLING ME SMALLS! these are smores stuff. first u take the graham, then u stick the chocolate on the graham. Then you roast the mallow. When the mallow’s flamin’, you stick it on the chocolate, then u cover it with the other end. then…you stuff!
2. - He's down there. - You bet he is.
3. He's too busy, Mom. - Oh, no, honey, he's not. He has some time.
4. - Whoa! - Watch out!
5. -I don't know why, but can I have this? -Sure, yeah.
6. [with his thumb and index fingers of both hands]
7. “Hey, hey. I’m just trying to have a little friendly conversation. ” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
8. - All right. Who cut one?
9. - [ Shouting ] - Hey, hey, hey! Kids!
10. [laughs]
11. - We don't. - It's history.
12. [ Growls ]
13. ‘You mean that’s the same guy?’
14. - Dodger dog! A weenie! - [Boys Laughing]
15. - It's clear. - Take me up.
16. “He had kissed a woman, and he had kissed her long and good. ” – Scotty Smalls (David Mickey Evans)
17. [ All ] Oh!
18. - The wolf bit you, didn't he? - Yeah, he did.
19. - even when some brave kid... - [ The Beast Growling ]
20. - [ Chattering ] - Smalls.
21. (heather gray color is 90% cotton/10% polyester, light heather gray is 98% cotton/2% polyester, heather black and safety yellow are 50% cotton/50% polyester) | Fabric Weight: 5. 0 oz (mid-weight)
22. - I got a pencil. - Give me a pen, not a pencil!
23. [throws the ball again]
24. - One day it became too much... - Smiling.
25. [Announcer] Now pinch running for the Los Angeles Dodgers,
26. “What?”
27. - Yeah, but I was gonna bring it back. - But it was signed by Babe Ruth.
28. - Come on! Hurry up! - First!
29. - He's almost there. - [ Growling]
30. - Then just hop over there and get it. - Wait, wait!
31. - Squints! - [ Exhaling Forcefully]
32. - Wipe out - [ Barks ]
33. - I'm here 'cause you're in some kind of a pickle, right? - Yeah.
34. “You mix your Wheaties with your mama’s toe jam!” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
35. - If you were thinking, you wouldn't have thought that. - You can't go back there.
36. [Boys Shouting]
37. “You know, if my dog was as ugly as you. I’d shave his butt and tell him to walk backward. ” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
38. - He's daring us. - We're on his territory now.
39. -But I saw something. What's back there? -It's okay. Just go.
40. - It was like an endless dream game. - Come on! Come on!
41. “Maybe the shock of his first Homer was just too much for him. ” – Scotty Smalls (David Mickey Evans)
42. [Boys Whispering]
43. - Let's see what you got. - Hey, batter, batter, batter!
44. - Wow! - [Benny] Now we can play forever.
45. - My mom made me put on my jacket, - Shut up!
46. “Hurry up batter. It’s gotta be a short game, then I gotta get home for lunch. ” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
47. - and you brought it here and actually played with it? - Actually played with it?
48. -Just go and peek through that hole. - But I--
49. - I got it! - I probably never would've gone.
50. - [Clattering] - Oh, man!
51. - Night game. Come on. Come on. - Mom, I'm going out!
52. [ Audience Shouting, Screaming ]
53. - [ Growling ] - Aah!
54. - What happened? - [ Groans ] My eye.
55. - Whoa! - [ Boys Cheering ]
56. - It's true. - [ Growling ]
57. “Remember kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you’ll never go wrong. ” – The Babe (Art LaFleur)
58. - Chew it, of course. Yes. - You do?
59. - Ooh. - You play ball like a girl!
60. - You saw the way he threw. - Yeah.
61. [ Creaking ]
62. [ Moaning Continues ]
63. [Scotty Narrating ] We were all walking on air that night.
64. - Oh. Whoa! - Give it to me.
65. - with a silver handle. - You're insane.
66. [ Barks ]
67. - Let's dip. Let's dip. - You got it, guys.
68. - Hey, pull him up! - Aah! Aah!
69. - [ All ] Smalls! Smalls! Smalls! - Smalls?
70. [ Growling ]
71. “About time, Benny, my clothes are goin’ outta style. ” – Michael “Squints” Palledorous (Chauncey Leopardi)
72. - Hey, you want a s'more? - Some more what?
73. - What did you say? - You heard me.
74. - Oh, my God! - [ Laughing Continues ]
75. [Scotty Narrating] After we'd all thought about it real hard,
76. - [ Groaning ] - Oh, damn!
77. - Mm. Mm. - Mm.
78. - [ Chattering ] - Was she just playin'
79. [Crowd Cheering]
80. [ Groans ] I don't feel so good.
81. - [Groaning] -Just keep that on for, like, an hour.
82. [ Shouting ]
83. [Together] Babe Ruth!
84. (after Squints kisses her) Little pervert!
85. [Scotty Narrating] Benny would've played ball all day, all night, rain,
86. - Man! - From sea
87. [Scotty Narrating] Only one kid in history had ever attempted...
88. [ Groans ]
89. - It was signed by Babe Ruth. - George signed this?
90. - Whoa! - [Boys Laughing]
91. [Shouting Continues ]
92. [ Picnickers Exclaiming ]
93. [ Sniffing ]
94. [TV: Indistinct]
95. [ Kids Shouting ]
96. They Never Chose Sides
97. [Squints has just kissed Wendy, while she was giving him CPR.]
98. [ Boy ] Don't miss it!
99. Now, I Just Thought It Meant My Life Was Over
100. - Lotioning, oiling. - any of us...
101. - This'll just buy us some time, you dorks. - Okay, come on.
102. [ Boys Shouting ]
103. - Nice. - Wow!
104. - What a jerk. - Yeah-Yeah, get two.
105. [Woman Screaming]
106. [ Whispering ] Well?
107. [ Sighs ]
108. - You're gonna get yourself killed! - Killed, man, jeez!
109. - No. - Why not, honey?
110. - Oh! -Just hold it up there.
111. - Come on, you guys! - What about me? Thanks.
112. - Move! - And he did the most desperate thing...
113. - Oh, my God! - [ Cheering ]
114. - 'Baccy, man. - What do you do with it?
115. . . One of the most iconic scenes in the movie is when Ham learns that Smalls doesn't know what s'mores are. He's
116. - They already are, Squints. - Shut up!
117. [ The Beast Growling]
118. [ All ] Yes!
119. [Barking]
120. “Baseball was life! And I was good at it… real good. ” – Mr. Mertle (James Earl Jones)
121. [ Growling Continues ]
122. [ Shuddering ]
123. - Shut up! (2)
124. - Ooh, a big doggy. - [ People Shouting ]
125. - Pull it up. - [ Snarls ]
126. - We gotta get to the sandlot. Let's go. - Did she really love me
127. [ Snickers ] That's one.
128. - No, but I got a ball. - [ All ] Go get it!
129. - You're dead as a doornail, Smalls. - You're dead as a doornail.
130. - Okay. - Okay.
131. [ Boys ] What?
132. - And I'm Babe Ruth. - [Boys Chattering]
133. - [ Boys Shouting ] - And every grain divine
134. - : Benny? - Yeah. See you later, Smalls.
135. [entire group stands in shocked silence and Tommy Timmons' smile turns to shock]
136. - Shh! - Be quiet.
137. [ All ] No!
138. - And he did, and he liked it a lot! - [ Men Screaming ]
139. - No, no, you want a s'more?
140. - I'm fine, really. - All right.
141. - Oh, yeah, but-- - But what?
142. [ Benny ] Yeah, she does.
143. - Yeah! All right, Benny! - Oh, shit!
144. - for Michael "Squints" Palledorous. - Smiling!
145. - [ All ] No. - Then it ain't okay, 'cause now we can't play no more.
146. - What did he say? - What, were you born in a barn, man?
147. - Wait a sec. I'll get it. - [Ham] called shot World Series by The Babe.
148. - Oh! Beat ya. - [ Shouting Continues ]
149. - Yeah! - Yeah!
150. Sept. 4 2014
151. - Come on, man! Come on! - Yeah, yeah. He looks pretty crappy.
152. first u take the graham, then u stick the
153. [ Snickers ] There's one.
154. [Scotty] Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.
155. [ Snorts ]
156. - Come on, Benny. He's never gonna catch it. - He's not gonna catch it.
157. - What are you doing? - Smalls, wait!
158. - Come on, Smalls! - Hey, batter, batter, batter!
159. - [ All Shouting ] - Aah!
160. (25 relevant results,with AdsLearn more)
161. - Okay, I got him. I got him. - Come on up, Wendy.
162. - What's the matter? - Jeez.
163. - That ain't true. - Yeah, it is.
164. - Okay, pay attention.
165. [starts to jog away]
166. - Bill? - Yeah?
167. -Jeez. - Dang.
168. - Yeah, I can handle that. - [ Chattering In Agreement ]
169. [ Sniffing ] The best!
170. “What?”
171. Baby Ruth
172. - When the 'mallow's flaming,
173. “This pop isn’t workin’, Benny! I’m bakin’ like a toasted cheese-it! It’s so hot here!” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
174. “Come on, Squints. You can do it! Pull through, bud!” – Scotty Smalls (David Mickey Evans)
175. [Angrily to the others]
176. [The Beast Growling]
177. - Yeah, don't do it, Benny. - Yeah.
178. [ All ] Camp out.
179. - Hamilton "The Babe" Porter. - [ Chuckles ]
180. [ Groaning ]
181. (721 Sounds / Quotes)
182. - Fire number two. - Initiate number two.
183. “So, it seems like you’re in trouble. ” – Mr. Mertle
184. - Your glove. - Keep it, man.
185. [muffled scream]
186. - Oh, yeah! - Shh!
187. “Tomorrow. Noon, at our field. Be there, buffalo-butt breath. ” – Phillips (Wil Horneff)
188. - Catapult's closed. - We're gonna get it. Come on.
189. - Yeah. - We'll never see it again.
190. - Come on, Squints. Squints. - Come on, Squints. Come on.
191. - That's where he's been for years. - [ Growling ]
192. - I need the practice, guys. - You're the best on the team. You don't need any practice.
193. - Prepare to initiate retrieval suction number one. - Okay. Get ready, guys.
194. [ Tommy ] She don't know what she's doing.
195. ‘Legends never die. ’
196. - [ Snarls ] - Oh, my God!
197. - Come on! Hurry up! - Go, Benny!
198. - Here you go. - Those were for dinner.
199. [ Chuckles ] You're the one with the rubber legs.
200. [Scotty Narrating] A couple days after we all got over acting like big shots,
201. [Dog Growling]
202. - No, no, you want a s'more? - [Boys Chattering]
203. - I would've broken his record, but-- - You went blind.
204. [Scotty Narrating] My life... was over.
205. - I can't go into that backyard. - Why not?
206. [ Panting ] Where is he?
207. - Then you stuff. - I don't like that chocolate stuff.
208. - Elswenger could catch. - And throw.
209. - Oh, um, you got a fireplace? - Oh, yeah.
210. - 'Cause he's a geek, man. - He can't catch.
211. - Come on! - [ Rustling ]
212. Sample rate. Channels
213. - Throw the ball back! Come on! - Yeah, hurry up!
214. - She's naked. - Shut up, Porter!
215. - Farther. - Farther, okay.
216. - This magic moment - [ Muffled Grunt ]
217. [the boys raise their hands in agreement]
218. - Okay, pay attention. - Bertram!
219. [Scotty] Babe Ruth! But why would you trade?
220. [Sighs ] Your fly's open.
221. - Come on! - [ All Shouting In Agreement ]
222. [Rumbling Sound, Dog Growling]
223. [ Chattering ]
224. [ Shouting Continues ]
225. [ Belches ] Oh, that feels better.
226. - I'm the Great Bambino. - [ All ] What?
227. [ All ] The Beast.
228. [ Clattering, Banging ]
229. - The King of Crash, man. - [Scotty Narrating] So I lied.
230. - Then you roast the 'mallow.
231. “Quiet. Are you trying to wake it up? It just went to bed. ” – Michael “Squints” Palledorous (Chauncey Leopardi)
232. [ Barking ]
233. [' s Rock ]
234. - Come on! - Hey, batter, batter, batter!
235. - Come on. Let's go. - Okay.
236. “What are you laughing at Yeah-Yeah? You run like a duck. ” – Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez (Mike Vitar)
237. - Because when I looked down in there, - [ Growling Continues ]
238. “That’s the way I play—100%. All the time. ” – Mr. Mertle
239. ‘You’re killing me, Smalls! You chew it, of course!’
240. - I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?
241. ‘Think she’d go out with me?’
242. - What? - What?
243. - No, wait! - Get off of me! Now!
244. [ Snapping Fingers ]
245. ‘George signed this?’
246. - [ Growling ] - [ Gasps ]
247. - Aah! - [ Growling ]
248. - Must be an omen. - All's it means is that we can't play no more.
249. - Aw, man. - Yeah, yeah. Too cool.
250. [ Women Screaming ]
251. [ Crying ]
252. - Give him a tennis racket. - Give me something to hit.
253. ‘Count on it, pee-drinking crapface!’
254. ‘Shut up, Tommy!’
255. [ Moans ]
256. “You call that pitching? This is baseball! Not tennis!” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
257. [whispering]
258. - First you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham.
259. - [The Beast Whimpering] - [ Grunting ]
260. - For amber waves of grain - [ Fireworks Whistling, Crackling ]
261. [Continues saying lotioning and oiling as he goes to the diving board]
262. - Yeah-hah! - Yeah!
263. “God, he looks like a dead fish. ” – Bertram Grover Weeks (Grant Gelt)
264. (lifegaurd) Should I turn him over? (Wendy Peffercorn) Never mind, mever mind. (Ham) Come on Squintz come on.(Tommy) Squintz, come on. (Scotty) Come On Squintz you can do it pull through, bud. (Tommy) Squintz. (Ben) Come on, man, come on. (Ya-Ya) Ya, ya he looks pretty crappy. (Bertrum) Oh god, he looks like a dead fish. (Squintz opens his eyes and smiles) (everyone) What?! (squintz kisses wendy) (Wendy) LITTLE PERVERT! (Timmy) Oh man he’s in deep shit. (wendy throw them outta the pool area) (Wendy) AND STAY OUT!
265. - [Vomiting ] - [Vomiting]
266. - [ Knocking ] - Yeah.
267. - I don't know, Benny, man. - Yeah, boy, that looks pretty crappy.
268. [ Gasping ]
269. - Here, Benny. I got it. - Bitchin'. Your ball, your ups.
270. - I will. - Okay.
271. - Okay? - Thanks.
272. - Farther? - Guys, I see it. Turn, turn.
273. - Power. - Okay, guys, almost ready.
274. - It's history. Kiss it-- - Kiss it good-bye. Shut up, Tommy.
275. - Good one, Smalls. - [Laughing] Yeah, good one, Smalls.
276. - B-But you're-- - Dead?
277. [A baseball just got hit over the fence and the game is terminated]
278. - Part of the game, right? - Mmm, yeah.
279. - real good. - Come on, Bertram!
280. - Come on. Let's go! - Go, go, go, go! Move, move!
281. “You’re killin’ me, Smalls!” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
282. [ Grunts ]
283. (after Benny lectures Smalls on catching/throwing a ball) It’s about time, Benny; my clothes are going out of style!
284. [ All Shouting ]
285. [Scotty Narrating] There was only one night game a year.
286. -Just go. - Go, Smalls.
287. - [ Chain Rattling ] - [ Screaming ]
288. - Nice catch. - Yeah.
289. - which we constantly lied about, - Hi.
290. - Shut up! - You're killing me, Smalls.
291. [places the ball back in Bill's glove]
292. [Boys Whimpering]
293. - There she goes - Yeah
294. - [ Screams ] Little pervert! - So different
295. - There goes my baby - Whoa, I-I-I-I
296. - Whoa! - Wow!
297. “The Sultan of Swat!”
298. [Man Narrating] I'd followed them to the sandlot once after school.
299. [ Panting ]
300. [ Muffled ] I'm the Great Bambino.
301. ‘You’re killing me, Smalls!’
302. [Snarls ]
303. - Aah! - [ All Yelling ]
304. - Okay. Bye. - You did good.
305. - We got the ball back, didn't we? - We almost got killed!
306. - Fart smeller! - [ Sniffing ] Ah!
307. - No. Thanks. - Why not? Don't you like baseball?
308. ‘It’s about time, Benny. My clothes are going out of style!’
309. [ Panting ] I'm sweating like a pig.
310. - What's going on, Squints? - The pipe-- it's pinched shut.
311. - The Colossus of Clout. - The Colossus of Clout.
312. - Guys, wait up! - On the th of July...
313. - Oh. Really? [ Chuckles ] - He sure is.
314. “Smalls, you mean to tell me you went home, swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, brought it out here and actually played with it?” – Timmy Timmons (Victor DiMattia)
315. - Moron! - Scab eater!
316. “Babe Ruth!”
317. [ Continues ]
318. - We'll take another stab at catch when I get back, all right? - Yeah, I guess so.
319. - Why'd you bring him, Benny? - 'Cause there's eight of us, and he makes nine.
320. - Get your glove and come on. - What's the big deal?
321. - So you're the ones that've been making all that racket. - Yes, sir.
322. [Whimpering]
323. - There goes my baby - Jeez Louise.
324. - The best. - Let's ride!
325. - Smalls! - Smalls!
326. Most People Never Take The Chance
327. These are s'mores stuff, okay? Pay attention. First, you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham
328. [Scotty Narrating] That night I learned that more than baseballs...
329. - I'd never seen any place like it. - [ Boys Shouting ]
330. [Fence Rattling]
331. - you cover it with the other end. - Make me one of those.
332. - And that's a real good sign - Go! Go! Go!
333. - [ All Shouting ] - Oh, my God!
334. - Oh, man, he's in deep shit. - And so new
335. - Good job. -Jerks.
336. - By the look in your eyes - And stay out!
337. (About Smalls’ hat) Got a fireplace?
338. - What is it? - Big Chief.
339. [Scotty Narrating] Even though Bill loved the Murderer's Row ball,
340. [ Dog Barking ]
341. - Butt sniffer! - Pus licker!
342. [ Snarls ]
343. - Hey, Benny. - Thanks.
344. - Yeah. - [Benny] Anybody got any money?
345. - Yeah! - [ Chattering ]
346. - Not again. - [ Spits ]
347. “You Wanna S‘more?”/”S’more What?”
348. B00L23FRIE
349. - Where are you going? - Chicago.
350. - All right? - I will.
351. - I just took my eye off the ball, Mom. - Yeah, but you caught it.
352. [ All Yelling ]
353. ‘I’ve got a lot of things on my mind. ’
354. - Guys, what are you-- - [ All ] Smalls!
355. - What the hell is that noise? - [ Whirring Continues ]
356. “The Colossus of Clout!”
357. [ Cheering Continues ]
358. [ Gulps ]
359. - I can't. - Can't what?
360. - Hey, guys, it's all on me tonight. - [ All Shouting ]
361. - Wake up. - Come on, breathe, would you?
362. - Squints! - Of course, if I'd have known what was gonna happen when I got there,
363. [ All ] Shh!
364. [ Thunderous Footsteps ]
365. [TV Continues ]
366. - Then how do we get the ball back? - We don't.
367. [ Laughing ]
368. - Then you roast the 'mallow. - No, it's my sleeping bag.
369. [ All ] Yeah!
370. - had ever seen. - Lotioning,
371. - All right. Who cut one? - These are s'mores stuff.
372. - Come on, give it to me. - No, I wanna carry it.
373. “Come on! We’ll take you on, right here! Right now! Come on!” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
374. - [Fireworks Whistling] - The country loved
375. - [ Cloth Rips ] - [ Groans ]
376. - Oh, no. - It's outta here! Who's got the big bat now?
377. - Mom, really, it's okay. - All right.
378. - Come on, Squints. - Come on!
379. - I'm fine, Mom. - You sure?
380. - Come on. I paid for it. - I wanna carry it.
381. (1138 Sounds / Quotes)
382. ‘That wimpy deer?’
383. - Take care of things for me. - Okay.
384. - Prepare to launch. - Prepare to launch.
385. - Smalls, come back! - Hey guys, I'll get it!
387. [ Crowd Cheering ]
388. - Shut your mouth, Phillips. - What'd you say, crap face?
389. - You're killing me, Smalls.
390. - Throw it in! Throw it in! - Get him! Get him!
391. What are you laughing at Yeah-Yeah? You run like a duck!
392. - Uh-oh, fan him. - Give him air, give him air.
393. “I haven’t had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?” – Scotty Smalls (David Mickey Evans)
394. “You’re Killing Me, Smalls.”
395. - The catapult is dropped. - Open catapult.
396. [Man Narrating] If it wasn't for Benny,
397. - When does your old man get home from work? - He's gone on business.
398. [Boys Chattering, Laughing]
399. - [ Belching ] - Tequila
400. “Is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She’s naked?” – Hamilton “Ham” Porter (Patrick Renna)
401. [ Knuckles Cracking ]
402. [ Growling]
403. - Run! - Yes!
404. [ Timmy ] She don't know what she's doing.
405. - No, you don't. - You're the best, man.
406. - Whoo-hoo! - Squints, this is the best!
407. - Remember you-- you promised you'd teach me to play catch? - Mm-hmm.
408. I'll Take Care Of It
409. - First you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. - Then you roast the 'mallow. - No, it's my sleeping bag. - When the 'mallow's flaming ...
410. - Honey, get some ice. Ice. - No, I got it.
411. [ Sighs ] We've been going about this all wrong.
412. - Even before we became friends, - [ Mechanical Whirring ]
413. ‘Oh, God. He looks like a dead fish. ’
414. - [Boys Shouting] - Was like any other
415. - Yeah! Yeah! - Yeah!
416. ‘Some lady name Ruth. Baby Ruth. ’
417. - I got it! - Got it, guys.
418. - What's wrong with him? - What's he doing?
419. [voice over] We all lived in the neighborhood for a couple of more years-mostly through junior high school-and every summer was great. But none of them ever came close to that first one. When one guy would move away, we never replaced him on the team with anyone else. We just kept the game going like he was still there.
420. “Man, base up you blockheads!” – Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez (Mike Vitar)
421. - You're gonna set the place on fire. - Then...
422. [Smalls is almost about to vomit]
423. [Snarling]
424. - There goes my baby - Whoa-oa-oa
425. [ Scotty Narrating ] It wasn't really the pool honeys like we said,
426. [ Knocking On Window ]
427. - O beautiful - [ Knocking ]
428. [ Laughs ] Pitchers hate that.
429. (2023) MOVIE-SOUNDS.ORG - Download and listen to lines and quotes from movies which can be used as ringtones. A movie phrases and sayings search engine.
430. - [ Grunts ] - [ Growling ]
431. (277 Sounds / Quotes)
432. 2) Once a ball goes over that fence it’s gone man. 1)No i gotta get that ball back. It was my dad’s. It was signed. 2) By who? 1)I don’t know some girl named Baby Ruth. All) BABE RUTH?!?!
433. [Nauseated]
434. ‘Maybe the shock of his first homer was just too much for him. ’
435. - Baby Ruthie? - It says, "Babe Ruth."
436. - Come on, Squints. - [ Exhaling Forcefully]
437. We Just Kept The Game Going Like He Was Still There
438. First you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. Then, you roast the mallow. When the mallows flaming
439. - Scotty? - [ Gasps ] Uh, in here, Mom.
440. [ Moaning ]
441. - Fire number three. - Number three now!
442. - Benny, it's : in the morning. - It's : .
443. [ All Shouting ] Babe Ruth?
444. (After Ham hits a homerun off Denuenez) Oh yeah! Low and outside! Just like I like it!
445. ‘Throw that hat in there, man. ’
446. - Ohh! - Look out! Look out!
447. [ Chuckles ]
448. - But... I-I think-- - No, no, no. No, no.
449. [ Gasps ]
450. - Shut up. I wasn't. - Yeah, yeah, you were.
451. [Scotty Narrating] But there was no way I could let them know.
452. ‘Mom, guess what!’
453. [ Knocking ]
454. [ Boys Laughing, Chattering ]
455. “The King of Crash!”
456. - Why? - What? Some lady?
457. Anything That Goes Over That Fence…Becomes Property Of The Beast!"
458. - All right! - He's all right.
459. (826 Sounds / Quotes)
460. [ All Screaming ]
461. [ Grunting ]
462. - This magic moment - right over at Squints...
463. [ Chuckles ] Well, none mothers, I guess.
464. [Mr. Mertle confronting Benny and Smalls after they brought back Hercules]Mr.
465. [ All ] Hey, batter, batter, batter!
466. - Okay, thanks. - All right.
467. “Oh yeah, the Great Bambino. Of course! I thought you said the Great Bambi. ” – Scotty Smalls (Tom Guiry)
468. - Let's play some ball. - Yeah, let's play some ball.
469. - Give me the ball. - Give me something to write with.
470. ['50s Rock]
471. Ngboard
472. - I dare you to hit it. - You'll be sorry.
473. - Give that boy a bigger bat. - You want the heater, I'll give it to you.
474. - You went too far. Go back. - Reverse. It's too far.
475. [Scotty Narrating] I had no idea who they were talking about.
476. [ Girls Screaming]
477. - Um, Dad? - Mm-hm m?
478. - [Vomiting] - [Women Screaming ]
479. - No, it's my sleeping bag.
480. - The Sultan of Swat. - The King of Crash.
481. - [ Chattering ] - Shh! Shh!
482. [ Giggles ]
483. You Stick The Chocolate On The Graham. Then, You Roast The Mallow. When The Mallows Flaming, You Stick It On The Chocolate And Cover It With The Other End. Then, You Scarf
484. - Bertram. - But they were good,
485. [ Screaming ]
486. [Scotty Narrating] It was salt in an open wound.
487. - Hey, Benny. - Benny.
488. [ Growling, Barks ]
489. [ All Laughing, Taunting ]
490. - Somebody help him! - Squints!
491. - Go to third. - Oh, no. Oh, no.
492. [ Snarling ]
493. - We got to get that ball back. - Oh, yeah, right.
494. - A little slower. - Go slow.
495. - Hey, Smalls, throw it to second. - Okay.
496. - Here you go. - Okay.
497. - You have to call it for the day. - You gotta listen to him, Benny.
498. ‘Bertram got really into the '60s. . . ’
499. - These are s'mores stuff.
500. - Uh, Bill, uh-- - Yeah?
501. - What just went to bed? - [ Boys ] Shh!
502. [the Sandlot Kids and their arch-rivals come face-to-face]
503. - Turn it off, man! - I can't! They're shorting out!
504. ‘He had kissed a woman, and he had kissed her long and good. ”
505. - Come on, let's go. We gotta get-- - No!
506. -Just a little bit farther. - Farther. Farther.
507. [Babe Ruth's Voice] Heroes get remembered,
508. - and smiled. - While your lips are close to mine
509. - Okay, hit it! - Yeah, yeah, come on, Benny.
510. [Scotty Narrating] It was my last chance.
511. [ Boys Laughing ]
512. - Mom, it's okay, really. - Honey,
513. - He's stealing home! - [ Cheering ]
514. - Come on, toss me the ball! - Come on!
515. [Mocking what Squints was doing]
516. - [ Growling] - Aah! Fire, fire, fire!
517. ‘The kid is an L-7 weenie. ’
518. - Watch it, jerk. - Shut up, idiot!
519. [ Whirring ]
520. - Come on! - Bring it in!
521. - Sorry. - I got a pen.
522. - The Colossus of Clout? - The Colossus of Clout!
523. - Bitchin'. - [ Benny ] Nah, it ain't.
524. - and then she made me do the dishes. - [ Boys Laughing]
525. - Take him out! - [Boys Shouting]
526. [ Scotty Narrating ] It was weird that Benny said...
527. - [ Screams ] - [ All Laughing ]
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