1,000 Best helicopter Quotes For Instagram (2023)
1. Just a couple of lads taking off.
2. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford
3. “Riding the winds.”
4. “The world is big, and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark” – John Muir
5. “I do have fantasies of buying a helicopter and a lot of machine guns, but I don’t know if I can do that. I’d like to have a lot of weapons, grenades and things. And I want to have a solar energy machine. And I want to have a sunken garden with a glass roof. I guess that’s about it for now. I have a few other wants but I can’t remember them.” ~ Debbie Harry
6. Ready to fly the world with you.
7. “Helicopters make everything better.” ~ Gage Munroe
8. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a unique and whimsical treasure.”
9. “Soaring to new heights of adorableness.”
10. I work so hard so my passport will have a good life.
11. “You gave me wings, and taught me to fly when I was out there on my own” – Cimorelli, “Wings”
12. Happiness is looking down at your next destination from the airplane window.
13. “Life is an adventure from above.”
14. Hey vacay
15. Do you ever see a plane in the sky and think, “I don’t care where you’re going, just take me with you?”
16. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s precious moments.”
17. Airports are where people chill before hopping on a flying bus.
18. A plane ticket is the answer. Who cares what the question is
19. Don’t make me walk, when I want to fly
20. I was made to soar.
21. Not flying solo anymore.
22. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a unique treasure.”
23. “Flying fosters fantasies of childhood, of omnipotence, rapid shifts of being, miraculous moments; it stirs our capacity for dreaming. ” – Joyce Carol Oates
24. Vacation mode: activated.
25. “Soaring to new destinations.”
26. “I would actually love to fly. I think that that would be probably the most exhilarating feeling, and as close as you can get to true freedom” – Ali Larter
27. I’m on my way.
28. Smile at the world and she’ll smile back
29. “The world from above, a kaleidoscope of color.”
30. “A Polish man in a helicopter. Goes up to 800 feet. Down it comes! What happened? “It got chilly up there, so I turned off the fan!”” ~ Henny Youngman
31. “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” – Beth Ditto
32. “We still name our military helicopter gunships after victims of genocide. Nobody bats an eyelash about that: Blackhawk. Apache. And Comanche. If the Luftwaffe named its military helicopters Jew and Gypsy, I suppose people would notice.” ~ Noam Chomsky
33. “Spread your little wings and fly away.”— Queen, “Spread Your Wings”
34. “The shoe selfie is a really popular shot,” GaNun said. “People love to put themselves into interesting pictures, so they get really excited by it.”
35. “Sometimes, flying feels too godlike to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see.” – Charles Lindbergh
36. Up in the clouds is my favourite place to be
37. The view from the top is almost as beautiful as our love.
38. You make me feel like I’m flying.
39. The sky is not the limit, it’s a home
40. “A fool and his money are soon elected.” ~ Will Rogers
41. “The world from above, a unique and adventurous escape.”
42. Up in the clouds on my way to unknown things.
43. Pack up, let’s fly away.
44. Do not disturb.
45. Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.
46. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the road less traveled.”
47. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the fast track.”
48. My favorite thing about airports is that society rules don’t apply. I can eat ice cream in my pjs at 2 am if i want to and everybody will think it’s normal.
49. “The world from above, a cute escape from reality.”
50. Keep your luggage and your heart light.
51. “The world looks different from the air.”
52. “I want to find a nice decent job as a helicopter pilot.” ~ Felix Baumgartner
53. I just need a large coffee, a plane ticket, a bag full of cash…
54. Window seat = clouds + memories.
55. “Soaring to new heights of cuteness and inspiration.”
56. “Now that I have kids, I’m probably more overprotective than I’ve ever been. My wife’s nickname for me is “red alert.” I sometimes check just to see if the kids are breathing. But I try not to be a helicopter parent.” ~ Matt Damon
57. “The skies, a place for making beautiful moments.”
58. “Do not disturb. ”
59. First flight solo.
60. “Discovering new perspectives from the skies.”
61. “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” – JM Barrie
62. “The skies, a place for making whimsical memories.”
63. “Every problem is an opportunity in disguise. You just need to find it”
64. “Soaring to new heights.”
65. “Defying gravity one helicopter ride at a time.”
66. “Picture perfect moments in the air.”
67. “The skies, a place for capturing unique and lighthearted moments.”
68. There’s just nothing like seeing the world from thousands of feet up in the air
69. “Not cars.” Jean replied.
70. “Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery – the epitome of breaking into new worlds.” – Anne Morrow-Lindbergh
72. Harmony of muscle, mind and mechanism. . flight seems an extension of one’s own body
73. I want to live in a world where searching for plane tickets burns calories.
74. “Soaring above.”
75. Making a move in the flight direction.
76. “Riding the winds of change.”
77. I’m flying to where the WiFi’s weak.
78. My solo adventure begins.
79. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a cute treasure to keep.”
80. “The skies, a place for making lovely memories.”
81. No one has ever collided with the sky.
82. “The skies, a place for making cute and adventurous memories.”
83. “The exhilaration of flying is too keen, the pleasure too great, for it to be neglected as a sport.” – Orville Wright
84. All I need is you and my plane ticket.
85. I couldn’t figure out where my next flight was, but I made the connection in time.
86. “One of the things that I find most incredible about dad is the third act of his life.After all he accomplished in his professional career and what he’s given for his country, at the point in his life where he’s faced adversity, losing a son, having a helicopter crash, having a stroke, and what he’s accomplished in this third act in his life, I find quite extraordinary.” ~ Michael Douglas
87. “Come fly with me.” – Frank Sinatra
88. I have nothing to lose and a world to see
89. “I don’t have a fear of flying, I have a fear of crashing” – Billy Bob Thornton
90. Sweet dreams are made of helicopter rides.
91. “Vietnam, me love you long time. All day, all night, me love you long time. (…) Dropping acid on the Mekong Delta, smoking grass through a rifle barrel, flying on a helicopter with opera blasting out of loudspeakers, tracer-fire and paddy-field scenery, the smell of napalm in the morning. Long time.” ~ Alex Garland
92. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a unique and memorable treasure.”
93. “Harmony of muscle, mind and mechanism.. flight seems an extension of one’s own body.” – Charles Lindbergh
94. “The Queen of England jumped out of a helicopter and parachuted into the stadium. What was even more amazing was when Prince Charles flew in using his ears as a hang glider.” ~ Jay Leno
95. “Up, up and away from the norm.”
96. Do more things amongst the clouds.
97. “The view from the helicopter is priceless.”
98. You make me soar.
99. “Soaring to new heights of inspiration.”
100. “Daring to reach for the stars.”
101. “He who leaps for the sky may fall, it’s true, but he may also fly.” – Lauren Oliver
102. I don’t care what the question is, the answer is always an airplane ticket.
103. “Don’t just fly. SOAR” – Dumbo
104. Let your dreams take flight
105. I’ll fly anywhere with you
106. Find joy in the journey
107. But first, let me take a selfie. — The Chainsmokers, "#SELFIE"
108. The sky’s the limit.
109. You were made to soar.
110. “The skies, a place for making unique and lovely memories.”
111. Being this high off the ground feels air-mazing.
112. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
113. “Soaring to new heights of originality.”
114. Don’t just live…. exist
115. “Anything is possible and flying really does prove that.” – Traveller’s Elixir
116. “You can fly.” – Peter Pan
117. “The world from above, a unique and stunning escape.”
118. You don’t need wings to fly.
119. “The skies, endless possibilities.”
121. Life with you is an adventure, it gives me wings.
122. “Life’s an adventure.”
123. To most people sky is the limit, but for me it’s my home
124. Ready for takeoff
125. “Freedom keeps us soaring, but quarreling destroys our ability to fly.” – Victor Manuel Rivera
126. Go where you feel most alive.
127. “If you try to tame her she will fly away, because pretty little spirits like her, never like to be caged” – Nikki Rowe
128. My soul is in the air
129. “True freedom lies within how and if we choose to fly, Perhaps I need to focus on flying” – Nicole Renee Wyatt
130. “Man is still responsible. He must turn the alloy of modern experience into the steel of mastery and character. His success lies not with the stars, but with himself. He must carry on the fight of self-correction and discipline.” — Frank Curtis Williams
131. Let the adventure begin
132. “There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.” – Anne Morrow-Lindbergh
133. “Soaring to new heights of discovery and exploration.”
134. “I would rather fly on a Pekin duck than in a helicopter. The safest place for a rotor aircraft is on a page in da Vinci's diary.”
135. Why work when you can fly
136. My favorite activity is being on a plane with my love.
137. “We fly with the doors off so you really get a unique perspective of the city and get to shoot pictures unobstructed,” Paul GaNun, who works for the company, told Caters News Agency.
138. My soul has fled to the sky.
139. What’s on my bucket list? Everywhere.
140. Best office ever.
141. “Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane” – John Denver
142. Don’t make me walk, when I want to fly.
143. “The airplane is just a bunch of sticks and wires and cloth, a tool for learning about the sky and about what kind of person I am, when I fly. An airplane stands for freedom, for joy, for the power to understand, and to demonstrate that understanding. Those things aren’t destructable.” – Richard Bach
144. “The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” – J.M. Barrie
145. Head in the clouds, thinking of you.
146. You were made to soar
147. Looking fly.
148. And so my adventure begins.
149. Fell in love at the airport.
150. “Flying helicopters is what I do for fun.” ~ Willard Wigan
151. The only aisle I want to be walking down is on a plane
152. Fell in love between here and home.
153. “Taking flight to new perspectives.”
154. I’ve got my head in the clouds…. literally
155. There are 7 days in a week, and someday isn’t one of them.
156. “All my bags are packed,
157. “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries” — Aldous Huxley
158. Just a couple of girls taking off.
159. “Off to freedom, Wing on wing; so, we have learned to fly.” – Kristian Goldmund Aumann
160. “My fear of flying starts as soon as I buckle myself in and then the guy up front mumbles a few unintelligible words then before I know it I’m thrust into the back of my seat by acceleration that seems way too fast and the rest of the trip is an endless nightmare of turbulence, of near misses. And then the cabbie drops me. off at the airport.” – Dennis Miller
161. Escape the ordinary.
162. “Daring to reach new heights.”
163. My favourite way of seeing the world
165. How lucky am I to get this view everyday?
166. A change of altitude will help my attitude.
167. “Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know it, so it goes on flying anyway.” – Mary Kay Ash
168. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a unique and quirky treasure.”
169. I am better up there
170. “The skies, a place for puns and cheeky moments.”
171. “Who would win The World Flying Championship, a helicopter or a duck? If both go down over water, there would be only one victor.”
172. Our pilot flew through a rainbow. He passed with flying colors.
173. Finding paradise wherever I go.
174. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a window into the world.”
175. Window seat + headphones + playlist = peace.
176. “I get such a sense of adventure whenever I’m in the sky. Ready for new sights, tastes, smells and sounds.” – Traveller’s Elixir
178. “If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life.” ~ Igor Sikorsky
179. “The fly that touches honey cannot use it’s wings; so too the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins it’s freedom and hinders contemplation.” – Sri Aurobindo
180. Don’t listen to what they say, go and see it for yourself.
181. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a cute reminder of life’s beauty.”
182. “Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.” – J.R. Rim
183. “So then I started doing a lot of episodic TV, just car chases or helicopter chases or whatever.” ~ David R. Ellis
184. Flying away with you is my favorite.
185. “Flying prevails whenever a man and his airplane are put to a test of maximum performance.” – Richard Bach
186. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s unexpected moments.”
187. “The world from above, a cute celebration of life.”
188. Off we go.
189. An investment in tickets and traveling will never let you down unless the plane crashes
190. “The skies, a place for capturing unique and cheeky moments.”
191. I’d tell you my plans, but they’re up in the air.
192. “Soaring to new heights of cuteness and excitement.”
193. May your heart soar high!
194. “The skies, a canvas for life’s beauty.”
195. “The metaphor of transformation deepens as we consider how a butterfly needs to struggle for its ability to fly. If the chrysalis is broken by someone in an attempt to help free the butterfly, its wings will be shriveled and immobile.” – Gabriel Cousens M.D.
196. This is my kind of fly-day.
197. “Flying is a lot like playing a musical instrument; you’re doing so many things and thinking of so many other things, all at the same time. It becomes a spiritual experience. Something wonderful happens in the pit of your stomach.” – Dusty Mctavish
198. I’m just going to wing it
199. “This is why being a helicopter pilot is so different from being an airplane pilot, and why in generality, airplane pilots are open, clear-eyed, buoyant extroverts, and helicopter pilots are brooding introspective anticipators of trouble. They know if something bad has not happened it is about to.” ~ Harry Reasoner
200. Do it now. Sometimes “later” becomes “never”
201. “The view from up here is breathtaking.”
202. I feel most like myself when I’m in the clouds.
203. “Soaring with my camera, capturing the world.”
204. “Mike Smith – living proof of the need for ejector seats in helicopters.” ~ Victor Lewis-Smith
205. Ready to reach new heights.
206. Living my best life one plane ticket at a time.
207. Life takes off when fear is left on the ground
208. “The fly that touches honey cannot use its wings; so too the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins its freedom and hinders contemplation.” – Sri Aurobindo
209. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a punny treasure to share.”
210. “Reaching new heights of exploration.”
211. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the unique route.”
212. The best gift I gave myself!
213. “More than anything else, the sensation of flying is one of perfect peace mingled with an excitement that strains every nerve to the utmost — if you can conceive of such a combination.” – Wilbur Wright
214. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut to the heart.”
215. “Photography takes flight, capturing life’s breathtaking moments.”
216. “Soaring to new heights of uniqueness.”
217. “The skies, a playground for capturing life’s beauty.”
218. “Butterfly fly away” – Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana the Movie
219. “She wore her battle scars like wings, looking at her you would never know that once upon a time she forgot how to fly” – Nikki Rowe
220. Flying with the boys.
221. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
222. I already had wings, but you helped me fly.
223. “High above the hustle and bustle.”
224. “The skies are my studio.”
225. Airplane mode: on!
226. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
227. “But when I’m way up here, it’s crystal clear. That now I’m in a whole new world with you. ” — Aladdin, “A Whole New World”
228. “Once a bird had lost his ability to fly, not much else could be done in the way of mending him. Losing a wing was a little like losing a leg and the freedom of movement, of spirit, it granted you; most people could live without the former but not the latter.” – Rebecca Rasmussen
229. “And so my adventure begins. ”
230. Headed up.
231. “The world from above, a cute adventure.”
232. The only aisle I want to be walking down is on a plane.
233. “Don’t tell me this is where you learned to fly?” Leor looked up as he heard a helicopter overhead. It performed a barrel roll as it came toward the complex, and the pilot waved at Jean. “They are all as mad as you,” Leor whispered, horrified.”
234. “The view from above.”
235. “You need your space to stretch your wings.You will learn in the due time to fly higher.” – K.J. Kilton
236. “The world is my playground.”
237. Living my best life one plane ticket at a time
238. “Picture perfect moments in the air, captured forever.”
239. “Reaching for the stars.”
240. Doing more of what pushes me forward in life.
241. “Fiction is such a world of freedom, it’s wonderful. If you want someone to fly, they can fly.” – Alice Walker
242. Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.
243. “A widow has freedoms a wife does not. But when I look at you, I do not see obstacles for my career, I see my face burned even more. I see wings. A way to fly higher and further than I can on my own.” – Marie Brennan
244. “Adventure is out there” – Up
245. “I decided to fly through the air and live in the sunlight and enjoy life as much as I could.” – Evel Knievel
246. “Capturing the beauty of flight.”
247. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s stunning moments.”
249. There’s just nothing like seeing the world from thousands of feet up in the air.
250. Looking at things from another point of view.
251. I decided to skip ahead to the part of my life where I travel the world.
252. Window seat = Clouds + Memories
253. Life is better in the clouds.
254. Life with you is like flying high.
255. Once I learned to fly, I could never settle for walking.
256. “Soaring to new heights of puns and excitement.”
257. “I think if you’re a ‘tiger parent’ early on, you don’t need to be a ‘helicopter parent’ in high school.” ~ Amy Chua
258. You’ll never know until you go.
259. Just another flight.
260. Plane tickets: the best gift you can give yourself.
261. Happiness is getting the window seat
262. “The beauty of flight, captured.”
263. “Pictures that soar above the rest.”
264. On the tarmac again.
265. Taking the scenic route… in a helicopter.
266. Up, Up and Away!
267. “Some temptations cannot be fought. One must close one’s mind and fly from them.” – AJ Cronin
268. “The world from above, a visual feast.”
269. “Come fly with me.” — Frank Sinatra
270. “Fly without wings; Dream with open eyes; See in darkness.” – Dean Stojanovic
271. No one has ever collided with the sky
272. “Soaring to new adventures with these funny helicopter puns.”
273. Live, don’t just exist.
274. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a reflection of life.”
275. “Butterfly, fly away” – Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana the Movie
276. “Soaring high.”
277. “The skies, a playground for life’s beauty.”
278. “Let us see how high we can fly before the sun melts the wax in our wings.” – E.O. Wilson
279. “My father taught me to not fear anything. Having said that, much of my addiction to alcohol and drugs was tied to fear: fear of flying, fear of talking to women, etc. I conquered those fears years ago.” – Derek Sanderson
280. Sorry, I’ve got my head in the clouds… literally.
281. “Flying prevails whenever a man and his airplane are put to a test of maximum performance. ” – Richard Bach
282. Solo flight feels.
283. Life is short, make every flight count
284. “Birds learn how to fly, never knowing where flight will take them.” – Mark Nepo
285. “The skies, a place for unique adventures.”
286. “The skies are calling.”
287. From one destination to the next.
288. Life is a moment in flight.
289. I’ve been flying to visit somewhere new.
290. Me, myself, and my passport.
291. I work so hard so my passport will have a good life
292. “The world from above, a unique and visually stunning escape.”
293. Keep calm, it’s my carry-on.
294. “You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.” ~ Amelia Earhart
295. “The world from above, a cute and quirky escape.”
296. You give me wings to fly.
297. “Soaring with freedom.”
298. “Picture perfect moments frozen in time.”
299. Love at first flight.
300. Diagnosed with wanderlust.
301. “Pilots take no special joy in walking. Pilots like flying.” – Neil Armstrong
302. Keep your luggage and your heart light
303. Always looking up
304. Everyone has two eyes, but no one has the same view
305. “Spread your little wings and fly away.”— Queen, Spread Your Wings
306. Fly to live, live to fly.
307. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the unique route to happiness.”
308. “The beauty of the world from above.”
309. Helicopter rides hit different.
310. All I need is a passport, plane ticket, and positive vibes
311. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut to a good time.”
312. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler
313. “Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before” – Dalai Lama
314. “Scientists tell us that the fastest animal in the world, with a speed of 120 mph, is a cow dropped out of a helicopter.” ~ Dave Barry
315. “Lifting off into adventure.”
316. “From a little boat, to a big boat, to a helicopter, to an airplane.” ~ Kevin Johnson
317. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut.”
318. Fell in love on a flight.
319. “New adventures await.”
320. I followed my heart, and it led me to the airport.
321. “The world from above, a symphony in motion.”
322. Always looking up.
323. “Life is a journey, and what a view from up here.”
324. Good things come to those who book flights
325. Do it now. Sometimes “later” becomes “never.”
326. “If you have the freedom to fly, why not take the scenic route!” – Claire Williams
327. “Wings are a constraint that makes it possible to fly.” – Robert Bringhurst
328. Airport stop for this flying duo.
329. My favorite argument is who will get the window seat.
330. Spread your wings and fly
331. Romance is in the air.
332. Never feels like a 9 to 5 with this view.
333. “Soaring above the clouds, chasing rainbows.”
334. I’m on my way!
335. Up in the clouds with myself.
336. A plane ticket is the answer. Who cares what the question is?
337. Ready to chop it up.
338. All my bags are packed
339. Catching flights, not feelings.
340. All I need is a passport, plane ticket, and positive vibes.
341. “The world from above, a punny view.”
342. From flying solo to flying duo.
343. Work hard, so you can travel harder
344. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a memory to treasure.”
345. “Life’s an adventure, and what a view from up here.”
346. “Spread your little wings and fly away. ”— Queen, “Spread Your Wings”
347. “I took a Fear of Flying class, and I always missed the class, because I was always flying.” – Sara Blakely
348. “The thrill of flight and photography.”
349. “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” — Susan Sontag
350. Life is not meant to be in one place
351. Change in latitude, change in attitude.
352. “Photography lifts off to new heights.”
353. If you never go, you will never know.
354. Got my head up in the clouds
355. “Birds and the people who love freedom have something in common: They must fly freely to feel that they are alive!” – Mehmet Murat İldan
356. “I feel like I could literally do anything and be anyone whenever I’m sat on that runway waiting for the flight to take off.” – Traveller’s Elixir
357. Boarding pass
358. Feeling fly.
359. Fly safe everyone.
360. Airport hair, don’t care.
361. “A fool and his money are soon married.” ~ Carolyn Wells
362. The best stories are found between the pages of a passport
363. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a cute and quirky reflection of life.”
364. “You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!”— Peter Pan
365. Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane. — John Denver, "Leaving on a Jet Plane"
366. “He didn't like to see either of the women in his family disappointed; it ruined perfectly good meals.”
367. From one destination to the next
368. Adventure in the air.
369. All I need is my own company and a plane.
370. Catch flights not feelings
371. My friends don’t ask ‘how are you?’, they ask ‘where are you?’
372. “Life is an adventure from the skies.”
374. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” Eleanor Roosevelt – Dream Big
375. Life’s goal: travel the world
376. I want to live in a world, where searching for plane tickets burns calories
377. I’ve got wings when I’m with you.
379. Don’t just exist… live.
380. “The skies, a place for puns and silly adventures.”
381. “Elevating my perspective.”
382. Take me away
383. “The world from above, a photographer’s delight.”
384. “ "It's okay," Rafe said again. "They've got you."
385. Adventure awaits
386. “The world is my studio, and the skies are my stage.”
387. “Soaring above the noise, finding the peace.”
388. “Picture perfect moments in the skies.”
389. “The skies, a place for making adorable moments.”
390. “Fear paralyses you – fear of flying, fear of the future, fear of leaving a rubbish marriage, fear of public speaking, or whatever it is.” – Annie Lennox
391. Ready for takeoff.
392. Such a small window, such a big world.
393. “Life is better up here.”
394. Running to the boarding gate is my favourite workout
395. “The world from above, a cute and adventurous escape.”
396. “The world from above, a unique and visually stunning adventure.”
397. “Almost as if speaking to herself, she continued, I would love to fly. I’ve always wondered what it be like to have that sense of freedom. A wistful note in her voice tugged at something deep inside him.He replied. I couldn’t conceive of living without it. I can’t imagine being forever grounded.” – Thea Harrison
398. “But when I’m way up here, it’s crystal clear. That now I’m in a whole new world with you.” — Aladdin, “A Whole New World”
399. “The skies, a place for capturing unique and inspiring moments.”
400. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a glimpse into the unknown.”
401. The next selfie I take will be in paradise.
402. With you, I’m on cloud 9.
403. One thing’s for sure, this trip won’t be plane.
404. My sweet escape.
405. I am not afraid of flying. I’m afraid of not flying
406. “Soaring to new heights of adventure and excitement.”
407. “The skies, a place for capturing unique and beautiful moments.”
408. Life is short, book that flight.
409. “Picture perfect moments in the helicopter.”
410. “It would be right to state that, with the successful flight of the XR-4 in the summer of 1942, the helicopter became a reality in the United States.” ~ Igor Sikorsky
411. Life’s a journey, enjoy the flight.
412. The best view comes from an airplane window
413. Together we’ve got two wings.
414. “The world from above, captured.”
415. Where to next?
416. “I adore sitting on airplanes and thinking about all the adventures I’m about to have!” – Traveller’s Elixir
417. Up in the clouds is my favorite place to be.
418. “Sarah Palin is very pro-life of course, unless the life is that of an Iraqi civilian or a wolf running frantically from a roaring helicopter while being strafed with ribbons of automatic weapons fire.” ~ Seth MacFarlane
419. “Soaring to new heights of cuteness.”
420. Up in the clouds on my way to unknown things
421. I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. — Susan Sontag
422. “The skies, a place for puns and funny memories.”
423. Girls who fly together stay together.
425. We’re each other’s wings.
426. Got my head up in the clouds.
427. Oh, the places you’ll go.
428. “Photography takes to the skies.”
429. “To invent an airplane is nothing. To build one is something; to fly is everything.” – Otto Lilienthal
430. There’s just nothing like seeing the world from 30,000 feet up in the air.
431. “When I go up, especially if I’m paying for a small helicopter and pilot, I’m on. I’ve got an hour and a half and the clock is ticking and it’s costly and I enter into a super-heightened state of mind.” ~ Michael Light
432. From flying solo to flying in love.
433. No one wants to live a plane life.
434. This girl is so fly.
435. Flying together for the rest of our lives.
436. Flying with you = my favorite moments.
437. “The skies are full of laughter with these helicopter puns.”
438. “‘What if I fall?’ ‘Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?’” – Erin Hanson and Winnie the Pooh
440. “My fear of flying starts as soon as I buckle myself in and then the guy up front mumbles a few unintelligible words then before I know it I’m thrust into the back of my seat by acceleration that seems way too fast and the rest of the trip is an endless nightmare of turbulence, of near misses. And then the cabbie drops me off at the airport.” – Dennis Miller
441. I would be f-lying if I said I didn’t like to fly.
442. I’ve got a bad case of wanderlust
443. There’s nothing like seeing the world from the air.
444. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut to cute adventures.”
445. Airplane mode: on.
446. “That’s the thing about flying: You could talk to someone for hours and never even know his name, share your deepest secrets and then never see them again. ” – Jennifer E. Smith
447. “The world from above, a funny and visually stunning escape.”
448. Flying to paradise with my girls.
449. Nothing like a trip with the boys.
450. Getting high today.
451. Nothing like flying with you.
452. “Birds and the people who love freedom have something common: They must fly freely to feel that they are alive!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
453. “Come fly with me. ” — Frank Sinatra
454. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat.
455. Things can only go up from here.
456. In for a wild ride.
457. My soul lives in the air.
458. Never get tired of flying.
459. Hey vacay.
460. “You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.” – Toni Morrison
461. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s rare moments.”
462. Prepare for takeoff
463. This is my kind of runway.
464. “The way to fly is to go straight up . . . Such a machine (the helicopter) will never compete with the aeroplane, though it will have specialized uses, and in these it will surpass the aeroplane. The fact that you can land at your front door is the reason you can’t carry heavy loads efficiently.” ~ Emile Berliner
465. “Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.
466. “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. ” — Susan Sontag
467. Diagnosed with wanderlust
468. “Tom Arnold and I, we have a huge firefight scene on top of a German tank. I get to shoot 50 caliber rounds. We shoot a helicopter out of the sky. That’s the only fight I’m in.” ~ Anthony Anderson
469. Adventure is out there. — Up
470. No reason to stay is a good reason to go.
471. “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” – Frida Kahlo
472. “This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” – Rumi
473. Just a stewardess with her stewards.
474. “It would be right to say that the helicopter’s role in saving lives represents one of the most glorious pages in the history of human flight.” ~ Igor Sikorsky
475. The world is big, and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark
476. “Soaring above it all.”
477. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat
478. Airports are lawless places: you can eat whatever you want whenever you want.
479. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a unique reflection of life.”
480. The view from the top.
481. “The world is a canvas from above.”
482. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the pun-derful path.”
483. “Photography takes to the skies, capturing life’s moments.”
484. An investment in tickets and traveling will never let you down… unless the plane crashes.
485. “ Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” – Mary Kay Ash
486. “You can fly.”— Peter Pan
487. “The skies, a place for capturing unique and charming moments.”
488. I’m having a heli good time.
489. Go where you feel most alive
490. “The skies, a place for puns and silly moments.”
491. “The thrill of flight.”
492. Of all the travel companions that I have had, the window seat has always been my favourite
493. “The world from above, a punny and cute escape.”
494. “The skies, a place for endless inspiration.”
495. Worth every mile.
496. “Flying was a very tangible freedom. In those days, it was beauty, adventure, discovery – the epitome of breaking into new worlds. ” – Anne Morrow-Lindbergh
497. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a reflection of the soul.”
498. The sky is the limit
499. “The world from above, a canvas for life’s beauty.”
500. “Soaring to new adventures.”
501. Spread your wings and fly.
502. I’m most at home in the clouds
503. “Lifting off with these funny helicopter puns.”
505. “Who do you suppose decided that the birds are free? Even if they can fly the skies unless they have a destination and a branch upon which to perch and rest their wings they might even come to resent having those wings. True freedom … true freedom may be having somewhere to return to.” – Kazuya Minekura
506. Have you ever traveled on a flying carpet? It’s always a rugged experience.
507. We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us
508. Just you, me, and the clouds.
509. Doing more of what pushes me forward in life
510. “Defying gravity with every lift-off.”
511. “When helicopters were snatching people from the grounds of the American embassy compound during the panic of the final Vietcong push into Saigon, I was sitting in front of the television set shouting, Get the chefs! Get the chefs!” ~ Calvin Trillin
512. “The skies, a place for making charming moments.”
513. “Photography takes flight.”
514. “A bird’s eye view.”
515. “The skies, a place for making cute and precious memories.”
516. “Once a year go somewhere you have never been before” – Dalai Lama
517. “The beauty of the skies, captured.”
518. “Taking flight to new heights.”
519. “Aviation is proof that given the will, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible.” – Edward Vernon Richenbacher
520. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s inspiring moments.”
521. “Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know it, so it goes on flying anyway. ” – Mary Kay Ash
522. “Don’t just fly. SOAR.” – Dumbo
523. You put my head in the clouds.
524. “Reaching new peaks.”
525. A mile of highway will only take you one mile…. But a mile of runway will take you anywhere.
526. Relationship status: in love with my passport and planes.
527. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut to love.”
528. In the clouds, and on my way to unknown things.
529. “Physical existence is so cramped.We grow old and bent over like embryos.Nine months passes; it is time to be born. The lamb wants to graze green daylight. There are ways of being born twice,o f coming to where you fly, not individually like birds, but as the sun moves with his bride, sincerity.” – Rum
530. Our flight was late but our connection is real.
531. “Up in the air and loving it.”
532. “Taking flights is like therapy to me. I instantly forget everything and everything that’s weighing me down.” – Traveller’s Elixir
533. “Outside events can change a presidential campaign, a president, and the history of the nation: the Iranian hostage crisis, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, the downing of the helicopter in Mogadishu, Somalia, the suicide attack on the USS Cole, and, of course, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” ~ Mark McKinnon
534. “The skies, a place for puns and lighthearted memories.”
535. “Reaching for the skies.”
536. “Soaring to new heights of uniqueness and joy.”
537. A little bird told me… flying is the best.
538. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy plane tickets which is pretty much the same thing
539. “The sky calls to us. We have to answer.
540. “I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things.” – Antoine De Saint-Exupéry.
541. “The skies are a photographer’s playground.”
542. Running to the gate is my kind of workout.
543. Queen of the plane.
544. You make my heart soar high.
545. Do more things amongst the clouds
546. “Of all of the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.” – Unknown
547. “The skies, a place for making sweet memories.”
548. All I need is love and a plane ticket.
549. Pack up let’s fly away!
550. “Sometimes, flying feels too godlike to be attained by man. Sometimes, the world from above seems too beautiful, too wonderful, too distant for human eyes to see.” – Charles Lindbergh
551. “Flying high.”
552. I do believe it’s time for another adventure.
553. Welcome aboard.
554. Just keeping it plane and simple.
555. “The skies are my canvas.”
556. “If I sleep for more than half an hour, I get horrible dreams in which I’m firing a gun and helicopters are coming down.” ~ Emmanuel Jal
557. “I was made to soar. ”
558. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the unique path to excitement.”
559. “Flying. Whatever any other organism has been able to do man should surely be able to do also, though he may go a different way about it.” – Samuel Butler
560. “The skies, endless opportunities.”
561. You can fly. — Peter Pan, "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!"
562. “Exploring from above.”
563. Hodophile: one who loves to travel.
565. “The world from above, a punny and adventurous escape.”
566. Sometimes, what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
567. Life is not meant to be in one place.
568. “The skies are calling, and I’m answering with my lens.”
569. “If God meant for people to fly, He would have given them brains” – Robert A. Heinlein
570. The best flying duo.
571. There are 7 days in a week and someday isn’t one of them
572. “Reaching new heights of discovery.”
573. A change of latitude would help my attitude
574. “What parents needed, I believed, wasn't another book about how they had to calm down and take a break. What they needed was an actual break from the deluge of parenting books.”
575. “The helicopter is probably the most versatile instrument ever invented by man. It approaches closer than any other to fulfillment of mankind’s ancient dreams of the flying horse and the magic carpet.” ~ Igor Sikorsky
576. Being this high off the ground feels air-mazing
577. “So do they have rentals here?” Leor asked.
578. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a punny treasure.”
579. A mile of highway will take you just one mile…. But a mile of runway will take you anywhere!
580. Keep calm and travel on.
581. I’ve got a bad case of wanderlust.
582. I’ll take a one way ticket please
583. “Those who dare to fly surely build their own sky bridges.” Walter R. Hunt
584. “Soaring to new heights of puns and joy.”
585. “The thrill of photography and flight.”
586. “Photography soars to new heights.”
587. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the pun-ny shortcut.”
588. Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly
589. “Flying above the ordinary.”
590. Flying to where the wifi is weak, and the drinks are strong.
591. “I was sold on flying as soon as I had a taste for it.” – John Glen
592. “Reaching for the skies, chasing unique moments.”
593. “Capturing life’s breathtaking moments.”
594. “I’m a partner in a company called Helicopter Services and Instruction out of New Jersey.” ~ Treat Williams
595. May your heart soar high.
596. “Discovering new perspectives.”
597. “Soaring to new adventures every day.”
598. “The world looks better from up here.”
599. Let’s fly away.
600. That flight flew by!
601. “Up, up and away with these helicopter puns.”
602. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the unique shortcut.”
603. Adventure awaits.
604. “A place where a clock's minute and hour hands spread away from its face, flapping like wings. A place where he'd pluck a daisy and watch the petals whirl like the propellers of a helicopter. Where he'd throw a handful of sand, and the grains would buzz away like a swarm of gnats. Where colorful fruits on a tree would burst into flight, and new ones would perch in their place.”
605. See the world.
606. “The world from above, a funny and punny escape.”
607. Life is short, make every flight count.
609. My favorite way of seeing the world.
610. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a punny treasure to keep.”
611. “Every girl should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.”
612. Living the helicopter dream.
613. “Physical existence is so cramped.We grow old and bent over like embryos. Nine months pass; it is time to be born. The lamb wants to graze green daylight. There are ways of being born twice,o f coming to where you fly, not individually like birds, but as the sun moves with his bride, sincerity.” – Rumi
614. Do more of what makes you happy.
615. You make me feel like I have wings.
616. Pack lighter, go further.
617. “If you are bored flying, your standards are too low.” – Lauren Paine Jr.
618. The next selfie I take will be in paradise
619. “I learned the discipline of flying in order to have the freedom of flight….Discipline prevents crashes.” – Captain John Cook
620. Relationship status: In love with my passport and planes
621. Go after dreams not people
622. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s simple pleasures.”
623. “Life is better with a bird’s eye view.”
624. Completely flying in love.
625. Taking off and taking care of today’s passengers.
626. I don’t care what the question is, the answer is always an airplane ticket
627. “But when I’m way up here, it’s crystal clear, now I’m in a whole new world with you.” — Aladdin, “A Whole New World”
628. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the shortcut to joy.”
629. I fell in love as fast as this plane could go.
630. Good things come to those who book flights.
631. I love you as high as airplanes fly.
632. On the runway again
633. “Flying does not rely so much on strength, as on physical and mental coordination.” – Raymonde de Laroche
634. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the pun-derful shortcut.”
635. “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. ” – JM Barrie
636. “Flying fosters fantasies of childhood, of omnipotence, rapid shifts of being, miraculous moments; it stirs our capacity for dreaming.” – Joyce Carol Oates
637. This guy is so fly.
638. “Defying gravity.”
639. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, with a side of puns.”
640. Oh, for flying out loud.
641. We fly together now.
642. “Buoyant is very much honesty, deception heavy.
643. “Chasing the horizon.”
644. “Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.” – Igor Sikorsky
645. Everyone has two eyes, but no one has the same view.
646. Up, up, and away.
647. “The world looks different from up here.”
648. Fly high. Dream big.
649. Alone but not lonely.
650. All packed up and ready to go.
651. “The view from above never gets old.”
652. Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls. — Troye Sivan, "YOUTH"
653. “I’ve been in wars and in riots and hung out of many helicopters in the early days. And there’s a detachment that happens when you look through the camera. You’re looking for the shot.” ~ Haskell Wexler
654. “Soaring to new heights of charm.”
655. Letting my dreams take flight.
656. Things can only go up from here
657. “This is just a hunch, but I bet airplanes think helicopters are assholes.” ~ Dana Gould
658. “That’s the bittersweet joy of ministry. We see people healed, and then we watch them move on in victory. Sometimes, it means saying goodbye. We must learn to celebrate as our fledgling birds spread their wings and fly into freedom, even if that flight pattern takes them far away from us.” – Katherine J. Walden
659. “You can fly. ”— Peter Pan, “You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!”
661. “All my life, I’ve never been able to get enough airplanes. This will keep me flying every day.” – Hoot Gibson, one of the top flight journey quotes
662. “A dishwasher has a spinning blade inside, and that's like an internal helicopter of cleanliness. Next time, try hygiene and flying, which is to almost attain the status of The Duck.”
663. Just you and me above the clouds.
664. Travel is my therapy.
665. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the pun-tastic route.”
666. We’re like two clouds in the sky.
667. “The skies, a place for making one-of-a-kind memories.”
668. “That’s the thing about flying: You could talk to someone for hours and never even know his name, share your deepest secrets and then never see them again.” – Jennifer E. Smith
669. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy plane tickets which is pretty much the same thing.
670. Happiness is landing in a new place.
671. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler
672. “Discovering new horizons from the skies.”
673. “Young leading cadres have risen up by helicopter. They should really rise step by step.” ~ Deng Xiaoping
674. “Soaring to new heights of cuteness and joy.”
675. “The world looks different from the skies.”
676. Just a girl in a helicopter.
677. The world is waiting.
678. “I’d most likely be a helicopter pilot, or I’d own a really cool surf hotel somewhere on a beach.” ~ Wade Eastwood
679. All you need is a flight and a backpack.
680. Let your dreams be your wings
681. Catch flights, not feelings.
682. I do believe it’s time for another adventure
683. “The world looks different when seen from above.”
684. “The helicopter is a fine way to travel, but it induces a view of the world that only God and CEOs share on a regular basis.” ~ Morley Safer
685. “Discovering from above.”
686. “A new helicopter service called Gotham Air is now offering users cheap flights from Manhattan to JFK or Newark airports that start at just $99. If there’s two words I trust together in the same sentence, it’s ‘cheap’ and ‘helicopter.'” ~ Jimmy Fallon
687. A dream job with a dream view.
688. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s fleeting moments.”
689. Solo flights for the win.
690. Chasing clouds.
691. “The skies, a laboratory for life.”
692. Made to soar.
693. “Soaring to new heights of wonder.”
694. You only live once, just take the flight.
695. “For a while I didn’t have a car . . . I had a helicopter . . . no place to park it, so I just tied it to a lamp post and left it running. [slow glance upward]” ~ Steven Wright
696. Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.
697. Travel is the healthiest addiction.
698. This view never gets old.
699. “I can do the equivalent of 150 miles per hour and not get stopped. I could quite happily pursue people down the motorway in my helicopter.” ~ Jay Kay
700. “Fear paralyzes you – fear of flying, fear of the future, fear of leaving a rubbish marriage, fear of public speaking, or whatever it is.” – Annie Lennox
701. “The beauty of flight captured through my lens.”
702. Always saying yes to new adventures
703. Some good food, the window seat, and a good movie, that’s all I need.
704. Let’s fly away
705. “Up in the air.”
706. Chasing the clouds with you.
707. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s adventurous moments.”
708. “Soaring to new heights of creativity and originality.”
709. I just need a large coffee, a plane ticket, and a bag full of cash.
710. No place I’d rather be than up there with you.
711. It’s only when you’re flying above it, that you realize how incredible the Earth really is.
712. “The skies, a place for capturing unique moments.”
713. “In the clouds, that’s where I’m meant to be.” – Traveller’s Elixir
714. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
715. Same sky, different perspective.
716. The only trip you’ll regret is the one you didn’t take.
717. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, with a hilarious twist.”
718. “Soaring to new heights of puns and inspiration.”
719. My friends don’t ask “How are you?”, they ask “Where are you?”
720. Getting prepared for a long distance flight
722. “A kite needs to be tied down in order to fly. I learned how important restrictions can sometimes be in order to experience freedom.” – Damien Rice
723. “Up, up and away!”
724. Live with no excuses, travel with no regrets.
725. All I want is to fly around the world with you.
726. There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.
727. “The world is my playground, and I’m playing from the skies.”
728. “I’m ridin’ solo.” – Jason Derulo
729. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a glimpse into the soul.”
730. “I’m not afraid of flying. Once you get on a plane, you hand your life over to the pilots and hope they know what the hell they’re doing. If you reach your destination in one piece, you get your life back, and on you go – Russian Roulette with wings.”― Stewart Stafford
731. “Picture perfect from the skies.”
732. “For once you have tasted flight you will walk the Earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. ” – Leonardo da Vinci
733. “Soaring with my camera.”
734. “Soaring to new heights of individuality and excitement.”
735. Up in the air with my boys.
736. “I was born in Georgia. That’s where my grandparents-and all my people-are from. But my family traveled a great deal because my dad was in the army as a helicopter pilot.” ~ Michael Stipe
737. The best view in life is from an airplane window.
738. Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly.
739. “The most adventurous thing I’ve done is learn how to fly a helicopter in the Philippines. One night we landed on a beach and slept on it.” ~ Francis Ford Coppola
740. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s magical moments.”
741. Nothing about this trip will be plane.
742. “The skies, a place for puns and lighthearted moments.”
743. Let’s fly away together.
744. ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane. — John Denver, Leaving on a Jet Plane
745. You make me fly.
746. Give me your best flying joke. Come on, pilot on me.
747. “Taking flight to new destinations.”
748. “The skies, a place for making precious memories.”
749. “Soaring above the clouds.”
750. Life goal: travel the world.
751. It’s only when you’re flying above it that you realise how incredible the Earth really is
752. “Life is an adventure, and the skies are the map.”
753. That flight flew by.
754. Fly high. Dream big.
755. “Fly without wings; Dream with open eyes; See in darkness. ” – Dean Stojanovic
756. “Flying has torn apart the relationship of space and time: it uses our old clock but with new yardsticks. ” – Charles Lindbergh
757. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s untold stories.”
758. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. — Coco Chanel
759. Wander often, wonder always.
760. You ever see a plane in the sky and think, I don’t care where you’re going, just take me with you
761. As soon as planes were invented, things started looking up.
762. “Soaring to new heights of creativity and inspiration.”
763. “I read somewhere that flying is like throwing your soul into the heavens and racing to catch it as it falls.” – Linda Howard
764. “I’m letting my dreams take flight. ”
765. Walking down the aisle today.
766. Life takes off when fear is left on the ground.
767. Find joy in the journey.
768. “The world from above, a cute escape.”
769. If you never go. You will never know.
770. I’m letting my dreams take flight.
771. “Da Vinci sketched out the design for a helicopter over 500 years ago. Today, that makes those flying machines as impressive as a Pekin duck wildly flapping its wings and soaring through the skies at a height of just over four feet.”
772. In the clouds and on my way to unknown things
773. “You gave me wings, and taught me to fly when I was out there on my own” – Cimorelli, Wings
774. “Reaching new heights of adventure.”
775. “I try to get in quiet time and book time, but really, the only time I ever get that is when I’m on an airplane – I have a fear of flying, but I actually love flying because it’s the only time I can sleep, and it’s the only time I get to read.” – Kesha
776. “Also, truth be told, he wasn't very good at flying a helicopter, despite several lessons. He seemed to lack the important ability to orient himself vertically as well as horizontally, which led to disagreements involving trees.”
777. “The skies, a place for puns and giggles.”
778. This view never gets old
779. “Pilots are drawn to flying because it’s a perfect combination of science, romance and adventure.” – Charles Lindbergh
780. “I’m quite scared of flying, and especially helicopters, I don’t like them at all.” ~ Heidi Klum
781. “The skies, a photographer’s stage.”
782. “The skies, a place for capturing life’s moments.”
783. If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.
784. “Soaring to new heights of creativity.”
785. “Soaring to new heights of puns and laughter.”
786. Wanderlust; a great desire to travel and rove about
787. All my bags are packed.
788. “You know I never used to be a bad flier, but I did start to have a fear of flying after I shot a movie where I was terrorized on a plane. I made Wes Craven’s ‘Red Eye’. I don’t think they’re linked but it does make me pause and wonder if they are, so perhaps I will explore that in therapy some day.” – Rachel McAdams
789. Happiness is getting the window seat.
790. “The beauty of the skies captured.”
791. “Up, up and away to new adventures.”
792. All you need is love…and a passport.
793. “The world is big, and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark,” – John Muir
794. “Sweet freedom whispered in my ear, you’re a butterfly, and butterflies are free to fly, fly away, high-away, bye-bye.” – Elton John
795. “In the past people would say, “I can only do this world-class snowboarding if I have a helicopter.” Actually, if you’re committed to it, willing to put a bunch of energy into it, then you can do it under your own power.” ~ Jeremy Jones
796. “The world from above, a cute and visually stunning escape.”
797. “I love doing stunt stuff and action stuff. I’m not flipping off helicopters; that would be insane.” ~ Dylan O’Brien , Helicopter quotes love
798. “Helicopter,” Jean said, walking toward the booth.
799. “Framing the world from above.”
800. Just you, me, and a world to see.
801. When I look at you, I feel like I’m flying.
802. Smile at the world, and she’ll smile back.
803. “Discovering the world from above.”
804. “Feeling free.”
805. The tarmac is my happy place.
806. Flying to where the wifi is weak and the drinks are strong
807. I’m better up here.
808. Always say yes to new adventures.
809. Chasing clouds
811. “I love the sky, it really makes me feel at home.” – Traveller’s Elixir
812. “Flying is hours and hours of boredom sprinkled with a few seconds of sheer terror.” – Pappy Boyington
814. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
815. I have nothing to lose, and a world to see.
816. I decided to skip ahead to the part of my life where I travel the world
817. “Soaring to new heights of discovery and awe.”
818. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a cute reflection of life.”
819. Worth Every Mile
820. Escape the ordinary
821. “That was for instance the case in Mocambique a couple of years ago, during the flooding catastrophe. Instead of co-ordinating assistance properly, to much time and resources was spent on fighting about the same helicopters and local guides.” ~ Anna Lindh
822. “The beauty of the skies.”
823. Let your dreams be your wings.
824. “The world from a new perspective.”
825. Prepare for takeoff.
826. “I do about 90 percent of my own stunts, and the things I can’t do for insurance reasons, like swinging out of a flying helicopter, I wouldn’t want to do anyway.” ~ LL Cool J
827. “Discovering new horizons.”
828. “Flying alone! Nothing gives such a sense of mastery over time over mechanism, mastery indeed over space, time, and life itself, as this.” – Cecil Day-Lewis
829. Where we landing, boys?
830. “Discovering new worlds from above.”
831. Chase dreams, not people.
832. “Life is a journey.”
833. “Picture perfect moments in the skies, a hilarious reflection of life.”
834. “The skies, a place for making delightful memories.”
835. “Soaring to new heights of freedom.”
836. “Life is a journey, and the skies are the pun-tastic path.”
837. “What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” – John Lubbock
838. You make my heart fly.
840. Do more of what makes you happy
841. “Picture perfect moments captured for all time.”
842. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. ” – Henry Ford
843. Come fly away with me.
845. “A fool and his money are soon partying.” ~ Steven Wright
846. “The mother-women seemed to prevail that summer at Grand Isle. It was easy to know them, fluttering about with extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious brood. They were women who idolized their children, worshiped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels.”
847. Window seat + Earphones + Favourite playlist = Peace
848. “There is an art to flying, or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” – The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
849. My dream job.
850. Solo but not lonely.
851. “Discovering new worlds.”
852. We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.
853. “Picture perfect moments in the air, frozen in time.”