600 Best You Are My Home Quotes (2023)
1. ‘You are the blessing of God to me. You are everything my heart needs. You taught me the importance of life. You are my world.’
2. “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”
3. “Home is the nicest word there is. ” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
4. ‘It’s pure luck that I found you as my destiny among the billions in the world. Love you, love.’
5. “Home’s where you go when you run out of homes. ” – John le Carré
6. I know you will love this. I’ve already written down some of the details and will do my best to make the experience unforgettable. You are the greatest boyfriend ever, and I am so lucky to have you in my life
7. ‘I love you every second of my life, and I cannot live without you for a minute. You mean everything to me. You’re the beloved person in my life.’
8. With you in my arms, I am home
9. I’m in love with your warm personality and completely adore those clumsy little feet of yours. Every day with you is better than the last, and I just can’t get enough. I still picture us in front of our dream home, playing with our three kids
10. My love, my life. My lust, yours. You are perfection in your imperfections and the key to my liberation. Your arms are home to me, and I would die without you
11. “There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.”
12. I’m always warm in your arms, I can rest for eternity. When you whisper sweet nothings in my ear, I’m always glad to hear them
13. There is no place in the world that I would rather be than in your arms because they’re my home. You give me so much love every day, and it makes me smile from ear to ear
14. What does “you’re my everything” mean?
15. ‘Greeks!’ Percy yelled. ‘Let’s, um, fight stuff!’ They yelled like banshees and charged.
16. ‘It is you who made the world a happy place to be worth living in. Thank you for being my life.’
17. “Home is where there’s one to love us. ” — Charles Swain
18. I love you for you. You’re my best friend, my life and my home. I couldn’t imagine spending a day without you by my side. Your smile can make the darkest day seem brighter and your touch can make the hardest times disappear. I will always be there for you, no matter what. You’re the love of my life and I love you more than anything.
19. “A house is made of brick and mortar, but home is made by the people who live there. ” – M. K. Soni
20. I am so happy to have you here at home for the holidays and I just wanted to let you know how much I truly love you and miss you
21. A brick and cement made home does not seem lively and only seems a building if it does not contain in itself a sweet person like you. M. K. Soni
22. You are my best friend, my lover, and the most important person in my life. In your arms, I have felt love, trust, and happiness. You always listen to me whenever I have a problem and never look at me like I’m crazy. You motivate me to be all that I can be because you always believe in me. I love you
23. “Bless out house as we come and go. Bless our home as the children grow. Bless our families as they gather in. Bless our home with love and friends.”
24. “May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.”
25. “Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition. ” – James Baldwin
26. Every morning I wake up and want to see your face. The thought of never seeing you again makes me worry about life without you. I feel safe in your arms and your heart
27. “Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door. ” – Charles Dickens
28. I need your arms to hold me close when I’m feeling alone, and your kisses to cool my body when it’s hot. We have this deep connection that is unexplainable and even hurts so sweet
29. “If you want to declutter your home, this simply means that you’re making an effort to have a simpler house. ” – Beth Jones
30. ‘You are not just the center of my life, but my entire life. I live in this world because of you as you are everything to me.’
31. Can “You Are My Everything” quotes be used in non-romantic relationships, such as between family members or friends?
32. My house always remains fulfilled with love, joy, and peace because you are the one who makes my house a home. Anonymous
33. “No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home.”-Laura Marney
34. “Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. Not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life, wherever you may go.”
35. I can’t imagine how I ever lived without you. You are the greatest comfort in my life. When we are together, your arms are my home, and the only heart that beats for me
36. “Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.”
37. “Your home is living space, not storage space. ” ― Francine Jay
38. ‘I thank the moment when I welcomed you in my life.. And with no time, you became mine.
39. “Everyone will end up leaving you at one point or another, but it’s the ones who come back that are most important.”
40. ‘I do not say it often, but the truth is, you are my everything.’
41. Your words give me that kind of motivation and comfort which I get to have when I am home alone. Anonymous
42. I love your arms. You are so warm, so safe, and I always feel loved when they are around. Our bodies fit together like two pieces of one puzzle. I’m glad to be home when I fall asleep in your arms at night
43. If you are around me all the time, I always feel safe and never get afraid of losing myself in the huge crowd because you make me feel secure as if I am in my home. Anonymous
44. I love the security I feel when I’m in your arms, it makes me feel human. You fill my head with interesting thoughts that make me feel special. Just seeing you brings a smile to my face and warmth to my chest
45. I love that we can do anything as long as we’re together. You are my home, my heart, my everything. Nobody makes me happier than you. I love you
46. “We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”
47. I want to treat you like a queen, I want to treat you like a princess. I want to create a picture-perfect life and give you everything that you deserve. YOU are my world and I would do anything and everything for you. My heart is your home and my love is your shield. . . from the dangers of the world
48. You are my home, my refuge, my comfort, and the place I feel safe. Your arms are always open to me no matter where I go or what I do. For me, your arms are the safest place on earth. When we are together, we are alone in our little world. I love you, darling
49. “I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.”
50. You always make me feel so warm and loved. When I cuddle into your arms, I feel like I belong and that’s how it should be. Thank you for loving me, my sweetheart
51. How can I use “You Are My Everything” quotes in a love letter or card?
52. ‘You mean everything to me, and that’s the miracle of my life. You make me complete.’
53. “Home pulls. It draws you back to tell you you don’t belong. ” — Glen Duncan
54. “The home should be the treasure chest of living. ” – Le Corbusier
55. “Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest. ” – Robert Montgomery
56. In your arms I feel like home, don’t want to lose you
57. My heart has found its home… a home within your heart. I love you!
58. “Home was a refuge for me, a place I could truly relax. ” ― Billy Graham
59. “The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely. ” – Louisa May Alcott
60. ‘If God gave me an option between you and my breathing, I would choose you as you are my life.’
61. “It was good to walk into a library again; it smelled like home.”
62. “My home… It is my retreat and resting place from wars, I try to keep this corner as a haven against the tempest outside, as I do another corner in my soul. ” – Michel de Montaigne
63. Thank you for being you. For loving me with all the imperfections I have, and never leaving my side. There is no other place I would rather be than by your side, next to you every step of the way. You have always been there, as my best friend, my lover, and my life. I love you so much!
64. ‘I start my day with you and end it with you. I am lucky to call you mine.’
65. I feel completely safe and relaxed as I look at you because your gaze gives me that feeling and vibes that I am back home. Anonymous
66. My heart is your home, where you will find strength, affection and trust. My heart is your home… Where you will always be safe
67. ‘You made my life much better, and so you are everything to me.’
68. “I live in my own little world. But its ok, they know me here.”
69. “I believe that all of our lives we’re looking for home and if we’re really lucky, we find it in someone’s loving arms. I think that’ what life is-coming home.” –Anita Krizzan
70. I can never get the bravery or audacity to hurt or leave you alone because you have become my home and abandoning you would simply mean me becoming homeless. Anonymous
71. Home isn’t a place anymore, it’s feeling secure in your arms. Those are my castle, my defensive wall against the world. I feel so safe and comfortable there, my whole mind at ease. It is a truly beautiful thing, this love we have found
72. ‘There’s no iota of doubt about my love towards you. I would love you today and forever as you are everything to me.’
73. “There’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering empty streets with no destination. I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I'm born to leave.”
74. You are my home, the place where I find the peace and freedom I need
75. ‘I remember the red dress you wore when we met near the fountain for the first time. I didn’t know how blessed I was back then. Today, I would like to thank God for connecting us and giving me a new life.’
76. ‘Be aware that I need you for the rest of my life. Because you mean the world to me,’
77. I love you, I love you, I l-o-v-e-you, I do. Your my heart and soul, my dream come true. My very first love and the only one for you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are meant to be and no matter what happens in this world I will always love you with all my heart
78. ‘My life was becoming boring and gray. Fortunately, I found you, and you made my life happy and energized. You are my everything, my man.’
79. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, gratitude is always possible, and feeling good starts at home. ” ― Emma Wright
80. ‘Out of so many people in my world, the most special is you. I love you for being everything to me.’
81. “Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. ” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
82. ‘I’m happy because you are the reason for my happiness. You are my world and everything beyond it.’
83. ‘Your arrival in my life was a life changer. I thank you for coming into my life and creating a new beautiful world for me.’
84. “Home is everything you can walk to. ” – Jerry Spinelli
85. “Home is like a bee-hive; there may be much toil, there must be much order, but there will always be a honeyed sweetness. ” — Ebenezer Coloham Brewer
86. ‘Your love is the medicine to my heartaches. That’s why you are my everything. Thanks, love.’
87. “Home is where you feel at home and are treated well. ” – Dalai Lama
88. ‘I don’t have to visit paradise as I have you here. I don’t want to see any dreams as you are my reality. You are my favorite everything.’
89. “Now, returned home after so many thousands of miles of road and ocean, all the hulls sailed in. ” ― Robinson Jeffers
90. “Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again.”
91. ‘You’re the water that quenches my thirst and bread that satisfies my hunger. You are everything, my baby.’
92. “You can have more than one home. You can carry your roots with you and decide where they grow. ” – Henning Mankell
93. What would I do without you? You are my everything, my reason for living. Every night when the darkness falls, the only thing I think about is you. And every morning when I wake up, all I can think about is being in your arms again
94. ‘Some people are worth melting for. You are, for me. You are my everything.’
95. My one love, my partner in crime, my co-worker, and my roommate. You know all my secrets, can see down to my very core, hold me when I need it most and are my safe place in the world. Our home is nothing without you
96. ‘You are the sunshine to my darkness, you are the idol for my worship, you are the inspiration to my life. You are my everything.’
97. “There is nothing more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.”
98. “Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart’s tears can dry at their own pace. ” – Vernon Baker
99. “To light the poorest home; hearts warmer grow. ” ― Louisa May Alcott
100. “Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. ” – John Howard Payne
101. “A home is something we carry inside us. Those who do not have a home inside them cannot build one, either from defiance or from stone. ” — Ivan Klima
102. My love, your arms are my home and with you, my life is perfect. I love you
103. “Home isn’t a place. Home is the people who love you most, the people who will always love you, forever and ever, no matter what. ” ― Jennifer Lynn Barnes
104. ‘When I feel cold, you keep me warm. When I feel lonely, you are there for me. When I am sad, you lend me your shoulder. You mean everything in my life.’
105. ‘I feel I’m the richest, luckiest, happiest, and most perfect person in the world because you are the reward of my life. You are everything to me, my dear.’
106. “Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. ” ― Pierce Brown
107. I want to make you feel good. Sitting with you is easy, and when I get home from a long day at work, your arms feel like home
108. ‘I don’t need anything in my life when I have everything in you.’
109. I love you so much, sweetheart. It’s impossible for me to fully express the depths of my affection for you. Every time I look at you, I fall in love again and again. My heart is your home, filled with love and happiness. All that comes from me is a gift of my love for you
110. I think of you all day, I dream of you at night, if only you could be here in your bedroom tonight
111. My arms are the place where you call home. In them, you can feel the safest, in them, you can get lost. No matter how you hold me tight, I will never let you go until eternity. You’re the only one who makes me feel this way and that’s why I love you
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113. ‘You bring out the best in me, you make me laugh, you make a positive atmosphere around me. And when you are gone, my life is all blank. You mean everything to me.’
114. “For our home to be a refuge, it needs to be a place where love, compassion, and patience prevail. ” – Allan Lokos
115. Home is a feeling not a place
116. My love is a deep-seated affection and tenderness. A feeling of passion or warm attachment. Your arms are my home, the place we share all together, the place I feel safe and secure. All the worries melt away in your loving embrace. Love cannot be defined; only felt by the heart
117. ‘You are the fragrance, you are the sunshine, and you are the rainbow. You are all the beautiful things in my life.’
118. “My home is in heaven. I’m just passing through this world. ” ― Billy Graham
119. “Everybody has a home team: It’s the people you call when you get a flat tire or when something terrible happens. It’s the people who, near or far, know everything that’s wrong with you and love you anyways. These are the ones who tell you their secrets, who get themselves a glass of water without asking when they’re at your house. These are the people who cry when you cry. These are your people, your middle-of-the-night, no-matter-what people.”
120. “After you leave home, you may find yourself feeling homesick, even if you have a new home that has nicer wallpaper and a more efficient dishwasher than the home in which you grew up.”-Lemony Snicket
121. “No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home. ” – Laura Marney
122. “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. ” ― Edith Sitwell
123. “When you’re safe at home, you wish you were having an adventure; when you’re having an adventure, you wish you were safe at home. ” ― Thorton Wilder
124. “Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved. ” – Ann Douglas
125. ‘I didn’t know that fantasy stories were true until I met you. I appreciate your kindness towards me. I love you to the moon and back.’
126. “Legion, cuneum formate!’ Reyna yelled. ‘Advance!’ Another cheer on Jason’s right as Percy and Annabeth reunited with the forces of Camp Half-Blood.
127. “Home is any four walls that enclose the right person. ” – Helen Rowland
128. My dearest love, resting in your arms is the place where I feel safest. Feeling you breathe in and out next to me, and hearing the beating of your heart; it’s more comforting than I could ever describe
129. Inside my heart: here is where you will find peace, happiness, family and love
130. I adore you so much. Just the thought of seeing your sweet face and the warmth of your embrace makes my heart leap. I miss you, and I can’t wait to feel your touch
131. That smile that you give, is the smile I treasure. That touch that you share, is the touch I desire. You are the one that I want, no one else could be better. You bring love and happiness to me as big as a mountain and when I think of your sweet embrace – my heart is warm as can be
132. “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”-Chinese Proverb
133. Wherever you go, I will go because you are my home
134. “Home is where one starts from. ” — T. S. Eliot
135. “In this home… We do second chances. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorrys. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do together best of all.”
136. It is my duty and desire to give you everything; I have found only one location for my love. My heart is your home
137. My body fell in love with yours the first time I laid eyes on you. My mind fell for your personality. Now, my soul adores your heart. You’re my best friend, and forever will be
138. To my lover, the love of my life. I think about you every moment you are away. You fill my dreams and fantasies. You complete me in every way possible I can’t keep myself from staring at you when you walk through the door
139. ‘No sea, no mountain, nor anything can keep us apart because you are my strength, and you are my world.’
140. ‘Nobody, not even power, or the time, can change my love towards you. You are my everything, my dear.’
141. ‘I surrender my life to you. You are everything to me. You are my life.’
142. “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ” – Jane Austen
143. You melt my heart. When you smile, my knees go weak. When you touch me, I lose control. Guess what? I want to stay home with you today and watch movies all day long
144. “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”
145. ‘Here’s my six-word love story: You are the world to me.’
146. “Love is standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave and you can never let go without leaving your footprints.”
147. “Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.” –Edie Falco
148. If I ever need a peaceful sleep like the one I have in the bed of my home, I choose to lie over your lap and take a sound and tranquil nap. Anonymous
149. A home is a place we come to after long journeys, to rest and recuperate. To home is where the heart belongs. For you, my heart is your home because in you I find my home
150. ‘I’ll be true to you. I’ll never do anything wrong. Because you make my life complete, and you are my everything.’
151. “If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering from side to side!” ― Leo Tolstoy
152. “Home, home, sweet, sweet home! There’s no place like home, oh, there’s no place like home!” ― John Howard Payne
153. Without you, I am incomplete; you are the other half of me
154. I really love you, I really do. And I feel my love for you in everything I do. When I tell you that I love you, it’s because it’s true, not just to say. When I’d like to have you nearby all the time, it’s because my heart is full and I can’t contain my feelings any longer
155. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that we are all connected in some way. I believe that God wills the good in our lives. I believe that everything happens for a reason. We were put together for one ideal, you and me. We were made to be one, whole no part separate, nothing could come between us…
156. “A comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience. ” – Sydney Smith
157. ‘You’re the coffee to my mornings and milk to my nights. You are the start and end of my day. You are my world.’
158. “Home is where one starts from.” –T.S. Eliot
159. ‘Dear husband, you don’t have to worry about yourself now, as I will be taking care of you, today, tomorrow, and forever. I love you for being my everything.’
160. “Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.”
161. “Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love. ” — Elder Marvin J. Ashton
162. After a bad and tempting day, all my mood swings are being tackled by you very efficiently, and magically you turn them into a good one and make me feel that I am in my home. Anonymous
163. ‘You manage my world and make every wrong thing right. You mean everything to me.’
164. Whenever you are around me, I can feel the same safety and same kind of comfort when I stay or sit beside my mother at my home. Anonymous
165. ‘It may sound too simple, but I mean it: I love you infinitely as you are everything to me.’
166. When I look at you I feel at home
167. Baby, I don’t know if this will ever reach you, but if it does I want you to know that my love for you is stronger than anything I have ever known. You are the most wonderful man I have had the pleasure of meeting and I know that God has a plan for us. I promise to stand by your side throughout the bad and the good, so where ever you are know that my heart is still your home
168. “If I see it in nature, I know it will work in a home. ” – Miles Redd
169. “Home interprets heaven. Home is heaven for beginners. ” – Charles Henry Parkhurst
170. “Home is where somebody notices when you are no longer there. ” – Aleksandar Hemon
171. “With you, I am home.”
172. ‘Even in disagreements, I want to be with you. Because you make my days restful on the planet. You are my world.’
173. “I think that when you invite people to your home, you invite them to yourself. ” – Oprah Winfrey
174. ‘Oh my dearest, I never knew loving you would forgive my sins. You bring purity to my life, and so you are my world. I love you forever.’
175. If you are staying around me forever, I can really be like myself and do not have to pretend like anybody else because I think you have become my home. Anonymous
176. I miss you. I miss your arms wrapped around me, more than anything else. I miss your touch and the sound of your voice soft in my ear. I love you, and I can’t wait to be in your arms again
177. ‘You brought peace to my chaotic life, and that’s why you are everything to me.’
178. “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”
179. You are my best friend, the one I can share all of my thoughts and feelings with. You are my home, my solace. You are the one for me, for you complete me. Having you in my life is a blessing that I don’t ever want to lose
180. ‘I see my soulmate in you. Whenever you are with me, my worries disappear, and I see my world in you.’
181. ‘My achievements and dreams are nothing when it comes to your love. That’s absolutely true because you are my world.’
182. “Home wasn’t a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were whenever you were together. ” — Sarah Dessen
183. ‘Love makes life awesome. Your love is the basic necessity of my life that makes my world awesome. Thanks for bringing everything to my life.’
184. “I say that home is where there is a chair and a glass. ” ― Graham Greene
185. ‘I must have been the dearest to the heavens because they gave you to me and made my world.’
186. “Every traveler has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering. ” – Charles Dickens
187. “Peace that was the other name for home. ” – Kathleen Norris
188. “If you know you’re going home, the journey is never too hard. ” – Angela Wood
189. “The prospect of going home is very appealing. ” – David Ginola
190. “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
191. You are the one I love. Your arms are my home. In your embrace, I feel loved and secure, happy and warm – all the things that life is meant to be. You mean everything to me. And I promise to make you feel as loved and happy as you make me feel
192. ‘I am never satisfied even when I spend my whole day with you. Just because you are my everything.’
193. ‘Your support gives me a boost to rise. You’ve always comforted me with your hugs. You’ve always been on my side. Thank you for being my world, love.’
194. “What I love most about my home is who I share it with. ” – Tad Carpenter
195. Home sweet home. The place you live and where you’re safe. Your arms are my home. I love you so much
196. No matter how cheesy it is, I love you. You are my best friend and I am yours. You make me feel safe, beautiful, and loving. Your smile warms my heart. So, I say this with all my heart: no matter what life throws at us, together we will face the world. Love you always.
197. “Home is everything you can walk to. ”― Rebecca Solnit
198. Where else would your heart be but in my house? Only you have this special key to my heart. You are and will always be the love of my life
199. “Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore. ” – Robin Hobb
200. My heart always races when I see your name. You are the man my dreams are made of, the one that fills my nights with smiles and warmth. I love how we can talk for hours, I love the way you look at me and kiss me. I love everything about you
201. I am home when I’m there in your arms. Home is where my heart is — and my heart is with you
202. I don’t want a place to sleep, I don’t want a face to kiss and cuddle. I don’t need a room full of things and there’s no kind of luxury that I crave. My home is you; my bed is your arms. No phone, no TV, no washing machine or dryer. Just your arms and my heart beats as one with yours
203. As I lay in your arms, I feel that my heart has found its home. You are the only one I would never leave. My love for you will never die
204. “Home is where my habits have a habitat. ” – Fiona Apple
205. “After all," Anne had said to Marilla once, "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.”
206. There is no way in the world I can express my love for you. A thousand words could never come close to telling you just how much you mean to me. You are the one I want to talk to whenever something goes right, or wrong. Your smile brightens up my whole day
207. ‘Every aspect of my life began to make sense from the moment you came into my world. Thank you for being everything.’
208. “When I go home, its an easy way to be grounded. You learn to realize what truly matters. ” – Tony Stewart
209. “The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. ”― Ralph Waldo Emerson
210. “Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there any more.”
211. “People usually are the happiest at home. ” – William Shakespeare
212. When I’m with you, the world is a brighter place, when you’re gone, my world is dark. When I found you yesterday, the sun finally shone. Without you, I am not whole. From now until forever, my arms will be your home
213. I have never been as happy or as in love with anyone in my life. I am so glad to have you next to me, you are a part of me. You make me feel complete, loved, and appreciated
214. Our daily life is a routine, but when we are together, it is magical. Your love is a family of little things, knitted together by days of gentle moments. It’s as cosy as you are, opening itself to me and thanking me for staying home and not running away. I know this place, and I feel safe here. And so it loves me back, my sweet home in your arms
215. Our love is like a flame that burns in time and hope. When it is dark and cold, we hold each other close and together we shine bright as fire. You are my light that shines brighter
216. “I believe wherever dreams dwell, the heart calls it home. So may you untangle yourself from the twist of melancholy and ley your thoughts carry you back to the birthplace of your truth.” –Dodinsky
217. There’s no place in the world I would rather be than in your arms. Whenever I’m with you, it feels like I’m home again. Next to you, I feel peace and comfort. You’re the best pillow a girl can ask for, and your heart is the warmest blanket. Both of which I need if I am to sleep comfortably at night
218. It feels magical being at home
219. ‘It is so surprising to find you as my partner from the zillions of people in the world. Destiny has brought us closer and made you my everything.’
220. We must possess a house which would radiate a positive vibe to us and the positivity must be retained by a sensible and sensitive person like you. Anonymous
221. ‘Our relationship is magical, and my life is unimaginable without you. You’re my everything.’
222. “One may make their house a palace of sham, or they can make it a home, a refuge. ” – Mark Twain
223. Every night I go to sleep in your arms. Every morning we wake up and start the day together. You have made my life so full I can’t stop smiling. I love you with all of my heart
224. Every day I look forward to being in your arms – to pour love into you, share my soul with yours, grow old with you and cherish every moment of our time together in front of and behind closed doors
225. Your arms are home to me. I could lay with you all day in your arms and never leave. I love being close to you, feeling a part of your warm skin, and laying my head on your chest. You are the perfect cuddle buddy and best friend a girl could ask for. These are the moments I live for
226. My heart is your home, the place I feel most comfortable. You come to me when you need comfort or love, and I will always be there. Your heart pounds in your chest when we are apart, but I can feel it happening like a whisper in my ear
227. ‘I promise to love you even if my teeth start falling out or my hair turns grey. Because you are my world.’
228. Your arms are my home. Even in times when it feels like there is no hope in sight, you help me get it all back together. I love you so much and wouldn’t want to betray you
229. “Never leave home without a kiss, a hug and an I love you.”
230. Every night, the same dream. I fall asleep in your arms and wake up in a bed of roses. Every day, that impossible hope. We’ll reconnect and fall in love all over again. It’s all I think about or want, you’re my home
231. The best place to be is at home
232. ‘I want you to hold me forever as I feel protected in your arms. You are my world.’
233. You are like the secret diary of mine which I hide under the pillow of my bedroom but become overjoyed whenever I read it secretively, you make me remember my home. Anonymous
234. ‘Whenever I am faced with challenges, I know I can survive them because you are at my side holding my hands. You are my everything.’
235. ‘I cannot measure the amount of happiness you bring into my life. You are my life, my world, my everything.’
236. Your fingertips and every inch of your skin against mine is where I want to be forever. No matter where life takes me, my heart will always be home with you. I don’t want to ever leave your arms. You are the one who makes me feel alive
237. “Maybe the reason you can never go home again is that, once you’re back, you can never leave…”
238. ‘Hey darling, you are my hope, my strength, and my inspiration. You are my world.’
239. “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. ” ― George Augustus Moore
240. I am currently staying just in front of your soul and waiting eagerly to open the door of your heart and make me get the feeling that I am staying at my home only. Anonymous
241. “Home is not where you live but where they understand you. ” ― Christian Morgenstern
242. ‘You make me feel so special, my lady, and that’s how I relate to all the quotes on love. You are my everything,’
243. A home is made of dreams and hopes
244. ‘I know I am not perfect, but you always make me feel so when I look into your eyes. You are the reason for my better-self. Thank you for being in my life. You mean everything to me.’
245. ‘You are the inspiration of my life and the thought that opens my heart to new opportunities. I love you, my beloved, beyond the end.’
246. “Home is a shelter from storms-all sorts of storms.”-William J. Bennett
247. When I look at you, your smile and beauty tell it all. It’s where I find love and comfort. You are my home
248. My heart is your home where you will always find love and peace. I promise to be there for you forever, protecting and cherishing you until the end of days
249. You are my life, you are my love, and how can I leave you when you are my home
250. “There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits. ” – Robert Southey
251. “The first step to living the life that you want is leaving the life that you don’t want.”
252. I like spending the night at your house. When I fall asleep in your arms, my eyes close and I feel so warm, comfortable, and at home. When we wake up in the morning, we can love each other slowly until we fight the urge to get ready for work
253. “The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere. ” – Albania Proverb
254. “Home the blessed word, which opens to the human heart the most perfect glimpse of Heaven, and helps to carry it thither, as on an angel’s wings. ” – Lyda M. Child
255. “Home is a child’s first and most important classroom. ” ― Hillary Clinton
256. Your arms are my home. My safe place. You’re the one person that makes me feel like I can let my guard down and just be myself. I have known you for so long, and have been waiting to be able to call you mine forever
257. How can “You Are My Everything” quotes strengthen a romantic relationship?
258. ‘I love you not because of you but because you bring the best out of me. You are my world.’
259. ‘You are the melody and rhythm to the songs of my life. I love you, my angel. You are my world.’
260. ‘I know you’ll always have my back, no matter what the situation is. You are a special person who makes my world a happier place.’
261. You are by far the best lover I have ever had, and it’s because of the love we share. Your heart beats with mine and my heart beats for you. We take each other on adventures, and our love only expands as we grow together. Our unconditional love is infinite
262. I will always love you, no matter what happens. I know that God has made us for each other. We are best friends and lovers for life. Your arms are my home, come back to me soon
263. “I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself. ” ― Maya Angelou
264. You are the most perfect gentleman I know. Thank you for your constant love, support and devotion. I feel so lucky to have found you! On my worst days, you have the capability to make me smile again because I know there is someone on this planet that loves me so much
265. ‘I need not travel to see the world, because you are my world.’
266. ‘I’ll always love you passionately because you make my everyday wonderful. You are nothing but my entire world.’
267. My heart is your home, honey. You are the one I love, my best friend and lover. And you always will be. I love you with every beat of my heart
268. “I let it go. It's like swimming against the current. It exhausts you. After a while, whoever you are, you just have to let go, and the river brings you home.”
269. “Leave home, leave the country, leave the familiar. Only then can routine experience- buying bread, eating vegetables, even saying hello-become new all over again.”-Anthony Doerr
270. My heart feels your love. The mind thinks of you every second. My body feels when you’re near. Soul yearns for you on a constant basis. God made us fit perfectly, and nothing will ever change this. I love you! I know that no one can take your place; you hold the key to my heart, my soul, my mind and my body. I can’t wait to be with you again because you complete me
271. I have always cherished those moments that I have spent with you and trusted you fully about everything in my life because you are the home to me on whom we can rely upon fully. Anonymous
272. I never want to leave the safety and comfort of your strong arms. There are no other arms that could ever replace the feeling I get when they wrap around me. Your arms are my home
273. You are my home; when am with you I feel jovial and relaxed
274. There is an ache, empty deep inside my heart. I want to hold you close, tell you how much I love you. When I wake up in the morning, all I want to do is kiss your sweet lips. There’s one thing you can know – I LOVE YOU more than words can say!!
275. My heart is your home. You are not just my boyfriend, you are everything to me. When I call out your name, it’s not meant for anyone else to hear. I think about you all the time, only good things of course! You make me feel like a princess and I will always cherish the time we share together
276. Home is not a place, it is a person. And that person is you. Without you, I am lost and wandering aimlessly through life. You are the one person that completes me and for that, I thank God every single day
277. I came home and you were in my arms where I wanted to be. It felt like home, safe and secure. So much so that I didn’t want to leave your embrace. For hours we lay there as the sun set outside our window. You held me tight, you smelled like oranges and felt so good in my arms. I love holding you forever.
278. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? You are amazing and beautiful. I love your body, soul, mind, and heart. To never have you in my life would truly be a tragedy. I love you so much and hope everything works out for the best
279. ‘Life changes constantly. But I know, you are the constant in my life.’
280. Every single day, I want to be with you, you are my home you are my everything
281. Home is the safest place to be and I love to be there
282. ‘Perhaps, you are just one person for everyone. But, you mean the whole world to me.’
283. “Traveling is all very well and good as long as you knew there is a place or person you can call home. ” ― Jodi Picoult
284. When I think of home, I don’t just think of a place, I think of you
285. “Leave the past behind. You may not feel better about it, but it will be better for you.”
286. ‘I give you my heart, and I am ready to give my life to you as well. Because I realized who makes the heart beat and brings brightness to my life. You are my world, baby.’
287. You will always be my lover and best friend. I don’t know what life would be like without you in it, but I do know that I don’t want to find out. You make me laugh every day, and put every silly little smile on my face. I just adore you so much
288. I can smell the fragrance of the blooming flowers of my home garden from your presence all the time, you are so like my delightful garden of my home. Anonymous
289. I’m so lucky to have someone as wonderful as you by my side. You are the love of my life and the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I love you so much and am looking forward to spending many more years with you
290. “There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there. ” ― Gilbert K. Chesterton
291. I’m so glad we met. I feel like you’ve always been there for me when no one else was. You’re my shoulder to cry on, and I will be here for you the same way
292. I want to stay in your heart, but how is that possible if you never let me in
293. I might visit a lot of places in the whole day but eventually I come back to you at the end of the day because you have turned yourself into my home. Anonymous
294. “The home is the centre and circumference, the start and the finish, of most of our lives. ” – Charlotte Perkins Gilman
295. ‘You’ve always got my back and stood by me through all the ups and downs of my life. I am so blessed to have you, my baby. You make my world.’
296. ‘It’s only you who can deal with me. You are the support of my life on which I can lean peacefully. You are my protection during my troubled times. You are the world to me.’
297. ‘I fall for you every moment of the day. I think about you when I am awake and when I sleep. Everything between my morning and night is you.’
298. “Family, like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.”
299. ‘It’s you who makes my heart shine in the dark like a star. And I love you beyond the stars and the moon. Thanks for being everything to me, my lady love.’
300. ‘You are more than beautiful, and so you are everything to me.’
301. “Thoughts of home and all its loved ones to the soldier’s heart would come. ” ― Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
302. Whenever my eyes get contact with your river like beautiful eyes, it takes me back to my childhood where I had enjoyed every moment of the days in my home. Anonymous
303. ‘It is a blessing to find the new meaning of life, but meeting you has made my life. I feel so lucky to be with you.’
304. You are my one and only love, I can never leave you because you are my home
305. “Home along, home along, to the place where I would be!” ― Cicely Fox Smith
306. “When it’s time for you to venture out, don’t let fear have you looking back at what you’re leaving behind.”
307. ‘Isn’t it amazing how we became life partners from strangers. And now, you have become the world to me.’
308. ‘The reason for my existence is simple, it is you.’
309. Home; that’s where your arms are. No matter where I am or what time of day, you’ll always be there watching over me and holding me close. It’s like a warm blanket on a cold night, a shelter from the storm, a castle to my knight in shining armour, and most importantly – home
310. ‘I promise to be with you for the rest of my life, as you are the reason for my heartbeats. You are my everything.’
311. “If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home. ” – Malala Yousafzai
312. ‘I can text you kisses, email you flowers, and send you my heart. But we would be apart. I love you so much that my every part wants to be with you because you mean the world to me.’
313. Every night I go to sleep with my arms wrapped around you, I dream of you and I fall asleep smiling. When I wake up and see your beautiful face, I fall in love all over again. You are so beautiful, it takes my breath away
314. There is no other place I would rather be than in your arms. You are my home that keeps me safe and warm. Every night before bed, I know that you are there to take care of me, keep me warm, and remind me why life is worth living. Thank you for everything you do
315. “One never reaches home,' she said. 'But where paths that have an affinity for each other intersect, the whole world looks like home, for a time.”
316. ‘The moment I see you, my life seems so beautiful. I do not want to leave you. Thanks for being with me, my baby. You are my life.’
317. My lover and friend, I am so fortunate to have you by my side and so thankful for the love that we share. I look forward to a lifetime with you, and I know that each day will be better than the last
318. ‘There’s nothing in the world that satisfies me. But when I know you love me, my heart is filled with joy as you mean everything to me.’
319. ‘You are the person who gives me the best out of nothing. I’m so happy to have you in my life, dear love. You are my world.’
320. “Home is what you take with you, not what you leave behind. ” – N. K. Jemisin
321. “There’s no place like home. ” – L. Frank Baum
322. I always love coming home as you are my home
323. When you are around, I am at my best because you are my home
324. Your arms are my home. You’re not just my lover, but my comforter as well, for I always need you
325. ‘I am nothing without you. I would be with you forever, irrespective of what happens in my life. You add a beat to my heart.’
326. ‘The thought of you holding my hands and hearing your voice makes me feel as if I could live forever.’
327. “You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”
328. I miss you a lot, every day and every night. You mean more to me than words could ever express and I love you with all my heart. When I was young I was told that one day I would find a beautiful love like this one, but until now I never found this feeling of profoundness, of unconditional love
329. “Let your home be your mast and not your anchor. ” – Kahlil Gibran
330. “Nobody’s home to offer a cup of coffee, nobody’s home to say goodbye. ” ― Sonia Walker
331. Home has a new meaning for me now…once I was always so eager to go “home” to my own space, and now I am equally eager to come back to you. Home is wherever you are and I can’t wait to come home to you tonight
332. Your arms are home to me, the love of my life. Our hearts beat as one and our souls intertwine in ways that make me feel like I am finally free. You make my heart feel at peace and you fill my heart with so much joy that I can’t stop smiling. I love you with all my heart!
333. ‘I made the best decision of life by finding you. Come what may, I shall never leave your hand as you mean the world to me.’
334. “They created a home where I felt safe. I could make mistakes. Failure wasn’t punished. ” – Sarah Williams
335. “Home is anywhere that you know all your friends and all your enemies. ”― Orson Scott Card
336. “Home is the most popular, and will be the most enduring of all earthly establishments. ” – Channing Pollock
337. ‘You are the sun in my day, the moon in my night, the spring in my step, the beat in my heart, the love of my life. You are my everything and I love you with everything I am.’ —Kristy Truong
338. “I believe that all of our lives we’re looking for home and if we’re really lucky, we find it in someone’s loving arms. I think that’ what life is-coming home. ” – Anita Krizzan
339. “Life takes you unexpected places, love brings you home.”
340. ‘I’ll convey my feelings for you, today, tomorrow, and every day of my life. I’ve always loved you, and you’re my everything.’
341. When we first met, there were fireworks, and now here I am a year later already feeling like I can’t live without you. You are my everything
342. “Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. ”― Cecelia Ahern
343. Your heart is where I find my home. You are always in my heart, you are my everything and home is wherever you are. Always remember that I love you and forever will
344. ‘The day you kissed me, I tasted what life is. You make my world complete as it is all about you and for you.’
345. ‘If you live till hundred, I want to live one day minus that, so that I never miss you.’
346. “Home is where you can say anything you please, because nobody pays any attention to you anyway. ” – Joe Moore
347. “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”
348. ‘It’s everything to me—our relationship. You’re my world.’
349. When am badly wounded or whenever my heart bleeds badly and cries in pain, I always find my comfort zone by running to you the same way people find their escape in their homes. Anonymous
350. Having you in my life means everything. You are the very air I breathe, and the happiness that runs through my heart every time we’re together. I love everything about you and hope to grow old with you by my side
351. ‘My dream came true the moment you came into my life. And that’s why I want you to know that you are my everything.’
352. ‘It seems like I can win anything and even conquer the world when you hold me close to you. You are my entire life.’
353. “I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
354. My heart is your home. You are my sunrise, sunset and moonlight. My heart wants only you. You are the one to brighten my day and all my nights with smiles and cuddles. I love you!
355. “I don’t care if we have our house, or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. Home is wherever we all are, together. ”― James Patterson
356. ‘I do not have to worry about any heartbreak as you fill my heart with love, happiness, and gratitude. I love you beyond everything.’
357. ‘There is no perfect relationship in the world. True love is to find your imperfect partner. I found you, you found me. What more do we want from this world?’
358. You’ve always had a very special place in my heart. When I’m with you, I don’t worry about anything or think about the world outside. You make me feel loved, wanted, and safe. Every time we’re together, it’s like time stops, and I get lost in your arms. I don’t feel like there’s anywhere else I’d rather be
359. ‘I can be anywhere with you as you make everything fine for me. You’re my everything, Love.’
360. ‘I was missing something in my life. I didn’t know it was you until I met you. You make my world complete.’
361. ‘Let me share the truth of my life: You are the light in my life and the soul to my body, which means you are everything to me.’
362. ‘I love when you touch me, I love when you look into my eyes, I love when you take my name. You are my life, and you are my world.’
363. I can never see you in pain because every time you cry it gives me the feeling that I am burning my house down because you are just like my home. Anonymous
364. ‘You are everything I need to survive in this world.’
365. Home – it’s where you go when you don’t want to go home. You are home to me, and I want to go back to your arms whenever anything is wrong. Each hug feels like a blessing. Every touch fills my body with warmth
366. ‘I have shown you the worst and best of me. You deal with me with the utmost patience. I respect you, today and forever. I love you, my world.’
367. ‘I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me the most special person in your life. Now, I want you to know that you are my world. I cannot stop myself from loving you.’
368. “The ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home. ” – Jeff Lincoln
369. “Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable. ” – Catherine Pulsifer
370. “I want my home to be that kind of place—a place of sustenance, a place of invitation, a place of welcome. ” – Mary DeMuth
371. “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. ” – Maya Angelou
372. My heart is your home. A place where you can always go and find peace and happiness. I love you, honey! You are my life and my everything. I just can’t stop thinking about you
373. ‘Without you, I see my world crashing down. But, when you are with me, my life can be built in a day. You’re my everything.’
374. “Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”
375. “It’s like coming home after a long trip. That’s what love is like. It’s like coming home.”
376. We never crave for a house that is very beautiful but we always want to live inside a house which will give us a comforting vibe to use, you are like that house to me. William Morris
377. ‘ You’re my best friend, my lover, my partner, my great companion, and my slice of heaven. You’re my everything.’
378. ‘You are the center of my world, the source of my life, and the beat of my heart. You are my entire world.’
379. Every morning when I wake up I cannot stop thinking about you, when I go to sleep, the last thing I do is think about you, because you are my home
380. ‘True love is all about happiness and pains, and successes and struggles. I don’t worry as you have become my life.’
381. My heart is your home. It is where you reside. Without you I am nothing. With your presence, my life has more meaning than I ever thought possible
382. I love you with all of my heart and more. You are the most amazing man I have ever known. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. Love, your wife
383. I love how you kiss me and hold me tight, I love how you don’t make me cry. I love how your hands fit just right in mine, I love how sometimes you’re mine
384. You are simply like my mum because she gives life to our house and you make me alive and I am the heart of our home. Anonymous
385. You are my light at the end of a dull tunnel, you save me from drowning in darkness. You make me happy, you make me feel alive again, and for that, I will be forever grateful. Thank you
386. I hold you so dear to my heart, it’s hard for me to put into words all that I feel. I love you now and forever, and I will promise you this till the day that I die, that my heart is your home
387. “Home is the nicest word there is.”
388. “Our homes should inspire us to go out into the world to do great things & then welcome us back for refreshment. ” – Melissa Michaels
389. You are that source of light in my life that shows me the right route for my home every time I get lost while traveling. Anonymous
390. “You will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will realize that nowhere seems like home anymore. ”― Shinji Moon
391. ‘Your best love is my inspiration and motivation. You make my world complete. You are my everything.’
392. You take my breath away. You are the most gorgeous and amazing man in the world. You make me happy, laugh, and smile, and I want you to know that I love you more than anything
393. You are my safest place to be because you are my home
394. Home sweet home. Right here in your arms is where I want to be from now on. Thanks for showing me what true happiness feels like. You’re the best
395. ‘You give me the confidence to experience the world, you make me strong, and you fill me with happiness. You are the reason for my existence.’
396. I have come to a realization… You are always there for me, through the good and bad times you have made it so easy to love and trust me. There is no one in this world I would rather wake up to than you. So here we are, under the same sky, in your arms I see my future, and it’s nothing but beautiful. I love you
397. ‘I am amazingly, deliriously, and passionately in love with you. You are everything to me, and I am nothing without you.’
398. “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home. ” – Confucius
399. When I am with the person I love, I am at home
400. ‘Let me share my feelings with you and be with me until the sun stops shining. You mean the world to me.’
401. I feel like the most blessed person in the world because out of million people in the world you have chosen me because you are that kind of girl who can easily become someone’s home. Anonymous
402. “How often have I lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home.”
403. I’m falling so hard for you, and it’s so easy. I don’t know where I end and you begin. You are the home I’ve been waiting for all along. You complete me and make me whole. You’re the lover that my soul needs. Without you, I can’t breathe. I love you more every day
404. I want you in my life forever. In our arms is where I feel the safest and most at home. I love every bit of you, and I just want to hold you all day long
405. ‘Wherever I am with you becomes my favorite place on Earth. You mean everything to me.’
406. ‘You are the stars and the moon to me every night. You are everything, handsome!’
407. When I am with you, I am home, I feel relaxed. I love you
408. I wish I could spend all night wrapped up in your arms, hear your breath, and feel your warm body so close to mine. The thought of being away from you makes me ache inside. I could never love anyone more than I love you
409. You are my heart and soul. You are the love of my life. I cherish and adore you more than you could ever know. You are my soul mate, my home away from home. I love you always and forever
410. “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. ”― Gary Snyder
411. “God’s extraordinary work is most often done by ordinary people in the seeming obscurity of a home and family. ” ― Neal A. Maxwell
412. “Home is where our story begins…”
413. “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
414. ‘Listen to my heartbeat, lady. It beats faster when you are around. I love you with all my heart as you are my everything.’
415. “Where we love is home- home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”
416. “People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the marketplace. ” – Zig Ziglar
417. “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ” — John Ed Pearce
418. “There was nothing as pricelessly humanitarian; as home; sweet home. ” ― Nikhil Parekh
419. ‘You are the reason I live, I breathe, I love, and I smile. You are my everything.’
420. “Home is wherever you leave everything you love and never question that it will be there when you return. ” – Leo Christopher
421. Having you with me makes everything more fun, and I cherish every moment that I spend with you. I hope to make you mine forever someday. All I can say for now is that I love you
422. Your arms are my home. Believe me when I say nothing in the world will make me happier than you do. I love you, my darling
423. “You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family.”-Anita Baker
424. ‘When I look at the sky during the day, I see the sun. When I look at the sky during the night, I see the moon and stars. When I look at the mirror, I see you as you are my world.’
425. “Home was not a perfect place. But it was the only home they had, and they could hope to make it better. ” – Dean Koontz
426. Your arms are my home, your heart is my sky, your soul is my universe, and I want to be with you until the end of time
427. I love you and I’m excited to have your heart as my residence. I will fill it with tons of love and happiness that will forever flow out of it to you
428. I love you so much. You are my heart and soul. Forever is our gift, as long as we are together, I’ll cherish every minute. Always and forever, your home is my heart
429. “Coming home to friends with wagging tails and loving hearts makes everyday a good day!”
430. ‘You are the story of my life that I do not want to end. You are everything to me.’
431. I spent the last few nights with you, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I got a little bit of sleep. Every night I am with you feels like a dream, because in my dreams, I am with you. You are my home
432. Your love is all that I want, the rest of the world means nothing to me. I live only to see you, breath only to love you. Everything in this world is empty without your love and without you, my life will be incomplete. You are my everything; my heart, my soul, and my entire being!
433. “For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”
434. “I know that life is a doorway to eternity, and yet my heart so often gets lost in petty anxieties. It forgets the great way home that lies before it. ” ― Sophie Scholl
435. ‘I wish I had an eternal life so that I would not have to leave you. For me, you mean everything.’
436. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Out of all the people in the world, you are my home. I want to spend forever with you and can’t imagine a day without you. You are everything I could possibly ever ask for in a partner and person. You are my love, my heart, my best friend, my other half
437. None could give me the warmth and the love in this world which is being given to me by you like I am home. Louis Zamperini
438. ‘We are living in a crazy world of confusion and change. But for me, only one thing is simple and constant. It is you, my love. You are everything.’
439. “Your home should be a place in which not only do your own dreams dwell but also those of others. ” — Don Herold
440. If a house is my heart and the rooms are my feelings, I will gladly give you the key to all of them. If the roof is my head and the ceiling fan is my thoughts, I never think when you are around. If a home is a structure built with care and pride, our home will stand forever through it all. I love you in every way, every day. You are my home!
441. “Your home is your refuge. ” — George Carlin
442. “Compassion, understanding, and connection” – these three words describe me the best. I founded “TheLoveBoy” to share joy of Love. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the dynamics of human connection for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to help individuals cultivate deeper and more meaningful relationships
443. Your arms are my home, and all my thoughts are of you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life in them. I love you more every day, every night, and every moment we spend together
444. “Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun. ” – Edie Falco
445. “I will be seeing you soon and it will be better than anything else.”
446. “At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before.”
447. Thank you for being my home, my love. Thanks for being there with love in your eyes and a smile on your face. Your touch is heaven sent and I just love listening to you breathe. You’re a star shining in my life, the one thing I’ve waited for. Sometimes it’s hard to see all that we are, but I am so thankful we found each other and now I will never let you go
448. ‘My favorite place is next to you because you are the world to me.’
449. I feel at home when I am with you
450. ‘I want you to know about my feelings towards you. For me, you are infinity and beyond, and my everything.’
451. I don’t know much about your childhood, or whom you grew up with, but all I know is that you grew into one amazing man. You have been my rock, the one person I can come to when things seem tough and turn my frown upside down. You are the love of my life and everything I could ever ask for. My heart is your home, always
452. ‘Some cannot live without air, and others cannot live without water, but I cannot live without you. I love you, my life.’
453. “Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.”
454. I do not have to go to my home all the time whenever I am sad and lonely, I only have to rush to you now to find solace because you have already taken the place of my home. Anonymous
455. You hold the key to my heart, you really do, it’s your name. I love you; it’s as simple as that. I love your eyes, your smile, and especially your lips. They’re so warm and inviting, and when they’re on mine I feel as if I’m on top of the world
456. ‘You are not just a partner in my life, but also my best friend, mentor, advisor, and everything in my world.’
457. “People would rather live in homes regardless of their grayness. There is no place like home. ”― Lyman Frank Baum
458. ‘When you feel homesick,’ he said, ‘just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.’
459. ‘You are everything to me, and so I do everything to make you feel proud.’
460. “Maybe that’s the best part of going away for a vacation – coming home again. ”― Madeleine L’Engle
461. ‘It’s difficult to pick things because I am indecisive. But when I chose you, it hardly took a moment to decide you are everything.’
462. I long to be in your arms and to feel safe. Your arms are my home, and I will love you forever
463. Your arms are my home. I love you so much. I feel it every day, but especially when we are both at home. You have made me feel things I have never known and have changed the way I look at life. Without you, all of this is only half as bright, and I can’t imagine my life without you
464. ‘My feelings are not just for you. They are what I do not feel for anyone else. You are the breath to my life.’
465. My heart is your HOME. It will always be there waiting for you. It beats only for you. It loves only you. I love you, my home- sweet home!
466. My arms are your home. My head is your pillow. My chest is your blanket. My love is your heartbeat. You fill my life with joy and desire, with happiness and fire; and one day, my dream will come true. I’ll step through the door of my love.
467. I have remade my home a thousand times, Though never with your voice or your laughter. I know that I have lived without you long enough. I have always yearned for your touch. My heart is your home, and my body you’re already occupying!
468. The love I feel for you makes my heart sing. You are my everything and I cannot imagine life without you by my side. Together we can face anything, as long as we have each other. You are my heart, my soul, and you make me complete
469. What can I say instead of “you’re my everything?”
470. Every day I have the pleasure of waking up in your arms. You are the most caring and compassionate man I have ever met. I love you for all you are, and for all that you do for me
471. My heart is where I am in your arms. My body is where I am in your touch. My soul is where I am in your embrace
472. I love you more than I have ever loved anything in the world or ever will. There isn’t even a word to describe how much my heart aches for you when we are not together. I treasure your presence in my life and the love that you give me day after day. I love you, now and always!
473. “Feeling sad to leave doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go.”
474. ‘Now that you have entered my life, I promise to be with you in bad and good times. You are my everything.’
475. “A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. ” ― Benjamin Franklin
476. Like a note in a bottle, like a strong oak tree, like your heart held within my hands so delicately. I love you more each day and every second that we are apart is one too many
477. ‘I gave my heart to you, and would never take it back. I pledge my love is only for you as you are everything to me.’
478. Home is where our love is built
479. “Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms. ” – William J. Bennett
480. My love for you is deeper than the ocean, wider than the sky, and wilder than any storm. You are my home, and without you, I am lost in a world of confusion. All I want to do is to hold you close and feel your warm touch
481. “It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realized what’s changed is you.”-F. Scott Fitzgerald
482. “Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”
483. The place I find peace is in you because you are my home
484. ‘Irrespective of what people say, I would never stop loving you. Even if my heart stops beating, my soul would need you. You are my everything.’
485. I never want to wake up and not be there again. My sweet darling, if only you could see how much I miss you every day, every hour. I hope that you realize what a wonderful person you are, and how lucky I am to have found you
486. “There is no place more delightful than one’s own fireside. ” – Cicero
487. My love for you grows deeper every day. Every time I see you, I fall a little more in love with you. Thank you baby for making me the happiest woman in the world. You’re my heart, my lover and everything else a woman could ask for
488. Lots of people have a heart of gold, but very few have a heart like yours. Love is all I need, and you really know how to love me. You are all the best parts of me and all I will ever need. You are my inspiration, my strength, my love. My heart is your home, my darling
489. ‘Some days are so special, and others are just there. But every single day spent with you is so much better than any other day of my life.’
490. Whenever you hold me in your arms tightly, I feel like falling asleep over there as it gives me the vibes like I am back in my home. Anonymous
491. ‘You are my best friend and my better half. You mean the planet and the universe to me.’
492. When I think of you, I can feel your arms wrapped around me – how you hold me close, how I fit in your arms. The smell of you, the taste of you, and the feel of you surround me and make me feel safe, happy, and secure. I cannot help but smile when we are together
493. “The thrill of coming home has never changed. “
494. “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.”
495. “We might be miles apart, but I’ll always carry you in my heart.”
496. ‘You are not just the lady of my dreams, but the one who makes my heart beat. I cannot stop loving you, my world.’
497. A home does not become a home until and unless it retains in itself you who is the substitute for food when I am hungry and flame when I am cold. Benjamin Franklin
498. “The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there. ” – Ellie Rodriguez
499. I am not feeling good, I always run to you because you are my home
500. “My house feels like home when you’re there. ” ― Susan Richards Shreve
501. ‘You’ve been sent by heaven to me, and I’ll cherish every special moment that you are with me. Love you, my everything.’
502. ‘I wake up only to see you, I live only to feel you, I am happy because you are my soulmate. You mean everything to me.’
503. This is so corny, but I have something to tell you. You’re my heart and soul. I feel like our hearts have merged into one. It’s amazing how close we are! In just a year, you’ve gone from being not much more than a friend to my reason for living. I love you so much and want the world to know it. My heart will always be your home.
504. ‘When the world is dark, you light up my soul. You are everything to me.’
505. ‘Your love is similar to how blood flows through veins and arteries. You are my entire life.’
506. If love begins at home you are my home
507. “Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.”
508. “He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. ” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
509. “Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing. ” – Irina Shayk
510. “Home is where your family is. Wherever you are, it’s about the people you’re surrounded by, not necessarily where you lay your head. ” — Jenji Kohan
511. “There’s no place like home – after the other places close. ” ― Joe Laurie Jr
512. “No matter how big you are, when you go back home, your family treats you like a normal person. ” – Ajith Kumar
513. “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
514. I want to be in your arms more than anything in this world. You are my home, my heart, my everything. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever
515. “Good food and a warm kitchen are what make a house a home. ” – Racheal Ray
516. “I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was. Likewise, I never imagined that home might be something I would miss.”
517. I can very well spend my melancholic evenings by staying under your guidance and laying my head in your lap because you are just warm like my home’s bed. Anonymous
518. Home is where I love to be
519. ‘When you come into my dreams, it is the most awesome thing. But when you are with me, the reality is even better. Thanks for being my world.’
520. “I hate leaving home. I love what I do, but I’d love to go home every night. ” ― Charlie Watts
521. “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”
522. ‘You are my healer, protector, and comforter. I want you with me wherever I go.. You are my life, now and forever.’
523. ‘You are the world to me, and I am ready to give everything of my life to you.’
524. Without you, I am lost in a dark and lonely pit of despair. Home is not a place. Home is you. You are my home, and I just want to be near you. The feeling of your arms around me gives me the warmest and most comfortable feeling in the world
525. You have been the greatest. I have had my share of interesting partners, but you are by far the best. Remember though, I love with all my heart, so be careful
526. ‘Whenever I’m surrounded by people, my eyes only look for you because you are everything that makes my world a better place.’
527. “Home is where you feel loved, appreciated, and safe. ” – Tracey Taylor
528. When I am not with you, I feel homesick; I miss you so much because you are my home
529. “You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it’s all right. ” – Maya Angelou
530. My life would be worthless without you. You are my world and home. I love you
531. “For me, trees have always been the most penetrating preachers. I revere them when they live in tribes and families, in forests and groves. And even more I revere them when they stand alone. They are like lonely persons. Not like hermits who have stolen away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary men, like Beethoven and Nietzsche. In their highest boughs the world rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose themselves there, they struggle with all the force of their lives for one thing only: to fulfil themselves according to their own laws, to build up their own form, to represent themselves. Nothing is holier, nothing is more exemplary than a beautiful, strong tree. When a tree is cut down and reveals its naked death-wound to the sun, one can read its whole history in the luminous, inscribed disk of its trunk: in the rings of its years, its scars, all the struggle, all the suffering, all the sickness, all the happiness and prosperity stand truly written, the narrow years and the luxurious years, the attacks withstood, the storms endured. And every young farmboy knows that the hardest and noblest wood has the narrowest rings, that high on the mountains and in continuing danger the most indestructible, the strongest, the ideal trees grow.
532. ‘My life feels so complete whenever I see you around. I love you, my dear life.’
533. I will call you as my home any day because you give me that soothing feeling which I get while staying at my home. Anonymous
534. ‘You’re my beloved lifetime partner, and I fall for you every day. I would choose you to be my soulmate in my every birth. You mean everything to me.’
535. “Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.”
536. ‘You’re my soul, my heart, my wealth, my today and tomorrow, and my forever and everything.’
537. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with you. I am happier than ever with you in my arms. You make me feel like I’m worth your love and nothing can change that
538. I love you. I’m so glad to have found you and to have your love. You are my home-my heart- and I don’t ever want to live anywhere else. I’m always here for you, even if we’re far apart. I can’t say it enough: I love you!
539. I love coming to you, you are my home
540. I would move to one of the dimmest corners of the world for you, I would leap the highest peak but all I long for is to be in your arms. My love makes me complete and from this day forward, I vow to always make you smile and happy; the sole purpose of my life is to ensure your happiness
541. I have always missed home whenever you have gone far away from me because in the past few years you have made me realize that you are exactly like my home. Anonymous
542. ‘You are the spirit to my soul, the blood in my veins, and the oxygen to my blood. You are my everything.’
543. ‘There’s nothing more valuable than our love. And nothing more precious than you. You are my world.’
544. I feel complete with you, you are my home, and you are my heart’s desire
545. I miss you more than I can put into words. I want to feel your arms wrapped around me, holding me close. We were meant to be together, and I know it. I don’t care how long we wait, as long as we have each other at the end. I love you with all my heart
546. “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back. ” – Wendy Wunder
547. Honey, you are my heart, the blood that runs through my body. Your arms are my home and your voice is like music to my ears. You are one of a kind, the one, the love of my life. I will always be there for you no matter what comes our way
548. ‘I strive to show you my best. I love you, my angel. You are everything to me.’
549. My love, the first day I saw you, I knew that we were destined to be together. As the years have gone by, we have grown closer as if our bodies were meant to melt into each other. With you by my side, I don’t feel so alone. You make me feel complete and fill my empty heart with your love. You are my lover, my friend, my everything
550. When I am lost you are my lamp that guides me home. I love you
551. Your love has warmed my heart and filled it with joy. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Each moment with you is so wonderful and I feel lucky to wake up next to you every day. I can’t imagine my life without you, thank you for being my everything! Love, Me
552. ‘It’s once in a lifetime that someone enters your life and makes it worth living. You are the one who transformed my life. Thank you, my world.’
553. ‘You are not my friend, you are my love. You are not just my love, you are my heart. You are not just my heart, you are my life. You are not just my life, you are my world. You are not just my world, you are my everything.’
554. “What I love most about my home is who I share it with.”
555. “A home filled with nothing but yourself. It’s heavy, that lightness. It’s crushing, that emptiness. ” – Margaret Atwood
556. You are my heart, my soul, my life. Whenever I am with you, everything else fades away and it’s just me, you and our love. You’re the most amazing man that God has ever created and all I want is to spend forever with you!
557. I’m so happy to finally have a home and a person I can call my own. I don’t want to be anywhere else but in your arms. I’m incredibly lucky to have you
558. It’s not every day you get a chance to love someone as much as I love you. You make me feel happy inside, and at the same time ache with sadness that couldn’t last too long because of your presence beside me. This is why my heart is your home, it always has been and always will be
559. ‘You are a perfect gift to me by the universe. You are my world.’
560. “Home's where you go when you run out of homes.”
561. “Is it possible for home to be a person and not a place?”
562. “To be an ideal guest, stay at home. ” – E. W. Howe
563. “There is no comfort anywhere for anyone who dreads to go home. ”― Laura Ingalls Wilder
564. “As corny as it sounds, to me, home is where the heart is…. So moving houses is just another way in which I get to experience life. ” – Ellen DeGeneres
565. Whenever I get any kind of good news or any kind of joy, I always rush to you at first because you have now become my second home and first priority. Anonymous
566. You are my heart, my soul, you make life home to me. The longer I am with you the more I feel it’s true. You are perfect in every special way and have such a gentle way of letting me know I am on your mind every day and all the time. You are my home, My lover, and my friend. I love you with all my heart and soul
567. ‘Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, and loving you was not in my control. That’s why I love you, and you are my everything in this world.’
568. “You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home. ” ― Terry Pratchett
569. I love you because you love me for who I am. You’ve filled my heart with joy, happiness, and all the melted chocolate I could ever ask for and that’s why my heart will always be your home. I love your smile that makes my heart skip a beat
570. “Besides, you think I’m not used to hurting? For me, it’s home sweet home, my brother. ” ― J. R. Ward
571. I do not wait by the window, wondering if you will return my love. For your heart is mine and mine is yours. Even so much as a thought that we are separated fills me with pain. Because I know there will always be a place for me in your heart, just as there will always be a welcome mat at the front door of my home…
572. ‘Every fiber of my being loves you, and everything about you is the sense of my life.’
573. ‘I don’t usually say it, but I firmly believe you are mine. You are my love, life, and beyond everything.’
574. “Peace like charity begins at home. ” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
575. “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. ” ― Martin Luther
576. “There’s nothing half so pleasant as coming home again. ” – Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
577. Home is where one starts from
578. “I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come back home.”
579. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. I love the way I feel when you’re around. If it were possible, I would never let you leave my arms to go anywhere else again
580. ‘I do not want to wake up if you are not beside me. I do not want to sleep if you are not beside me. I do not want to do anything without you at my side, my love. You are my everything.’
581. I have been yours since the day we first held each other on a cold night. I am yours and you are mine. I’ve never been so happy or felt so loved since the moment you found me. When we are apart, there is a hole in my heart that you can fill with a smile over a phone. When we’re together, I feel like everything is right in the world
582. “There’s no place like home.”
583. You have made a wonderful home in my chest, and my heart beats only for you. I love you more than each breath I take
584. My love, you are my one and only. I have never felt this way about someone before. You are the best thing that has happened to me, and I don’t know where I’d be without you. You give me everything I need and more – a family, loyal friends, a place to call home, a reason to smile and so many other emotions that I’ve never felt before. I love you forever
585. “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. ” – Robert Frost
586. ‘Our relationship goes beyond the worries and flaws. I will be my purest to you, because you are my everything.’
587. “No matter under what circumstances you leave it, home does not cease to be home. No matter how you lived there-well or poorly. ” – Joseph Brodsky
588. I have found the person who makes me feel at home, I love you my sweetheart
589. ‘You make my world look brighter, and you make my life happier.’
590. “Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. ” – Billy Graham
591. “A good home must be made, not bought. ” – Joyce Maynard
592. “Don’t leave home without your sword- your intellect.”
593. My love, I am into you, this makes me feel you are more like my home
594. You are like that magic which soothes my irritated mood, which heals my wounds and fills my heart with joy when I come back to my home after a tiresome, struggling day. Anonymous
595. “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
596. The only thing I want right now is to fall asleep in your arms and wake up the same way. That’s all I need because you are the only thing that makes me feel safe, secure, and loved. The only thing I need is you
597. In the morning sun, I climb into your bed and nestle myself in the crook of your arm. You have wrapped me in your love, and given me safe home. Without you, I am lost, my heart wanders aimlessly from one place to the next. Your loving touch is everything to me. It grounds my soul, and keeps me steady and focused through life’s turbulent storms
598. ‘I fall for you every day I see you. Everything you do or say makes me care for you more. I have never dreamt of having such a special person in my life. You are everything to me.’
599. “I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again. ” ― Jason Mraz
600. “A home should be a stockade, a refuge from the flaming arrows of anxiety, tension and worry. ” – Wilfred Peterson
601. ‘You are the reason for my happiness, the center of my life, and the whole of my heart. You are my everything, dear.’
602. I find so much comfort in your arms. I can’t wait for our next cuddle session. Happy valentine’s day
603. ‘Laugh, love, and live. I do all these things because you are in it. You are the breath of my life.’
604. “Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded. ” – Jennifer Ellison
605. “Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness. If one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t find it anywhere. ” – M. K. Soni
606. Ever since we met, my world has been brighter. Every day I wake up and I’m just glad to be with you. You are the one for me. I love you so much
607. ‘You are the reason behind my laughter and smile because you are my everything.’
608. “Better to have a messy home and happy children than a perfect yard and unhappy children. ” ― Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg
609. You are my heart. I love you until the end of time. For as long as we shall live, my love will never die. That is a promise that I will always keep. When I wrote my love letters to you, I truly meant everything that I said. You changed my life forever and for the better. Thank you, my Love!
610. “Cherish the people who make up your home, and you’ll notice the hearth fires burn brighter than ever before. ” ― Thomas Kinkade
611. “The best journey takes you home.”
612. “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”